Chapter 635

Hongjun stood up, and the two doors of Kongkuo Zixiao Palace opened wide.

Standing on the edge of chaos and the palace of Zixiao, Hongjun's eyes reflect the prehistoric.

In front of him is the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world that fellow Taoist Pan Gu created to create the world, and the prehistoric prehistoric world, the three thousand disciples under his seat, and billions of sentient beings.

Behind it is the majestic and simple Zixiao Shrine, who has climbed to a very high place in his life and traversed the universe for all ages. There are less than a palm of his hand to be with him!
Hongjun couldn't remember how long he had lived. He existed before time was born in the primordial world. He lived for too long, not like a Taoist, but as silent as a dead thing.

Daozu suddenly laughed, no one would be able to guess what Daozu thought.

The jade plate of good fortune rises slowly, and the huge, vast, and boundless Taoist phenomena are prominent and chaotic.

Daozu looked back and asked himself: "You, do you wish to do the same!"

Zixiao Palace suddenly burst into purple light, and the power of the infinite avenue surged into the good luck jade dish.

On the jade plate of good fortune, there are avenues, small avenues, thousands of avenues, and all avenues rise together.In the extreme depths of the chaos, no one knows about the peerless grand scene where all Taoisms coexist, and no one watches them. There is only one old Taoist independent of all Taoisms.

He created Xuanmen, he taught thousands of dharmas, he taught all living beings, and he mended the way of heaven!
Lying high on the nine clouds, the futon is true.

Outside the heaven and earth, I shall be the head teacher.

Pan Gu was born with Tai Chi, following two rituals and four images.

One is to pass on three friends, and the other is to teach and explain.

The leader of the Taoist capital, transforming Hongjun with one breath.

The old Tao at this moment is not the Tao of Heaven, but just a Taoist, an elder who stands in a very high and very distant era, laughing at the descendants of the prehistoric world.

The vicissitudes of chaos, the grandeur and vastness of chaos, can only be appreciated by him alone, and only his strength can reach this realm.

The vast and boundless chaos, the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire have infinite power, and are attracted by the jade disc of good fortune to form a chaotic vortex, sweeping the space for an infinite light-year, and permeating the depths of chaos, the jade plate of good fortune brings the chaotic vortex to the prehistoric world!

At this moment, the six saints on the wall of the plane were all shocked!

The good fortune jade plate, the treasure of the Taoist ancestor, the treasure of the primordial, just because I know what meaning it represents, I am even more shocked at how much effort is needed to use the good fortune jade plate!

The huge and endless chaotic vortex is getting bigger and bigger and wider.The chaotic vortex is so big that it is difficult to count. It seems that half of the universe has been swept away by it.

Within the prehistoric world, many great powers raised their heads to look at the sky, the chaos beyond, and the peerless avenue.

33 Beyond the heights of the heavens, a shadow was cast over the vast and endless sky.

The pale sky is gloomy, and the light of the sun can't stop the power of the sky!
Beings didn't understand, so they looked up at the sky, and found that the sky had become different, as if it was higher and wider.

Moreover, the empty sky also changed color.

The majestic purple power of the Zixiao Palace pours into the good fortune jade plate, the purple awns and the sun refract, and scatter with the 33 heavenly realms, and it is blue in the eyes of all living beings!
33 In addition to the sky, there is another layer, not the sky, but the spirit!
The infinite raging earth, wind, water and fire were turned into gentle five-element aura by the good luck jade plate, and the aura as huge as the sea fell to the nine heavens.

The sky is boundless, the heavy rain is sudden, the spirit falls into rain, and the rain expands into tide. Between the sky and the earth, the vast tide of spiritual energy rushes from the outer sky to the wilderness of mountains and seas.

Countless Taoists came out of their secluded caves, climbed to the mountains and looked up at the sky. The spiritual energy tides began to rain and then wind, and the prehistoric beings found new opportunities in the precarious wind and rain.

The ultimate existence from the seventh heaven of Hunyuan triggers the tide of heaven and earth summoned by the Supreme Treasure of the Primordial Meng, descending on the prehistoric, the eight desolations and six unions, and the three realms of the nine secluded worlds, and all sentient beings receive its kindness.

The aura tidal rain fell for nine days, watering the rivers, nourishing the mountains and rivers, and nourishing the spiritual veins.

On the tenth day, the rain stopped, the dark clouds cleared, the blue sky reflected the white clouds, and the rainbow bridge hung colorfully on the rivers and mountains.

The prehistoric sky is extraordinarily bright, the prehistoric way is extraordinarily profound, and the prehistoric sentient beings are especially full of vitality.

The acquired spiritual energy transformed from the primordial power of the earth, wind, water and fire in the chaos fills the whole prehistoric region, and the spiritual energy also contains traces of extremely precious chaotic spiritual energy, wandering in the world, waiting for destined people, or giving birth to new heaven and earth spirits .

Resurrection of spiritual energy, tide of spiritual energy, divine rain of spiritual energy, coming to the prehistoric world, the end of the Dharma is gone, and a new era begins!
A brand new era has begun!

The dragon roams the ocean, the phoenix soars in the southern sky, the unicorn runs high on the cliff, the old demon reappears in the forest, the lost witch clan reestablishes the land, and the lost Taoism reappears. . .

Billions of living beings are born because of the spirit, decay because of the spirit, and come back because of the spirit.

The prehistoric world is gradually declining, the decline of the three ancient clans, the decline of the lich, the decline of the Taoist sect, the number of great supernatural beings who have lived for a long time in the world is becoming less and less, the golden immortals are everywhere, and the prehistoric scenes of Taiyi have long disappeared. complex.

However, an old Taoist reversed the fate of countless creatures and reversed the general trend of prehistoric decline.

The jade plate of good fortune is in harmony with the prehistoric, the prehistoric plane is open and thousands, the avenue is manifested, the heart of heaven is connected, all living beings seek the Dharma, and it is the blessing of the common people.

The heart of the plane of the prehistoric plane is more powerful, borrowing the good fortune jade plate to attract the chaotic wind, water and fire all the time, and transform it into the five elements of aura and return it to the prehistoric.

The five-element aura is the root of all elements in the world, all of which are derived from the five-element aura.

The actions of the old way have saved thousands of people in the prehistoric world and regained hope. The merits are immeasurable.

But no one knows about all living beings, no one remembers them.Because they are ants in the world, they have never heard of it, they have never seen it, and they will not believe that there is such a powerful existence in the world.

Even, many great Luo Jinxians don't know why the aura tide came and who attracted it.

Only very few people know and remember this Taoist ancestor, knowing that he changed the general trend of the world and reversed the fate of the universe.

Even though very few people know about it, there are still ancestors and peerless powerhouses who lowered their heads that have never been lowered for tens of thousands of years, and got up to perform the Taoist ceremony that has never been done for tens of thousands of years.

Whether it is a peerless powerhouse, an ancient ancestor, or a saint, they all salute to the Taoist ancestor and recite the virtues of the Taoist ancestor.

The old Taoist in the depths of the chaos glanced at the prehistoric beings, and everyone who recited his name felt it.

There were three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace in the past, but now there are very few of them.Sophisticated
Standing on the edge of chaos and Zixiao Palace, standing quietly, not speaking or smiling.

In front of him and behind him is endless chaos, the most powerful power.

Looking at the avenue, looking at time and space, he is no more than him.

Daozu made a move, there is no merit, no blessing of luck, no worship of all beings, no joy of heaven and earth.

The old man acted for his way, that's all, there is no other way.

He stands too high, too high.

Higher than the ants of all living beings, higher than the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, higher than the peerless powerhouses, higher than the saints, and even higher than the sky!

Therefore, he never cared about the thoughts of ants or sentient beings.He doesn't care about merit and luck, because the sky is not as high as him, so how can he reward merit?
Dao Patriarch Hongjun is not the Patriarch of One Dao, but the Patriarch of Myriad Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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