Chapter 636 Emperor Haotian
A new era grandly descends on the prehistoric, the recovery of hundreds of races, the ten thousand Taos rise together to advance bravely, the tide of the times rolls forward, and no one can stop this vast tide of the times except the ancestors of Taoism.

In the world, Confucianism occupies an orthodox position and is established as the orthodox official school of the country. The imperial examination system is practiced all over the world.

The two religions of Taoism and Buddhism have also penetrated into the secular world. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism run side by side, rooted in the hearts of all living beings, and passed down from generation to generation.

When the fate of humanity tends to be stable, in the Nine Heavens, all the gods gather in the sky.

The Lingxiao Palace is as big as a world, located in the central hub of the Heavenly Court, hosting gods from all directions, and governing all beings in the Three Realms.

There are thousands of clouds and clouds gathered in the Lingxiao Palace, and the brilliant light shines on every god standing on the steps outside the Lingxiao Palace.

All the gods pay homage!

At the highest point of the main hall, there are two figures standing on it, one is the Queen Mother of Yaochi, and the other is the Great Emperor Haotian!
It's just the phantom of Haotian, the body of a good corpse.

The Queen Mother, with her phoenix-shaded crown and gold-threaded divine garment, is incomparably graceful and luxurious. She is the most noble female fairy in this prehistoric world!
Naturally, it is not counted as Empress Nuwa, because Empress Nuwa is a saint and has broken away from the genus of female immortals.

The Queen Mother solemnly announced: "All the gods pay homage to welcome the Jade Emperor's return after a catastrophe, and to return to his throne and return to the Great Heavenly Lord of the Three Realms!"

The queen mother waved her sleeves, and all the gods and gods who were close to her bowed down and praised: "Welcome the Jade Emperor to return to the heavenly venerable!"

All the gods and people bowed down at the same time, and outside the empty temple, except for the Queen Mother, there was no one standing.

Whether it is the Nine Heavens Xuannv, Taibai Jinxing, or the Four Heavenly Kings, the Gods of the Thunder Department, the Gods of the Fighting Department, the 360 Gods, and the [-] ​​Five Righteous Gods, they all worship!

The voice of the gods resounds in the three realms.

In the countless worlds of the Three Realms, Haotian, who has experienced reincarnation, has reunited his soul, and hundreds of millions of souls are shining like stars and rushing into the sky. Tens of thousands of stars appear in the sky, the deep sea of ​​stars and the Milky Way rotate, and a celestial being emerges from it.

Haotian returns, full of calamities, and regains control of Lingxiao.

Haotian God overwhelmed the Three Realms, stood at the highest point of the Lingxiao Temple, slowly raised his hand, and said: "The gods are flat!"

All gods thank you, stand up respectfully.

At this moment, there is no one who disobeys or disrespects the gods of Zhou Tian.

The land of Haotian has undergone countless calamities and has been rebuilt, and all spirits have returned to their places. Its realm has become unfathomable, and the Tao is approaching the semi-holy!

Blessed by the throne of the Heavenly Court, his strength is hard to find an opponent in this world, and there are few people who can fight with him.

Haotian experienced calamities, put down his honor as the Lord of the Three Realms, and even endured the contempt of all forces. The weakness of the Heavenly Court has always been like this.

These will all be history.

The rising tide of the new era should also have the atmosphere of the new era.

Heavenly Court will control the Three Realms.

Emperor Haotian returns, and many forces look up to him.Heaven is valued by the Three Realms.

A Celestial Emperor who is half a step of Hunyuan has a very different meaning than the Immortal Zhenyuan and Qingzu who are also half a step of Hunyuan.

After Emperor Haotian returned to the Heavenly Court, everything was as usual. It seemed that there was no change, but it really changed.Every move of the gods is valued by the forces of the world, and is speculated by many forces.

After Emperor Haotian returned, he hosted a banquet for all the immortals from the three realms, invitations from the heavenly court spread everywhere, and the heavenly court's envoys also flew away from various forces.

All the major forces have come to the appointment, and none dare not refuse.

Whether it's the underworld, the sea of ​​blood, witches, demons, dragons, phoenixes, or unicorns. . .All come to the banquet.

Of course, all the major powers came to the banquet from the younger generation, and the small and medium powers came from the ancestors of all parties.

It was Shen Gongbao who went to Nightless Tiancheng, who is now the deputy city lord of Tiancheng.

Emperor Haotian also didn't care about those elder ancestors attending the banquet in the future, because his banquet was not prepared for them.

Haotian entertained the Three Realms, not for anything else, but to attract monks from all over the world, regardless of background or cultivation level, as long as they have a heart of loyalty to the heaven.

Of course, Haotian also takes a share of interests from all parties.A group of peripheral disciples from various sects will be selected and merged into the Heavenly Court.

There are no non-conformists in all parties, and there are many peripheral disciples. Those who are not reused, have low qualifications, and lack of character can be found everywhere. So what if they just happen to be sent to the heaven?What's more, there are many people with ulterior motives in the major forces, who knows what kind of tricks are there among the disciples sent to the heaven?
Of course, Haotian has no requirements for top forces.For example, the three religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Zhenyuan Earth Immortal lineage, and the lineage of Nightless Sky City.

Afterwards, the heavenly court recruited group cultivators with great fanfare, and most of the supernatural beings who hid in the deep mountains and old forests were recruited by the heavenly court.

Not to mention the huge number of casual cultivators all over the four major continents, even many great powers on Penglai Xiandao have also entered the heaven.

The strength of the heavenly court leaped again after the distribution of the Conferred God List.The magic of the spiritual root in the peach garden, the emperor's liquid in the universe of stars, the nectar of the nine heavens, the jade liquid, the elixir, and the classics of Taoism. . .It is enough to cultivate countless immortals, and it is infinitely superior to all major forces in the world.

In the position of the Lord of the Three Realms, even if one does not take the position at all, there will be countless resources.

Haotian is cultivating the new force in the Heavenly Court. Without any concealment, he promotes the quick method of cultivating immortals, and also earnestly cultivates his core strength.

The strength of the Heavenly Court has attracted millions of immortals to visit the Nine Heavens, and there are 32 heavenly realms all over the place. Immortal caves are opened everywhere, and there are immortals everywhere.

For the wealth and power of the Heavenly Court, the great forces in the prehistoric world only have the word envy in their hearts, and they are more on guard.

After all, today's Tianting is extremely powerful, surpassing Buddhism, and becoming the veritable master of the three realms, the number one force.

On Penglai Xiandao, the remnant soul of Duke Dong, who had been lost for countless years, practiced and returned to the realm of quasi-sage, and he also joined the heaven.

Dong Wanggong is practicing Taoism in this body, but he is a low-grade innate spiritual root, which is exactly the green plum tree in Yunmeng Daze back then!
It's a pity that due to the low rank of this tree, the heel is too low, and it is difficult to go further!

In the Heavenly Court now, the gods of the heavens are performing duties in the three realms, and there are tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals. Counting the righteous gods in the list of gods, there are as many as 81 golden immortals in Daluo, and there are tens of thousands of Taiyi and Jinxians under them.

The three emperors of the heavenly court also each have millions of soldiers, sitting on one side of the world, and defending Emperor Haotian.

It's just that the Dongfang Qinghua Changle Realm has not yet opened, and still has not welcomed a new owner.

Haotian discussed with the Queen Mother that the four palaces of heaven are indispensable and must be complete, but this competent person needs to be too cautious.

The Queen Mother of Yaochi was in a state of uncertainty, and she wanted to recommend Duke Dong for this position. After all, she was a quasi-sage and mighty. Even if the remnant soul was rebuilt, the magical powers and spells were much weaker, but they were not comparable to Da Luo Jinxian.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the gods looked respectful and did not dare to speak about such an important matter involving the dignity of a great emperor.

Emperor Haotian scanned the gods and immortals with his eyes, and looked at Prince Dong who stood at the foot of the steps and bowed to him.

In the deep eyes, there are endless spells emerging, interweaving fate and leading the way.

After a while, Haotian raised his eyes and shook his head imperceptibly to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother realized it, and sighed, it seems that the East Prince is not lucky enough after all.

Among the gods below, Taibai Jinxing, who had broken through the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian, came out, holding the order of the gods, and said respectfully: "Qi Zou Jade Emperor: I dare to say a word, and I hope your majesty will forgive me."

Haotian turned his eyes slightly, and said: "Chang Geng doesn't need to be too polite, just speak out."

"Yes, thank you Your Majesty.

The minister thought that the selection of the four royals was no small matter.If you choose the person, it is better to ask the owner first.Only when you take on the job can you know how difficult it is. "

Yaochi frowned slightly, and asked: "Taibai's words, are you talking about Qing Zu, the Heavenly Venerable Master Qing Zu?"

"Your Majesty is sagely wise, what this minister said is exactly what I said!"

Haotian paused for a moment, cast his eyes on the majestic and brilliant Nightless City in the lower world, stared at it, and said: "It should be so!"

(End of this chapter)

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