Chapter 637
Zhan Buzhou in the south, under the Nightless City, Dayan.

Qingluo Yuanshen opened his eyes, pulled out of the Taoist body, waved his sleeves, and the Dayan Realm Gate opened.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist, Hunyuan can be expected."

Qing Luo congratulated the visitor.

A figure walked out of the gate of Dayan Realm, it was Emperor Haotian, but it was the body of his good corpse, not the deity, but it was no different from the deity in person.

Haotian returned the salute, and smiled kindly: "I came here uninvited, and I'm nagging my fellow daoist."

"It's a blessing that the Jade Emperor can come to our world." Qingluo Yuanshen replied with a light smile, "The Jade Emperor probably came here for the selection of the four princes in the heaven."

Haotian Shanshi nodded, with a slightly righteous expression, and said: "There is only one of the four royals in the heaven. It is a pity that Dao Youshan saved Ku Tianzun from his death back then. Today, the court is not the same as before, and the position of the four royals should be cautious.

I also ask fellow Taoists to give some pointers, who is suitable for this position? "

Qingluo Yuanshen was silent for a moment, and then said: "If you look at it from the perspective of the power of the heavenly court, it is natural that the Eastern Prince lives here, regardless of supernatural power, realm, or virtue.

But Dong Wanggong was also the head of the male immortals in the world.

If the Jade Emperor can trust me, I will name one person who is most suitable for this position. "

Hao Tianshan's eyebrows twitched, and he asked: "Fellow Taoist, please tell me."

"My eldest disciple, the ancestor of the firefly, Xiaozhu!" Qing Luo looked at Haotian with a half-smile, and said nothing.

Haotian let out a light snort, then laughed the same way: "Fellow Daoist's good disciples are naturally extraordinary, but they are just entering the Daluo Golden Immortal for ten thousand years. How can they be a heavenly emperor and control millions of heavenly soldiers? How can they exercise the divine power of the emperor? If a fellow daoist The second disciple has not been conferred the title of god, so he can be used because of his current cultivation level."

Qing Luo Yuanshen didn't answer, but stretched out his hand, and the space rippled out a picture.

It is the night candle walking on the high mountains.

The young girl in a green shirt with short sleeves and a nimble figure climbed the mountains alone on foot, walking on the cliffs, naughty and insisted on stepping on the soft weathered stones that looked dangerous, and the stones fell off the cliff thousands of feet away , the girl withdrew her feet excitedly, poked her head out to look at the unfathomable valley from the top of the cliff.

Then it seemed that falling in high school was very interesting, so he let go of his hands, stretched his arms and plunged into the deep valley, the raging wind blew head-on, and the girl fell straight down the cliff, but her face was not panic, but excited, feeling the fierce wind force, space weightlessness and clear mind a feeling of.


The girl fell to the cliff of the valley, and a deep human-shaped pit was smashed out on the ground. Xiaozhu crawled out of the pit intact, patted the dust on her body, touched her brain, it was okay, not broken.

So, I continued to explore and travel around the world.

Haotian Shanshi chuckled lightly and said, "This little bug is a bit interesting.

But it is definitely not the appearance of becoming a god emperor in charge. "

Qing Luo shook her head and said: "No.

Xiaozhu is the most sensitive disciple among my disciples.Everyone in the world understands good, evil, anger, sorrow and sorrow.

But there is still a pure heart, holding the shape of the original self.Few people in the world can do it!

His heart is bright, his body is bright, his way is bright, he should be the god of light! "

Haotian Shanshi still frowned and said: "It can be cultivated..."

Qing Luo Yuanshen smiled: "The Jade Emperor gathered the four imperial powers, presumably not for the evil catastrophe, but for the extraordinary catastrophe.

Give her ten thousand years to grow up, experience the baptism and shed her lead, and she will be able to take control of a heaven.

No matter how bad it is, with me as a master, is the Jade Emperor still worried about the lack of portion? "

Hearing this glance, Jade Emperor Shanshi's eyes flashed brightly, and he laughed loudly: "Of course it's enough!
Since fellow Taoist is so sincere, I will give her ten thousand years, and after ten thousand years, the four princes will unite! "

(If repeated, just re-buffer)
Qingluo Yuanshen then smiled and said: "Good!"

The good corpse of the Jade Emperor returned to the Heavenly Court, and Haotian then declared that the successor of Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole would not be born until ten thousand years later, and his god would be chosen after ten thousand years.

Qing Luo didn't tell other outsiders, nor Xiaozhu about the secret agreement in Dayanzhong.

Xiaozhu is still traveling around the world at will, from the yellow sand desert of Xiniu Hezhou to the forest wilderness of Nanzhanbuzhou, then into the fairy mountain scenery of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and then into the poisonous and dead Luzhou of Beiju. Her tiny feet measure the vastness of the earth, and she accepts the baptism of wind and dust with her pure heart.

Years and years pass by little by little, the youngest son becomes an old man, and the old man turns into bones. There will be countless springs and autumns in the secular world for a hundred years.

Xiaozhu is still the same Xiaozhu, the girl running and frolicking among the flowers in Luoling Mountain, that eccentric and mischievous girl.

She walked between the world and encountered many darkness, but she never dejected her heart.

Because there is light in the heart, where the heart is, where the light goes, the darkness recedes.

Xiaozhu walked through the solitary smoke in the desert, and saw a monk cut up meat and fed it to an eagle to save the murderer, but was swallowed by the eagle, and his bones were left in the yellow sand.She waited for the eagle to eat the last trace of the monk's flesh and blood, and went forward to bury the monk's bones with sand, and buried him in the pure land world he asked for. Because there was only sand and nothing else, it was also a pure land. world!
Walking past the edge of Populus euphratica fluttering in the westerly wind, countless foreigners shed tears in the sky and fell into the desert. Young soldiers were blown gray by the desert wind and bent over.The handsome boy turned into an old man, and turned into bones and dust to live in the frontier fortress.

Xiaozhu made a cane out of a piece of poplar wood that has not rotted for thousands of years, and tied four white bells on it. Hanging from the top of the cane, holding the cane, every step you take, the crisp sound of the bells will be transmitted to all directions.

The clear and crisp sound of the bell can be heard far away, and the living can't hear it because their ears are too mushy. Only the homeless soul can hear it. The ringing of the bell can drive away the ignorance after death.

When the dead soul hears the bell, it will remember where home is and where home is going.After worshiping, the souls of the dead drifted along the wind back to their distant homeland, met their loved ones for the last time, dissipated their grievances and devoted themselves to reincarnation.

Xiaozhu walked a very long way, even farther and longer than Tang Monk's journey to the West, and he still didn't stop.

She didn't know when she would stop, maybe she would stop when she felt tired from walking and it was time to rest.

Her dao heart has been tempered time and time again, and it has become more mysterious.

If there is no change in the heel, then change the foundation.

This is what Master told her.

Since it is the teacher's words, it must be right, no matter whether it is right or wrong, it is right, she just needs to act and implement it instead of questioning it.

Xiaozhu understands that her footsteps are far from everyone else's, she has never felt inferior or discouraged, she just keeps going.

The future is bright, but the road is tortuous.But she has light in her body, and even the tortuous road ahead is a bright tortuous road ahead.

Xiaozhu felt that she had a new understanding of the Dao, and her Dao realm was already very relaxed. She even felt that as long as she exerted force, she could take one step closer without expending too much strength!
She went farther and farther on the road of seeking the way, and walked higher and higher.

When Xiaozhu was walking between the heaven and the earth, the hundreds of millions of light spots scattered by the God of Rescue Kuku were all attracted by Xiaozhu consciously or unconsciously, and they fit her body, but they were too small, and it was difficult for her to detect the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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