Chapter 639 Return of the Celestial Army
Except for the four superpowers, even the witch clan, monster clan, or the three ancient clans cannot be called superpowers.

Zhen Yuanzi, a half-step Hunyuan in Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, has no intention of establishing the general trend of the world, and only protects his less than a hundred disciples, reciting Huangting quietly, and taking care of himself.

The heavenly court has absorbed many powerful casual cultivators, cultivated them for nearly ten thousand years, and the heavenly soldiers and generals have reached an unprecedented strength!
Even if it is not as powerful as the ancient demon court in the old days, it is not far behind.

In Western Buddhism, there are many quasi-sages, Buddhists and monks spread all over the three thousand worlds, and there are infinitely many people who practice Buddhism.The gods, Buddhas, and Arhats are infinite.

The three religions of Taoism in the East have gathered strength beyond Buddhism.But because the two religions of explaining and intercepting cannot be completely integrated after all, Taoism is slightly stronger than Buddhism by three points, but cannot be far superior to Buddhism.

The weakest of the four superpowers is the city that never sleeps.Nightless Sky City is the latest superpower to rise, and it is much worse than the other three parties.

But looking at the prehistoric world, many ancient forces have fallen behind the Nightless City.

Nightless Tiancheng became a superpower, not only because of Tiancheng's reputation spread throughout the heavens and worlds, but also Qingluo, a peerless and powerful man who is famous all over the world, can be ranked as a superpower.

After all, no amount of Golden Immortal Taiyi can compare to a half-step Hunyuan powerhouse.

In Dayan.

After 9000 years, the huge ethereal Dharma body sitting in the mid-heaven is radiant, dazzling like a big sun, and the white light brightens most of the world.

Qingluo Yuanshen suddenly opened his eyes, knowing that 9000 years have passed.

Since the prehistoric times, this has been more than a hundred years old.Time flies, but in retrospect, it is just a passing away.

After planning the long journey for years, step by step, painstaking efforts, from now on, I can finally reap the rewards!
The white light of Qingluo's huge dharma body vibrated slightly, and a spiritual book went straight up to the outside of Dayan, traveled across mountains, rivers and lands, fell into the sea of ​​blood in the Nine Nethers, and fell into Qinglan's hands.

Sitting upright, 36 divine beads are embellished into the blue of the lotus, the expression on his face was shocked, and he got up suddenly.

Patriarch Styx, who paid attention to Qinglan, instantly refreshed himself. He saw the letter from the city that never sleeps, and his eyes moved slightly. Is he going to kill Styx?
Yuantu's Abi sword, which has been silent for many years, trembles slightly, coming from bloodthirsty desire. Facing a fight, he will never be afraid, only excited.

Qinglan stood up and stood above the Nether Blood Sea, the boundless blood sea was turbulent, and the bloody storm was on the rise.She looked calm and unmoved.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came in person and asked with a smile, "The benefactor is leaving?"

Qinglan Jishou bowed: "That's right, I also ask Bodhisattva to help me."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva laughed loudly when he heard the words: "I should help myself!"

Qinglan nodded in response, and then the spirit pattern flickered between her eyebrows, radiating blood for thousands of miles.

The bloody battle that has been fought for nearly ten thousand years has finally subsided.The Ashura tribe retreated to the sea of ​​blood, and the Tuluo Heavenly Army returned to wait for orders.

Qinglan stands under the blood-colored sky, her beautiful face reflects the red sky and bloody land, when the fighting ceases, all generals bow their heads, and the world of blood sea is silent.

Qinglan looked at the massacre Luo Tianjun, countless immortals have come here for 9000 years, many have died here one after another, and there are many newborns who have broken through.

The [-] soldiers in front of them are immortals who are willing to join Tiancheng after going through battles, and they are also true iron-blooded soldiers. They are invincible and invincible.

After experiencing the baptism of tens of thousands of ghosts and blood, and the tempering of thousands of life and death bloody battles, one hundred thousand heavenly troops are like Shura, invincible in killing, fearless in fighting, and unstoppable!
Wind and blood rain, sword light and shadow.

Lingbao rises, supernatural powers are powerful.

Fighting and fighting for life, life and death are on the line, all people compete for supremacy, life and road only compete for superiority.

All the stories on the sea of ​​blood will come to an end, disappear, and will no longer be known to the world.

Qinglan finally opened her mouth, and the voice of the holy spirit spread throughout the entire sea of ​​blood.

"From now on, the Asura Secret Realm has been banned, and all the Tuluo Heavenly Army will withdraw from the Nether Blood Sea and return to the Nightless City, waiting for the order of the Spirit Emperor!"

All the soldiers were stunned, they were about to go back suddenly, leaving this place where they were used to fighting and the front line of life and death, they were at a loss for a while.

But in just a short moment, they came back to their senses, because of the military orders of the heavenly army, all command orders must be followed without asking.

This is the most important condition for surviving the fight against the terrifying Asura.

"Jiu Ling, open the Yin and Yang realms and escort the [-] Tu Luo Heavenly Army back to Tiancheng."

The nine lions listened to the order, raised nine huge lion heads, and roared suddenly, and nine divine lights shot into the void, causing the lion's roar of landslides and tsunamis to open the cave in the nether world and lead directly to the tunnel in the wild land.

Yu Hua took the lead, leading the generals, and shouted: "Go back!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers lined up in line, and each of the soldiers who stood in the space of thousands of miles exuded the evil spirit of a sea of ​​​​blood, the awe-inspiring aura of a long battle.

The soldiers are formed into ten, lined up in ten directions, one hundred thousand soldiers are like one hundred thousand puppets, every step and every movement is like a person, exactly, the uniformity is unbelievable!

The green lion rushed to the cave of the nether world without hesitation, and one hundred thousand soldiers returned to the prehistoric land and descended on the sky above the city that never sleeps.

Above the prehistoric city of heaven, a vortex of void emerged, and a hollow of thousands of miles appeared. Nine lions jumped out majesticly first.

Afterwards, one hundred thousand Tu Luotian troops descended on the prehistoric world, and the ten sides of the formation were like a matrix, and their steps and movements were so uniform that they looked like a matrix mountain from a distance.

The raging killing intent was condensed into substance, and it was even more terrifying in the primordial energy of the Qingming prehistoric world. The evil spirit of a hundred thousand troops condensed into a gigantic giant with a million feet in the sky, like a demon god descending into the world, like a killing god descending.

The forces of all parties were shocked. Compared with those instant immortals who mostly relied on swallowing the elixir of elixir, celestial grass and elixir, and practiced meditation and Qi, a hundred thousand Tu Luotian army was like a million-strong army!
The Great Formation of Tiancheng opened up a defensive formation, and collected one hundred thousand Tu Luotian troops into a small world to cultivate and thrive.

They have been tempered for too long on the front line of life and death, and their background has been strengthened. Now that they return to the prehistoric, it is unknown how many of them can break through the realm and make great progress!

In the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Styx became astonished, comforted the peerless fierce sword who was already starving for blood, and walked out of the sea of ​​blood until Qinglan was ten thousand feet away, and said quietly: "Why, the city of Everlasting Sky won't be able to hold my blood Are you from the Sea Asura clan? Leave as soon as you say, come as soon as you say, don’t you think of me, Styx, too?”

Qinglan sneered and said: "Then your Excellency attacked me twice in the past, and you came as soon as you said you came, and you left as soon as you said, so you don't take my Tiancheng too seriously?"

At this moment, the gazes of many great powers in the prehistoric world turned from Evernight City to the Underworld. Since the holy will of the saints was passed on to the world, there has been no open battle between heaven and earth for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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