Chapter 640

Patriarch Styx's aura rose instantly, as if a real terrifying evil spirit had condensed into a black and red blood cloud in the sky, and the wind was full of momentum.

"Although you are strong in Nightless Sky City, do you still want to turn the sky upside down in this sea of ​​blood like mine?
Now that the hundred thousand generals are gone, you should stay! "

Before the words were finished, the peerless fierce sword that had been silent for thousands of years suddenly came out of its sheath.

Qinglan sneered, and said: "Today, Fantian is not necessary, but Fuhai can try."

The 36 Dinghai God Beads suddenly flew into the sky under one step, and turned into 36 layers of heavens, one layer of sky opened and another layer of sky unfolded.

Yuantu Abi's double swords carried the killing Tao to the strongest lore, and the sword light carried the sword sea infinitely straight into the 36th heaven sea.

Within the sea of ​​sky, suddenly there are golden lotuses blooming and closing, and complex Buddhist mantras are scattered, and the golden light flickers and retreats, and the evil spirits disintegrate the sword light.

Styx was furious, "Ksitigarbha, are you here to intervene?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled lightly and said, "If the hell is not empty, I vow not to become a Buddha!

Now that you have a chance, try it yourself. "

Styx's complexion changed slightly, the hand holding the sword froze for an instant, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and his eyes scanned Qinglan and Jizo.

Suddenly he laughed loudly and said: "The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river of darkness never dies.

Even if someone makes a move today, in this sea of ​​blood, I, Styx, have never been afraid of anyone.Even saints are not afraid of it, but I want to see what methods you have? "

Thousands of miles of blood sea rising and surging out of thin air, billions of blood god sons crazily jumping out of the blood sea, sending out streaks of blood light like endless hell devils attacking, the magnificent picture shocked the soul and terrified all beings.

At the foot of the Styx River, the fire red lotus of the twelfth grade industry is burning wildly, and the fire of burning the true spirit is raging for thousands of miles. Once it is contaminated, it cannot be extinguished.

The sea of ​​fire, combined with the sea of ​​blood, is both the spirit in the fire and the blood in the fire.The sea of ​​crimson blood rolled, it was both the fire in the sea and the spirit in the sea.

The master of the blood sea, the Patriarch Styx borrowed the divine power of the Nether Blood Sea to suppress Qinglan and Dizang.

The merits and virtues of Dizang rise slowly, and the black and yellow merits shine in all directions, dispelling the blood and filth from the whole body.

The whole body is blue and blue, surrounded by 36 heavens and transformed into a realm, which illuminates the sea of ​​blood and thousands of miles of light, and the sea god master realm resists the filthy blood all over the body with supernatural powers.

Whether it is the Buddha's light of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, or the blue world's divine light, in this monstrous sea of ​​blood, they are like a lonely boat in the waves of the ocean, flickering and flickering, and the difficulties are difficult.

After all, being suppressed by the sea of ​​blood and heaven and earth, and bound by the laws of heaven and earth that killed the origin of the Dao, how many people can fight the Patriarch Styx who is at the right time and place?

Minghe looked at the two Ksitigarbha Bodhisattvas surrounded by a huge blood light, his face became colder, and he sneered: "If you don't make a move on the so-called Qingzu of Tiancheng that day, this ancestor will really leave one of you two behind." seat!"

Even though Styx has the upper hand, Jizo and Qinglan are quasi-sages. If he makes a move, he must hit with all his strength, and one of them will break through the blood god world. Naturally, it is difficult to seriously injure the opponent.

Ksitigarbha King didn't take it seriously and said: "If you really can attack one of the two of us with all your heart, not to mention Tiancheng Qingzu, even my Buddha, the World Honored One, may attack.

Styx, do you really think that I, Ksitigarbha, stayed behind in the sea of ​​blood for thousands of years and didn't find a single flaw in your immortality?

Facing the attack of two peerless powerhouses, can you really be immortal? "

(If there are any repetitions, please click to download again.) Ancestor Minghe looked startled, his pupils shrank, and said coldly, "You can discover the secret of the sea of ​​​​blood? Even if you talk big, you are not afraid of jokes!"

"Of course I can't do it, but if you add Di Ting to the Divine Beast and Empress Ping Xin, where can you not search in the underworld?"

Ming He instantly became angry, saying: "What a cunning Buddhist sect!

Ok, good, good!
Today, I, Styx, want to see if you really know something, or just lying! "

The Patriarch Styx came out with both swords, stabbing with the Abi sword, slashing with the Yuantu sword, the demons of the Infernal Hell raged, the endless sword radiance slaughtered all living beings under the sword, the sea of ​​blood, the sky and the earth flickered, everything was black and purple, and the great fear of life and death descended on the sea of ​​blood , shrouded the heads of every creature in the sea of ​​blood, trembling with fear.

There are thousands of demons in the world, the endless sword slaughters immortals and gods, and the two swords of Yuantu Abi directly slashed at Dizang!

In this moment, in a moment of time, far above the prehistoric city that never sleeps, time is stagnant and space is infinite.

The prehistoric world was shrouded in a grand white light.

In the sky over the sea of ​​blood, Yuan Tu's A Bi's twin swords were pinned close to him, and the momentum of the swords was blocked.

The Heaven, Earth, Mysterious and Yellow Four-Dharma Chain derives the Heaven and Earth Four Dao, the mysterious and unpredictable Dao pattern spreads all over the wandering chain, and the white light shrouds the two swords with peerless murderous intent, disintegrating and disintegrating thousands of swords.

Patriarch Ming He was not surprised, but said coldly: "Qing Luo, did you forget the promise we made back then?"

Above the sea of ​​blood, time stagnates, space returns to void, and a phantom of heaven and earth appears.

It is the Qingluo Taoist body in Dayan.

Although there is no phantom, time and space are connected, and it only takes a moment to travel through time and space to be yourself.

Qing Luo opened her eyes, and said calmly: "But today you and I will meet in blood, so it is not within the agreement not to see each other."

Styx calmed down at this time, looked at Qingluo in the illusory space, and said: "In this case, let's fight again today, let my ancestors test out whether you, the most famous half-step Hunyuan, have any strength. What a supernatural power!"

The expression on Qing Luo's face remained unchanged, as calm as water, and said: "It's only in the future, why should fellow Taoists be anxious? There will be opportunities in the future, but not today."

"Oh? Could it be that you are afraid? As the ancestor of one side, the ancestor of one way, it is ridiculous to shrink back so much!" Patriarch Minghe provoked him with words instead.

Qing Luo didn't answer. The misty white figure sat firmly in Dayan, pointing at a long distance across the mountains and seas.

The four swords derived from Tiandi Xuanhuang broke into the world of the blood god in an instant, helping Qinglan and Qinglan break through the boundary.

Qinglan and Dizang exchanged glances, stepped forward together, and showed their supernatural powers again.

Patriarch Styx's body was surrounded by a large mysterious force, and he sensed that it was a derived force. He touched the world and set up a derivative area to prevent Styx from drawing his sword.

Although Patriarch Styx was surprised, he didn't panic. The Karmic Fire Red Lotus slowly turned, burning thousands of miles of void and destroying everything.

Qinglan stepped forward hurriedly, and the Haitian Lord Realm descended into the sea of ​​blood, covering the Styx River.

At the same time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also came out of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and the Buddha Kingdom enveloped the ancestor of Minghe, and the endless Buddha light illuminated the sky.

The karma red lotus at the feet of Patriarch Styx accelerated and spun instantly, the endless sea of ​​flames scattered and expanded, and the billion blood god sons also rushed towards them with the momentum of mountains and seas.

Qingluo in Dayan came out of the ancient Yuanling Pagoda in his palm, and said lightly: "Town!"

The ancient pagoda of the Yuanling is flying in the sky, turning into a magnificent pagoda of heaven and earth, standing in the middle of the sky, suppressing the Nether Blood Sea, the Lord of the Blood Sea, the Patriarch of Styx!

Qing Luo stretched out his hand again, and the divine light between his brows shone, and he shouted, "Da Yan Tian Di!"

(End of this chapter)

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