Chapter 643 The Grace of All Generations
At this moment, Qing Luo really realized what Hunyuan is and what is Supreme!

His will is like the will of heaven and earth, the tunnel is my will, the heart of heaven is my heart, the majesty of the sky, the width of the tunnel, and the majesty of all ways are nothing but my thoughts.

In the prehistoric world, hundreds of millions of creatures are just fleeting.

The size of the heaven and the earth, the vastness of the universe, but in a single thought.

Everything belongs to the prehistoric, there is nowhere to go, omnipotent and omnipotent!

The Qingluo Hunyuan Primordial Spirit goes up to the ninth heaven, down to the tenth earth, the heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, the four seasons of wind, cloud, rain and snow, humans, ghosts, immortals, gods and witches, in his eyes, there is nothing to hide. Past, present, future.

Qing Luo felt the greatness of the saint, and the difference in life level between the saint and the prehistoric creatures.

What is Hunyuan, what is Hunyuan, Qing Luo finally feels this realm with her body.

His huge primordial spirit swept across the prehistoric world like a breeze.

Qing Luo saw the appearance of millions of immortals and all beings in the prosperous world of the Nightless City, and countless causal disputes were involved, but the ins and outs could be known at a glance.

He saw many of his disciples in the world of mountains and seas, and their fate was related to him, which was unpredictable.

I saw that Yuanzi from Longevity Mountain used a body-fitting ginseng fruit tree to comprehend the secret method. On the top of it, the luck is magnificent and boundless, and there is a great opportunity to be close to him.Zhen Yuanzi seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look in the direction of Nightless City.

The spiritual thoughts crossed to Lingshan, and saw the western Lingshan, the Tathagata closed his eyes and meditated, the luck on the top was as high as a mountain, and there were great opportunities and great disasters.

Spiritual thoughts are for a moment east and west, and for a moment north and south, the world is nothing but mediocrity.

The five holy venerables who suppressed Wuji Wufang looked up at Evernight City, feeling the power of Hunyuan Yuanshen, with different expressions.

Only the smile appeared in the eyes of the Suzaku sage, it seems that the choice of the year was right after all!
For the first time, Qingluo Yuanshen scanned the mountains and rivers for the first time with a new vision. Kunlun, which was once majestic and equal to the sky, is now just a mountain. The world is but a body of water, once. . .

In Qing Luo's eyes, it was the first time that the world was so limited.The prehistoric is just a super plane in the boundless universe. Outside the prehistoric, even beyond the chaos, there are boundaries and edges in his eyes, and a whole new world emerges half-hidden.

The six saints on the wall of the plane all felt the power of Hunyuan Yuanshen, and the six saints knew it clearly, and looked at Qing Luo solemnly for the first time.

Qingluo took back the primordial spirit, the power of the Hunyuan primordial spirit was injected into the myriad Taos of the Great Evolution, one hundred and eight thousand Taos evolved at an unprecedented speed, and the three thousand avenues were derived vertically and horizontally at an unprecedented depth, and the gods of the ten thousand Taoism chains were shining brilliantly , the derived light is bright and endless.

If the Dao is deduced with the power of his primordial spirit, it may take tens of thousands of years to complete.

With his current speed, it will take only a hundred years to complete.

Hunyuan Divine Soul has unimaginable stalwart power.

Those who are not in the realm of Hunyuan and whose primordial spirit can reach Hunyuan, he is the only one in the world!

He is the only one in the world who has the blessing of the most precious innate treasure, the Yuanling Pagoda, and the blessing of the Yuanshen.

He is the only one in the world who has the power of a completely independent half body and two corpses.

Based on his half-step Hunyuan's powerful primordial spirit, coupled with the terrifying power of his own corpse primordial spirit, his primordial spirit has reached an unprecedented height!
Of course, even so, this state cannot last long.It takes a hundred years to cultivate the power of the primordial spirit to last for one month.

Even so, comprehension and derivation of various ways is also many times faster, shortened to a thousand years!

This is also the reason why he didn't hesitate to offend Styx to help Qinglan kill the two corpses.

Because only Qinglan Yuanshen can be compatible with him.

The true spirit of the primordial spirit is the most unique imprint of the creatures in the world, and it is impossible to borrow and fuse the power of the primordial spirit.

Even if the power of Ge Kun's primordial spirit is stronger, it cannot be integrated at all.Only Qinglan, who belongs to the half of the Qingluo Yuanshen, can enter Dayan and lend the power of the Yuanshen to fit him, so as to achieve the power of the Hunyuan Yuanshen!

The power of Qingluo Yuanshen didn't alarm many people, only Hunyuan knew it, only heaven and earth knew it.

Thousands of roads in Dayanli are deduced together, and the derivative road crosses the end of the road and advances in a new dao realm.

In the prehistoric world, the whole world became quiet, like the calm before the storm, getting quieter.

Although it is quiet, tens of thousands of years of cause and effect have been accumulated by thousands of races and forces, but grievances and resentments are brewing, waiting for the day when they will explode.

In Dayan, the Daotian of the six saints hangs high above the void.

Under the Six Saints are ten weeping giant willows that are so huge that they look like sky-high building trees.

On the giant willow, millions of human immortals thrived on it.

Nearly [-]% of the rise of the human race is here!
Once upon a time, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and kylin, who were the overlords of the prehistoric world, were as powerful as clouds.

In the past, the Lich clan, who were also the overlords of heaven and earth, had hundreds of millions of tribes and hundreds of strong ones.

Now, the human race, who is the protagonist of the world, is blessed by the luck of the world, and the teachings of various ways, how can it be so weak on the surface of the prehistoric?
Nearly [-]% of the strong immortals of the human race are here!
Millions of immortals and hundreds of Da Luo guard the walls of the planes, and they will never grow their teeth again for tens of thousands of years.

Too many of them have forgotten what the prehistoric sun, moon and stars looked like, and what the prehistoric forest and wilderness were like.

Millions of immortals, in this almost nothingness of the wall of the plane, have been boring for thousands of years and still have not returned to the prehistoric.

Cultivating the Dao, participating in military training, arranging formations, and suppressing the wall of the plane are all their things.

Thousands of years are like a day, staying on the wall of the plane to guard the prehistoric.

Many immortals never even saw Honghuang again until their lifespan was exhausted, and they were dying.

Their bodies were preserved, waiting for the day when they returned to the wilderness, they would be taken back, back to the wilderness, back to their homeland, and go home to rest in peace.

The prehistoric world has been peaceful and peaceful for thousands of years, all the forces are advancing, all races are strong and restored, and the years are quiet.

But in fact, there is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for you.

The million immortals of the human race have paid too much for this.Immortals who have grown up from various forces of the human race will be sent in every thousand years. Once in a millennium, once in a thousand years, countless immortals come here and suffer hardships. Day after day, year after year, they can’t see endlessly. The silence at the end.

Too many immortals have paid too much for the prehistoric world.

They are not only for the human race themselves, but also for the whole prehistoric world, the whole world.

It was they and the Six Sages who were suppressing the Wall of Faces, preventing the terrible catastrophe from descending upon the prehistoric world, and protecting the world.

This kind of human race is in debt to heaven and earth, so heaven and earth are tolerant to human race and show great virtue to human race.

This is what countless human immortals sacrificed too much in exchange for it.

The human race's kindness to the heaven and the earth is the accumulation of superimposed virtues from generation to generation, how can it be comparable to the accumulation of merits and virtues of those small ethnic groups in a short period of time?How can the grace of all generations be comparable to that of a generation?
(End of this chapter)

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