Chapter 644

Since Daozu Hongjun opened the tidal wave of heaven and earth spiritual energy, huge and endless vitality of heaven and earth has also poured into the wall of the plane.

After ten thousand years of hard work, the strength of the millions of immortals in the human race will improve again.

The prehistoric human race also sent more immortals to integrate their forces. Nearly two million immortals guarded the wall of the plane, making its rupture speed slightly slower again.

The prehistoric scene can also continue to be maintained.

But the sage has seen a lot. He has seen the demon seeds all over the world, and the demon thoughts sneaking into the hearts of countless immortals.

Moreover, because countless immortals practice the aura of heaven and earth transformed from chaos, and the aura transformed from the ravages of fengshuihuo in the chaos, it is easier to be violent, more prone to madness, and more prone to unstable mana, hidden dangers have already been buried.

The evil catastrophe may come quietly, but few people know about it.

The scene of prosperity in the world is still as usual, Taoist friends and immortals from the three mountains and five mountains, immortals from all corners of the country, Taoist Buddha immortals, ghosts and witches, roaming the world and mixing with wind and dust, Taoism manifests, Taoism shines.

The city of Nightless Sky gathers thousands of people in the prosperous age, and the huge number of immortals makes this the first city of all races and the first city of all ages. The endless prosperity and grandeur.

. . . . . .

Nine hundred years later
In the world of mountains and seas, Xiaozhu was reclining on the green plum tree, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was taking a light nap.The green silk of Qi Er hangs down, is blown up by the majestic wind, green plum blossoms bloom, and Kazuki is smudged with greenness and vitality.

Qu Kong sits under the tree, the phoenix sits on the ancient qin on the stone table, plucks the strings of the qin lightly with his slender and flawless ten fingers, the wonderful melody spreads across the world, the spring breeze is as gentle as the sun, warming all things and spirits.The appearance is peerless, the sound of the piano is peerless, and it is spread all over the world.

Xiaozhu sleeps peacefully and peacefully with his soul, when he is half awake, he suddenly hears the sound of the piano trembling, and the most beautiful rhythm stops abruptly.

Qu Kong's handsome brows twitched, and he stood up abruptly, his peerless face was reflected in the golden-haired divine robe, but a dignified expression also emerged.

Xiaozhu opened his eyes leisurely, puzzled and looked towards where Qu Kong's gaze was pointing.

There is. . .

Western Lingshan!

Xiniu Hezhou, after thousands of years of practice in the prosperous age, is no longer a barren land, full of vitality, and Wanxiu gods and Buddhas have traveled there.

At this moment, there are hundreds of millions of miles across the continent, and there are countless Buddhist monks, all of whom are doing the same thing.

Mountain forest temples, barren mountain ancient temples, and high mountain temples, the monks there, whether they are young monks, Shaolin disciples, or the abbot abbot of a respected old monk, are all looking up to the west and chanting: "Namo Sakyamuni !"

Over and over again, one after another.

One monk recites the name, ten monks recite the name, a hundred monks, a thousand monks recite the name, and ten thousand monks recite the name.

Buddhist chants resounded from mountain to mountain and temples everywhere.

The voice of hundreds of mountains, the voice of ten thousand temples, this land where Buddhism has been deeply cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, makes the most consistent voice.

Thousands of sounds, thousands of Taos, and hundreds of millions of Buddha voices sing together.

Recited by millions of Buddhist monks.

On Vulture Mountain, Mount Sumeru, and Spirit Mountain, in the past, future, and present, the Buddhas of the three veins are all reciting the name of the Tathagata World Honored One.

There are hundreds of millions of living beings in Xiniu Hezhou, and they utter the sound of a great trend, which spreads to the boundless mountains and rivers, the boundless heaven and earth, and resounds in every world and every soul.

"Namo Sakyamuni!"

On the top of the Lingshan Mountain, the Buddha rose from his body.

The figure of the Buddha instantly turned into a majestic majesty. The Lingshan Mountain is his body, and he is also the Lingshan Mountain.

All living beings in the world saw the standing Buddha for the first time.

In the memories or legends of all living beings, the Buddha always sits on the lotus platform and looks up at the unreachable Buddha.

Today, they saw the standing Buddha for the first time!

At the foot of the Buddha, also at the foot of the Lingshan Mountain, there is a golden lotus blooming in the prosperous age. A huge golden lotus blooms at the foot of the Buddha, and the bright golden light shines on the three worlds.

At this moment, all the great powers looked to the west.

Whether there is hatred or not, or a kind person, whether it is an immortal with a vague way, or a peerless power close to Hunyuan, they all look to the west that covers the body of the Buddha in the west.

All living beings in Xiniu Hezhou chanted the Buddha's voice in unison, and spread it all over the world. There is no magnificence of the saint's power to shake the soul, but there is the feeling of infinite ants also uttering their voices.

Xiniu Hezhou's luck in one continent, the blessing of heaven and earth in one continent, the blessing of ten thousand Buddhas, the blessing of three thousand Buddha countries in the world, the luck of the Tathagata World Honored One has reached the peak and the most prosperous height.

If you can't break through the shackles, this peak will be followed by decline.

When the entire continent recited the Tathagata's name, he would have no way out.

Tathagata's golden body of billions of feet stands in the sky and the earth, and the Buddha's voice hangs high: "I am the world-honored one of the prehistoric Buddhism, Sakyamuni opened the way with his body today, and tried to become a Hunyuan.

If there is anyone in the world who can help you, please recite my name! "

Heavenly Court, Emperor Haotian did not hesitate, and recited: "Namo Sakyamuni!"

The queen mother also recited: "Namo Sakyamuni!"

All the gods in the heavenly court recite the Buddha's name, whether they are cutting or explaining the teaching.

"Namo Sakyamuni!"

It resounded through the nine heavens and shook for 33 days.

In the underworld, Empress Pingxin condensed the real Tathagata, and said: "Shakyamuni!"

In the eyes of a sage, not being in harmony is not enough to be respected. It is not a matter of state of mind and vision, but a matter of life level.

The King of Hades in the Ten Palaces of the Styx River, the Great Emperor Fengdu, the Eighteenth Floor of Hell, and hundreds of millions of evil spirits and spirits all recite "Namo Sakyamuni!"

Even Styx, who is in the Nether Blood Sea, had no choice but to say "Sakyamuni!"

Not to conform to the so-called general trend, but for the Dao.

There has never been the first person without a saint in the ages.The non-holy Hunyuan is the last ray of hope for many great powers in the endless years of trouble.

If the Tathagata dares to try with no retreat, it will be failure.Styx does not want Tathagata to be defeated. Only when someone succeeds can they see how to become a law and see that hope is not false but real.

This is the thought of all the great powers, this is the thought of all the great powers who have been trapped under the Hunyuan line for endless years.

The chanting of each of them has a bit or a sliver or a ray of luck to add, the meaning of blessing.

On Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea, on Zizhi Cliff, and on the Hundred Thousand Islands, it is said: "There is no Sakyamuni in the south!"

Even Huaguoshan also spread this chant.

On the majestic Kunlun, the immortals who explained and taught also recited the Buddha's Dharma name.

Human beings also recite the Buddha's Dharma name.

Yuanzi of Longevity Mountain also recited the Dharma name of the Tathagata.

In the city of Everlasting Heaven, millions of immortals recite the Buddha's Dharma name together.

In Dayanli, Qing Luo and Qing Lan also recited the Buddha's Dharma name.

At this moment, Qingluo Yuanshen feels that the Hunyuan Dao is close and close, and it is only a short distance away from breaking through the realm to try. After nearly a thousand years of deduction of the power of Hunyuan Yuanshen, all roads are only a short distance away from perfection.

However, Duobao was still ahead of him.

Qing Luo stopped and deduced, condensed the Western Lingshan, the Buddha flourished and then declined, and the demons flourished and flourished. On the front line of Buddha and demons, the great hidden danger of the war of belief in the tide, he has always kept in mind, never forget.

All the great powers in the world have recited the Tathagata's dharma name, even the six sages of the wall of the plane have also recited the four characters of Sakyamuni!

(End of this chapter)

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