Chapter 659

When the demon army is assembled, the battle above the heavens will come to an end.

Ge Kun, Qinglan, and Qixue, who were discussing important matters in the mountain and sea boundary of Nightless Tiancheng, all stopped, and looked beyond Tiancheng to the depths of the heavenly court.

Outside the heavens and the earth, in the stars of the universe, a magnificent bell sounded and shook the nine heavens and ten earths, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye swept across the four gates of the heaven.

In the long river of illusory fate, a true spirit soared into the sky, and the crimson sky under the evil calamity was reflected by a powerful golden light. The golden sacredness and darkness and evil were intertwined, and half of the sky was illuminated with golden light mixed with bloody light.

But the voice of the Dao that resounded high in the sky shocked the soul, pierced the heart and shook the soul, like ten thousand ghosts crying together, or like ten thousand gods chanting together, demons and demons are indistinguishable!
Then, I saw a crippled figure flying out of the Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court, a demon clan whose aura was decaying.

The next moment, Nuwa's descendants summoned the Five Elements Spirit Orbs, and the Hunyuan Five Spirit Beads bridged the Great Formation of the Heavenly Court. The five-element Hunyuan Shield guarded the four gates of the Heavenly City and blocked the entire Heavenly Court, including hundreds of thousands of demon cultivators inside.

In the world of mountains and seas, Qing Lan and Ge Kun both clapped their hands and smiled, and the weeping blood was much softer. He laughed and said, "This evil sword, immortal and demon source has been destroyed, so we can no longer fight."

Qinglan nodded and said with a smile: "In this way, the demon clan lost a demon king who is comparable to a quasi-sage, and my Tiancheng has another quasi-sage who is powerful!"

"Sure enough, this kid usually looks like a stuffed gourd that should not be approached by strangers, but he really should not be underestimated inside. He has become the first junior to break through the quasi-sage!" Ge Kun stroked his white beard that was three points long, He narrowed his eyes and smiled.

On Nine Heavens, in the Palace of Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole sat on the throne with a pale complexion, looking as if his vitality had been seriously injured.

Standing beside him was a handsome man in black. The most eye-catching thing about him was his pair of eyes of different colors, one red and one gold.

On the side, Qu Kong stood with his hands behind his back, a rare look of hesitation appeared on his face, but it was only for a moment, and the next moment he said decisively: "Di Que, you are here to take care of Emperor Ziwei, outside there are four sages of the North Pole to clean up and be punished." The remaining demons trapped in the enchantment of heaven.

You must remember not to leave his side half a step!If something like the evil sword fairy's surprise attack and serious injury to the emperor happened again, you should know the end. "

Hearing this, the man named Di Que restrained his arrogance, tilted his head and smiled, and said, "Yes, I naturally follow my will!"

Seeing this, Qu Kong nodded, turned around and walked into the hall.

Seeing this, Emperor Ziwei asked weakly: "Are you so unwilling to stay?"

Qu Kong, who turned around and left, paused, but still didn't turn his head, he just said lightly, "Master's kindness is more important than my life!"

Before the words fell, the golden light flickered and turned into a long rainbow, and rushed to Tiancheng, and Teng Liu also turned into a light and left to return to Tiancheng.

The crisis in the heaven was resolved, and Qu Kong was a coincidence, fighting with the evil sword fairy to break through the realm of Daluo, beheading the evil corpse, and entering the realm of quasi-sage power!
Nightless Tiancheng, on the wall of Dongfang Tianmen, Yueke led the elders of Dongling Mansion to climb the tower to look.

Standing on the majestic city wall of Tiancheng, looking to the east, the sun is rising.

It was supposed to be a scene where the golden crow breaks through the sea of ​​clouds, and the dawn illuminates the vast and vibrant scene of all things, but under the cohesive and persistent demons all over the sky, it only looks like the sky is like blood, and the horror hangs high.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, there are endless monsters running wildly, charging towards Tiancheng.Even though the sky city was tens of thousands of feet taller, it still seemed insignificant in the face of the endless horde of beasts.

Thousands of beasts are ferocious, and a billion fierce monsters rush across mountains and rivers to attack the city of heaven.In the sky, flying monsters like boundless black clouds attacked.

The sound of beasts terrifies the whole world, the wild running of thousands of beasts makes the earth tremble, the mountains and rivers are broken, the sun and the moon are dimmed, and the devil is rampant!
In all directions of Tiancheng, there have been layers of flickering aura passports, and the defensive formations of Tiancheng have been operating to the extreme. There are immortals everywhere in the formations who are constantly taking out the spirit stones that have exhausted their aura, and then instantly put them into those with sufficient aura. Lingshi, and took out pieces of spirit stones that had exhausted their vitality, and so on.

In the four directions of Tiancheng, the military formations of the four directions have been arranged neatly, and the bright and uniform iron armor and helmets have filled the guards of all sides with a chilling atmosphere.

Even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles away, the pressure of the boundless and terrifying beast horde is testing every soldier's mind and sharpening their will.

In front of Dongfang Tianmen, Yueke put on the silver armor for the first time, even though the armor was thick, it still couldn't hide her charm.But at this moment, her face was solemn and solemn.

"One hundred thousand Dongling Heavenly Army, dare to fight with me?"

One hundred thousand of the most dazzling Celestial Army of Heavenly City came out in unison, and the orderly response resounded through the sky of Tiancheng.

"The subordinates will fight with the Palace Master to the death!"

These one hundred thousand soldiers, maybe they used to be all kinds of enchanting girls in the flower building. The world thought that they could only "love things between men and women", but they forgot that each of them was a fairy, a heavenly army!

In the west, Qu Ru stands in front of thousands of troops with a golden spear and a spear, and a golden cloak is fluttering behind him.

In the south, Jiawu, who is always in a state of distress on weekdays, now has a terrifying light in his eyes, standing in front of Wanjun, guarding the southern Tianmen.

In the north, Obsidian's slender figure is still perfect in silver armor, holding a three-foot long snake spear in each hand, and his peerless face reflects a dignified and evil spirit.

In the center of Tiancheng, Yueji Minghou, the two famous gods of death, stood quietly in front of the 20 celestial army, stationed in the center, and listened to the orders of the lord.

Shen Gongbao was in the Linghuang hall, and the flags of orders were passed on without stopping. Baoshan Sanren also watched the overall situation and issued orders.

The sun rises higher and higher, and the distance between the Endless Devil and Tiancheng is getting closer and closer, one hundred thousand miles, eighty thousand miles, fifty thousand miles, twenty thousand miles, nine thousand miles, one thousand miles!

Thousands of miles away, to the sight of an immortal, it is like a short distance away.The soldiers outside the Sifang Tianmen could even see those ferocious monsters rushing forward, the saliva splashing from their sharp teeth, and the violent panting.

A beast tide with no end in sight!It is said that there are one billion!
They only had less than a million heavenly troops, and even scattered to each city gate no more than a hundred thousand.

For fierce beasts, even a drop in the ocean is exaggerated.But none of them retreated, because the general in front of them and Tiancheng behind them.

On this day, the prehistoric hour belongs to the city that never sleeps!
At this moment, the eyes of all immortals, great powers, and sentient beings also belong to Tiancheng!
This battle belongs to them!
This battle will definitely be recorded in the annals of all races, will be remembered by all living beings, and will never be forgotten by the world!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers face endless demons in front of them, and their backs face the lights of thousands of families in Tiancheng.

It is the mission, the responsibility, the glory, and their own unyielding heart. If they dare to fight the world, why should they be afraid of mere demons?

Drums of war rise from heaven and earth, flames rise from all directions, thousands of armies and horses fight to the death, loyal and not afraid of dead bones!
The battlefield of heaven and earth is their battlefield. At this moment, the souls of all the soldiers in Tiancheng are trembling with excitement. This is their glory and glory. The light of ants illuminates the sky and determines the general trend of the world!
What countless powerful ancestors could not do, these ants can do at this moment!

Guarding Tiancheng, the place where they live all their lives, behind them is the person they guard or the home they guard, beside them are comrades-in-arms in the same robe and generals who will fight bloody battles to live and die together, and in front of them are the demons and beasts who cannot live or die together.

The sound of war drums beating between heaven and earth shakes the universe. The eternal sky and the murderous intent of all living beings bloom at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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