Chapter 660 The Great War Begins

81 golden god drums are raised in the four directions of Tiancheng, and 81 Taiyi golden immortals are hammering the god drums together.




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The mighty divine sound shakes all directions, and the passionate drums shake the hearts of every heavenly army.

Since the 81 divine drums radiated golden sound waves, the sound of the divine drum crushed the sounds of countless beasts, and even directly shattered the bodies of thousands of monsters at the forefront of the beast tide until they collapsed.

The sound of heaven and earth is condensed on 81 divine drums, all things are silent, only the grand and great sound of the divine drum resounds through the soul.

Above one billion fierce beasts, the four fierce generals stand with their hands behind their hands, or with their chests folded, ignoring Tiancheng.

The thirteen demon kings with seven passions and six desires stood side by side with them, and also looked at Tiancheng in the distance where the golden sound waves gushed endlessly.

The Demon King of Extreme Joy said: "Four Beast Gods, this Evernight City is no small matter. Don't take it lightly. Just use the beast tide to consume their strength. When they are exhausted, they will take down the City in one fell swoop and rescue the Demon Ancestor."

The god of the fierce mountain stared back, and shouted: "Could it be possible to watch my billion orcs lose here?"

The Mo Wang sighed: "This is helpless. If this method is not used, the two quasi-sages in Tiantian City, no, the three quasi-sages are not easy to provoke, especially the old turtle!"

The god of the undead had a gloomy look in his eyes, and said quietly, "Could it be that you guys see me waiting alone, what do you want to do?"

The extremely angry demon king shouted: "Presumptuous! You, one billion beasts, are all resurrected by the secret method of my demon clan. If there is no help from me, what do you really think you have done?"

The Demon King of Extreme Worry hurriedly said: "Okay, if we continue to quarrel, I'm afraid that before we can attack Tiancheng, we will be in chaos first.

Since the four are thinking about the orcs, then the four just make a move.

We and the demons will accumulate strength on the side, and if we are at a disadvantage for the four, we will help. "

The God of Cursed Killing looked at the demon kings in his beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "Then I would like to thank you all, and I hope that you will not let the water go, after all, it is your demon ancestor who was saved!

The old man can see clearly how much effort you put in! "

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the demons present flickered.

The god of evil wind sneered, and said: "Why bother with their demons, just be reckless!"

As the voice fell, his figure flashed in front of the crowd of beasts in an instant, his hands were moved back, his head was forward, he opened his teeth, and suddenly let out a beast roar that shocked all spirits!


The roar of the tiger from the king of beasts shattered the sky, and a powerful and terrifying airflow burst out, forming a black sound wave that swept forward and collided with the golden sound wave of Tiancheng.


There was a roaring sound between the heaven and the earth, and Wan Sheng only felt a piercing sound of a golden sword coming from his ear. At this moment, I don't know how many people are deaf.

Jin Yin collided with Hei Yin, Hei Yin continued to move forward, but Jin Yin was defeated.

After all, the 81 Taiyi Golden Immortals, even with the Supreme Treasure of Sound Dao, cannot compete with this powerful man from the ancient times.

The black sound waves are like tens of thousands of tigers charging forward, and the breath of the top predator is frightening.


With a sound of seven strings, bursts of golden sound waves emanated from the sky of Tiancheng again, like golden tides rolling in, overwhelming the five mountains.

The golden light falls, the music is empty, and the divine qin is played. The phoenix inhabits the guqin and gives birth to two phoenixes. One phoenix spreads its wings and the sky reflects the golden light of the world. Under the magnificent scenery, there are endless murderous intentions. Thousands of voices transform into the voice of the phoenix. The phoenix overlooks the world. The tiger looked up at the sky.

The tiger collided with the phoenix, the phoenix spread its wings and returned to its nest, and the tiger shattered and weathered.

The White Tiger Warrior, the god of evil wind, looked straight at Qu Kong with horrifying eyes, and said with a sneer, "A mere junior who has just become a quasi-sage dares to fight me to the death, how courageous!"

Qu Kong didn't have the slightest intention to speak, he directly stretched out his ten fingers again, stroked the seven strings and then came out to compete with heaven and earth!

This time it is no longer the golden sound, but the colorful sound. The sound is divided into five rhythms, and the qin has seven strings.

Shafeng was furious, and the person in front of him didn't care about him at all. Whether it was disdain or arrogance, he had already offended him.

The god of evil wind made a move, and a five-foot amber long knife emerged and was held.

As soon as the Tiger Saber came out, a sense of the way of the sword that looked down on the world was immediately displayed without reservation.

The sharp edge of the tiger knife split the void, and the fragmented void was shattered by the murderous piano sound, completely collapsing.

The two ascended to the third heaven, unreservedly displayed duels, life-and-death struggles, and Dao vein struggles, without the slightest consideration or mercy.

Down below, a billion fierce demons finally rushed to the front of Tiancheng for a hundred miles, and all the heavenly armies from all directions turned into streams of light and descended from Tiancheng, landing in the tide of thousands of beasts.

And just when the 40 heavenly army threw themselves into the beast tide and fell into the sky, thousands of thorns suddenly protruded from behind them, countless and endless ferocious thorns, accompanied them, and fought against the beasts together!
On the sky city, the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor stood tall, with endless thorns protruding from his side, thorns and immortals, companions walking together, life and death follow each other!
Weeping blood shouted loudly: "This emperor should be with you in life and death!"

At this moment, the minds of all the heavenly army were trembling and excited.

The thorns of the Jedi in the ten directions represent death and perdition.But today, the thorns covering the sky are their companions and also their spiritual emperors, representing that life and death go hand in hand, and they will never leave!
The sound of war drums reappeared, and the sound of vast drums was vibrating for them. The war song was sung high, the fighting was endless, thorns followed, and they protected each other with their lives.

There are tens of thousands of thorn flowers, devouring the flesh and blood of countless monsters.Blood began to flow on the ground, and the blood of monsters spilled on the vast land. The Celestial Army immortals fought bravely and charged forward, blocking before the Celestial City.

The spirit treasure flickered, the fairy sword was unsheathed, and the supernatural powers were displayed, showing their sharpness.Celestial army immortals fight without fear, and monsters charge without fear.

40 celestial troops, only 40, but far more than a million celestial troops!
40 celestial troops, each of whom started as a celestial being, 24 Xuanxian, [-] Jinxian, [-] Taiyi, [-] Daluo, compared to these many monsters who only know how to fight, do not understand spiritual knowledge, and do not understand supernatural powers , many times stronger.

Moreover, thousands of thorns and flowers blossomed into herds of beasts, covering them with strength and perseverance, charging forward to block the wild charging power of the beasts.

In the sky above Tiancheng, the endless flying monsters either sacrificed their lives and directly hit Tiancheng, or released streaks of magic light to attack Tiancheng's defensive formation.

The four heavenly gates of the Tiancheng City each release the earth, wind, water, and fire, the four elements of supernatural powers, and tens of thousands of monsters will fall into the sky and sink to the earth forever when the light flashes.

On the walls of the four directions, there are also many divine crossbows, which emit thousands of divine lights and shoot down countless birds.

At the beginning of the battle, the wave of monsters and beasts suffered huge losses, and countless beasts died in no time, turning into flying ash and dissipating in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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