Chapter 661
The eyes of the God of Cursed Killing shone brilliantly, and she stepped straight into the battlefield of ten thousand beasts, with countless mysterious spells condensed in her eyes, and the pupil of death cast her eyes on the tens of thousands of heavenly troops who were fighting and charging below.

Down below, the tens of thousands of heavenly troops who were struggling to fight suddenly trembled violently, as if something extremely terrible had happened.

The next moment, the falling spirit pattern on the center of their brows flickered, and it bloomed brightly for a moment, but it turned dark again.

The purple blood thorns around the tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers surged wildly, and thousands of flowers bloomed to swallow the mysterious and unknown power in the void.

But it was only for a moment, the flowers bloomed and withered, and tens of thousands of purple blood thorns lost their vitality and withered and fell.

And Jiawu, the commander of the Nanling Legion, was shocked when he saw the twinkling pupils of the Goddess of Cursing and Killing in the sky above.


The phantom of the five elements and eight trigrams also collapsed immediately, and Jiawu's supernatural power was broken, and a mouthful of blood was directly shocked.

Tens of thousands of heavenly troops saw the Goddess of Curse Killing above them at this moment, but no one was afraid, the drums were beating in their ears, and the bravery of the soldiers was inexhaustible. Even if they really fell, they would die for the Tao and the city , Although dead, still alive!
The light in the eyes of the cursed goddess was not dimmed, and the strange and invisible power swept in again.

Suddenly, a long mist rises from the dark ground, and the eerie aura overlaps, making the strange force lose its target.

A horrifying laugh came from the ground. I don't know when the land turned into a ghost lake. It was as quiet as stagnant water, like a mirror, reflecting the sky and the earth, as well as the Goddess of Cursing and Killing.

The goddess of cursing and killing became vigilant in her heart, she withdrew her supernatural power, and slapped the huge force directly on the water with her palm.

A withered and thin ghost claw protruded from the water, and collided with the giant palm. The void shook and the two palms disappeared.

The horrifying and weird laughter came again, the laughter that resembled a man, a woman, a man and a ghost, coupled with the eerie haunted house and the mysterious and cold mirror lake, it was really frightening.

"It's been a long time since the old lady tasted a delicious soul. Although this girl is ugly, her soul power is extremely attractive."

The water surface of Jinghu Lake was rippling, and an old crooked old woman appeared, with a face like dead skin, laughing scarier than crying.

There was a faint light in his cloudy eyes, looking at the god of cursed killing.

However, Jiawu was overjoyed, this is the evil ghost hag of the elder Qinglan came to help!He immediately ordered tens of thousands of celestial troops to withdraw for tens of thousands of miles, and leave it to these two powerful men to avoid accidental injury.

The Goddess of Curse Killing looked gloomy, and said: "An ugly thing that is neither human nor ghost, dare to despise the appearance of this god?"

As soon as the words fell, the pupils of different colors reappeared, and two horrifying rays of death light hit the hag's body.

With a pair of palms, the hag managed to absorb the two dead qi intact. If you use the dead qi to fight ghosts, it will never return!
The wrinkled face of the hag was full of smiles, and said: "Girl doll, there is not only one person in this world who can learn pupil skills!"

The god of cursing and killing was startled, and only then did he realize the difference in his whole body.She didn't know when she was pulled into the ghost pupil illusion!
"When did you use your supernatural powers?"

The hag smiled faintly, but of course she didn't pay attention to it. As soon as she appeared, she used the ghost pupil illusion to pull herself and the cursed goddess into the illusion.

At this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, both the hag and the cursed goddess are still, and ghost fog and nightmares surround a dead place thousands of miles away.

The hag knew that she was only a corpse, and it was difficult for her to defeat this powerful man from the ancient times, so she only wanted to procrastinate.

In the north, the Crazy Ape Warlord appeared, and the Chaos God Stick trained by the Chaos God Stone was lying in his hand. With one stick, he swept away tens of thousands of heavenly troops, and even the five elders of Da Luo couldn't stop the power of the stick!
The Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor in the sky above Tiancheng looked around the battlefield and sighed, he had no choice but to split up!
The next moment, countless purple blood thorns entangled and circled outside the Tianmen in the north, and the god of the fierce mountain fought fiercely to occupy the general's body, and the countless thorn gods wanted to pierce his body and devour his blood.

The Crazy Ape Warlord obviously didn't expect that Crying Blood would mobilize the three thorns to put pressure on him.Back then, Zhu Jiuyin, who was able to retreat half a step with Hunyuan strength, now even if the purple blood thorns scattered [-]% of his power, it was enough to suppress a quasi-sage!
But except for the north gate, most of the other three gates lacked the assistance of Purple Blood Thorn, and the pressure suddenly increased!
Fierceness flashed in the weeping blood eyes. Back then, the deity exterminated this ape once, so let him exterminate it again today. He wants to see if this god can resurrect this ape again!

In Tiancheng, Shen Gongbao hurriedly passed down a series of decrees, and all the soldiers were about to leave to dispatch all parties.

Minghou and Yueji, who guarded the center of Tiancheng, immediately led 30 celestial troops to the southeast and west three gates, and the five elders of Da Luo each led [-] celestial troops to support them.

Meanwhile, Yueji and Minghou flew straight up, facing the God of the Undead who had just arrived, Warlord Blood Crow!
Seeing only two big Luo Jinxians coming to meet him, Blood Crow Warlord couldn't help being stunned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous smile appeared on his face: "Is there no one in Evernight City? Or do you underestimate me, the god of the undead? Sending two big Luo Jinxians to fight me?"

Yueji smiled all over the city with her stunning beauty, and Qianqianyu popped out a dark moon spiritual post, which brought a stream of light and flew towards the god of the dead.

The god of the undead took it with one hand, turned it over and saw that it was a post with the word "kill" engraved on it, and the killing intent on it was as solid as the substance, and the killing intent alone would be shocked if the cultivation base was low Brave soul.

"Oh? Interesting!
You two are the famous killing gods!

Yue Ji sent the post with a smile, and Ming Hou Ye killed people, which is a bit interesting! "

Yue Ji covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, "The younger generation's mere name is just a vain name, but it's really unbelievable to be lucky enough to be in the ears of the senior."

Blood Raven Warlord's long and narrow eyes lighted up, and said: "It's not dark yet, and it's not time for you to make a move.

Then let the god send you all the way, dead souls in the daylight! "

After the words fell, Warlord Blood Raven stretched out his hand into the void, and a sharp scythe with a cold light emerged, exuding the breath of dead souls and the power of dead souls.

With a light swipe of the death sickle, a silver-white blade of light slashed straight out, slashing towards Minghou with terrifying death aura.

Yue Ji jumped up, and the three-foot long sword in her hand stirred the wind and clouds to cover the sky.

The five-foot-long knife in the hand of the Marquis of Ming below pierced straight down from the sky, the knife's energy was on the plate of blood, the murderous aura was like numbness, and the murderous intent was like a wolf or a tiger, only to hit the sickle of the death god.

Above, with a wave of the Yueji Lingjian, the wind and clouds covering the sky dissipated, a bright moon filled the sky, and the silver light blew across thousands of miles and fell on the earth.And Minghou was also instantly moved into space, out of the attack range of the death sickle.

After the sickle light shattered Minghou's knife light, it plunged straight into the ground and went deep into the ground.

Seeing this, Blood Crow Warlord let out a sigh, and said: "It seems that you really have some strength. The two of you are in the late stage of Da Luo, coupled with such an exquisite and mysterious joint attack technique, even if you face the quasi-sage. escaped safely."

"But it's a pity that I met this god!" The blood crow warrior smiled sinisterly, and looked at Yueji and Minghou.

(End of this chapter)

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