Chapter 662: Lian Sheng Demon Blood
Yueji and Minghou looked at each other with a tacit understanding, knowing their intentions without saying a word.

The god of the undead waved the scythe in his hand, and from the tip of the scythe, bursts of black and white intertwined light of the god of death rippled out. The light of the god of death is divided into black and white.

The black light of death radiates around the sky, the black light ripples silently, and the dead energy of the world sweeps towards the two of them.

Facing the light of death, Yueji stepped into the sky to make a law under the full moon, pointed at the moon with the sharp edge of the three-foot silver sword, pointed at the bright moon and silver light, and the nine-day brilliance and moonlight shone like water and moonlight. .

Marquis Ming wielded a five-foot long knife, the blade was extremely sharp, and the exuberant blood energy and majestic evil spirit were integrated into one.

Minghou Kongwu stands upright, with the knife standing one inch in front of him. The cold light of the blade separates the eyes of the left and right eyes. Human and knife in one!

At this moment, the blade has a soul, and the blade has a soul. There are countless souls who have been cut down by this blade, and today they vow to add a new soul!
Don't ask where is sacred in front of the sword, don't ask about the great power and virtue in front of the sword, the person who will be killed at the point of the blade, don't ask the heavens to forget ghosts and gods, there is only one sword in the world!

The blade cuts through nothingness and infinity, brings blood-colored meteors, and the nine-day cold moon adds brilliance to the frost that falls on it. Silver and blood are intertwined. fear!
At this moment, whether it is Yueji or Minghou, the holiness of Daluo Jinxian and Daluo's supreme avenue are fully displayed on them, and the coercion is tens of thousands of miles away.

The entire city outside the Nightless Sky was shrouded in four colors.

Black, white, silver and red weave the colors of the whole world!

Where the four lights collide, the void shatters, the law is out of control, and the eyes are blinded.

For a long time, the strong light and the bright colors are dimmed, and everything returns to its color.

The hand of the god of undead holding the scythe was numb from the shock, and his face was even more amazed. "The Nightless Sky City is really full of geniuses, and the talents of the two are rewarded by this god.

You guys, would you like to join me?Can be alive, and even a step further! "

Facing him thousands of feet away, the full moon dharma disappeared, Yue Ji was covered in bloodstains and her clothes were ragged.Ming Hou's divine sword has been dimmed, and the blade has been curled. Since becoming a Taoist companion, he has devoted himself to Yue Ji, never asking right or wrong, never afraid of life and death, and only cares about whether she is willing or not.

Yueji helped Minghou up, holding a sword in one hand, her temple hair was messed up, fluttering in the wind, and three thousand black hairs reflected her beauty.

Minghou and Yueji looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "

The city of heaven is immortal, my heart belongs forever.

Where there is light, there is never night.

I wish to protect my heavenly city with my body.

Mountains and seas can be destroyed, and the sun and the moon can be dimmed.

Only my heavenly city, the holy light shines forever! "

After the words fell, the god of the undead sighed and was about to speak.

But behind him, an extremely slender ray of light flashed silently, a ray of light wrapped around his waist, the seven-colored Lingzhu ignited the glass, the pure fire burned the body, and the holy light subdued the devil.

Xiaozhu took advantage of the brilliance of the peerless blow of the three of them, and with the help of the law of blue space, he hid the Blood Crow Warlord close to him, waiting for a long time for this decisive blow!
Although she was extremely fast, the Blood Crow Warlord existed, she reacted instantly, and the death energy burst out from her body, resisting the glazed fire and blocking the whiteness of the light, but there was still a ray of light piercing her body, entering the blood three points.

The moment Xiao Zhu made a move, he retreated instantly, not daring to stay at all.

The blood crow general was injured and shouted angrily: "How courageous!"

A wave of blood-colored light suddenly burst out from the pupils full of anger, rushing towards him with lightning speed.

Seeing this, Xiaozhu smiled instead of being surprised, pointed at the bloody light with one hand, and pointed at the god of undead with the other, and shouted in the same way: "Open!"

Before his voice fell, a dim light flickered in front of him, ghostly transforming into a million-character giant, blocking the bloody light wave with a strong body and a body without a soul.

On the other side, the ray of light in the blood crow warrior's body suddenly appeared a golden light, flesh and blood gave birth to lotus, a lotus gave birth to a lotus, a lotus bloomed,

The ninth-grade golden lotus hidden in that ray of light contains [-]% of the mana of Qinglan's full strength, and it grows continuously.

The golden lotus blossoms and multiplies in the body of the Blood Raven Warlord full of filth. Every lotus flower blooms must have the evil spirit of blood stains to disappear.

The god of the undead was shocked, his face changed wildly, and he immediately pinched the death energy all over his body, and the mighty death energy rushed to the golden lotus in his body, and the mighty death energy rushed towards the golden lotus blossoms. This side of heaven and earth.

For ordinary Buddhas and immortals, it is a great opportunity and great fortune, but for the beasts who practice evil spirits, it is fear!
Every lotus flower bloomed in his flesh and blood, rooted in his body and drilled into his bone marrow, as if the pain of ten thousand ants biting his bones was unbearable even for the Blood Crow Warlord.

Xiaozhu immediately aroused You, took advantage of his illness, and killed him!
Standing up with a giant body of one million feet, the shadows of heavy palms blocked the whole body of the Blood Crow Warlord, and all kinds of trees radiated from his body devoured him.

The Blood Crow Warlord was frightened and angry, and he was tricked if he didn't check for a while. There were already ten thousand lotuses growing in his body. The combat power can only be released by [-] to [-]% at most, and it is difficult to fight against the puppet You.

The blood crow warrior stood up and waved the death scythe, and when the scythe fell, there were countless more crows around the world, and the black death crows rushed towards You's huge palm, fearless of death, and held on with their strength.

Outside the battlefield, the thirteen demon kings looked solemn, and the two had already suppressed the four fierce beast generals before they could make a move.

Even if they face these four alone, they are three points inferior, but now they are stopped.

The Demon King of Extreme Worry stepped forward and said: "You can't wait any longer, it's my turn to wait!"

But the Demon King of Extreme Joy said: "Don't worry, let's see if the four of them can hold on for a while, first summon a million Jialou war demons, gain the advantage of the army outside Tiancheng, and force those two to make a move. The two of them are powerful!"

The Extremely Wrathful Demon King also said: "It is for this reason, I will attack first, I am afraid that they will be defeated by them all, so it is better to be cautious, and it is the best policy to control the superiority of the army first."

All demons are the same.

At the edge of the Tianmo battlefield, there was a loud roar, and the ground began to tremble, as if a huge heavy object was galloping, running, shaking the ground.

Accompanied by the billowing magic smoke, the magic smoke covered their bodies, making it impossible to see clearly.

In the tide of ten thousand beasts, they automatically exited a path, allowing the vast magic smoke to sweep into the battlefield of the demon.

The magic smoke gradually dissipated, and the wind and fog receded, revealing the mysterious things in the vast sea of ​​smoke.

Everyone's eyes were shocked, even terrified!
I saw demon gods standing in the faint black air. Each demon god had at least a gigantic body, and there were even hundreds of thousands of gigantic demons, all of whom had thick arms!

There are even more magnificent trolls with four arms, even six arms, and eight arms!
The bleak daylight shone on their majestic bodies, which made people feel the fear of facing irresistible power, and even the irresistible despair!

(End of this chapter)

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