Chapter 666 Two Gods Fall
In the main hall of Tiancheng, Shen Gongbao mourned silently with both eyes, and ordered: "Please bring out the army of locusts!"

Xiaozhu outside Dongtianmen has been waiting for a long time.

Under the order of a lifetime, in all the spaces occupying the four walls of Tiancheng, countless insects and the sound of flapping wings resounded.



. . . . . .

Spirit locusts flew out one by one, and condensed into clouds in groups.

Thousands, tens of thousands, millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions. . .

The endless swarms of insects wake up from small worlds everywhere, and the hunger in their bodies makes them restless, wanting to devour everything to fill their stomachs.

An endless stream of spiritual locusts spread all over the sky, and the spiritual energy within millions of miles of Tiancheng was instantly swallowed up!
The world was shocked!

Such terrifying races as the Spirit Locust Clan actually still exist in the world, and what is even more frightening is the endless number of Spirit Locusts!
Among the army of tens of billions of locusts, a beautiful woman walked out, wearing a bright yellow crown and holding an imperial staff.

She is the mother of this endless army of spiritual locusts, the king of spiritual locusts, and controls an army of trillions of spiritual locusts!

The mother of the spiritual locust waved the imperial staff in her hand, and whispered the ancient spell of the Zerg race in her mouth.

The next moment, the endless army of spiritual locusts fluttered their wings and flew past the heavenly army of Tiancheng, and the swarm of thousands of miles of insects met with the swarm of less than one billion beasts.

Countless ferocious beasts used their magical powers to crush and kill an unknown number of spiritual locusts, but more spiritual locusts made up for them, climbing on the bodies of the ferocious beasts.

Countless spirit locusts cling to the bodies of fierce beasts. A bite of flesh that is not enough to be measured by a spirit locust can't even bite the flesh. Only the hardest and hardest bones remained, scattered and fell to the ground.

For a time, the army of spiritual locusts and the army of beasts suffered heavy casualties.

A Garou war demon was devoured and died, with no flesh and blood remaining.

But a fierce beast can wipe out tens of thousands of locusts with one claw or one palm.

But, the army of spiritual locusts is really too much!

There is no room for reproduction in as many as three hundred small worlds, as many as trillions!
The spiritual locusts on the battlefield are falling at an alarming speed, and a large number of spiritual locusts are pouring out at an even more terrifying speed from various small worlds behind.

For a moment, with Tiancheng as the point, the army of locusts spread in all directions in dark gray, and the dark gray devoured everything!
Tiancheng Tianjun, Tuluo Tianjun, and more than [-] remaining puppets all returned to Tianmen to repair and rest.

Compared with the endless swarm of spirit locusts, the billion beast swarms of fierce beasts are nothing to mention!
All the great masters of magic in Tiancheng Bafang were shocked, and they all wanted to abandon their opponents one after another and withdraw to suppress the battlefield.

But how can the great powers of Tiancheng let them go so easily?One side wanted to leave, while the other side was desperately delaying, each of them fired a real fire.

The Crying Blood Spirit Emperor above Tiancheng, seeing this situation, decided in his heart that it was time for him to act.There are so many powerful demons, even if everyone in Tiancheng delays, it is definitely difficult to delay for too long.

The Weeping Blood Linghuang stretched out his hand, and the purple blood thorns scattered in all directions gathered back one after another, and the three purple blood thorns gathered together and pressed down on the north gate.

Thousands of purple blood thorns merged into one, and instantly turned into a thick blood vine thorn that went straight into the sky.

The ferocious aura of the purple blood thorns is no longer concealed. The purple blood thorns, which are as wide as Kunlun, have suppressed the god of the fierce mountain, the mad ape warrior, with a stalwart body, crushing everything and binding him to the roots of the purple blood thorns Underneath, countless thorns and barbs inserted into his body, frantically devouring the flesh and blood of this ancient strong man.

No resistance!A ferocious beast who was three points stronger than the quasi-sage's mighty power fell to the Purple Blood Bramble just like that.

The thorns devoured the flesh and blood of the god of the fierce mountain and became even more bloodthirsty.

The strength of this peerless beast is so strong that even half-step Hunyuan powerhouses will be extremely afraid of it.

When the God of the Fierce Mountain fell, hundreds of millions of ferocious beasts felt it. They all roared and screamed angrily, and charged even more frantically towards the City of Nevernight.

But it's a pity that it was blocked by the wave of spiritual locusts that were also fearless of death.But the other three gods of fierce beasts were both shocked and angry.

The God of Cursed Killing directly expended blood and blood to break out of the ghost-eyed illusion, and wanted to fight against Weeping Blood.

Its fierce pupils condensed endless curses, staring at the weeping blood across the void.

The weeping blood above Tiancheng felt it instantly, and lowered his head to meet the eyes of the God of Cursed Killing.

Neither evading nor hiding, looking straight at each other, the eyes of the two strong men intertwined, and their supernatural powers intersected.

Weeping Blood Linghuang's eyes were bleeding, and his eyes were blurred.

But his eyes still didn't budge, blood flashed in his eyes.


The God of Cursed Killing let out a scream, and a blood needle pierced through his left eye, and the pupil was destroyed.

Behind it, the hag stretched out her sharp and withered fingers, and grabbed the head of the cursed killing god.

At the moment of crisis, the tail of the snake under him swept across suddenly, crushing the void to block and escape, fighting the fatal blow with the tail injured.

In the third heaven, the god of evil wind saw this, and couldn't care about anything else. The evil wind gathered one finger and stretched out with one finger. The boundless hurricane descended and enveloped the god of cursed killing, bringing him back to his side.

At the same time, he yelled at the god of the undead: "Back!"

The sky is dark and the wind rises, covering the sky and the sun, and the howling wind can destroy the mountains and seas, like a lion and a tiger howling, thousands of wind blades roll towards the curved sky, and at the same time, the wind also disperses in all directions, fleeing and retreating.

The god of undead left when he heard the retreat.

However, as soon as he left, he was firmly blocked by the puppet You.Regardless of her injuries, Yue Ji flipped her hands over and took out a supreme talisman, which was a divine talisman that Qing Lan and Qing Luo painstakingly inscribed with the Dao pattern!

The Heaven-Sealing Dao Talisman instantly turned into countless mysterious tadpole-like dao patterns covering one part of the world, and turned into nine golden chains that locked the body of the undead god, restraining and sealing off one part of the world.

In the next moment, Crying Blood held back the severe pain of the destroyed eyes, and regardless of the violent curse on his body, he aroused the purple blood thorns again, and suppressed the god of the undead with peerless ferocity.

A blood needle flew up into the sky, piercing straight into the head of the god of the undead, and his flesh and blood were instantly swallowed up by the first needle of heaven and earth.

Under the purple blood thorns, thousands of black crows suddenly flew out, wanting to fly back to the sky.

Weeping Blood Linghuang sneered, even though the bleeding eyes were closed, it could still be seen that he was mocking.

He stretched out his arms, and countless blood crows flew out behind him in an instant, and his blood pressure overwhelmingly surrounded the tens of thousands of black crows. In the battle of ten thousand crows, the blood crows swallowed the black crows, and also swallowed the beast soul of the undead god. net.

Another god of ferocious beasts has fallen!
Weeping Blood Linghuang held back his injuries, and his thin body was strong enough not to tremble.The full blow of the God of Cursed Killing was not easy to receive, and this blow made Weeping Blood pay a great price.

But the harvest is worth it, the two gods of fierce beasts have fallen!

For a moment, the demon army was raging and screaming, and all the beasts lost control and went berserk. For the first time since the eruption of the calamity, the demon army showed signs of decline!

(End of this chapter)

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