Chapter 667 The Birth of Rahu
The God of Fierce Beasts retreated from the battlefield with two dead and two injured.

Seeing this scene, the thirteen demon kings were shocked, and couldn't care about anything else. They all turned into black streamers and retreated, returning to the rear of the demon army.

Above Tiancheng, an army of tens of billions of locusts circled around, sheltering Tiancheng, devouring the invading enemies from all directions, but they did not take advantage of the chaos to pursue the demon army.

Because the army of spiritual locusts is too fragile for the quasi-sage, a single quasi-sage can wipe out thousands of locusts with a single gesture, and the casualties will be extremely terrifying.

The only and strongest advantage of the army of locusts is their quantity.

This is also the reason why the spirit locust army was released after the demon ancestor's power was restrained.

All the major powers on both sides returned to the home court, and the battlefield of the demons was quiet.

The wind blows dust between the heavens and the earth, and sweeps across the land for thousands of miles. On the earth, blood flows like rivers, millions of dead bodies, countless dead bones and remnants, and the evil spirit is extremely dignified.

The blood crows flew down, eating carrion, and the purple blood thorns devoured flesh and blood spontaneously without control.

The army of spiritual locusts was also devouring the corpses, spreading densely across the battlefield, cleaning up the battlefield of the demon.

In the sky above Tiancheng, Qinglan and Ge Kun looked at Weeping Blood with slightly condensed expressions.

Yuelao, Qianzu, Shenggu, Hag, Yuyixian, and Qukong all cast the same heavy gaze on Qixue.

The Crying Blood Spirit Emperor looked at the crowd and said with a calm smile: "Everyone, the war is not over, the most urgent thing is the advantage of the Heavenly Demon battlefield, not my own life or death."

Ge Kun sighed, approached, patted Weeping Blood's thin but extremely tall shoulders, and said, "Don't worry, old man, I will never let your deity trust me."

Qinglan's eyes are complicated, even though she knows more, even though she knows that this is something that must be done, she still feels sad in her heart.

The Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor laughed loudly, the blood and tears in his eyes dispersed, and his long black hair fluttered in the air behind him. He is the lord of a city, and he is also the emperor of a city. To be an emperor, one must have a fearless heart .

The God of Cursed Killing hit him with all his strength, and it was not just as simple as hurting his eyes.

He has been cursed, his luck and fortune have been weakened too much, and he has suffered the backlash of the catastrophe.

And the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor had already handed over the authority of the Lord of Tiancheng, and his already weakened luck was reduced to an extremely low point by the curse of the God of Killing.

In other words, without the help of chance, his luck will be swallowed up and dried up, and the luck of the catastrophe will come, and he will fall into the catastrophe.

Crying Blood did not feel sad or frightened, but faced it calmly.This day will eventually come, and he has known this day since he was born, because he believes in this deity most in this world!
Just like the good corpse saves suffering Tianzun, although one is good and the other is evil, they all have the same view on the deity.

The Heavenly Demon battlefield can be said to be evenly matched, and Nightless Sky City defended the first wave of offensive.

Since the demon robbery, the demon army has never been frustrated, this is the first time that it has not won a battle!
Of the four gods of ferocious beasts, two died and one was seriously injured, and only one of them was able to fully display his combat power.The mighty power of the Demon Race is already at a disadvantage.

The thirteen demon kings dare not start the battle lightly. Once there is another battle, as long as there is one more quasi-sage who is not involved, it will be a devastating blow to the entire battlefield.

Time passed by, and the demon army had been stationed a million miles away from Tiancheng for three years. During this period, countless small-scale battlefields occurred, and there was never a large-scale war. It was just a small fight under the Da Luo Jinxian.

The thirteen demon kings finally couldn't bear it any longer, they all climbed up the Hundred Thousand Demon Cloud Mountain, and begged the ancestor of the hatred demons to take action and capture Tiancheng.

This is the only way, and the most feasible way!
On the top of Moyun Mountain, the ancestor of Qiumo indifferently ignored the thirteen demonic powers and ignored their pleas at all.

There is no strict subordinate relationship between the two parties, because the ancestor of the hatred demon is always an outsider, not the original demon.

The Demon King of Extreme Joy stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mozun, even if the Wutian Demon Ancestor treats you badly, the Demon Calamity is related to the origin of the ancestor Moyuan. The old man of the First Ancestor taught you all the supernatural powers and magic weapons before the Demon Calamity came out. You can't Don’t pay it back.”

The ancestor of Qiu Mo sneered, "Oh? A mere demon king, how dare to point fingers in front of this ancestor? Just relying on that trash who was suppressed under Tiancheng?"

The expression of the extremely sad Demon King changed drastically, and he cried out: "Mozun, if you don't take action, how will Wutian Mozun get out of trouble? When we rescue Wutian Mozun, we are only acting according to the old man's words from the ancestor."

"Presumptuous!" Qiu Mo yelled coldly: "Don't use Luohu to suppress the ancestor. Since I am the ancestor of Hunyuan Demon, why should I wait for the ants to intervene in my actions?"

The Extremely Wrathful Demon King said angrily: "Oh, it turns out that Lord Demon Venerable still knows the name of the ancestor.

If you don't take action, you're afraid it's not to protect this prehistoric Taoist sect, right?You are a devil, you still want to go back to the past?If not that year. . .Pfft~ you, you"

The extremely angry demon king watched in shock with a bare hand passing through his body, taking away the demon heart in his body, and fell to the ground paralyzed in disbelief, his body turned into flying ashes.

The other twelve demon kings were equally shocked as they watched the Enemy Demon who killed the extremely angry demon king with one hand.

The Demon King of Extreme Worry shouted immediately: "Everyone, Demon Venerable Demon Venerable has betrayed, quickly wake up the ancestor's evil thoughts!"

Immediately, the twelve devil kings recited the obscure ancient magic words, and the twelve devil kings became one, turning into a deep and endless vortex of void.

The Ancestor of Hatred Demon shot out instantly, and with one palm, Zhiwei Hunyuan Power collapsed the vortex.

However, there is still a flash of black spirit rushing in, slowly flying towards the enemy.

Enemy was immediately frozen, unable to move at all.Because the two primordial spirits in her body were fighting for the control of her body, the physical body had no control over it for a while.

In his Lingtai, there is a Taoist spirit, namely Yunxiao.

One is the remnant magic thought left by Rahu, the ancestor of the devil.

As soon as the black light from the vortex of nothingness entered Qiu Mo's body, it combined with Luohu's remaining evil thoughts, and the black light instantly flourished, suppressing Yunxiao Primordial Spirit and controlling the body of Qiu Mo's ancestor.

The magic power of the ancestor of Qiu Mo came from Rahu. Even after hundreds of thousands of years, the traces of the demon race could not be erased. Therefore, the remnant soul of Luo Hu could easily control the body of the ancestor of Qiu Mo.

And just when that ray of black light entered the prehistoric universe, in the vast star universe, in the star universe created by an extraordinary supernatural power among the two stars of the moon and the sun, in the independent universe, there is a galaxy called the Milky Way. The stars in Yan Yijie are the earth today!

On the earth, human beings prosper, and their footprints go out of the earth, covering planets such as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Earth.

At this time, the earth is already in the midsummer of 2121 AD.

In the land of Zhongzhou in China, in the capital city of Zhongzhou, in a high-end community park, a young man who was running at night suddenly stopped. The boy's face covered with acne was covered with sweat, and his slightly fat body became even more angry after running. blow.

He raised his head, his eyes fixed on the starry sky, looking towards the true north, and then to the true south, where the north and south poles meet.

The young man sighed, and muttered to himself: "I, Shangguan Lingyun, will not be able to spend eternal life in peace after all."

(Stay tuned for the protagonist of the next book.)
Above the north and south poles, endless black air emerged, covering the sky and forming a polar night.Luo Hu Yuanshen glanced at this world, and did not have any interest in these strange but still ants human race. He stepped out step by step, broke through the nodes of the space formation, and stepped out of the place sealed by the Taoist ancestors. middle.

On the earth, the huge and vast ice sheets and snow mountains at the north and south poles have melted, turned into fresh water, and merged into the ocean, causing the sea level to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, that ugly young man, Shangguan Lingyun appeared in the North Pole, raised his arms, and a round of lunar moon appeared behind him, and the icy cold air once again sealed the North Pole.

He turned around again and reached the South Pole.Summoned the phantom of the lunar moon again, freezing the Antarctic water.

Although he is the son of Daoxuan, he was born on the earth where there is no aura, so there is only so much he can do for the earth.

In the depths of the chaos, in Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun opened his eyes, and after years of planning, he will finally reveal himself.

Luo Hu, who was on the edge of the wilderness, was about to step into the wilderness, but a strange yet familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Rahu, we haven't seen each other for several epochs."

(End of this chapter)

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