Chapter 668
Luo Hu didn't turn around, but just sighed: "Yang Mei, who is also a Chaos god and demon, Pangu's hatred of destroying Dao and slaughtering his body, have you forgotten like this?"

The old man in green robe shook his head and chuckled, "Although fellow Taoist Pangu destroys gods and demons, he can also destroy the origin of the Hongmeng Dao, truly detached and free.

My heart is only for Xiaoyao, and I don't ask about cause and effect disputes. "

Luo Hu snorted coldly, "It's useless to talk about the past, but today you want to prevent me from entering the prehistoric world?"

Yang Mei chuckled, "Yes, and no."

Luo Hu was stunned for a moment, then he sneered and said, "You and Hongjun are still planning to plan Pan Gu's evil?
Overreaching. "

The words fell, and one step into the prehistoric.

Yang Mei's eyes turned to the depths of the chaos, Qing Luo, whose aura and space trajectory was covered by him, the great catastrophe will fall on you. Whether you can become the god of Taoxuan from the son of Taoxuan depends on good fortune!
In the prehistoric sky, there is a demon returning, and all the demons in the world, who are arrogant and prey, all bow their heads and bow their heads in reverence.

All the ancient golden immortals panicked. He came back, the demon who competed with Hongjun, sentient beings and heaven for the world, returned.

The devil's calamity, the calamity, and the calamity qi instantly surged, and the calamity cloud spread to 33 heavens, completely covering the sun, moon, and stars, and the entire prehistoric region was darkened.

The void was rippling under the feet of the demon ancestor Luohu, and he stretched out his hand. The twelfth-rank world-destroying black lotus returned, the god-killing spear returned, and the endless magic sources in the body of the ancestor of the hatred returned.

The power of Hunyuan once again swept across the world, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the sun and the moon were dimmed.

All the mighty hearts fell to the bottom.

Luo Hu looked at Qiu Mo who had lost his magical power with calm eyes, and sighed: "The enemy is a traitor, and I will use it to imprison the ancestral land of the demon, so I won't come back."

At this moment, the primordial spirit has returned to the main body of Qiu Mo, no, at this moment, she can no longer call Qiu Mo, she should be called Yun Xiao.

There is no panic in Yunxiao's eyes, only numbness. The hatred in the past has dissipated, but it is difficult to return home when there is no hatred in his heart.

Luo Hu turned around and looked at the Nightless City halfway across the prehistoric world, ignoring the many great powers to the east of the Kunlun Mountain, and pointing at the Nightless City in the distance with the God Killing Spear.


With the God-killing Spear released, this ancient magic soldier truly displayed its destructive power in the hands of its master.

The demonic light of the great extinction directly swept across the mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles, and the mighty power of the demons wrapped in the power of the demon lord in the era of the catastrophe in the world, such as the punishment of the gods, judges the city of heaven, and will surely destroy it!
Weeping Blood Linghuang stepped forward and stood in front of everyone.

Everyone in Tiancheng was surprised, only Qinglan and Ge Kun were sad and silent.

The Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor stands above the Heavenly City, with his back facing west and facing the Eastern Desolation, with his arms outstretched, a blood-colored royal robe fluttering, three thousand long hair fluttering behind him, and his feminine and evil face has lost all majesty at this moment.

The weeping blood spirit emperor gathers the calamity clouds from all directions, arouses the evil spirits of the heavens and the earth in all directions, and attracts the killing intent of all living beings.

The black and red terrifying vortex of Qi enveloped the figure of the Linghuang, blocking the sight of all the immortals in Tiancheng.

In the east, the God-killing Spear came through thousands of miles in an instant, bringing death, failure, and despair.

The violent energy of all kinds of heaven and earth gathers in the blood-weeping body, becoming more and more violent and powerful.

Weeping blood is the evil corpse of Qingluo, born of the first corpse in the heaven and earth, drawn out by endless evil spirit, with evil spirit as body, blood as soul, and evil corpse with killing as the heart!
He was born with evil spirit, murderous spirit, and catastrophic spirit, so naturally he is not afraid of these heaven and earth energies that gave birth to him.

The God-killing Spear has reached hundreds of millions of miles away from Tiancheng, and the black light of destroying the world swallows all the light in the world, and a shadow is shrouded in the hearts of the immortals in Tiancheng.

Suddenly, the black and red vortex in the sky dissipated, and the murderous aura of tens of billions of worlds disappeared.

The figure of the Weeping Blood Emperor appeared again, standing on the top of the sky, always attracting attention and cannot be ignored.

In the era of turbulent wind and cloud, the moment when the sky is full of robbery clouds, just like when he walked into the prehistoric.

A generation of emperors, peerless elegance, unforgettable.

Weeping Blood didn't turn around, turned his head and smiled lightly, and took a last look at the Evernight City behind him. His Nightless City was still bright and dazzling.

All the millions of immortals in Tiancheng felt a different charm and noticed something strange.

The Crying Blood Spirit Emperor closed his eyes, looked at the God-killing Spear that was about to break through the sky, laughed wildly, and turned into a billowing tide of blood that also swept eastward.

On the Tiancheng, Xiaozhu seemed to understand clearly, just like when the Heavenly Rescue God fell.

This time, she did not shed tears, she took a step forward, bent down to perform the salute, and shouted loudly: "Farewell to the Linghuang!"

Qu Kong also stepped forward and called out in the same way: "Farewell to the Linghuang!"

All the Daluo Jinxians felt something, they all bowed down and prayed: "Send off the Linghuang!"

In the City of Nightless Heaven, millions of immortals have realized it at this moment, and they all bowed down and prayed: "Respectfully send off the Linghuang~"

Weeping blood in the surging blood tide in the sky, when he heard the voices behind him, thousands of calls, and thousands of voices to see him off, he smiled. He has protected him all his life, guarded him all his life, and has never regretted it!

The sky is boundless, and the endless black tide of the killing god spear destroys the magic light and swallows all hope of life.

The tide of blood is rolling, the vast sea of ​​blood is boundless, and the bloody murderous slaughter is facing each other, and a little blood is hidden in the bloody sharp edge.

The eternal killing intent of the god-killing gun and the vast killing tide of weeping blood meet from the mid-air.

Earthquakes resounded, all things lost their voices, the darkness was covered in black and blood, the sky was full of blood, murderous intentions abounded, black and red enveloped all beings, the soul trembled with fear, and the heavens and earth wailed for it.

From the north-central part of Nanzhan Buzhou, where the murderous spear collided with the blood tide of killing intent, a wave of air suddenly spread, sweeping across the four continents.

The Crying Blood Spirit Emperor is dead!
The sky will rain blood, and the earth will pour blood.

The killing gun returns, and the weeping blood spirit emperor dies.

The First Corpse in the Heaven and Earth in the Calamity of Conferring Gods, and the First Needle in the Heaven and Earth, live and accompany each other, live and die together.

In Tiancheng, all immortals mourn together, and Linghuang dies by protecting the city with his body.

In the central and northern part of Nanzhan Buzhou, the earth collapsed for thousands of miles, the central and northern part of Nanzhan Buzhou was cracked open, and the shock broke away from Nanzhan Buzhou, causing countless deaths and injuries!
At the moment of the weeping blood Linghuang's death, in the distant chaos, Qingluo's deity under Dayan opened his eyes together.

The ancient tower of Yuanling released a burst of imperceptible inspiration, sweeping across the entire prehistoric world.

He once cut out two corpses, good and evil, and one corpse was good, saving the suffering.A dead body is evil, killing all living beings.

Today, both corpses are scattered.

The inspiration of Yuanling Ancient Pagoda swept across the world, and inexplicably a little bit of white light appeared on the vast land, lighting up a square inch of light.

The Yuanling Ancient Pagoda swept across the sky and the earth, and on the vast expanse of land, a little bit of black light appeared inexplicably, darkening the square inch of space.

One black and one white, one good and one evil, hundreds of millions of black and white light spots rise out of the prehistoric world and flow back to the body of the deity.

Luo Hu in the prehistoric world first burst out laughing, weeping blood and blew himself up beyond his control, and then he was startled by countless black and white light spots of nothingness between the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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