The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 670 Cutting the original self, heaven and earth!

Chapter 670 Cutting the original self, heaven and earth!
Qing Luo shook her head and said, "No.

You are the mind of the self, you are the three corpses, and you return to the self, and you are ideal.I have good and evil, I have right and wrong, but you do not.

Walking in the world and traveling in the universe, you should bear my heart and be in harmony with the hearts of all beings in the world. "

The expression on my face was even colder, and there was an indifferent and ruthless light in my eyes: "Hehe, that's right.

When I was born, I was to be cut out, and I became a Hunyuan Supreme, who was famous and remembered by the world, but no one knew about me, no one remembered, and my life and death would no longer be known by the world.

I am not reconciled. I was born in the world. When I was born, I was hidden. When I died, I was nothing. I returned to nothingness. No one in the world will remember me. "

"No, that's not the case."

Qing Luo smiled lightly, his handsome face was illuminated by the chaotic ravages of earth, wind, water and fire, and his smile, which was bathed in divine light, was reassuring and hopeful, enough to warm people's hearts, "I will be forever grateful to you, and I will never forget your life.

The reason why all living beings don't know you is because you belong to me alone.

The reason why heaven and earth have forgotten you is because you only belong to my heart.

You are me, I am you.You and I don't need to be separated from each other, just because we carry the cause and effect of heaven and earth on our bodies, and the extraordinary calamity.

The road ahead is long and difficult, and I am willing to walk this road for you, enduring thousands of pains and tribulations. "

"Shut up." Ben Wozhang sneered, his eyes flickering, "Don't talk too much. You and I are too familiar with each other, don't use these empty feelings to make statements.

Today is not the day when you become enlightened, but the day when I hold freedom! "

The corpse of the self in Dayan raised its arms and shouted, and the four chains of heaven and earth, black and yellow, also appeared behind it, and the four chains broke through the boundary, protruding into the chaos, and the bondage fell to the blue.

Qing Luo didn't dodge or dodge, the four dharma chains bound his arms and feet, and pulled him into the world of Dayan.

Seeing this, my original soul was surprised and said: "It seems that you are very sure about beheading me.

How dare you enter my Dayan without being surprised, you are by no means a person who would risk your life without confidence, if you have any backup skills, you should use them when you get here. "

In the world of Dayan, for tens of thousands of years, from the gestation of embryos to the shaping of legal principles, the soul of the self is fully devoted. For the world of Dayan, no one understands and masters it better than the body of the self. , even Qing Luo himself is inferior to him.

The deity Qingluo smiled helplessly, "You and I shouldn't be divided, why should we?

I once had two corpses, one good and the other evil, they were cut out of the heaven and the earth, and fell back to my body.But you are different, I can promise you a promise, when I come to the high place, I will return you to freedom. "

My corpse chuckled, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the sky, with the sun rising to the left, the sun rising to the right, the sky full of stars hanging from the top, the mountains, rivers and the earth called his body, at this moment, he was more like a creator than Qingluo himself. God!
After listening to this, I smiled happily: "Then I also promise you that if I take your place and come to a high place, I will return you to freedom."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Qing Luo and "Qing Luo" looked at each other, and made a promise with one voice.

The original soul of the corpse got up, and four chains were derived to implicate his arms and feet. The original soul and the Taoist body of the deity seemed to approach slowly.

The light shines for thousands of miles in an instant, and the primordial spirit and the deity merge into one.

The primordial spirit of the deity and the primordial spirit of the self, within the Dao body, between the square inches of the spiritual platform, make a decisive battle!

In the primordial spirit space, thousands of derived dao chains kill themselves, all of which are derived dao, but the masters of the dao are divided into two. , will only be evenly matched.

But within Dayan, the primordial spirit of the self was blessed by the Dayan World, and his divine power gradually became stronger, and his emptiness and white light gradually suppressed the emptiness and white light of the primordial spirit.

Qing Luo was neither arrogant nor impetuous, nor panicked, but only tried her best to fight the enemy, and had no backs.

The primordial spirit of the original self was puzzled, but he was not soft-hearted. He approached the original primordial spirit step by step.

As the primordial spirit of the Three Corpse Immortals, if he wants to overwhelm the master, there is naturally only one way to devour and fuse the primordial spirit of the deity, completely replacing it, even replacing the imprint of the heavenly way.

Qing Luo watched the original corpse approaching him step by step, and said with a helpless smile: "Hunyuan Supreme, how difficult is it?

Kill the three corpses, the third corpse is the real self, how difficult is it to kill?How difficult is it?
If you don't kill the three corpses, you will only be controlled by the real corpse.

If the three corpses are chopped off and the real self dies, how can the real self be any better?

I finally understand why the world is so big and the prehistoric is so vast, only the six sages of the Primordial Purple Qi can enter the Hunyuan and be called saints?

If I behead you today, I will never be in the realm of Hunyuan! "

I was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "In that case, let me walk this world instead of you!"

Qing Luo shook his head, stopped speaking, and completely developed the Dao, the way to protect the Lord, and gave up resistance.

The original soul of the corpse did not hesitate, crossed time and space in an instant, merged with the original soul, and entered the moment of freedom!

The light between the heaven and the earth shines thousands of times, and the endless light shines on Dayan, and the corpse of me looks up to the sky and laughs, "From now on, within Dayan, all the heavens and all ways will be controlled by me!"

As the voice fell, a supreme voice suddenly came from Dayan Heaven and Earth, shaking the sky, the universe, and the prehistoric world!


All the heavens, the universe, and the great thousand planes all resounded with the supreme voice of this Dao.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun finally smiled.

On the wall of the plane, Empress Nuwa was startled for a moment, and smiled instantly.

Lao Tzu raised his head, looked at Chaos across the flood, and nodded appreciatively.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly remembered Qingluo who was once a symbol of Zhenling Lake by him, and laughed at himself.

Master Tongtian gave a candid smile, with admiration and joy in his smile.

Zhunti said with a smile: "Today, a friend of Taoism has become enlightened, and it is my good fortune for all living beings in the wild."

The pain faded by three points on Jieying's face, and he said: "In this way, my Buddhist catastrophe will be over, and I will owe karma to fellow Taoist Qingluo again."

This sound spread throughout the prehistoric world, resounding to the five extremes, and the five holy venerables were startled awake.

This sound spread throughout the world and echoed throughout the universe, and all the ancient relics were shocked.

This life resounded through the heavenly city, shaking people's hearts, and millions of immortals wept with joy.

Ge Kun clapped his palms and laughed, his stooped back bent even more without realizing it.

Qinglan was overwhelmed with surprise and was sluggish, then suddenly smiled, with tears in her eyes.

Everyone in Tiancheng, Da Luo Da Neng, was all pleasantly surprised.This voice is too unfamiliar and too familiar, it can never be wrong, the voice of Qing Zu of Evernight City, the voice of killing corpses, the supreme voice that has achieved the state of Hunyuan Supreme!
Within the chaos, in the world of Dayan, the original soul of the dead body was instantly removed from the body of the deity, and the original soul of the Qingluo returned, and the original soul of the dead body was returned to the original soul of Qingluo in a single thought.

Using the purest good and evil of the good and evil corpses who have traveled between the world and the earth as a knife, the world is derived as a power, and the true meaning of the self is fused with the deity to recover the corpse of the self, and then pulled out and cut down the self, it seems to be cut but not cut, it seems to be fused non-financing.

Qing Luo stepped out of Dayan step by step, reaching out to touch the body.


The body of the original self blends with the heaven and the earth, and the body fits the heaven and the earth, and the heart of the world.

My heart is the heart of Tao, my heart is the heart of heaven, and my mind is the will of heaven.

The spirit of the world was born in the Dayan world, transformed from the corpse of the self into the spirit of the world, and it is the heaven and earth of the Dayan world!
(End of this chapter)

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