Chapter 671 Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian
Qing falls out of Dayan, enters chaos, and creates waves in chaos.

In the endless power of four images, in the infinite chaos, he is the center at this moment.

The vast and boundless tides of the spiritual energy of the four phenomena belonged to him, like a sea of ​​Qi in the dantian, forming a vast ocean.

Within the chaos, the supreme truth enters his heart, and only he derives and manifests chaos from the three thousand ways, suppressing the three thousand ways.

Under Qing Luo's feet, the derived avenue emerges, and ten thousand laws and ten thousand chains pave a bright and flashy road for him. Stepping on the avenue, he walks on the highest road.

The figure in white stood with his hands behind his back, climbing higher step by step, every step was a fraction of the depth of the Dao Realm.

Qingluo walks very slowly, climbing up step by step, with rippling robes and ethereal white clothes, going to the universe, running across the universe, transcending all sentient beings, and attaining great freedom and freedom.

He has never seen the image of the six sages becoming enlightened, and today he created the image of enlightenment himself.

Ten thousand steps to the high place, the high place is chaotic up and down, inheriting the supreme way, and the endless way will gather his heart.

From the depths of the vast and boundless cosmic plane, the original source of the Hongmeng Avenue escaped and merged into Qingluo's body.

He is the first son of Daoxuan who achieved Hunyuan. He is not the magic power poured into the body like Yunxiao, nor is he mutated in Wutian that day. Instead, he completely relies on his own body to kill three corpses with his strength and complete the Hunyuan Dao.

Therefore, from now on, Qing Luo will no longer be the son of Daoxuan, but the God of Daoxuan, the pre-selector of the new God of Creation.

Behind Qingluo, her hair was flying, and a gust of wind swept through the chaos, not real wind, but spiritual wind.

His primordial spirit is enough to cover chaos in an instant, to see through the fate of countless beings in thousands of lives, to overlook the cause and effect of billions of living beings, and to survey the origin of heaven and earth.

Qing Luo finally had a smile on his face, a hearty smile, a smile that stretched his brows, and a smile that opened his heart.

"I am Qingluo, and now I am proving the Dao Hunyuan!"

Since ancient times, it has been difficult to find a place of ignorance in the world, above the long river of fate, the neon world of the sage's sixth heaven, representing the fallen true spirit stars, breaks through the sky and rises, the white light of the stars expands and gradually expands, and the illusory white light is extremely bright, bursting and exploding. Open, the stars are broken, and the sky and the earth open.

A white air wave swept across the sky, and the sky above the long river of fate had another layer of derivative void.

All the great Luo true spirits who were once implicated under the blue falling stars all showed up with the heavy sky and rose to the surface of the long river of fate, and their luck greatly increased.

The vast and boundless coercion of the Hunyuan Supreme Realm was released, freezing the endless wind, water and fire for a moment, and resounding through the prehistoric world.

Qingluo regained her pressure, and all the visions in the chaos were scattered.

He looked at Dayan World. At this moment, Dayan has become a world, a complete and independent world.

The body of the original self is integrated into Dayan, just like Hongjun Taoist ancestor, he fits into the way of heaven with his body.

However, in Qingluo's Dayan, what fits is heaven and earth.The body of the self has become the Dayan Heavenly Dao equivalent to the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao.

The way of heaven is the spirit of the prehistoric world, and the way of heaven and earth is the spirit of the world of Dayan.

Dayan is not only a world, but also a plane!If Qingluo can step to the highest place in the future, the Dayan plane will also grow into the highest plane comparable to the prehistoric one!
With Qingluo flicking his sleeves, the Dayan plane is fixed in the depths of the chaos, independent of the prehistoric world, not subject to the constraints of the prehistoric world, the avenues of heaven and earth, and only respects him as the god of creation!

Qing Luo stretched out her hand a little, and four chains stretched far and wide, Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang fixed the raging Earth Fengshuihuo.

With a wave of his sleeves, the Five Spirit Gourd emits five extinction lights, destroying the best innate spirit treasures with the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is incomparable with the power of quasi-sages.

The five extinction lights turned into an extinction black sun, and a round of black sun exuded a terrifying aura of collapse and destruction, falling down.


The chaos oscillated, the earth, wind, water, and fire were agitated thousands of times, and a place of nothingness appeared.

Qing Luo stretched out her hand and pressed down, and Dayan World gradually sank, stabilizing the chaos.

In the chaos is where he became enlightened, and the Tao has been accomplished, so he naturally has to go back and forth from where.

As for the Dayan world, there is a barrier of the world's spirit, heaven and earth, and no one under Hunyuan can enter.

What's more, he is the god of creation, and if he enters his main world, he can only seek his own death!
Qing Luo's eyes turned to Honghuang, Honghuang, waiting for my return.

Under the City of Nightless Heaven, the Wutian Demon Ancestor finally broke out, breaking the heavenly ban on the gods of Hao Tianzun, and breaking the ban on the authentic gods of Zhenyuan Dizun.

Breaking the law, the magic power is more powerful.

The sky and the earth are brilliant, and all living beings are afraid.

Wutian, who has inherited all the luck of the Demon Dao, is even more powerful. Without the suppression of the ancestor, he is the most noble demon under the Dao of Heaven, the most tyrannical demon!

The God Killing Spear let out a whimper and was abandoned by the old master, and the twelfth rank black lotus was sadly forgotten by the old master.

It's not that Luo Hu didn't want to take it, but because Luo Hu couldn't take it away.He gave up the position of the ancestor of the demon race, the position of the master of the demon way, and even gave up the name of the chaotic god and demon. He is no longer the Rahu he used to be.

The twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus and the god-killing spear are the spiritual treasures of chaos. Naturally, the spiritual treasures conceived in the chaos will not fall into the hands of outsiders.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor killed the gods with a gun, stepped on the lotus to destroy the world, and laughed loudly: "Since this is the case, from now on, you are my Wutian treasure, and I will treat you as before, and live up to the ancient reputation of fierceness. Let all beings in this world see your magic power!"

The god-killing gun fired, the black lotus bloomed, the magic power covered the sky, and the vast Hunyuan oppressed all the great powers.

Haotian Tianzun stands above the heavenly court, Zhenyuandi stands above the earth, Taoism and the three religions are surrounded by the east, Buddhism is located in the west, the Nightless Sky City is located in the south, and the world's casual cultivators are located in the north .

Everyone in the world is an enemy.

Wherever it enters the eye, it is all hatred.

No matter what you think in your heart, at least at this moment they are all powerful, they are all ancestors, and they have the responsibility of great power.

Because they knew in their hearts that there was another Hunyuan Supreme in this prehistoric world!
There are yin and yang in the world, and there are checks and balances in the world.No matter how powerful a spirit treasure is, it will not be invincible, and no matter how powerful a creature is, it will have natural enemies of life and death. Once it is drunk and pecked, the truth is manifested in the common people.

Wutian Demon Ancestor sneered, there is no nonsense, twelve black lotus flowers bloom under one foot, and every time a flower blooms, there will be a little more darkness. No taboo, no longer worry about breaking the world, no longer scruples about the carrying power of the prehistoric land.

Hundreds of millions of black lotuses cover thousands of powers, and the black lotus is full of demonic energy, criss-crossing the edges of the four seas. sleepy.

Wutian Demon Ancestor sneered and said: "Since you have been trapped in me for ten years, then this deity will suppress you for a hundred thousand years today!"

Wutian laughed loudly, and all the fierce demons in the world were so excited that they screamed endlessly and worshiped the new demon ancestor.

Suddenly, there was a bright light outside the sky, and a Taoist stepped on the light, accompanied by the light, and walked into the wilderness.

"Fellow Daoist Wutian, the evil spirit is about to be exhausted, and the Taoist leader's evil spirit disappears, why don't you retreat?"

(End of this chapter)

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