Chapter 672
Wutian, who was laughing loudly, stopped his smile, and the extremely excited group of demons stopped their wandering.

The world was quiet, and all eyes were on the Taoist.

The Taoist is dressed in white, his figure is white, his feet are white, his front is white, his back is white, and the sky is white. He walks in the light, in the world of light.

The light is upright to illuminate the universe and the world, and the light once again descends on the world.

Wutian Demon Ancestor's pupils shrank, and he said in a cold voice: "I never thought you'd really come this far. The humiliation of suppressing me back then, I vow to recover today."

Qing Luo didn't answer and said nothing, the robe and sleeves came out, and the four chains came out, spanning the world and time and space, and the Hunyuan mind locked on the Wutian Demon Ancestor.

Wutian shot out a god-killing spear, and one shot was like hundreds of millions of shots. The power of Hunyuan was not reserved at all, and the fierce force swept across the world and collided with the four derivative chains.

Derived from four chains, one transforms into thousands, and four transforms into [-], white shadows fly all over the sky, crashing into endless black gun lights.

Countless explosions rang out, and every god-killing gun light collided with every derived magic chain, which would burst out with terrifying destructive power. The whole prehistoric world was shaking violently, the earth was cracked, and the sky was shattered, just like the scene of the end of the world.

At this moment, all beings were terrified, and all the immortals were shocked.

The pupils of the ancestors shrank, or looked dull, or looked yearning, with different expressions.

The God-killing Spear's all-over-the-sky gun light suddenly converges into one, turning into a black light that breaks through the heavy dharma chains, and goes straight to Qingluo's true self.

Qing Luo was not surprised at all, the gun came in front of him, a black and yellow light flashed, a picture of a world isolated in front of him, and the sharp gun was retracted into it.

At the same time, behind Wutian Demon Ancestor, countless purple-blooded thorns exploded in an instant, and in the process of flying into the sky, billions of them merged into one, turning into a majestic building that reached the sky, and directly devoured Hunyuan Demon Ancestor.

Wutian Demon Ancestor suddenly yelled: "Presumptuous, how dare you?"

In an instant, he turned into hundreds of millions of demon spirits and swooped down, but it was too late.

I saw Qing Luo standing in the middle of the sky, with indifference in his eyes, stretched out his left palm and pushed in vain, and raised his lips and said: "Mie!"

Countless dharma chains that had been broken by the God-killing Spear fell to the ground, and endless light burst out instantly. A pure white world enveloped countless ferocious beasts and countless demons.

The sky is bright and grand, the fiery white light cleanses the world, clears the darkness and sweeps away the darkness.

The light dissipates, and the evil in the world is empty.

At this moment, the endless ferocious beasts and demons were all turned into fly ash and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

A group of great powers also got out of trouble, but they looked at Qingluo with terrifying eyes.

One moment, one billion demons turned into nothingness!
Not only shocked by strength, but also shocked by courage!
Qing Luo withdrew her left palm, and then said flatly: "Why don't I dare?"

Wutian, who tried his best to protect him, and he who resisted the blow of the purple blood thorn, only saved less than a million demons.

Wutian Demon Ancestor shouted sharply: "Today's hatred will never die!"

The sky resounds the devil's wrath, the earth echoes the devil's sound, and the frightening devil's sound recalls the world.

Qing Luo said lightly: "Why bother?"

Wutian Demon Ancestor was furious for a moment, and shouted: "It is in vain to be the Supreme Hunyuan, killing ants for one's own selfishness!"

Qing Luo suddenly smiled, and said indifferently: "Fellow Wutian has already said that they are ants.

Why be angry because of the life and death of ants?
What's more, the life and death of ants are also definite.Hundreds of thousands of fierce demons have killed countless creatures in the wild, and they are the catastrophe of all living beings.

But today, I am the robber of all demons.

Tribulation rises and falls, life and death are uncertain. "

The color of blood appeared in the eyes of Wutian Demon Ancestor, it was red anger!

The black lotus under Wutian's feet bloomed, and the flowers bloomed to twelve ranks, paving the hollow lotus sea, and the ink pond lotus once again rendered the world black.

Qing Luo stretched out his hand, and the ninth-grade golden lotus appeared in the city of Nightless Sky. The golden lotus bloomed dazzlingly with golden light. There was a golden lotus pendant in the sky, and a golden lotus gushed out in the ground.

The black lotus flower is a demon, and the horror and darkness dyed the sky and clouds, the black ink world and the golden light are separated by a line, gold and black collide, and it is difficult to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.

The world is divided into two colors of gold and black, the golden lotus sea is accompanied by golden clouds, tens of thousands of acres and tens of thousands of acres, the golden lotus is upright and upright, the black lotus is full of demonic energy, and the black lotus pond is full of demonic energy. The two drew a line at the junction of the void, and between the line was a tit-for-tat collision between the two lotus seas, destroying and dying without stopping.

But after all, it is Mochi Lianhai that is more prosperous, because lotus produces twelve grades.

The golden lotus sea was gradually forced back, gradually declining.

Qing Luo stretches out his hand a little, the towering good fortune beads turn into thousands, one bead falls into thousands of lotuses, one lotus gives birth to another pearl falls, the blue good fortune and the golden light are combined, the lotus blooms and the lotus dies, and when it is destroyed, it will be born, and when it is born, it will be born again, vitality unlimited.

Wutian Demon Ancestor looked dignified, and his anger settled down. Even though the person in front of him had just stepped into the Hunyuan Supreme Realm, his strength was unexpectedly strong. Being at a disadvantage, it seems that its strength is indeed not bad.

The mind is full of turns, the body of the Wutian Demon Ancestor shows the supreme demon appearance, the demonic wheel appears behind his head, and the demonic appearance is all ecological.

The devil's appearance can break through the illusory obsession at a glance, and it falls into Qingluo's eyes.

Qingluo's pupils shrank, and there were countless divine lines flowing in the pupils, trapping the demon spirit in his mind with thousands of derived magic lines, and strangled him instantly.

The purple blood thorns suddenly exploded, leaping high into the sky again, meeting countless demon souls and demon thoughts, and devouring them all.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor stretched out both palms, commanding to kill the gods, and the god-killing spear came out of the picture and returned to his palms.

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously, and took back the good fortune map.

After all, no matter how strong the good fortune map is, it is only a spiritual treasure created by the power of a quasi-sage. Without the sacrifice of the saint's Hunyuan power, it is naturally difficult to trap the peerless weapon of killing the god gun.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor no longer displayed supernatural powers, but went far away alone, stepping on a black lotus, holding a god-killing gun, shaking the sky with a gun, breaking the void step by step, and swooping down with eternal murderous intent.

Thousands of derived dharma chains around Qingluo are like thousands of white warriors charging away, each derivation dharma chain is a derivation, the Dao is immortal, and the derivation dharma chain is endless.

The God-killing Spear shattered the endless dharma chain, and the endless dharma chain was restored to its original state. The battle between the dharma chain and the god-killing gun lasted for hundreds of millions of miles, shattered endless mountains and rivers, and shook the waters of the four seas. Incessantly, mountains moved and collapsed, and rivers and lakes broke their embankments and diverted their course.

Even the golden rules and chains of laws are unable to stop the Hunyuan Demon Ancestor who is doing his best.

In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the saints showed their prestige in the wild, but they were suppressed by the catastrophe, and because they were saints, they would not fail to estimate the prehistoric world, so there were many suppression restrictions, and five out of ten of the saint's prestige never came out.

Today's Demon Ancestor Wutian is not a sage of Hunyuan, he doesn't need to worry about the prehistoric world, let alone the sentient beings in this world.

The powers of all parties can no longer watch the battle flawlessly to understand the supreme truth of the Hunyuan Supreme, and they all return to the dojo to guard the location of the mountain gate of their own dojo, so as to avoid the phenomenon that the mountain gate does not exist and the luck declines.

Even if Qing Luo intends to take care of the wild world, but with the blessing of the ancient Yuanling Pagoda, his Hunyuan strength is at best better than Wutian.

(End of this chapter)

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