Chapter 673
The supernatural powers of the two Hunyuan Supremes hit from the south of the sky to the north of the sea, and from the southwest to the northeast.

Qing Luo never took a step back, because behind him was the Tiancheng, the Nightless Tiancheng, which was the place he guarded and also the place that guarded him.

What he left to all the beings in Tiancheng was a back, a back that was unshakable when the sky and the earth collapsed.

You can get salvation by looking at your body, and you can get peace of mind by reciting his name.

The prehistoric land was shattered a thousand times, the sky trembled ten thousand ways, at the five poles of the heaven and earth, the five sages showed their divine power to fix the rivers and mountains, but they could only fix the directions of the five poles and could not go out.

Huanghuang Tiangao has the eyes of heaven's punishment, and there are endless divine lines flowing in the cold and ruthless pupils, and the Dao seal is deep.

Qing Luo and Wutian Mozu stopped their hands instantly, and the whole world fell into silence.

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment faced the Supreme Wutian Demon Ancestor, even if it was Hunyuan Supreme, he also looked dignified and took in his body.

The divine light in the eyes of Heaven's Punishment shone, and after sweeping across the Wutian Demon Ancestor, they met Shang Qingluo's eyes.

Qing Luo's pupils dilated sharply for an instant, and then shrank sharply.Even though he is already the Supreme Primordial Being, facing the Dao of Heaven in the prehistoric world, it still feels like being suppressed by infinite majesty and fear.

Qing Luo's mind sank, it seemed that Tian Dao was always on guard against him.

Sure enough, the endless dao patterns in the eyes of heaven's punishment were woven into patterns, and the heavenly dao proclaimed a "seal" word Taikoo daowen, imposing the body of Qingluo.

When the word "seal" entered her body, Qing Luo instantly felt that her strength had been suppressed by as much as [-]%!
Qing Luo sighed, finally came.

The reason why he wiped out all the fierce demons once he returned to the prehistoric times was to guard against this moment.

Qing Luo is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not a prehistoric saint, but a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who was accomplished in the chaos. He is too powerful for all living beings in the prehistoric world and cannot be restricted, so the way of heaven descended.

It was the same for Yang Mei who did not enter the prehistoric times.Once upon a time, the demon ancestor Luohu controlled the body of the enemy demon and was restricted by the law of heaven.

And Wutian Demon Ancestor, although a demon, is the corpse of the Tathagata Buddha himself who was killed in the prehistoric world, and is the mixed source of the prehistoric world, especially when the way of magic is subsumed under the way of heaven, the way of magic and the way of killing, and the way of Tai Chi, It is no different from the way of good fortune and the three thousand ways.

Therefore, Wutian Demon Ancestor is not restricted.

Everyone in the heaven and earth changed their colors, and the evil calamity measured the calamity, occupying the time of the sky, and even the sky gave them help.

Although Qing Luo's strength was limited, she didn't panic.

He smiled lightly and said, "Friend Wutian."

It used to be called the ancestor of the devil, but now the devil's way has merged into the three thousand ways, and the way of the way is all under the way of heaven, so it is called a friend of the Taoist.

"It's hard to distinguish between you and me. Fighting again will only damage the world and cholera. Once the calamity is over, the demon race and the way of the demons may be rejected by all living beings. Why don't we stop now and end the calamity?"

Wutian Demon Ancestor sneered, "Why didn't I see you make such remarks just now? Now that you are limited in your magical powers, you are willing to back down?
Unfortunately, it's too late! "

Before the words fell, the god-killing gun danced again, the gun was like a god and demon, destroying and shattering the black air to cover the sky, and directly piercing Qingluo's true self.

A quaint stone pagoda towering over heaven and earth appeared, the divine tower was unattainable, the top of the divine tower stood green, hundreds of millions of divine patterns flowed into his body, and the blessings of hundreds of millions of divine patterns poured into the body that derived four chains and purple blood thorns.

One thick and four thin, one purple and four white, five long rainbows shot through the sun, the heavenly dharma chain hangs from the sky to lock the void, the earth dharma chain comes out from the nether world, and the black and yellow chains entangle the sharpness of the god-killing spear, and the four chains lock the killing god.

The majestic body of purple blood thorns rushed straight to Wutian Demon Ancestor, and the whole body was covered with spiritual flowers. The law of devouring devours everything, and swallows everything. It goes straight, how many black lotuses and auras of heaven and earth have been swallowed.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor snorted coldly, and pointed out that an octagonal exquisite pagoda suddenly descended, suppressing the body of the purple blood thorn.

This pagoda is exactly the Tathagata World Honored One, the Taoist deity of Many Treasures, the Pagoda of Many Treasures!
On the Duobao Pagoda, surrounded by demonic light, there were three thousand demons sitting cross-legged, chanting the supreme mantra in their mouths, and the bottom of the ten thousand-foot-high pagoda issued a powerful force of absorption, intending to collect the purple blood thorns into the pagoda.

The light in Qingluo's palm flickered, and the veins intertwined echoed the purple blood thorns.

The ferocious aura of the purple blood thorns suddenly returned to the body, and its roots quickly broke through the vast land, took root under the thick soil and entwined with the roots of hundreds of millions of mountains.

Wutian Demon Ancestor frowned, even though Qing Luo only had [-]% strength, he could only gain the upper hand at best, and was even difficult to defeat.

Because of the stalwart stone tower towering across the sky.Innate treasure is by no means trivial.The ability of a quasi-sage can only be scratched at the surface. When stepping into Hunyuan, the power of the innate treasure can really be displayed.

There is still a big difference between a saint and a Hunyuan.

If you are in the prehistoric world, even if you have the innate treasure, even if the opponent's strength is high, but the saint has the authority of the heaven and the earth.

However, although the Hunyuan Supreme can enter the prehistoric world, he has no power of heaven and earth, the advantages of innate treasures, and the depth of his realm and Taoism are all advantages!
The Heavenless Demon Ancestor manifests the rotation of the Demon Dao again, and the Demon Dao manifests the heaven and the earth.

The rotation of the magic way released the source power of the magic way, and it went straight to Qingluo.

Since supernatural powers are difficult to defeat with the blessing of treasures, let's fight against each other with the original source of the Dao!
With the power of his demon way to manifest the countless Yuanhui in the world, how can it be weaker than the derivative way that has just risen for a calamity?

Qingluo's complexion was slightly dull, and the derived Dao Chakra also appeared on the back of his head, and a grand and vast light was released from the back of his head, turning the world into black and white.

On the majestic ancient pagoda that is billions of feet high, the tiny figure of Qing Luo stands on the peak of the ancient pagoda, and the back of his head is filled with infinite light.

The world is filled with black and white, and the avenues of derivation evolve. Under the Dao of Heaven, there are three thousand avenues and [-] trails. All the avenues, big and small, have been derived and spread. .

Although the magic way is under the way of heaven, it has existed in the world for a long time since the creation of the world. The power of the magic way accumulated by countless yuan will naturally far exceed the lost derivative way.

The black and white lights compete with each other with the power of Dao source, the power of Dao is endless, and the source of Dao is endless.

Qing Luo never backed down, never hesitated, even though he knew that the Dao Dao derived from returning to Dao Dao for [-] years was far less than the savings of countless yuanhui of the Demon Dao.

But he was never afraid.

Because he has Dayan, the great power of a world!

The Great Evolution World is derived from his Dao Dao, which spreads all over the heavens and myriad Taos, and is promoted to an independent plane, the power of the plane that belongs to the same level of life as the Primordial Plane.

Even though compared with Honghuang, it is like ants and elephants, but they are already at the same level of life.He thinks that he will not be weaker than the demonic way that has returned to the heavenly way and received most of the power from the heavenly way.

When the black light of the extinct world gradually approached the white light of the prosperous age, a Buddha came out of the Buddhist sect in the past.

Peacock Daming King Buddha walked towards Qingluo's side step by step, and within the eyebrows and heart platform, there was a purple aura containing the mechanism of heaven and earth, and the aura of primordial origin revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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