The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 675 I create a world for the Hunyuan Saint

Chapter 675 I create a world for the Hunyuan Saint

The stalwart voice resounds within the Three Realms, spreads all over the wilderness and six unions, and resounds across the universe in 33 heavens.

In the vast world, through the ages, the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who reached the peak without the foundation of enlightenment, made his own voice to change the world in the era when the saints did not come out, and became the strongest voice in this era!

"When heaven and earth opened, all things began.

The heaven and the earth stand, and the calamity rises.

The ups and downs of all kalpas, all living beings are like ants in the era, and the general trend of the world is the master.

My Qingluo was born as an ant, from the humble beginning to the end of countless kalpas.Today, I would like to use my body to open up a new world for all generations, a place where all races live, so as to establish that the world has never changed through the ages.

My great wish is that all beings in the world are equal.

My great wish is to establish the world for all races and all kinds.

My great wish is that myriad ways and sects are all in harmony.

My great wish is that there will be no death, no family hatred, no eternal sorrow between heaven and earth.

The world is about to enter a new era, and the prehistoric world is about to rise.

Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight famines, my great wish will last for ten thousand years! "

The sound of this sound shocked the humble races that were struggling for survival like ants, awakened the numb creatures that struggled for life and death, reconciled the races that had been fighting blood feuds for generations, illuminated the ancient races that could never be seen in the darkness, and awakened the disputes There are not only Taoist Buddhas and immortals who decide the orthodoxy. . . . . .

At this moment, no matter whether it is the sentient beings in the world or the great powers in the sky, they all lost their voices, their heartbeats stopped, and their breathing stopped. The world was momentary, and there was a short moment of empty sound!
At this moment, the six sages of the wall of the plane were amazed by it, and gathered their minds. Every word and every word of Qing Luo was deeply attracted, deeply thoughtful, deeply known, and also ignorant.

At this moment, the old Taoist in Zixiao Palace, the old man standing on the willow of the Chaos God, also looked across the space plane to Qing Luo, who pronounced in the world and was in the world.

My great wish is to spread my wish to the heaven and earth, and to all living beings. It is not as complicated as the 48 great wishes of Buddhism, nor is it infinitely far away.

The world is new and all things are long, and the years are long and end eternity.

Qing Luo is borrowing merit from all living beings in the heaven and earth, and the grand wish of becoming enlightened with the two Buddhist sages is borrowing merit from the way of heaven.

The radiant way of heaven inspires its voice, inspires its wishes, and the magnificent and immeasurable black and yellow merit falls from the infinite sky!
The merits and virtues are black and yellow, spreading all over the middle sky, the merits and virtues are like the sea, the tide is surging, the merits and virtues are like mountains, and Gengshan is extremely top.

The immeasurable merits blinded all the powerful eyes and confused the hearts of all the powerful.

Merit, it's not like they haven't had it.Great merit, they haven't seen it before.But such a great merit, they are really hard to measure, how magnificent it must be!

The enlightenment merits borrowed by the two Western sages are far from being comparable.

Since ancient times, there has never been such a vast sea of ​​merit and virtue in the world!
Even if it is compared to Nuwa's merits of mending the sky, it is not too much to worry about!
The immeasurable merits and virtues fell down for nine days, and all of them poured into Qingluo Dao Body.

Merit enters the body, the body is covered in black and yellow, and a magnificent golden wheel of merit emerges behind his head, and the mysterious fortune is unpredictable.

Qing Luo has an aura as vast as the deep sea, majestic and tall in an instant, showing the holiness, with the majesty of heaven and earth in every gesture, and the power of the world from his side.

At this moment, Qingluo Yuanshen's true spirit rises high, ascends to the infinite world, the heart connects with the world, the god communicates with the world, and the spirit merges with the world.

There is his imprint in the world, there is his imprint on the world, the imprint on the world belonging to the Hunyuan sage!

At this moment, he is the real Hunyuan Saint!

The world is changed for it, and all living beings look up to it.

The majesty of the saints in the vast world sweeps across the world, hundreds of millions of living beings are all in awe, and everyone in the three realms respects it.

In the sky, there are golden clouds covering the sky, and the sky is boundless, and there is a strange fragrance in the hollow, which makes the nose feel like a bath, and there are some white spiritual flowers blooming on the ground, and the white lotus is blooming.

There are Qing Yunsheng in the sky, and white lotus springing up in the earth.The strange fragrance came to the nostrils, and the saint came out from there.

The boundless holy power enveloped tens of thousands of living beings, but it did not make countless living beings bow down and kneel down.

Shengwei is infinitely magnificent, and it also accommodates endless beings.

Qingluo Fayan declares:

"Today, I, Qingluo, became a saint through meritorious deeds in the prehistoric world, and established the Dayan Plane in the chaos of the outer sky as my dojo. My holy throne respects the saints of the creation world!
My sage comes from heaven, earth and sentient beings, and should naturally return to heaven, earth and sentient beings.

I pay homage to the heaven and earth, and I give a gift to the common people. "

After the words fell, Qing Luo bowed to the heavens and the earth, and bowed to all living beings with the ceremony of the Nightless Heavenly City.

The index and index fingers of both hands stand up and touch each other, the last finger of the ring finger moves down together, and the first fingers face each other.

Pointing up to the sky and slanting, respecting the sky.

Point to the ground and rush, respect the ground.

The middle finger returns to its origin, and guards me.

With the body of a saint, I salute to all living beings. Everyone who salutes is shocked and excited.

All living beings in the world are ants, and the sages do not die for the sake of detachment.

This is a saint whose eyes are so small that he can see all living beings.

This is a sage whose eyes are boundless and wide enough to make changes that have never been seen in eternity.

All living beings in the world, whoever has a spirit, all return a gift.

Millions of immortals from Nightless Tiancheng returned to the pilgrims with the gift of Tiancheng excitedly, and congratulated in unison: "Congratulations to the sage who created the world!"

Every patriarch, every one of great power, all returned it with the power of the heavenly city. Congratulations: "Congratulations to the sage who created the world!"

There are thousands of sects of Eastern Taoism, the past and future of Western Buddhism, the ancient demons and witches in Beizhou, the ancient survivors of the five extremes of the world, countless living beings, and countless living beings. The ceremony said: "Congratulations to the sage who created the world!"

The ancestor of Qilin in the center, the ancestor of Qinglong in Jianmu in the east, the ancestor of white tiger in Gengjin in the west, the ancestor of immortal Phoenix in the south, and the ancestor of Xuanwu in the north, all congratulated the sage when he came to the holy throne.

Hundreds of millions of sentient beings, all living and tangible, return the salute and look up at the saint's face. The most shocking and touching thing in the world is the four characters "Sage of Creation", which represents the title of the saint!
Even the heaven and the earth trembled and echoed.

The six saints on the wall of the plane also gave the same gift, which is also the gift of the heavenly city!
A smile appeared in Nuwa's eyes, her choice was too wise, her great wisdom chose Qing Luo's great wisdom.

Well calculated!
There has never been such a grand scene in the prehistoric ages, and it has never appeared before!

Thousands of races, ten thousand ways, all forces, and all living beings have never had a kind of etiquette for walking together!
Even Daozu Hongjun never did it.

He is the only person in the ages!

The ceremony of becoming a saint not only shows the magnanimity of a saint to all beings in the world, but also spreads a kind of gift to the world along the way!
Standing in the chaos outside the sky, the Taoist field is absolutely worry-free in the future.

Consolidate power in the prehistoric land, strive for luck and believe in the general trend without defeat.

Really great wisdom!

All the six sages saw Qingluo's actions and understood Qingluo's intentions, but it was difficult to predict Qingluo's purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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