The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 676 Return of the clouds, the return of ten thousand immortals

Chapter 676 Return of the clouds, the return of ten thousand immortals

Qing Luo's ambition is too grand, too grand, even a saint can't control all life, how can this supreme ambition be realized?
Moreover, Qing Luo's honorable title is the Saint of World Creation!Every saint's title is of great significance.Since it is a creation world, it is related to opening up the world.

What's more, the Great Evolution plane standing in the chaos, they naturally understand that this is a plane, not a subsidiary world under the jurisdiction of the prehistoric heaven.

In the realm of planes, even a Hunyuan saint can't do it.Not because of strength, but because of fate.Only the son of Daoxuan, relying on the power of escape, can receive the source power of Hongmeng Avenue and have the authority to open up planes.

Back then, Great God Pangu was the only God of Taoism!
The eyes of the six saints intersected, and Sanqing and Jieyin Zhunti's final gazes fell on Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly, "What do you fellow Taoists mean?"

Lao Tzu was the first to speak: "Fellow Taoist Qingluo has an infinite future, and his heart embraces all life in the world. This is really a blessing for the prehistoric world, and it is also a blessing for fellow Taoist Nuwa."

Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian both nodded in response.

Zhunti sage laughed loudly, clasped his hands together and said, "Blessings of Nuwa Taoist friend, I am so envious of you."

Empress Nuwa's phoenix eyes turned lightly, and she smiled again and again. "For my blessing, I won't bother you.

In any case, I am a sage of prehistoric times, a sage of heaven and earth!

My daughter-in-law will never forget it, and neither will fellow Taoists who want to come. "

All the saints bowed their heads and said, "Good!"

The question of the saints is just to remind Nuwa that only she has the closest relationship with Qingluo.Nuwa's momentum has risen sharply, but don't forget the heart of a saint, the heart of a saint.

Once, Nuwa alone was enough to cause headaches for five saints, and she would never provoke them unless it was absolutely necessary.Now, Qingluo's sanctification is naturally the best with Nuwa, and those who can become sanctified must have extraordinary wisdom, no one dares to underestimate them.

Within the prehistoric world, the heavenly majesty faded away, Qingluo absorbed the breath of the whole body, his derivative avenue was fueled by the power of heaven and earth, and Kong Xuan's share of the source power of the Hongmeng avenue, the son of Daoxuan,

He stepped into the Hunyuan Second Heaven Realm in one step!

He is different from the Six Sages, who were still quasi-sages when they became holy, and entered Hunyuan because of their sanctification.

Qing Luo achieved the Holy Throne with the Hunyuan, and the power of the Holy Throne directly entered the Hunyuan Heaven Realm, breaking through the Second Heaven!
At this moment, he is no longer the son of Daoxuan, but the God of Daoxuan!
Take back the Dao share from the son of Daoxuan, and take it back to yourself.Every time a copy is collected, there will be one more point of original authority of the Dao.

Of course, only if the son of Daoxuan personally entrusts him wholeheartedly, can he take over.

Qingluo's eyes revealed an unprecedented light. He has set such a big ambition today, and it will be realized in ten thousand years. How difficult it is!
The merits borrowed by the Second Western Sage back then were far less than him.But it took a full two kalpas of time to repay it, and it was just enough to make up for the repayment.

But he never did anything he wasn't sure of.

In the prehistoric world, apart from Mrs. Pingxin, he is the only saint.

The two sages of the West are limited to the West, but he not only looks at the four directions, but also the world, the past, the present and the future.

Qing Luo stands alone under the sky, her breath is not obvious but it is still impossible to ignore.

White clothes with wide sleeves, long hair hanging down the shoulders in the middle, the once jade-faced boy is no longer green, but now only the saint is green.

Every word and deed is accompanied by the law of heaven and earth, and the truth comes out.

The first thing Qingluo did after becoming a saint was not Wutian.

Instead. . .

With a wave of his long sleeves, the Enemy Demon in the Ancestral Land of Extreme Demons appeared in the world.

The ban that could never be undone was broken by him with one hand.

Seeing the woman in a coma, Qing Luo sighed and pointed out that the pure white light floated in the air, illuminating the woman's body.

The mixed demonic energy and the law of the magic way, the violent and vicious demonic thoughts, all turned into ashes and receded.

The shattered memory of Dao Heart has returned.

Qingluo's words came out: "Thousands of clouds follow in the sky and earth, and there used to be three cloud spirits.

Once you enter Biyou Palace, you will be Biyou's person forever in this life!

Yunxiao, if you don't return now, when will you wait? "

A majestic sage's words entered the woman's ears, entered her heart, and entered her soul like a thunderous explosion.

The white light converges, and a beautiful woman walks out of it.

Paying respects to Qingluo: "Yunxiao thanks the saint for his mercy."

At this moment, she is no longer the ancestor of Qiumo, the ancestor of all demons, but has returned to heaven and earth, to Biyou, and to Yunxiao.

Qingluo smiled lightly, "This is entrusted by fellow Daoist Duobao, you should thank him."

Yunxiao has been sinking for many years, and now that he has returned home, he can't help but feel his eyes warm when he misses his old friends and brothers from the same school.

Under the city of Nightless Sky, there are the Madonna of Wudang, the Madonna of Jinling, the Madonna of Guiling, the Immortal of Qiushou, the Immortal of Golden Hoop, and so on. . .

All the disciples of the Jiejiao were overjoyed and called out one after another: "Senior Sister Yunxiao, Senior Sister Yunxiao!"

Several saints even flew forward and embraced the excited Yun Xiao, weeping with joy at the reunion.

Human beings and immortals have no emotion, only love never goes deep.

The Jiejiao disciples were in the joy of Yunxiao's return, so they didn't notice it, but the other great powers all noticed it.

What the Qingluo sage was talking about was Daoist Many Treasures, not Tathagata.

As for the word World Honored One, no one can bear the sage's words.

Duobao is the great disciple of Biyou Palace, not the World Honored One of Buddhism.

Both the past and the future of the Buddhist sect sigh in their hearts, those who should go back will eventually leave.

Qing Luo made another move, and the power of the saint captured three thousand demons out of millions of demons out of thin air.

At that time, he wiped out one billion demons by himself, and spared the lives of these three thousand demons.

Qing Luo looked at the Buddhas who had already become demons, the former Buddha Lord of the Three Thousand Worlds, and said in Dharma: "The evil calamity will disappear, and the Buddha's light will prevail. You will return soon!"

Dayan's divine light illuminates the four directions, and the bright white light covers three thousand demons, directly killing the evil thoughts in the heart, eliminating the seeds of evil thoughts, and the hidden dangers that have been left behind since the first battle of the wave of belief have completely disappeared.

Three thousand Buddhas returned, and the three lines of Buddhism gathered again, but it was time to part again.

Qing Luo turned his eyes to the Buddhist Buddhas and said, "In the past, the battle of conferred gods."

Hearing this, Maitreya Buddha and Medicine Master Wangfo looked at each other, and sighed from the bottom of their hearts, what was supposed to come has come.

"Tongtian Shengren, the leader of the Jiejiao, and two saints from the west, received and guided the saints. The Zhunti saint made a contract with the golden lotus. After a calamity, if you want to return to the Jiejiao, you should not be stopped.

Today, the evil calamity will fall, and the calamity of measurement will pass, and it is time for the oath to be fulfilled.

If you want to return to the interceptor, you can return to Biyou now! "

The disciples of Jiejiao are all delighted, looking at the Buddhas and Buddhas of Buddhism, a farewell for a long time, will return today, brothers and disciples, disciples, relatives and friends, will return at last.

The people of Buddhism are in the west, and the people of Jiejiao are in the east.Taking Qingluo as the center, the two of them looked at each other separated by the sage, in the vast sea of ​​people, each looking for the former relatives of the same family!

The Buddha of the past was silent and low, and the ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng stepped forward and said: "Since the kalpa is over, when the present world is past, the current Buddha's veins will belong to the past Buddha's veins.

When the Buddha's veins enter the Lord in the future, I will teach the World Honored One, and the future will become the present world, and welcome the World Honored One of the present Buddha.

Namo Maitreya Buddha! "

(End of this chapter)

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