Chapter 680

The Ten Thousand Meteor Immortal Stele stands in the center of the Nightless City, in the middle of the Wanxian Square in the Linghuang Hall.

This stele was transformed from a dao scale that fell off from the Taoist body of Hunyuan sage Qingluo.

In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, when the Qingluo sage was still an ant, he was suppressed in the Taiji map, and by the chance of the four maps of heaven and earth, he obtained a body of snake scales engraved with one hundred and eight thousand Dao patterns. Yan, baptize the whole body with the Dao of the world, and experience the glory of all Dao, and the enlightenment of the Great Evolution, the baptism of Hunyuan and the baptism of the holy place.

Every dao scale is a unique treasure in the world, and it is a supreme dao secret treasure. Every scale that falls off is comparable to the acquired treasure, and even far exceeds the mystery of the ordinary acquired treasure.

Today's Qingluo is full of treasures, supreme treasures, and hidden treasures, which are envied by countless great powers, but no one dares to have the slightest covetous heart.

On the Ten Thousand Meteor Immortal Stele, the real names of the heroes of Tiancheng are engraved, and the sacred stele is engraved not based on the level of cultivation, but only on the heart.Those who sacrificed for Tiancheng, whether they are Da Neng, Jinxian Taiyi, or Tianxian Xuanxian, or even those who have not achieved immortality, can all be included in the list!
They are the heroes of Tiancheng, the glory of Tiancheng, and the role models of ten thousand immortals.Inscribed on the Ten Thousand Meteor Immortal Monument is the scale of the sage, it is imprinted by the sage, the supreme glory, the supreme glory, the family generation, the years are long, the glory will never be erased.

Standing under the Ten Thousand Meteor Immortal Monument, one can see the lives of ten thousand true spirits who have passed away, and there will always be people in the world who will remember them.

In the city of Everlasting Sky, there are many relatives of the same clan of the deceased heroic spirits, or brothers from the school, or close friends, all sincerely bowed and said: "The sage is merciful."

The concept of the equality of all living beings in the City of Everlasting Heaven will become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even the supreme saints think of ants, sacrifice their own scales for the sake of ants, and remember their merits. Supreme, more noble?

In the mountain and sea world, everyone retreated, only Qing Luo and his disciples and others.

Qing Luo walked on foot, without using her magical powers, and reached the bank of Lianhu Lake.

Thousands of lotus flowers are in full bloom in the lotus lake, full of vitality. The little cute and lively elf, whose intelligence is mostly like that of a child, is innocent and active, waving his wings and playing among the lotus leaves.

Qing Luo waved and pointed to Qing Jia Qing Yi and others who were standing behind him.

Ten people understood and hurried forward to wait.

"Qing Jia and Qing Yi, you and ten people have served me by my side since birth and Yuchu. When the lotus grows and the lotus dies, you are still here.

Now is the time for your family to make up your mind.

Should I go to Dayan with me, or stay in Honghuang?There is no complete category of primordial and heavenly ways within Dayan. Once you enter Dayan's imprint, you will never be able to enter the prehistoric world again, and you can only stay in Dayan's desolation.

Whether to go or stay, this is a matter for the Er family, and you should make your own decision. "

Qing Jia and Qing Yi were all stunned for a moment, then their eyes turned red, the ten of them knelt down on their knees and touched their heads to the ground, Qing Jia choked up and said: "

Saint Mercy.Our family was born by you, protected by you, and reborn by you.

The name of our family also comes from the mouth of the sage.

Qing Jia acted recklessly today, the saint's kindness to my family is like my father.

Our family regards the saint as the origin of the father, and we wish to follow the father forever and do our best. "

Qing Luo sighed with emotion, then smiled lightly: "Since you have this heart, come with me when you leave, and open up a new world!"

The ten people from Qingjia and Qingyi all bowed down with joy, "Thank you, Father God, for your mercy."

Qingluo Yuanshen faintly sensed the luck of the heavens and myriad ways hovering above his head, and because of the "Father God" of the lotus elves, there was a change.

He just smiled and said nothing, the sage's supernatural power runs through thousands of causes and effects, and he naturally understands the involvement in it.

Qing Luo turned around and looked at her disciple.

After a glance, he said lightly, "Qukong."

"The disciple is here!"

Qu Kong immediately stepped forward, responding meticulously and respecting his teacher with a peerless face.

"At that time, you will enter Dayan with your teacher, and leave behind the evil corpse to sit in the priesthood of Dongyue Great Emperor, so as to complete the cause and effect of the prehistoric times."

Qu Kong replied respectfully, claiming yes, without any objection.

Qingluo smiled again and said: "When the world is complete, you can invite Ziwei to enter Dayan."

Qu Kong was stunned for a moment, and then bowed: "Thank you, Master, for fulfilling the task!"

"Teng Six."

"The disciple is here!" Teng Liu stepped out in white clothes like snow.

"Are you staying in the Feng Clan or are you joining Dayan as a teacher?"

Teng Liu paused for a moment, cast his eyes at Yu Yixian who was standing beside him, and said, "This disciple is willing to enter Dayan with Master."

Just as Qing Luo was about to nod, Yu Yixian hurriedly stood up and said: "I hope the sage will be merciful, Xiaodao is also willing to enter Dayan."

Qing Luo looked, his eyes did not fall on Yu Yixian, but on the criss-crossing karma and luck above his head, and said: "Little friend Yu Yi will stay in the wilderness for the time being. You are allowed to come."

Immortal Feather Wing's expression darkened, and she said, "Thank you Saint for your guidance, it's Xiaodao who is selfish."

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously, he asked whether the lotus elves would stay or not because of the migration of the clan, not all his people.

And Qu Kong, as his disciple, belongs to his seat, so he gave direct instructions.I asked Teng Liu because she had feelings for a Taoist couple, and Immortal Yu Yi was too entangled with karma, leaving rashly would only be a loss, and she would be ashamed of the Feng Clan.

"Ao Bing, Shuo De, you two also entered Dayan together as teachers."

The two naturally obeyed the order and bowed down.

Qing Luo looked up at the mountain and sea world again, and asked with a smile: "Sister, are you still willing to leave here?"

There was a glimmer of light in the blue eyes, recalling the past. "This is the former Luoling Mountain. The Luoling Dao Lineage originated here. It is really a nostalgic moment to remember the past."

Ge Kun stroked his long white beard, and said with a smile, "Why are you two more nostalgic than an old man like me?"

Qing Luo couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, the pupils of her eyes were no longer the sea of ​​stars, but the vast universe.

"Although I left, I still want to have a home after all."

The stooped old Mo Teng beside him suddenly said: "Your Majesty, Mo Teng would like to stay in the old place and protect the mountains and seas."

Qing Luo nodded, Mo Teng's body was his Fujiya Spirit Vine, which grew from here, never left this place, never even saw or cared about the vast world beyond the mountains and seas.

This is her way of keeping calm and keeping the way. Everyone has their own way, and the roads run in all directions. Although the size and breadth are different, the directions are different, and the goals are different, they are all on the road, walking together in the world.

Standing aside as if Xiao Zhu had been forgotten, but now he was a little puzzled, wondering: "Master, then, where is the disciple?

The master never said where the disciple was going. It seems that the master is used to the disciple following the master, so there is no need to talk about it. "

Qing Luo couldn't help smiling, and said: "You girl!

You should stay in the wilderness. "

(End of this chapter)

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