Chapter 681 Saint Travels

Xiao Zhu jumped up instantly in shock, looking at Qing Luo with disbelief.

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Don't worry.

Being a teacher has other important things for you. "

After hearing this, Xiaozhu felt relieved and should claim it.

Qing Luo turned to Qing Lan and Ge Kun, and said, "Elder Sister, Fellow Daoist Ge, prepare for one or two too.

Although it's still early days to leave, it's always good to prepare in advance. "

Ge Kun nodded and sighed: "Yes, I have to make arrangements for the younger generation in the family. If I want to enter Dayan and come back, I will no longer be a mysterious turtle in the wilderness."

Qinglan echoed: "I am no longer the holy lady of the past!"

The three looked at each other and smiled happily.

Qing Luo walked into the Xuanling Hall alone, and took a look around. He seldom used this hall before he became enlightened, and even less now after becoming enlightened.

He shook his head, walked out of the hall in one step, crossed the mountain and sea boundary, and came to the Hall of the Spirit Emperor in the Nightless City.

In the main hall, all the elders of Tiancheng Daluo paid their respects.

Shen Gongbao also stood up and saluted.

Qing Luo stretched out her hand to support her, and everyone straightened up.

"Although Tiancheng has a new owner, it still needs to act according to the past.

Although Shen Gongbao's cultivation was not as good as the previous city lord's, his great wisdom surpassed that of the Weeping Blood Emperor.

Since you have entered My Nightless City, you need to do your best. "

More than fifty elders of Tiancheng respectfully said yes.

Qing Luo spread out her palm, and a pure white token emerged.

With a wave of Qingluo's arms, hundreds of millions of thorns surged wildly in the 18 billion miles of thorns outside the city of Nightless Sky, and the horrifying devouring of the undead place is enough to scare the faint of heart.

"With the token of the city lord, you can summon hundreds of millions of thorns, and you will be the only one in the world!"

Shen Gongbao took the token and thanked him respectfully.

Qing Luo pointed to the seat of the city lord behind him, and said with a smile, "Sit on it."

Shen Gongbao was stunned for a moment, held the token, raised his head to meet Shang Qingluo's gaze, and saw the saint's kind smile, a gratified smile.

His heart was moved, and the pure white token in his hand was gripped even tighter.

Slowly take a step, climb up the steps, and then raise your feet and take a step, step by step, the slight sound of stepping onto the stage can be heard in the silent and empty hall.

Qingluo looked at Shen Gongbao, and suddenly saw Shen Gongbao who was waiting for Linchaoge to confer the gods on the altar in a daze. This disaster star has grown a lot, and many things have not changed.

Shen Gongbao walked up to the highest part of the steps of the main hall, the place where the Linghuang Weeping Blood used to be.

He who had been on the Conferred God Stage and attracted the attention of the world should not have felt nervous, but because of the expectation in Qing Luo's eyes, one person in the audience made him feel extremely heavy, even a little nervous.

With a wave of Qing Luo's hand, a majestic red and black royal robe was worn on Shen Gongbao's body, giving him a bit of dignity and majesty. "The second-generation city lord of Evernight City: Emperor Wu'er, ascend the throne!"

The voice of majesty resounded between the heaven and the earth, the second Linghuang in Evernight City since the Weeping Blood Linghuang!
The image of Shen Gongbao floated on the sky city, majestic and dignified, he also has a city in his heart, there are millions of immortals in a city, and the millions of immortals are immortals for all living beings, and they also have ten thousand living beings in their hearts.

On top of Shen Gongbao's dharma appearance, there is a gathering of luck from all directions in the void above the head, and Tiancheng inherits a trace of luck from all races, and injects it into the city of all races.

On the top of Shen Gongbao, there is an image of three flowers gathering on the top, and the five qi are facing the Yuan, but above the Qingyun, there is nothing, and there is no image of carrying Tao.

People can't see it, but Qing Luo can see it.On top of Shen Gongbao's three flowers and five qi, there is a cloud of black emptiness, which is also the aura of disaster.

The aura of calamity is implicated in fate, which is mysterious and mysterious, and the extreme mystery is difficult to detect.

The destiny is too mysterious and unpredictable, and it is difficult for a saint to fully understand it.

Since Hongmeng, few people who have practiced the Dao of Destiny have achieved high depths.Even countless sentient beings have to superficially deduce it and pass it on to see the mortal means for fortune-telling.

That is, countless immortals and great powers are not allowed to peek into its doorway, and they can calculate what has been revealed at this moment, and all great powers can be counted.

If you push back a hundred years, almost no one in the world would dare to speak lightly.

Destiny involves too many mysteries and taboos, so few people can practice advanced.

However, Shen Gongbao broke into the avenue of destiny through the path of disaster, and opened up a new path, stepping into the threshold of the avenue of destiny.

Millions of immortals in Tiancheng pay homage to the new Linghuang with the Tiancheng ritual.

"Greetings to the Wu'er Linghuang! May the Linghuang be with the world!"

The sound of millions of immortals participating in the ceremony resounded in all directions, from all over the world, all major forces sent people to congratulate the new Linghuang.

Today's Nightless City is the number one super power in the prehistoric world!Because there is only one saint left in the prehistoric.Even after Qing Luo left, he was still one of the four superpowers of the Great Desolation.

The statue of the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor was kept in the most conspicuous position on the Ten Thousand Meteor Immortal Stele.The city lord of the previous generation defended the city with his body, died without fear or regret, and will be remembered forever by the city that never sleeps.

The Ceremony for the Ascension of the Spirit Emperor in the Nightless City will begin after three months.

And this grand event will once again bring the Evernight City an opportunity for prosperity.All major forces in the ten directions of the world will send their disciples or tribesmen to participate.

At that time, it will be the first grand ceremony after the catastrophe.

But Qing Luo has already left.

Leaving the Nightless City, not returning to the mountains and seas, not entering Dayan, and going to the prehistoric.

Alone, with his sleeves fluttering in the wind, his long hair and blue silk billowed in dust, he traveled across the mountains and seas, across the sky and the earth, walking a thousand steps.

This is his journey alone, a journey he must take, because he owes the great ambitions of all beings in the world and owes the great ambitions of the Dao of Heaven.

The blue sky rises in the west without night, the setting sun shines like blood on the twilight earth, and the sage comes westward stepping on the dust.

Back then when the sage Laozi traveled westward, there was purple air coming eastward for thirty thousand miles, and the air of the world was born immeasurably.

But when Qingluo goes westward, it is a pair of purple and white qi that accumulates in the mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon alternate and the light does not disperse.

Qing Luo became a shadow alone, stepping on the west wind and dusty sunset, the figure disappeared into the long yellow sand desert.

He walked the earth step by step, measured the rivers and mountains with his feet, observed the sky and the earth with his eyes, and sensed the changes in the three times and the future with his heart.

Qingluo walks on the yellow sand, feeling that there are thousands of feet under the yellow sand, looking up at the sky, feeling that the sky is billions of feet higher.

He looks at the mountains, the water, the earth, and the sky, and his eyes pretend to be a world.

One side of the world is in his eyes, and the primordial spirit deduces billions of times. He sees that this desert will become wider and wider after ten thousand years, and he sees that the green mountains outside the desert will be smoothed by the weather of heaven and earth , the lake in the green hills outside the mountain will be lifted by the earthquake, and the water will flow down into a river to the east.

One side of the world has a change of one side of the world, and the combination of the square side of the world is a great world.

He is young and wants to change the situation that has never been seen in ancient times. Naturally, he wants to change this day.Make this place change.Make the world change!

If you want to change, you need to know the past, and you need to know what the original appearance is before you can recognize it.

Walking between the heaven and the earth, Qingluo is really measuring the heaven and the earth, and also sensing the call of the heaven and the earth.

 Double update ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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