Chapter 682 Ying Fangcun, Yan Daqian

I used to be an ant, I could only look up at the majesty of heaven and earth.

Today, he is a saint, and he will eventually see the world.

Qing Luo walks in the desert with rolling yellow sand, and everywhere he enters his eyes is golden hot boulders. The strong wind howls, and the blue silk flutters with the wind, stepping out step by step and imprinting footprints, and is soon buried by the wind and sand.

In his eyes, the desert is not only the present yellow sand desert, but also the land of the past.Pushing forward, day by day, year by year, tens of thousands of years, Yuanhui Era, the endless years of this desert since Pangu's death all manifested his mind.

In his eyes, this desert is not only the desert of the past, but also the land of the future.Pushing back, thousands of years, ten thousand years, hundreds of millions of years, endless changes and endless deeds have entered the mind.

Qingluo walked slowly across the desert, the sun rose and set, the moon dimmed, the stars shifted alternately, and the cold came and went for ten years.

He just walked out of this desert.

When his footsteps stepped out of the last piece of yellow sand, behind him, the yellow sand and wind and dust were all controlled by his heart.

Qingluo is worthy of this desert. The sage has walked for ten years, looking vertically through the ages, and looking at the surrounding area. The desert is endless, but it is remembered by the sage. The wind and sand are unpredictable and changeable, but they are known to the sage.

In the desert, the wind blows more vigorously, and the sand flickers even more. There is no desert world, and there is endless yellow sand in the sky to send the saint away.

Qingluo stepped into a high mountain range, walking in the mountains and forests, lush and green, with thousands of years old trees towering into the sky, and the huge canopy shades the sunlight to create a dense forest wild scene.

Under the forest, there are streams flowing along the trend, hares running, deer bowing their heads to drink water, insects chirping, birds wandering in the trees, snakes and pythons intertwined, wolves, tigers and leopards are all over it.

Qingluo walked into the mountain forest alone, and there was no one to see or detect any spirits in the mountain. Wulun was an ordinary creature or a few golden immortal Taiyi Sanxiu immortals a million miles away.

The saint doesn't want to see anyone, so naturally that person will never see the saint.

He didn't disturb the world and everything in the slightest, he still crossed the high mountains and rugged forests step by step, watching the world with his eyes and reflected in his mind.

Mountains, forests and high rivers evolve and carry out in his mind, which is also to open up the past and endless future, and also to take one mountain and forest back to his mind.

After ten years of walking through the forest, a mountain range comes back to my eyes.

Step by step, he walked through the undeduced square inch, and every time he walked a square, he deduced a square.

Every inch of the world that he walks through is the past, present, and future world that Qing Luo watched and performed, and it is the radius of a world that he has mastered.

In Qingluo Yuanshen, more and more imprints of the most original and purest things are engraved on the Dao of Derivation.Every time a new world is deduced, his Dayan will go one step further!
He is not only on the road of great ambition, but also on the road of cultivating the Tao.

Qing Luo proves the Dao of Hunyuan, ascends to the extraordinary, and becomes the first level of Hunyuan Heaven Realm!
Kong Xuanzhi was entrusted with the integration of Hongmeng Ziqi into a heaven and earth sage, blessed by the power of the prehistoric heaven and earth, and also added to the share of being Kong Xuan's chosen son.

He became the fastest saint, the fastest Hunyuan to step into the Hunyuan Second Layer in the prehistoric ages!

Now, he is walking the great way, walking the way of heaven and earth. When his footprints are all over the prehistoric, it is the time when the Dao of Derivation is endless, and it is also the moment when he breaks through the third heaven of Hunyuan!
His derived avenue is unique in the world, and he is the only one in the universe who is the god of choice, the derived Taoist master, who has to escape from the blessing of the original share of the Hongmeng avenue, so every point higher in his way, the stronger the method point.

Qingluo walked for a hundred years and came to the foot of Shiwanda Mountain. The once barren land of Xiniu Hezhou was also the mountain where he and Qinglan met the god of the fierce mountain for the first time.

Revisiting the old place, he, who is now a saint, has a lot of emotion, and walks into the top ten prehistoric places.

In the extreme depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, under an extremely dark corpse vein, a terrifying and gloomy figure emerged out of the earth and saw the light of day again.

He has cultivated here for hundreds of thousands of years, and today he finally broke through the realm. Even though he was rejected by the world and did not dare to release the coercion to make all the corpses in the world kneel down, he is still in good spirits.

However, at this moment, the smile on his face instantly froze and turned into shock.

I saw the eastward direction of the mountains, and suddenly there was a pair of purple and white air that was invisible to the naked eye, sweeping across the sky, the grand light that covered the sky and the sun, and the boundless majestic purple glow rolling in.

He was terrified in his heart. In today's prehistoric world, there is only one person with such a heaven and earth atmosphere.

Qingluo Saint!

He shouldn't have seen the saint travel thousands of times, but at this moment, he just broke through the realm, from the king of corpses to the ancestor of corpses, his luck has greatly increased, and when he meets the saint travels.

Meeting a saint on a trip is a great blessing for his power, but it is a great disaster for generals!

Not only because he was rejected by all spirits in the world as the ancestor of the corpse, but also because he and Qingluo had many disputes.Whether it was Conferring the Gods and Calamity, or Styx's attack on the Nightless City, he had participated in it, and even stood on the opposite side of the current saints in the past.

The general panicked in his heart, and after thinking about everything, he still gritted his teeth and stayed where he was, with a respectful expression on his face, standing in the cave in front of the mountain, waiting for the saint to guide him.

Now that he saw the sage traveling, not only was his luck soaring, but the general knew that the sage probably wanted him to see it.

Therefore, the generals dare not leave, cannot leave, and ignore the sight of the saint. The saint is enough to crush him with one finger, which is easier than crushing an ant.

Because the ants are too small, it takes a lot of effort to look carefully, and as the corpse ancestor, the new corpse ancestor, he is still an ant, but the genus of luck is conspicuous, so there is no need to bother looking for it.Therefore, in the eyes of a sage, it is really easier to crush him to death than to crush an ant.

The general didn't have any luck, and he didn't even have the heart to resist the saint, even if he was already comparable to the quasi-sage.

Back then, the third of the four corpse ancestors fell, and he was the only one who survived to this day. He was not only a moment of luck, but also a lifetime of wisdom.

The general respectfully stood up and waited for the saint to drive him. He waited for a long time, one day or two days, one month and two months, one year and two years. In the blink of an eye, 18 years passed.

The general still stands respectfully in front of the cave, and has not moved for 18 years. The clothes on his body are still as new after being tainted by wind and snow, because he must be solemn when meeting a saint.

He didn't wait for a saint in 18 years, not only did he not relax, but he became more respectful.

To treat him as an ant, he has the patience to wait for 18 years. Such a saint is too terrifying!
Finally, on the last day of No.18, he waited for the coming of the saint.

Qingluo has been traveling for decades, her robes have not changed at all, her clothes are as white as snow, her body is as straight as pine, her hair grows with the wind, her steps follow the dust, just like the beginning.

Stepping into this valley, Qing Luo began to comprehend the rules of the heaven and earth here, and looked around, reflecting the heaven and earth into his Dayan Dao, reflecting his mind.

The general's mind suddenly tightened, his face became more respectful and courteous, and he bowed deeply and saluted, "The generals of the small way pay homage to the saint, and the saint's life is boundless!"

(End of this chapter)

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