Chapter 684
On the Lingshan Mountain, Maitreya World Honored One led all the Buddhas to get up and walk down the Lingshan Mountain to welcome the saint Dharma.

The grand scene of thousands of Buddhas coming out together shocked the beliefs of believers in the endless worlds of the West.

Qing Luo came alone, her white sleeves were blown up by the wind, and her blue silk danced in the air.Dao patterns invisible to the naked eye rippling in the void, one by one simple and simple Dao patterns, imprints of all spirits imprinted on the bottom of people's hearts.

The World Honored Maitreya bowed: "Maitreya has seen the saint, and welcomes the saint's teaching."

All the Buddhas behind him paid homage and said: "Welcome to the saint's Dharma driving Lingshan."

Qing Luo swept his long sleeves and replied with a light smile: "You're so polite. Everyone!"

At this moment, the Buddhas straightened up and met the saint with a solemn face.

Qingluo looked at Maitreya, and said leisurely: "My friend Maitreya, the World Honored One, is a person of great merit, great wisdom, and great perseverance who practice Buddhism."

Maitreya touched his round and protruding belly, and said with a smile on his face, "The sage praised it."

Qing Luo took a step forward and said bluntly: "The great prosperity of Buddhism is the will of heaven and earth.

Now that the calamity is over, the rise and fall of Buddhism is at the mercy of the people.

Taoism and Buddha came out of the same sect, and they both returned to the Taoist ancestors to pass on the Dharma. It should not be that Taoism and Buddha should compete with each other, and the two sides are hostile! "

As soon as these words came out, the Buddhas were silent, and the smile on Maitreya's face froze for a moment, and then he replied: "What the sage said is right."

Maitreya understood that it was no accident that the sage went west to Lingshan today, and he must listen to the words of the sage.

At the same time, the six sages of the wall of the plane were equally surprised, especially the five sages of Taoism and Buddha who were more concerned about Qingluo's next steps, while Nuwa was curious about his plan.

Qing Luo raised her eyebrows and smiled, her voice was subdued, and she said neither serious nor serious: "Buddhist beliefs should be transformed by Taoist Xinyang.

Buddhas should have Buddhas, and Dao should have Taoist rules.The two ways are not inherently opposed, so they can live in harmony!
I have a law that can make ten thousand Buddhas and ten thousand ways coexist in heaven and earth.

I have a method that can make the Buddha enter the ocean like Hengsha Taoist.

Taoism and Buddhism are in harmony, and the world is in peace!
Is the World Honored One willing to give it a try? "

Maitreya's heart trembled, and the thousand Buddhas behind him also trembled in disbelief.

If the person in front of them was not a sage of heaven and earth, they would never believe it.

But standing in front of them was the saint!

Maitreya pondered for a long time before saying: "May I ask the saint how successful this method is?"

"Fifty percent!" Qing Luo said without any concealment, "At this moment, it's only fifty percent!
After I have traveled all over the prehistoric five lakes, four seas, and four major continents, there will be [-]%! "

Maitreya World Honored One murmured, "Ninety percent? That's so much!"

"Good! Maitreya thanks the saint!
Hundreds of millions of believers in my three veins of Buddhism, voluntarily listen to the orders of the saints! "

Qing Luo nodded with a smile, and then said: "You should live up to the trust of fellow Taoist Maitreya, and live up to the trust of the Second Sanctuary in the West!"

Qing Luo imprinted the traces of all spirits in the Western Lingshan Mountain, and then turned away. The Buddhas in Lingshan Mountain passed by, and Qingluo went straight to the West Wuji.

In the land of the West Pole, the White Tiger Lord, whose body is the same size as the West Pole, opened his tiger eyes as big as Mount Tai, the sleeping White Tiger Lord, stood up, and straightened his body, shaking the entire West Pole. .

Qing Luo walked into it, Ji Shou said: "His Holiness is well."

The white tiger sage opened his huge tiger's mouth and said: "The sage has come from afar. I don't know why?"

Qing Luoyun was indifferent and said with a smile: "It's for the saints. It's for the tiger clan.

If I want to change the situation of the ages, I must ask the great power of the five sages to use it, so that it can be achieved. "

The White Tiger Lord asked doubtfully: "Re-open the world, and set up a new place?"

Qing Luo said: "Yes, and no.

At that time, the Holy One only needs to let go of Xiji's control and take over my body. "

The white tiger sage's eyes were slightly startled. Even after experiencing the vicissitudes of the ages, he couldn't help admiring the courage of this new saint!

As soon as he inherits his power to suppress the western pole of the world, he will have to guard the western pole.If there is an accident, such a huge change in the world will surely suffer endless karma.

Moreover, Qing Luo will become the master who suppresses the West Pole, he will be free!

The Holy Lord of the White Tiger took a deep breath, and directly absorbed the Tai Geng Qi within a radius of [-] feet. In a moment of thought, the Holy Lord of the White Tiger looked up to the sky and let out a tiger roar. and the whole earth trembles.

"Okay! My White Tiger agrees!" The suppression of heaven and earth has infinite years, the past is infinite years, and there will be endless years in the future. Immortal, immortal, withered, undefeated, inseparable, inseparable.

Past, present, future, three times never change!
Such a long time is frightening. You can only stay in the five poles of the world that no one knows, and live alone here forever. The mental torture is too terrible!
Even if the White Tiger Holy Venerable is comparable to Hunyuan Holy Venerable, it is difficult for him to bear such horror.

Therefore, he heard Qing Luo's words, even if he failed, he would have a chance to get out of trouble!

Qing Luo smiled back and said goodbye, went straight to the east and north.

Behind him, the entire continent of Xiniu Hezhou is sending out a response, trying to persuade Qingluo to stay.

Because when he comes back, Xiniu Hezhou will disappear forever!
Qing Luo left alone, from west to east, walked into the vast ocean of the Northwest Sea, walked through the waves and tides of the sea, and imprinted every experience and every spirituality in her mind and mind.

The sea and the ocean are deduced from the bottom of his soul, and the ocean began to emerge in the northwest of the Hezhou continent in Xiniu.

Qingluo crosses the vast ocean in the northwest, the wind blows up the haze, the waves give birth to the vast ocean, schools of fish race over, and thousands of birds float in the air

This time, Qing Luo walked very slowly, step by step, measuring the universe, the vast ocean, and deducing the past, present and future.

Qing Luo has been soaking in seawater for 300 years, and in the blink of an eye for 300 years, he has crossed the rules of heaven and earth to return to the sea from the northwest.

In his primordial spirit, an island, a vast ocean, and creatures of all spirits appeared on the edge of Xiniu Hezhou.

After traveling for four hundred years, he finally entered the boundary.

The gate of the underworld is hidden in the Northwest Sea, allowing you to cross the two worlds of life and death without any illusions.

Northwest Lake is also known as Wuwanghai, and Wuwanghaili is the gate that crosses the boundary between yin and yang and communicates life and death.

Qing Luo walked into it and stepped into the nether world.

In an instant, the Pingxin empress of the underworld opened her shallow eyes, thinking and not thinking.

It was also at this moment that Po Meng of the Underworld, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of the Fahua Jingdi, Emperor Fengdu, and Yama of the Ten Temples all stopped what they were doing and looked at the Qingluo Saint who had entered the underworld!

However, in the underworld, the most restless person is the Patriarch Styx!
In the ancestral hall of the Asura Clan in the sea of ​​blood, Styx's eyes were gloomy, and the atmosphere in the hall was terribly dull, and all the Asura kings did not dare to act rashly.

Qing Luo still strolled unhurriedly in the underworld, and the image of the saint was still purple and white as vast as the sky, but the majesty of the supreme saint never disturbed anyone except a few great gods of the underworld.

In the underworld, he also wants to walk.

Birth can be born, death can be postponed, life and death are both yin and yang, and Qingluo is walking towards the depths of the underworld step by step, and is also walking towards the sea of ​​blood in the nether world.

(End of this chapter)

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