The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 685 Purifying the Sea of ​​Blood

Chapter 685 Purifying the Sea of ​​Blood

Qingluo stepped into the underworld step by step, a lifeless and dark underworld, a dark underworld where there is no life and no sun, only death and yin.

Stepping out step by step, the sage's aura of purple and white poured into his peers, but the ghosts didn't know it at all, and a pair of black and white impermanent bull-headed horses escorted and escorted a group of souls to the depths of the underworld.

Every time Qing Luo takes a step, the Dao of Dayan is pushed towards death, and the world in the primordial spirit deduces the earth and sky of the underworld.

The imprint of Wan Ling is branded in the "prehistoric" in his mind, a prehistoric that only has Xiniu Hezhou at this moment.

Qing Luo walked leisurely all the way, and before she knew it, she had walked to the edge of the Nether Blood Sea within ten years.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva felt it, and walked out of the pure ground of Dharma Flower to meet the saint.

"Welcome to the saint, and may the saint live forever."

Qing Luo returned with a smile, "Fellow Ksitigarbha Daoists are very polite, they have stayed in the underworld for a long time, and their perseverance is beyond my comparability."

Ksitigarbha shook his head and said with a smile, "Sage, this is a little monk."

Since the moment when Ksitigarbha made his great wish, he has never walked out of the nether world. The Buddha should be in the bright world, but this Bodhisattva will never see the sky, the sky and the sky again. , by the sea of ​​bloody wind and evil rain, the ghostly reincarnation Buddha of life and death.

The perseverance of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is by no means comparable to that of ordinary quasi-sages.

Qing Luo looked at the sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood was divided into two, and Qinglan Zhan divided the sea of ​​blood into two, but now after many years of fighting in Styx, taking advantage of the chaos in the evil calamity, the sea of ​​blood once again merged into two one.

Turning his gaze to the sea of ​​blood, he quietly stared at the terrifying sea of ​​blood, even if there was a world under the sea of ​​blood, he couldn't stop Qing Luo's gaze.

Although Patriarch Minghe was in the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood, he felt that before Qingluo, the isolation of the sea of ​​blood of thousands of layers did not exist, and looked at him as if Qingluo was close at hand.

Styx's heart trembled, and even though he sensed the gaze of the saint, he still closed his eyes in disrespect, as if he ignored it.

It is taboo to ignore saints.

But Styx has his confidence, the sea of ​​blood never dries up, Styx never dies!
Even a saint cannot let him fall.Because the sea of ​​blood never dries up, the avatars of the God of Endless Blood can't stop being killed.

And the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, not only because the sea of ​​blood is vast, but also because the sea of ​​blood here is where the filth of the world gathers. If the sea of ​​blood is destroyed, there will be no place in the world where filth can hide , then the heaven and the earth will be filthy, such a big cause and effect, even a saint is not willing to bear it.

Back then, when the two sages of the West were all there, they couldn't help him.Ming He didn't believe that Qing Luo was stronger than the two western saints just after entering Hunyuan and attaining the holy position.

However, he thought of Qing Luo too simply, or in other words, he thought of Qing Luo too much as a saint, and he put Qing Luo in the category of the Six Saints who were destined to be saints.

He Qingluo is not a sage destined for heaven, he is very different from the six sages.

Qing Luo took a step forward, and the boundless pressure of the saint descended on the sea of ​​blood and enveloped the world of Asura in an instant. Countless Asura clans were all suppressed by the majesty of the saint, unable to move a single bit.


Qing Luo opened his mouth, and the word "Styx" resounded throughout the universe, like a thunderstorm in the hearts of all living beings, and countless powerful immortals cast their eyes on the sea of ​​blood under the Nine Netherworld.

Old Ancestor Minghe still sat upright, not paying any attention to it.In the sea of ​​blood, he has the ability to annoy even saints.

He would not go out foolishly and bow his head to confess his sins. He Styx was a man of the same generation as the Six Sages back then, so he naturally had his heart and pride.

Above the sea of ​​blood, Qing Luo shook her head, looked at the sea of ​​blood, and said quietly: "Since you don't come out, I will invite you out!"

Leisurely stretched out one finger, one pointing at the sky, then flipped over and pointed at the ground, and then pointed in front of him, saying: "Get out!"

The next moment, the rules of heaven and earth in the entire blood sea trembled, white light suddenly appeared, and Styx appeared at the place pointed by Qing Luo in the sky of the blood sea with a dazed expression.

Styx was extremely shocked, never before.As the master of the sea of ​​blood, he boasted that the sea of ​​blood was comparable to a semi-holy one, but he was removed from the sea of ​​blood without any resistance and without any reaction.

Styx was stunned, not to mention the power of the bystanders.

Even the Six Sages of the Wall of Planes couldn't help but concentrate.

Zhunti laughed and said, "Zhunti is not as good as Qingluo!"

Empress Nuwa's eyes flickered, judging by her Taoism about to enter the fifth heaven, Qing Luo pointed to the sky, commanding the sky of the sea of ​​blood, and pointing to the sea, commanding the will of the sea of ​​blood.

With the will of the underworld, the will of the sea of ​​​​blood, and the evolution of time and space with the Dao of Derivation, and even the power of the ancient Yuanling Pagoda, there is only one finger that can shift shape and change positions.

But what Nvwa saw was that Qingluo could command the will of the blood sea, heaven and earth, and even a Hunyuan saint could hardly do this when the blood sea had its own master.

There was a cold light in Qing Luo's eyes, the command to order the will of heaven and earth just now had such power after he used Da Yan to deduce the world of blood, branded the sea of ​​blood and captured the soul.

But it was only for a moment, after all, the real lord of the sea of ​​blood is still Styx, and Qing Luo can only borrow it for a while, not for a lifetime.

Patriarch Minghe was a little confused, he had no choice but to salute, and said stiffly: "I have seen a saint!"

Qing Luo smiled lightly, very lightly, with a trace of coolness.As for Styx, he attacked the City of Nightless Sky twice and blocked the way, but the cause and effect cannot be undone. He is not the Holy Mother, nor is he a compassionate and kind person.

Kindness reaps kindness.Sow evil causes, reap evil results.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe doesn't want to see me?"

"Styx doesn't dare, but I don't know why the saint came to the sea of ​​blood?"

Qing Luo sneered, and said: "Thinking about the Holy Will, Fellow Daoist Ming He is a bit paranoid.

Thinking about it, the sea of ​​blood was too peaceful, making fellow daoists think too much.

That being the case, Fellow Daoist Styx, I will rectify the sea of ​​blood and let you spend more time managing the matter of the sea of ​​blood. "

Ming He was startled, and hurriedly said: "Sage wait a minute, the matter of the sea of ​​blood is the matter of the underworld. I am the master of the sea of ​​blood, so it is better for the poor to do it myself."

Qing Luo said indifferently: "It's late."

Raising your hand and waving your cloud sleeves, thousands of rays of light flow, thousands of silver-white rays sweeping across the sky and submerging into the sea of ​​blood, turning into a silver band of light across the sea of ​​blood, splitting the sea of ​​blood into two parts Half of the sea of ​​blood.

Patriarch Styx's heart suddenly trembled, his blood surged and he almost vomited blood. He finally regained [-]% of the lost blood sea, and lost half of the blood sea again!
Qing Luo didn't care about Styx's angry pupils at all, and pointed out again and again, the derived divine light emitted immeasurable light, purifying the blood sea and filth.

A Dao Talisman engraved with complicated and simple Dao patterns is suspended in the sea of ​​blood being purified, and a large formation of world purification covers it, protecting the sea of ​​blood.

Qing Luo turned around and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Ksitigarbha, the sea of ​​blood here can only be completely purified after millions of years, and you still need to pay attention to it."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled even more, and said: "The poor monk naturally obeys the sage's decree."

(End of this chapter)

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