Chapter 697

If the Feng family walks out of Tiannan, such strength is enough to stir up the situation and cause unpredictable changes in the world.Before he fulfilled his ambition, Hong Huang had better be quiet.

Stepping across the sky, stepping into the void and stepping into the deepest part of the Tiannan Immortal Volcano, the magma filled the sky is extremely red and hot, and the source fire in the center of the earth, which is enough to incinerate the immortal body of a golden immortal, fills this underground world.

And in the underground world, there is a gigantic Suzaku divine bird that spreads its wings and suppresses the fire with its body. Flame elves are all over Wei'an's body, and every feather is burnt and refined by infinite fire.

A trace of surprise flashed in Qing Luo's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Yuanfeng Dao is friendly with supernatural powers. Using the body of a phoenix to suppress several yuanhuis of Earth Fire, a Suzaku avatar was created entirely from the essence of Earth Fire, which can be cultivated endlessly by Earth Fire With the use of Daoist Yuanshen, I am afraid that he already has the strength of Hunyuan."

Out of the huge Suzaku's body came out a young woman dressed in a red dress, with phoenix eyes and pure phoenix eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Qingluo has good eyesight. This is the painstaking effort of the old man for countless years." Yuan Feng walked slowly, with three points of sadness in his eyes: "I forged this Hunyuan Dharma Body at the price of the phoenix's nirvana supernatural power , just to protect the continuation of my Feng Clan."

Qing Luo was enlightened, and sighed slightly: "In this way, Fellow Daoist Yuanfeng can no longer use the magical power of Phoenix Nirvana?"

"That's right, once I summon the source, the Dharma body will drop Hunyuan and it will be difficult to recover."

Qing Luo nodded, didn't say much, this is Feng Zu's choice, he will not interfere.

"Fellow Daoist may perceive where Kong Xuan is?"

The Feng Clan shook his head and sighed: "I don't know either, I can only find out with the power of my bloodline that my son is not in danger of falling.

Fellow Daoist, are you still afraid that you owe my son a burst of majestic purple energy, and the karma will be hard to repay? "

Qing Luo laughed, and said: "Kong Xuan and I are not known as fellow Taoists, so don't worry, I only care about his safety.

It is also because of Kong Xuan that I have the trip to meet Daoist Yuanfeng face to face today.I owed the Karma to the Feng Clan back then, and now I can repay it easily.When I reestablish the world, it will be the opportunity for the Feng clan to escape from their misery.

But as for the future, the safety of the Phoenix clan needs to be decided by fellow Taoists. "

The Feng Clan was startled, and asked: "Re-establish the world?
Daoyou is so courageous and courageous!That being the case, I, the Phoenix Clan, will help fellow Taoists at that time! "

Qing Luo smiled back and said, "Thank you for your help, Fellow Daoist."

Qing Luo left Tiannan with the reply from the last saint.

The moment she walked out of Tiannan, Qing Luo walked out of the prehistoric world and into the chaos.

The six saints on the wall of the plane were all suspicious, they thought that Qing Luo's next stop would be to go to the wall of the plane to meet them.Never thought, but he was unexpected.

From the moment Qingluo stepped out of the primordial and entered the chaos, a complete "prehistoric" within the primordial spirit was completely formed!
Heaven, earth, east, west, north, south, four directions, land and sea.

A prehistoric is engraved in his mind, he is a saint who will forever imprint the prehistoric and spiritual imprints!
Qing Luo turned around and walked into Dayan.

In the plane of Dayan, Qing Luo's heart and spirit unite with Dayan, and communicate with the spirit of the world in this plane, and heaven and earth are inspired by it. At this moment, he is the world of Dayan, and the world of Dayan is Qing Luo!
His figure merged into the Dayan plane, either disappearing into the world or joining the world.

The "little prehistoric" in Yuanshen floats in the Dayan world, and countless spiritual sources fly out of it, each of which is the imprint of hundreds of millions of prehistoric creatures branded by Qingluo walking on the prehistoric plane.

Tens of trillions of imprints of all spirits have been integrated into the boundless continent of Dayan World, the vast ocean, the mysterious sky, and the thick core of the earth.

This is the imprint of Qingluo's derivation method chain to promote and evolve hundreds of millions of living beings, imprinted on the heart, and then imprinted by the heart on Dayan. There is no living beings and wisdom in Dayan. I don't know how many long years it will take.

However, with the will of the lord of the plane, Qing Luo accelerated the derivation and quoted the traces of the prehistoric spirits to accelerate the evolution of the plane.

On the plane of Dayan, on the vast ocean island in the east of the mainland, a towering ancient tree has grown here for thousands of years. After a mark of all spirits falls and merges behind the tree, the tree suddenly has a vague and chaotic consciousness. The fledgling spirituality clumsily recites "Big..."




Qing Luo, whose body melts into heaven and earth, also melts into the world of Dayan, and the Yuanshen is immersed in Dayan.

The Qingluo at this moment is like the prehistoric way of heaven!

There is nothing not to palm, nothing to know!
The years are long, and a hundred years have passed.

Although the Dayan World is still the same Dayan, it is different.

On the isolated island in the vast ocean in the east, after the towering ancient tree unconsciously absorbed the vitality of the world for hundreds of years, its will gradually took shape, and it first became spiritual and intelligent, turning mortals into spirits, and turning from spiritual things into living beings!

The will of this tree is awakened, and it is the first thing in Dayan to turn into a living thing!
Qing Luo, whose body melted into heaven and earth, was slightly happy in his heart, and looked at this sea mulberry tree with a smile.

With the help of Dayan Tiandi's merits and virtues, this tree's spiritual wisdom was further enlightened, and it transformed its spirit into cultivation, becoming the first race in this world, the Wood Clan!

In its mind, the name of heaven and earth is Dayan, and the great god who created heaven and earth is named Qingluo.It is a spiritual tree derived from the great god Qingluo. Thanks to the grace of the father god Qingluo, it becomes a living being. One person is a clan, and it becomes the first and first established race in Dayan.

After this tree, a stubborn stone on the top of the Sunset Valley in the west, a snow lotus on the Xuanming Glacier in the north, and a little fire essence in the burning land in the south, all formed spiritual wisdom one after another, turned things into spirits, and became the first tree in this world. Creatures!

After them, there are many things that, after merging the imprints of all spirits, began the process of transforming into living beings.

Moreover, in the soil of the earth, there are tiny invisible things that are slowly evolving, and in the streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans, there are also tiny, invisible things that are gathering and forming, gradually evolving, but extremely slowly.

Qingluo uses the body to fit the heaven and the earth, creates the will of the living beings on the Dayan plane, uses the derived avenue as the merits of the will of the heaven and the earth, and divides it by race. Although it is a budding division, it has gradually formed.

After Dayan merged with the imprint of all spirits, Qing Luo's mind and spirit separated again. As soon as he ascended to the sky and fell into the ground, the ancient Yuanling Pagoda was functioning to the limit, and the ability to bless Yuanshen Dao was exerted to the extreme.

The sky on the Dayan Plane gradually developed cracks, and the ground on the Dayan Plane began to frequently experience small earthquakes.The sky is rising and splitting at a speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but the earth is sinking at a speed that is difficult to detect, and cracks have also appeared on the earth.

Both the sky and the earth have extremely small gaps. The gaps in the sky sprinkle light spots, and the gaps in the ground float tiny dust. The dust and light spots are floating in the sky and gradually merging.

 Double update, please ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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