Chapter 698 Hunyuan Four Heavens!
3000 years later.

The heaven and earth changes in Dayan gradually lasted for 3000 years, and the integration of Qingluo and Heaven and Earth Dao lasted for [-] years, and the whole world changed.

The sky is divided into nine heavenly realms, and each heavenly realm is a range beyond the boundless universe.

There are twelve layers of the underworld divided under the thick earth, and each layer of the underworld is also a region beyond the boundless world.

At the highest point of the Nine Heavens, countless earth dust and the gaps in the sky blend together, attracting the chaotic four-image power outside the Great Evolution, and then the Qingluo Xinshen is the main one, evolving into the sky full of stars!

And with 9000 billion 360 million small stars, [-] five large stars, and nine lunar sun stars, a large cosmic star array is arranged.

Combining billions of stars, earth, wind, water and fire, and the wall of the plane that is in harmony with Dayan Heaven and Earth, a supreme array is arranged, even the Supreme Hunyuan can hardly break through the boundary!

This will be the wall of the plane of the Dayan plane, guarding the world of Dayan, and guarding the spirits of the Dayan plane.

After thousands of years of transition, with the rapid catalytic blessing of the Qingluo Derivative Dao, the first batch of creatures since the creation of the world appeared in the Dayan plane!
Dozens of spiritually intelligent Wood tribes were born in the land of lush vegetation in the east. Although they still have no transformation method and their mana is low, they can already start to communicate with each other.

In the north, there are a few spirits of ice, snow and cold wind who are born with spiritual wisdom. Although the number is very small, each of them is a spirit with the beauty of heaven and earth. They have instinctive supernatural powers before they take shape. Both the ice and wind tribes should not be underestimated. .

In the west, many ore essences gradually produce spiritual intelligence. Although the spiritual intelligence is extremely low, it can barely be regarded as evolved into a living being, but because of its hard body, it is not afraid of any external damage.

In the south, more than a dozen Lihuo spirits and various spiritual fires of heaven and earth have also produced weak spiritual intelligence, wandering in the endless flames of the burning sky, nourishing themselves, and the budding of the fire family is beginning to appear.

Distributed in the center of the continent, many spirits have been differentiated and formed. There are many creatures such as flower spirits, grass spirits, tree spirits, stone spirits, wind spirits, cloud spirits, and earth spirits. The direction of living beings evolves.

And in the soil of Dayan, the first batch of animals appeared.Although it is just a tiny bug that is so small that it can be ignored, it is already a qualitative breakthrough for the Dayan plane.

And in the depths of the ocean, some marine microbes have also begun to evolve, countless marine microbes invisible to the naked eye.

According to Qing Luo's ideas, the Dayan plane has begun the process of evolving from inorganic creatures to organic creatures!
But all kinds of organic creatures, namely birds and beasts, birds, beasts, insects and fish, still need a long time to evolve.

Compared with them, natural single-element objects such as earth, gold, wood, fire, wind, ice, and water produced by the differentiation of the elements of earth, wind, water, and fire have existed since the beginning of Dayan.

These inorganic substances are numerous, have existed for a long time, and also bear the marks of all spirits. They have no natural enemies, no casualties, no life limit, and they have the help of the will of heaven and earth. They are really unique.

Therefore, the first era in which Dayan was born must belong to the era of their inorganic creatures!
Although the ten thousand years is approaching, Qing Luo has no sense of urgency.

He still fits the heavens and the earth, constructing the heaven and earth rules of the Dayan plane, the law of all things, the iron rules of the world, and the order of the plane.

Qing Luo appeared in the Dayan Heaven and Earth, with a body as high as billions of feet, standing on the mountains and rivers, and the cosmic sky above her head. The supremely majestic aura shocked all the enlightened things in Dayan.

Qingluo uttered the thunderous sound of the avenue, shaking the heaven and the earth, proclaiming all spirits: "I am Qingluo, I create the Great Evolution Plane, I am the god of creation, I create all things, and breed all living beings like you.

All the planes of Dayan are my genus Qingluo, and they are all in the hands of Dayan Heaven and Earth.It is your responsibility to obey the heaven and the earth! "

The voice of the words spread across the nine skies, shaking the twelve worlds, the endless continents, the vast oceans and the deep seas, all echoed with the voice of Qing Luo.

From this moment on, the origin of Dayan Heaven and Earth is deeply imprinted in the depths of Dayan Wansheng's memory and soul.

The image of Qingluo's Taoism is also displayed in the eyes of Wanling, establishing an aesthetic view of transformation for all living beings.

All living beings are grateful, and with the words of Qingluo as the common language of heaven and earth, they all surrender and worship with all their hearts:
"Thank you, Father God, for creating us!"

The sound starts from the wilderness plain, or from the ice and snow of the mountains, or reverberates over the boundless wilderness and dense forest. . .

At this moment, Qing Luo established Dayan for the first time as the God of Creation, promoting the universe and expanding the majesty.

As the son of Daoxuan, he once again touched the power of Yi that escaped, and inspired the original power of Hongmeng Dao to infuse him.

Becoming the main god of one plane, the god of creation, no matter in this plane or in Hongmeng Dao, is the supreme merit and glory!

This is a reward for the Dao, and a reward for the power of the plane.

In Qingluo's body, the Dao of Derivation was promoted again, and the thick and infinite Wei'an Dao body broke through the realm again, from the first realm to the second realm, and stepped into the fourth heaven of Hunyuan!

At this moment, Qing Luo felt the majestic power in his body that could destroy endless worlds with one hand. He felt that even in the endless deep space universe, he was also a giant, a giant capable of destroying the universe!

At this moment, his derived Dao dharma chain changed from a transparent shape to an almost invisible shape, which is difficult for ordinary creatures to see with their naked eyes.

Even, every derivative method chain began to faintly mobilize the power of one side of the world and order the power of the plane!

Qing Luo disappeared and merged with Dayan Tian's authentic way again.

The endless chains of Dao Law in the body spread out, covering the whole world, constructing an endless law and order, and returning to the realm of the void, invisible, intangible, and intangible!

It was also at this moment that in Da Yan Wan Sheng's mind, there was the inheritance of heaven and earth, and the cognition and understanding about heaven and earth, about the world, and even the realm of Dao cultivation on the Da Yan plane was established by Qing Luo's division.

In the Dayan plane, everything can be called a mortal level, that is, everything that has no power and no perception of the vitality of heaven and earth, and even future creatures.

The second level is called the spiritual level!Stepping into this realm is still a mortal level in essence, but it just opens the way of cultivation and begins to practice Taoism for a lifetime.This realm, compared to the prehistoric plane, is roughly equivalent to mortals, qi practitioners, demons, etc. who have not yet become immortals.

The third realm is called the Yellow Stage!Stepping into this realm, one has already escaped from the mortal stage in essence, and has the evolution of life. One can practice the law, realize the Tao, fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and can turn mortals into immortals.This level is equivalent to the earth fairyland in the prehistoric ancient realm!

The fourth realm is called the mysterious stage!Ascending into this realm, one can feel the Taoism of the heavens and the earth, cultivate supernatural powers and spells, have a long lifespan, and even arouse the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and can be empty of mysterious and unpredictable abilities.This realm coincides with the heavenly realm of the prehistoric plane!

(End of this chapter)

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