Chapter 709 The Eternal Battle
When the stars were shining in the Six Realms, the Dao of Derivation touched the Taiyin laurel, broke into the foundation of the laurel, and took away the body of the great witch Hou Yi who suppressed the Taiyin star for a long time.

And in an instant, Wu Gang outside the laurel also annihilated and turned into a streamer and merged into the flesh of his descendants.

It was also at this moment that the space-time tunnel on the lunar planet opened, and Chang'e and Shi Ji took the body of Hou Yi, the great witch, and stepped into the gate of Dayan Realm.

The traction between the lunar star and Chang'e was also interrupted when the ten thousand stars shifted. When the space domain was restored, Chang'e was no longer Chang'e.

Since then, Chang'e, the moon god of nine heavens, has been lost in the Six Realms, and Wangshu, the Lunar Star, has been added in the Dayan Plane.

Qing Luo has fulfilled the promise of the year, so there is no causal involvement.

Calculated, 5000 years, it should be time to leave.

Go to the wall of the plane, go to the responsibility that the Hunyuan Supreme should bear.

However, Qing Luo still took a slow step, and slipped a volume of holy man's decree from his sleeve, and fell into the City of Nightless Sky, and fell into the hands of Shen Gongbao.

Qing Luo walked towards the south edge of the Six Realms step by step, one pointing at the demon world, one pointing at the heaven world, and pointing at the underworld again, facing the endless void, he stood up and said with a smile: "Qing Luo congratulates you all for your attainment of the Dao in advance, I am waiting for your arrival on the wall of the plane."

In the void of the six realms, no one responded, no one echoed.

Qing Luo turned and left, stepping into the wall of the plane.

On the wall of the plane, the six sages stood on the cloudy sky of the dojo, and saluted Qing Luo together.

This gift is the gift of Hunyuan Supreme, dedicated to all living beings in the six realms.

Qing Luo returned a salute and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoists. The poor Taoist came late, and I thank you all for protecting all living beings in the six realms."

The brows of Lao Tzu's sage twitched, and he said lightly: "This is the job of a sage, although fellow Taoists have just entered Hunyuan, they have already reached ahead of us.

The old man sighed.

My teacher's message has been conveyed, since fellow Taoists have arrived, these human races should return to the human world. "

Qing Luo nodded, although she was surprised, she still said: "Good!"

The other five sages naturally knew about it long ago, and they all said "Good!"

Lao Tzu turned around and said to the millions of human monks below: "Preach the patriarch's oracle: You and the other human races have worked hard to guard the plane. Now that a saint has descended, you will return to the human world to practice hard and refine the Dao in order to resist disasters in the future." robbery."

As soon as this remark came out, all the million human monks below were shocked, first stunned, then unbelievable, and then weeping with joy!

A monk of the personal race burst into tears, tears filled his eyes, and stained his clothes.

There is no end to suppression here, to resist the intrusion of disasters and catastrophes outside the plane.They have forgotten the color of the sun's light, what the moonlight feels like, they have forgotten the existence of heaven and earth aura, and the memory of the inheritance of the human race has been dusty.

The three emperors and five emperors saluted together, and the ten sages of the human race expressed their gratitude.

I was not moved by the gratitude of the human race, and instead of waiting for everyone to stabilize their emotions, I stretched out my hand and flicked it. The Tai Chi diagram transformed into a thousand feet, and brought in millions of human immortals to fly out of the wall of the plane and bring them back to the human world.

Qing Luo understood that even a million human monks could not compare with his mighty power as a saint at the peak of the Hunyuan Fourth Heavenly Layer.

When he came, it naturally greatly strengthened the resistance to suppress the power of chaos outside the plane.

The power of these millions of human monks is naturally dispensable.

And the human monks stationed here, with a cultivation base of 10 years, can't make an inch of progress, and the backlog of hundreds of thousands of years here, it is better to return to the prehistoric and prepare for the coming of the extraordinary catastrophe.

Qing Luo's figure instantly appeared in the void where the million human monks were.

The avenue of derivation spreads out from the soles of the feet, and the layers of iron built by the endless legal order are paved into the transparent crystal wall of the wall of the plane to resist the terrible power of chaos outside the plane.

Even if Qing Luo used the power of a saint to face the increasingly brutal power of chaos, he still had to use three-point tactics.It seems no wonder that the Six Sages can hardly return to the prehistoric times.

Nuwa was able to leave because she responded to the power of heaven, and the power of heaven temporarily supplemented Nuwa's missing power.

If the six saints come out together, even if the Dao of Heaven can resist it, it will consume a lot of power.

Qing Luo took the Yuanling Pagoda in the Yuanshen as the center of the formation, stretched thousands of miles in the void of the wall of the plane, and spread out a pure daytime cloud, which is the Dayan Tian.

From then on, he will be stationed on the wall of the plane, and will not be allowed to leave without the power of heaven.

Dachitian of Lao Tzu, Qingyuntian of Yuanshi, Biyoutian of Tongtian, Wahuangtian of Nuwa, Zhongmiaotian of Zhunti, Bailiantian of Jieyin, and now, with the addition of Qingluo's Dayantian, the seven chaotic The power of Yuan Shengren came out together to resist the power of chaos that came from the first plane outside the void universe.

The most important thing for the first plane to come to the Primordial Plane is that the aura of chaos should shatter the barriers of the Prehistoric Plane, and then guide the coordinates for the first plane's arrival.

The enemy in the first plane is only the enemy of life and death. There is absolutely no surrender to be forgiven. Defeat is the end of eternity.

Because, the enemies of the first plane want the heart of the prehistoric world, the core of the plane. Destroying the prehistoric and seizing the core of the plane is not only the purpose of the enemies of the first plane in this life, but also their purpose in the previous life.

The first plane is called the Market Plane.

The lord of the planes was formed by the endless evil thoughts and resentment of the Great God Pan Gu, and he is the lord of the ruins.

Underneath, it was transformed by the remnants of three thousand gods and demons.Reborn from the source of Hongmeng Dao, they were born for destruction, and died for Dao.

They are born to be sworn enemies with the prehistoric beings, the prehistoric sages, and even the prehistoric heaven.

Among the three thousand demon gods, there is also the Hunyuan Demon God, who is comparable to the Hunyuan Supreme Demon God.There is also Rahu, the ancestor of the devil who escaped from the prehistoric times, and the beast emperor Shen Ni.

There are also twelve Hunyuan gods and demon ancestors who are 12 yuan demons among the three thousand gods and demons.

Among the three thousand gods and demons, which one will be the weak in Da Luo's eternal realm?
There is also an army of countless gods and demons under the evil thoughts of three thousand gods and demons. The Lord of the Ruins is immortal, and the army of gods and demons will never end.

This is a secret told by the Dao of Heaven. Only the Seven Sages know such details about the sentient beings in the six realms. The more you know, the more you worry.

Faced with this fateful decision, the saint will also die.

One battle will determine the outcome, and it will determine eternity.

As Honghuang, the highest plane of the endless universe, if Honghuang is defeated, the endless universe will naturally be defeated.Once Honghuang was defeated, the origin of Hongmeng Avenue completely controlled the universe.

The origin of today's Hongmeng Avenue is not a newborn, and it will be powerless to prevent the universe from giving birth to the great god Pangu.

Once defeated, it is eternal.

Even if you think about it countless times, the word eternity is too heavy and terrifying.

But it is precisely because of great fear, the great fear that there is no way out, that can give birth to great courage!

In the future Eternal War, Qing Luo will no longer be in a catastrophe like before and can only take advantage of the trend, he will also become a motivator!

(End of this chapter)

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