The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 710 Haotiantai 1 became enlightened, and the chapter was reestablished

Chapter 710 Haotian Taiyi becomes enlightened, and reincarnation is reestablished

six circles.

Since the desolation of the Six Realms, the world has been silent for five thousand years.

On this day, the brilliance of the sun and stars shines on the two realms of immortals and demons, and the lunar star wheel shines on the two realms of Buddha and human beings. The heavens are still never dark, the earth is still never bright, and the nightless city is still the same brilliance of the sun and the moon through the ages.

For the Six Realms, this day is an ordinary day.

But this day is destined to be remembered forever by all living beings in the six realms, and the light of this day will shine in the sky forever.

God Realm, the top of all gods, the highest place in the God Realm, on the Lingxiao Palace, stands a figure, the Lord of All Gods, the noble and infinitely powerful Emperor Haotian!
Its sound spread to the hearts of all living beings in the six realms, shaking the nine heavens, and its divine power was mighty.

"I, Haotian. I was the lord of the Three Realms in the old days, and the lord of the God Realm in the six realms today. I have experienced millions of calamities, and I have been certified through hard work. I am the ruler of the God Realm, and I am willing to protect it with my body. I will survive in the God Realm. My god of death is also there.

I palm the divine way, proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the supreme god! "

As his voice fell, all the gods in the God Realm respected him, and hundreds of millions of gods and spirits all paid homage and congratulated him: "Congratulations to the Great Emperor for being certified as Hunyuan!"

In the past, the way of heaven was divided into six forms of Shinto, now the power of Shinto is injected into the body of Haotian Great Emperor, and coexists with Haotian Great Emperor, introducing the supreme divine power to help Haotian Great Emperor take this last step!
The six realms shake together, and all sentient beings congratulate.

This is the first Hunyuan Supreme since the birth of the Six Realms!

Since then, the God Realm has been ruled by Haotian, and it is the place where the gods are supreme!

In the God Realm, divine lotuses are blooming all over the place, strange fragrances spread in the sky, celestial music resounds, and a mighty golden aura of divine power sweeps across the six realms.

At the moment when Haotian attained the supremacy of Hunyuan, the Queen Mother of Yaochi was also blessed by the divine power of the God Realm, and stepped into the half-step Hunyuan Realm!

However, compared with Hunyuan Supreme, the latter naturally attracted everyone's attention. Compared with it, the breakthrough of the Queen Mother of Yaochi was extremely silent, and seldom attracted people's attention.

The heaven and earth vision of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the God Realm has not yet dissipated, and all beings in the six realms are still in shock, when suddenly a magnificent and domineering voice resounds from the sky.

"I, Taiyi. I was the Eastern Emperor of the ancient demon court in the old days, and now I am the master of the demon world in the six worlds. After hundreds of millions of years, I died before I was born, and after I broke it, I stood up again. I am the sun star god, and I am also the demon world Lord.

I am the ruler of the demon world, and I protect the demons of the six realms with my body, and defend the demon world.

I palm the way of demons, proving the Tao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and become the supreme demon! "

After the words fell, the sun star outside the six realms was extremely hot for a moment, illuminating endless beings in the six realms. At this moment, there is no night in the six realms, only light!

The chaotic clock rang nine times, and the mighty black sound wave swept across the six realms, and also echoed in the universe of billions of stars.

The endless monster clans of the demon world bowed down together, but they no longer called Donghuang, but congratulated: "Congratulations to the great emperor for proving the Hunyuan!"

Tai Zhou has both a great sun with a golden glow and a demon emperor with an endless black glow. The aura of a domineering emperor overwhelms the six realms. Compared with the Haotian Supreme, he has three points less divine splendor and one point more domineering!
Standing in the center of the demon world, Taiyi stands on the top of which is the glorious sun, behind him is the banner of the ancient demon, in front of him is the bell of chaos that suppresses the world, and below him is the blazing three-legged golden crow.

Yuanshi Tianzun of the Wall of Plane saw this scene, frowned slightly but didn't think much about it.He is no longer the Yuanshi Tianzun he used to be.Precipitating on the wall of the plane for hundreds of thousands of years, the heart of this saint has been smoothed by endless nothingness.

Empress Nuwa smiled in her brows, and smiled gratifiedly at Taiyi.In this world, in her eyes, there are only two people that she respects.

One is her elder brother, who protected her forever from birth to death. She respects her elder brother, so now it is her who protects him forever.

The second is Tai Yi. Even in the most prosperous era, when the strong are like clouds and the power is everywhere, everyone knows the name of the Eastern Emperor. exist.

As far as Hongjun Daozu is concerned, she admires her. Although she is also respected, she has an indescribable sense of alienation.

In the reincarnation of the realm, Empress Pingxin looked at Taiyi who was as majestic as a prison, and sighed, after all, she gave up her obsession.

Between her eyebrows, the truth of an ancestral witch emerged, which was the descendant ancestor witch of the Twelve Ancestors.

This phase crosses the reincarnation of the land boundary, reaches the ancestral witch's hall above the land boundary, and is printed on Zhu Jiuyin's eyebrows.

There was a moment of sadness on Zhu Jiuyin's face. This was the last ray of witchcraft obsession of Empress Pingxin, and it was also the true biography of the descendant ancestor witch.

When she sent out this pulse, she had no last obsession with the Wu Clan. From then on, Empress Pingxin had no connection with the descendants of the Wu Clan.

And as soon as this last ancestor, the ancestor Wumai, entered the body of Zhu Jiuyin, Zhu Jiuyin gathered all the twelve witch veins to form a great witch body.

Zhu Jiuyin instantly revealed the real body of the ancestor witch. At this moment, the real body of the ancestor witch is the real body living in Zhu Jiuyin, not the phantom of Pangu, but it has entered Hunyuan!

The height of the billion-foot-high Zu Wuzhen rises above the boundaries of the earth, and is higher than the City of Nevernight, with a big sun on his head, his feet stepping on the dark earth, his head is like a snake, and his body is red. wind.

Zhu Jiuyin's Hunyuan aura is different from Taiyi's domineering king, it is full of primitive and savage horror, like a desolate ancient god, ancient and mysterious!
Zhu Jiuyin glanced coldly at the demon world, then took the real body of the ancestral witch and returned to the land.

During reincarnation, Empress Pingxin points to the six reincarnations, and the six reincarnations vibrate, implicating the six realms.

The voice of the Pingxin Empress spreads across the six realms. Since the creation of reincarnation, this authentic saint has never shown her face to all beings in the world, almost keeping a low profile in the dust of the years, but she has always been remembered by all beings.

"I am Pingxin. I used to be the Queen of the Twelve Patriarchs and Witches in the old days. I used my body to transform into reincarnation, and the postnatal transformation of Pingxin. Pingxin is not the posthumous land. It used to be like this, and it will be even more so in the future.

I feel grateful to the sages who created the world to open up the six worlds and benefit all beings.Willing to recreate the six reincarnations for the six realms!
The six realms of reincarnation used to be the reincarnation of all living beings in the world, and now the six realms of reincarnation are the reincarnation of all living beings in the six realms.

All living beings in the six realms who died physically will enter the six realms of reincarnation.

The six directions of reincarnation are the heavenly realm, the human realm, the asura realm, the hungry ghost realm, the animal realm, and the hell realm.

Today, it has become the way of the gods, the way of authenticity, the way of humanity, the way of immortals, the way of demons, and the way of Buddhism. Anyone who enters the cycle of reincarnation will follow the karma of the previous life to go to the six realms to be reborn. "

As the voice fell, the six realms of reincarnation released the divine light of reincarnation, reflecting the six realms, consonant with the laws of heaven and earth in the six realms, and connected with all beings in the six realms.

The former Six Realms of Reincarnation, the Animal Realm, and the Hungry Ghost Realm are used in today's Six Realms, which is too discriminatory and there is no equality.And the way of Asura is too insignificant in terms of the six realms, and it is no longer enough to be one of the six realms!

The Asura Clan of the Blood Sea who lost the six realms of reincarnation will no longer have the six realms of reincarnation to make up for their luck. Killing and committing crimes and slaughtering all living beings is a family trip, not a trip of the realm, let alone a trip of the authentic way!
(End of this chapter)

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