Chapter 714

There is no earth-shattering conspiracy in the decree, nor is there any unparalleled clever plan, it is just a method suitable for the survival of the night sky deduced to the best of Qingluo's ability.

In the face of the absolute power of the first plane, any plan is useless.

In the battle of the final calamity, countless immortals will die in battle, and countless souls will never rest in peace.

However, there is no despair. In the desperate situation where there is no way to retreat, the only way is to fight to the death.

Within the Six Realms, it gradually calmed down.

A hundred years later, the five Hunyuan Supremes walked into the wall of the plane and opened up the Lieyang Heaven, Qiankun Heaven, Zhishen Heaven, Wu Shitian, and Wuxu Juetian to suppress the power of chaos outside the plane wall.

The Six Realms, the Immortal Realm, above the East China Sea, and Huaguo Mountain.

The lord of the mountain, Monkey King and Zixia, sent away the envoy from the demon world and the current mastermind of the demon world, Bai Ze, on the top of Huaguo Mountain.

Bai Ze cupped his hands and said regretfully, "Since the Great Sage has no such intentions, I will take my leave.

However, the gates of the demon world are always open for the great sage, not only the gates of the demon world, but also the Wa Palace. "

Hearing the last words, Sun Wukong's calm eyes rippled, but he still respectfully said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, and Sun Wukong will never be an enemy of the Yaozu."

Bai Ze nodded, turned into a streamer and flew into the sky to return to the demon world.

Zixia leaned on Sun Wukong's left shoulder, looked at the direction Bai Ze was going away, and asked, "Are you really not going to return to the Yaozu?"

Sun Wukong shook his head, "I have never said that I am not a demon clan, how can I come back to talk about it? Monsters, not just in the demon world, are demons. I would like to be called a demon clan. The name of the most reasonable. I am a monster in my heart, and that is enough."

Zixia smiled, "You, you just don't want to be restrained. How can there be so many principles, the most important principles? Don't think that after learning a little bit, you will forget that you are a monkey."

Sun Wukong couldn't help but chuckled, scratched the hair on the back of his head, hugged the beautiful woman beside him tightly, and looked at the sunset against the light, the sky and the sea were quiet, and everything was silent.

In the center of the Six Realms, in the City of Nevernight, in the Great Hall of the Spirit Emperor.

Wu'er Linghuang listened to Yue Ji Minghou, Jia Chi, Yue Ke, Qu Ru, and Hei Yao Wu Fang's Palace Master report their duties.

Today's Nightless Sky City is one billion miles away, and beyond the Sky City is the Nightless Realm that is tens of billions of miles away.

The head of the Wufang Palace manages not only the Wufang urban area of ​​Tiancheng, which is one billion miles away, but also the five directions of Tiancheng with a radius of tens of billions.

With such a large area, even if Evernight City is much stronger than before, it is still an extremely complicated matter to manage.

In Nightless Sky City, apart from the two quasi-sage avatars left by the first Supreme Elder, there are still two quasi-sages.

One is naturally Shen Gongbao, the city lord, who has gained great luck in the night city and is a quasi-sage in breaking the realm.

The other one is Baoshan Sanren.The Sanren of Baoshan became the Daluo Jinxian, and after three times of baptism, he finally took that step and stepped into the quasi-sage realm.Become Tiancheng's new generation of Supreme Elder!
Under the quasi-sage, Tiancheng recruited all kinds of powerful casual cultivators from all walks of life. Now there are hundreds of great Luos, ten thousand golden immortals, and countless mysterious and heavenly immortals.

The Nightless City's forces spread all over the six realms, and branches were set up in the main forces of the Six Realms to represent the authority of the Nightless City.

Evernight City is now the hub of the Six Realms. Hundreds of millions of living beings belong to the six realms. The Evernight City, which has a large teleportation array in the Six Realms, has become a cross-border merchant of the Six Realms. The chambers of commerce for materials, natural materials, earth, treasures, panacea, and many other commodities spread across 370 and eight powerful places in the six realms.

And because of the differences in complementary materials from the six realms, the Evernight Merchant Alliance has earned a lot of benefits, and has been able to support more Tiancheng guards.

Due to its geographical location, the Evernight City is just under the intersection of the lunar sun and the stars, so the Evernight City will always be illuminated by the sun and the moon. The sky is full of stars, and there will never be a night. Unless the sun and the moon fall, and the stars are annihilated, there will be a night. .

Therefore, the Nightless City at this time is the real Nightless City!
In the north of Nightless Realm, the ancestral land of Xuan Snake, in the clan hall, Xuan Li received the decree sent by the envoy of Tiancheng, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Before I knew it, it was another thousand years."

And even though the envoy of that day city was also the captain of the law enforcement heavenly soldiers in the Taiyi realm, he didn't dare to neglect the person in front of him.

In this ancestral land of the Xuan Snake, the origin of the ancestors is enshrined in the creation sage!Although there are many souls worshiping the saints of the creation world nowadays, no one dares to worship the saints as their ancestors. Only those who have truly recognized the saints can worship.

And the person in front of him was the former palace master of Tiancheng. Even though his cultivation was limited and he had retired for many years, he was once under the direct subordinate of the founder saint, not to mention that he came from the same clan, and his origin was not comparable to them.

Therefore, even if the ancestral land of the Black Snake in the north is a race that moved out of Nightless Sky City, even if there is no strong person from Da Luo Jinxian, no one will dare to provoke them.

The envoy laughed and said: "That's true, a thousand years is not enough. Three days later, there will be a thousand-year celebration in Tiancheng. On the order of the master of Zhongtian Lingfu, I specially invite the Xuan Snake clan to watch the ceremony."

Xuan Li nodded and sighed: "It's been ten thousand years since I have seen the two fellow Taoists, Yue Ji and Ming Hou, so let me go this time."

The envoy was quite surprised when he heard this. The Xuan Snake patriarch seldom attended, but this time he was uncharacteristically.

Xu Shi saw the amazement of the envoy, Xuan Li smiled and said: "This book plans to still send the little girl there, but this time she is retreating and breaking the border, so I don't want to be distracted, so I should go there myself."

The envoy was startled, then reacted, and congratulated: "Congratulations to Xuanli Daoist patriarch for the great joy, there is a Da Luo Jinxian who can be born!"

Xuan Li smiled and waved his hands, and said: "My little girl has been abusive for many years, and now she has achieved something if she has lost her temper. Back then, she was in the land of Kyushu in the world, flooding Jinshan. Disgusted, after thousands of years of accumulating blessings, I was finally able to usher in a great chance!"

The envoy was stunned and said, "Could it be that the beloved daughter of the patriarch Xuanli is the green snake in the legend of the two blue and white snakes that is widely spread in the human world?"

Xuan Li stroked his half-length green beard, and said with a smile: "If there is no second green snake that floods the golden mountain, it will be a little girl."

Amidst the envoy's secret amazement, Xuan Li spread the word to all the members of the Snake Clan. Eighteen Golden Immortals of the Snake Clan brought congratulatory gifts they had treasured for many years and rushed to the City of Nevernight with him.

The Millennium Great Celebration Day in the City of Nightless Sky, which runs on a weekly basis, is on the ninth day of August every year.It's just that people who cultivate immortals are too short to calculate in terms of years, so every thousand years, they will hold a big celebration on the ninth day of August.

The calendar of Buye Tiancheng is measured by the creation of the sage's first opening of the six realms. Every thousand years is a period, and now it is the No. 11 period.

But Yetian's calendar is also because it lives in the center of the six realms, and with the spread of commerce and Taoism, it is gradually recognized by the six realms of heaven and earth.This is also the source of the merits and virtues of Baoshan Sanren's breakthrough quasi-sage.

(End of this chapter)

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