Chapter 715 Millennium Congratulations
In the old prehistoric times, there was never a calendar that passed through all living beings in the world. There was only a vague planning era based on the amount of calamity in the world. It is difficult to be accurate, not to mention the exact year, even the ten thousand years.

But now, the way of heaven is complete, the calamity of heaven and earth will never be restored, and there will be no calamity of heaven and earth, so naturally it is no longer possible to use the past calendar to record events.

Therefore, the Era of the Nightless City was adopted, with a millennium as a epoch, and now it is the No. 11th Epoch, which also represents the 1000th year of the birth of the Six Realms.

Although the Nightless City does not overwhelm the Six Realms, it has become more and more dependent on the Six Realms in terms of commerce, space transmission, personnel exchanges, and calendars, which are small and not sensitive to all living beings. Subtly change the sentient beings in the six realms!

The millennium celebration of the Nightless City, the ninth day of the eighth month, was the day when the Nightless City was built and the six worlds were opened up. Therefore, to celebrate the birth of the Nightless City, and even the creation of the Nightless City, the sage youth There is a big celebration every thousand years.

The millennium celebration is not only a festival of the Nightless City, but also a festival of the Nightless Realm, and has even been recognized by many forces in the Six Realms.

On this day, the six worlds celebrate together, and the six worlds rejoice together!
In order to commemorate the opening of the new world and the beginning of the new era of the Six Realms, it has gradually become a festival for the entire Six Realms.

On this day, not only the Nightless City, the Immortal League of Immortals, the Dynasty of the Human World, the Buddhas of the Buddha World, the Yin Division of the Underworld, the Gods of the High Heaven, and the Emperor Palace of the Demon World will all hold sacrifices to commemorate the opening of the Six Realms, and there will be countless life sacrifices. Qingluo, the sage of the creation world.

In the beginning of Hongmeng, Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa mended the sky in the ancient prehistoric era, and Qingluo divided the sky in the New Territories era.

Even in the minds of the newborn beings in the Six Realms, Qingluo was on the same level as Pangu and Nuwa, and was also honored as the Great God Qingluo, after Pangu Great God and Nuwa Great God.

And the creatures of heaven and earth born after the Six Realms, all benefited from Qingluo's opening up of the Six Realms, accumulated more and more, and the merits of heaven and earth gained by Qingluo are increasing all the time. Although the growth is almost nothing, the accumulation is small many.

Nightless Sky City, in front of the Linghuang Hall, Jiyuan Square, the most expansive square in the Six Realms, covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, and can accommodate billions of people to worship.

In the center of the square stands a sacred stele that touches the sky and touches the ground. Its name is "Ten Thousand Meteor Immortal Stele". Countless immortals of Tiancheng who once sacrificed to defend Tiancheng are engraved on it.And on the stone tablet, the name with the biggest halo is the six characters "Great World Saint Qing Luo".

At this moment, millions of immortals, gods, humans, witches, demons, and ghosts have gathered in Jiyuan Square, all of whom participated in the Tiancheng Millennium Celebration. For those who fail, it has nothing to do with the level of their cultivation, they only sacrifice to the saints with one heart!

Hundreds of Da Luo elders in Tiancheng stood at the forefront, and each of them exuded the Da Luo Jinxian's great power of immortality and immortality, shocking visitors from all heavens and myriad worlds.

The Millennium Congratulations is also to show the mighty strength of the city that never turns dark to the heavens!
Today's Nightless City is far more powerful than any single power. After all, no big power can have a hundred big Luos!

Only the ancient Yaozu had this strength, but today's Yaozu is still much worse than it was back then.

If the powerhouses of the three religions of Taoism and even the ten continents and three islands of the fairy world add up, there are less than two hundred Daluo Jinxians, let alone other forces.

With the arrival of time, more than 49 huge colorful clouds rose from all directions in Jiyuan Square, and on each of the colorful clouds stood a master Taiyi Jinxian and a huge golden drum. The fierce aura soaring into the sky, as if thousands of troops and horses are rushing towards the face, makes people have a fighting spirit.

Those who cultivated below the Golden Immortal were all shocked by their hearts and blood boiled all over their bodies.But immediately, the elders of their respective major powers all either lightly shouted, or brushed their sleeves, or resorted to luck to make their respective juniors recover.

Among the crowd below, among the guests from the Immortal Realm near the front, the person leading the team was Yang Jian, a disciple of the third generation of Chanjiao. Now that he has cultivated to the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, he is the strongest even among the second generation disciples.

He glanced at the Taoist disciples behind him, and snorted coldly, "You are so embarrassed by the mere evil spirit of the god drum. If you really go to the battlefield, you will have to kill yourself."

All the disciples behind him bowed their heads in shame and did not dare to speak out.

Seeing this, Lingguan, the King of the God Realm who was standing beside him, smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to be too harsh on the younger generation, they have never personally experienced the battle of the evil catastrophe, and they have never faced such a violent evil spirit.

What's more, this divine drum was cast by Emperor Dongyue with the Dao of Music and Temperament, with the skin of a kui ox as the face, and the thunder of the nine heavens as the hammer. "

As soon as this statement came out, not only the younger generations in the fairy world were shocked, but also the younger generations of other powerful forces nearby were secretly shocked.Even such powerful men as Wang Lingguan and Erlangshen are hard to save, this drum is really terrifying.

The height of Nightless Sky City in their hearts has been elevated again, and even if they succeed in cultivation in the future, they will still be in awe of Nightless Sky City.

At this time, at the front of the hundreds of Tiancheng elders in the square, there stood five imposing Da Luo Jinxians. One of them, a woman with a charming face, flicked her sleeves lightly, and the entire Jiyuan Square was filled with colorful lights and rainbow lights. Under the light, all the monks affected by the lore battle drum felt instantly refreshed, like a spring breeze, and their minds were at ease.

As soon as this woman made a move, she attracted the attention of most immortal monks.

No matter men, women or children, they are all amazed by his peerless beauty.

The two Taiyi Golden Immortals voiced their hearts and minds: "Zhang Daoyou, is that powerful elder from Tiancheng?"

Old Daoist Goatee who was called Zhang Daoyou was surprised: "Why don't Daoists even recognize this senior?
Her status and strength are several times stronger than that of ordinary Tiancheng elders.This senior is the master of Dongtian Palace, Yue Ke!

With the peak strength of the Da Luo Jinxian, the magical powers of illusion are extremely terrifying, even if the Da Luo Jinxian is not aware of it for a while, he will be tricked invisibly.

According to rumors, the supernatural power of Palace Master Yueke is only a little worse than that of Yueji Minghou, who is known as the number one master under the quasi-sage, and he is definitely not to be provoked!Maybe at this moment, I have already been perceived by the palace lord after waiting for the sound transmission of my mind, so don't mention it again! "

After hearing this, the young monk who asked the question at the beginning was shocked, and he smiled wryly and nodded in reply.

After the 49 war drums were raised, thousands of beautiful fairies suddenly cast endless neon lights on the nine heavens, turning the entire Tiancheng into a colorful world!

Tens of thousands of lifeless golden-armored warriors suddenly appeared on the ground, armed with armor, looking stupefied, and countless little Qiao elves, each holding fine nectar, panacea, and fairy fruit and spiritual peach, enshrined on it.

But in just a quarter of an hour, the Jiyuan Square was decorated in an extremely gorgeous and solemn manner.

But at the very front of the square, two figures walked out of the void, and the mighty aura of heaven and earth swept over millions of living beings in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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