Chapter 717
At this moment, not only Jiyuan Square, but also the entire City of Evernight has a billion living beings, and all intelligent people look up at the sky.

The starlight of the vast sun blends with the starlight of Yao Yao Taiyin, and hundreds of millions of stars merge into the sky. Under the endless stars, one after another shines with golden dao patterns, each dao pattern is the life of a general. Dedicated to the heroes of the city that never sleeps!

Their names, their deeds, shine under the vast sea of ​​stars.

Under the starry sky, their heroic souls will be remembered forever! 9
Tens of thousands of immortals in the Nightless Heavenly City recited in unison:

"The city of heaven is immortal, my heart belongs forever.

Where there is light, there is never night.

I wish to protect my heavenly city with my body.

Mountains and seas can be destroyed, and the sun and the moon can be dimmed.

Only my heavenly city, the holy light shines forever! "

The Holy Zhao of Tiancheng spread across the world, and entered the ears of countless living beings.Its sound shook the nine heavens and mourned, and every heroic spirit had recited the Celestial Shrine before dying in battle.

Countless years have passed, and their descendants are reciting the same sacred recitation at this moment. Every word and every word represents not only the remembrance of the past, but also the aspirations of the ancestors and the bright future.

In Tiancheng, there were those who recited the Holy Revelation and wept with emotion. The heroes who sacrificed for Tiancheng were either their ancestors, their teachers, or their close relatives and friends.

The dead die for the survivors.

The survivors survive the dead.

The city of heaven stands forever, and they shall never have darkness.Where the sun and the moon shine, is where he lives!

The cohesion of Tiancheng is sublimated every time, gathering on thousands of heroic souls.

Respect for the dead and give them a sense of belonging with peace of mind.

The magnificence of Celestial City gives them great pride and glory.

Pride, pride, and a sense of belonging have built the indestructible cohesion of Tiancheng!
At this moment, every major force is worshiping their own immortal heroes.

The demon worships the demon king and the great demon, the witch worships the ancestors of witches, and the immortals worship the ancestors of all immortals. . .

Afterwards, the Millennium Celebration in the Nightless City will be some complicated etiquette, and after the etiquette, there will be a feast for the celebration.The grand congratulatory banquet was placed in the Wanbin Temple outside the Jiyuan Square.

There is a large array of space in this hall, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of immortals for a feast.After the Linghuang entertained everyone to their seats, he withdrew and left within half an hour of the banquet. It was too depressing for Bijing Tiandi to be present again, so the elder Tiancheng presided over the banquet.

And the person who presides over the banquet is Yue Ke, the master of Dongtian Mansion, the most famous beauty in the Six Realms today!

After the opening of the Six Realms, Chang'e, the moon god of the Nine Heavens, mysteriously disappeared, and the former number one beauty in the Three Realms disappeared from the eyes of all living beings.Her stunning beauty only exists in legends.

And another beautiful person, Qu Kong, once the Great Emperor Dongyue also left Honghuang, whose name can only appear in ancient books.

But today's Yueke has cultivated to the peak of Daluo Jinxian, only one line away from the quasi-sacred power of heaven and earth. He has inspired the power of the eight-tailed sky fox. How beautiful is the number one beauty in the three worlds, I only know that the beauty of Yueke in front of me is unmatched!

What's more, Yue Ke, who was born in the fox family, is not as cold as the Nine Heavens Moon God. On the contrary, he is good at dancing with long sleeves.

As for the two Yueji and Minghou, although their strength and prestige are greater, they only know how to kill people, and they don't know how to entertain people.The endless evil spirit accumulated by them for millions of years at that station is enough to make people frightened, so why talk about welcoming and seeing off?
And when the banquet was held in the Wanbin Temple, beside the Six Realms Teleportation Array, more than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals were checking nearly a hundred people one by one to see if there were any prohibited spirits or evil things, or would affect the Teleportation Array. High-risk items that operate in arrays.

You know, this is a cross-boundary teleportation. Once something goes wrong, even Da Luo Jinxian will face the danger of spatial turbulence.Therefore, we must strictly check the people who send and receive.

The six-world teleportation formation is divided into six large formations with a radius of one hundred feet, which are located in the east, west, south, north, upper, lower, and six corners of the world. The central open space surrounded by the six large formations is the place to transport the creatures of the six realms to the city of Evernight. array base.

At this moment, Elder Da Luo sitting next to the formation is the one who was rescued by Palace Master Yueke back then, the poisonous enemy mountain scorpion spirit!
After he was promoted to Daluo Jinxian, his poison technique became a frightening and terrifying existence.Even if Daluo Jinxian was stung by her, it would be difficult to recover from the injury and get rid of the toxin without ten thousand years of penance.

At this moment, due to the millennium celebration, three of the four elders of Da Luo who were originally sitting here were transferred away, and only Dugu Pi remained.

Dugu Pi is the Dao name of Scorpion Spirit. Although it sounds elegant, it is definitely not to be offended among the elders of Da Luo in Tiancheng.

At this moment, she is closing her eyes and resting her mind. For inspecting the coming and going monks, the Elder of Tiancheng Taishang personally made the Wanling Mirror, which is derived from the power of the saints in the creation world. .

If this mirror can't be found out, she can't help it.

Dugu Pi sits here just to prevent someone from refusing to obey the investigation.

Seeing that half of the team was checked, suddenly a magic mirror in the hands of a Taiyi cultivator flashed red light, which shocked everyone instantly.

And the person illuminated by the magic mirror immediately turned into a ten thousand zhang python, about to flash into the teleportation array.His strong aura is obviously in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian!
Dugu Pi opened his eyes in an instant, and teleported the formation with one hand and one finger. A tough white light curtain quickly appeared outside the formation, blocking the possibility of entering the formation.

This light curtain is the magic power of a sage to protect the array, and Dugu Pi has absolute confidence in it.

Sure enough, the huge black python hit the large light curtain with a thunderous momentum, and it couldn't shake it at all.

Dugu Pi snorted coldly, and preached: "The generals of Tiancheng listened to the order: this monster choleras the order of Tiancheng, and wants to plan a large teleportation formation, and set up a golden puppet formation of ten thousand phases to capture this monster!"

After the words fell, the twelve Taiyi Jinxians took out the secret method of destruction one after another, and 360 five golden armored puppets of the Golden Immortal Realm emerged from the big formation. According to the mysterious formation, led by the twelve Taiyi Jinxians, they set up a difficult formation. Live this python.

The python was trapped, its fierce light flashed, and it opened its mouth to spit out billowing black bone-eroding spiritual flames, melting the void piece by piece.

But the twelve Taiyi led 360 five golden fairy puppets to turn into a pure gold circular light curtain to resist the magical power of this demon.

But Dugu Pi didn't make a move, instead, he destroyed the Myriad Spirit Mirror in his hand, and directly shone on the remaining [-] or so monks.

She has confidence in the Ten Thousand Phases Golden Puppet Formation, and with the blessing of the Evernight City's Peerless Spirit Ancient Formation, it will not be a problem to trap a Daluo Golden Immortal.

And if there is only one Daluo Jinxian, even if he has ten guts, he will not dare to plot against Tiancheng.Therefore, this demon must have an accomplice!

She has already notified the defenders in the city, at most a quarter of an hour, several elders of Da Luo will come to support them, and even if they really have the power of heaven and earth in the quasi-sacred realm, there will be no danger of breaking the defense!
(End of this chapter)

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