Chapter 718
The Wanling Mirror in Dugu Pi's hand released a hundred feet of pure white light to cover the rest of the people below, and sure enough, another dwarf among them burst into the sky and rushed towards her.

However, Dugupi reacted even better, the long sword in his hand pierced the dwarf's body at some point, and at the same time, he waved his hands to pull the hazy cloud formation above Tiancheng, and sent down thousands of miles of rays of light to protect him from the strange black evil spirit.

The short and dwarf old man only held it with one hand, and easily clamped the Dugu Pi long sword with the two fingers of the middle index of his right hand. Luo Jinxian has to stay away.

Little bug, good skills! "

When Dugu Pi heard this, her expression changed slightly. It seemed that this person might be a quasi-sage and mighty, but she would not back down from her duty, instead she shouted: "I don't know which senior would dare to offend my Tiancheng, even if the senior has supernatural powers I'm afraid I won't be able to leave alive!"

"Heh, the little bug dares to speak so shamelessly, the ancestor took your life and practiced it like in my realm." After the voice fell, the dwarf old man slapped one hand, and a giant palm directly blocked the hundred thousand people. Ten feet of space, to fix everything in this place, even the nine-day glow led by the big array of dark clouds and clouds will be fixed.

Dugu Pi's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly transformed into its main body shape, a black poisonous scorpion thousands of feet in size, with a huge scorpion tail condensing all its poisonous power and stabbing at the giant palm.


The sound of shaking the sky came, and Dugu Pi flew backwards, but the huge palm was pierced through a gap of Zhang Xu, and the cracks were all over it, which was slowly decomposed by the extremely strong toxin.

Seeing this, the little dwarf said happily instead of being surprised: "What a bug! The ancestor won't take it unless you!"

The endless evil spirit rushed out and swept across in an instant, causing thousands of monks around to retreat one after another. A little aftermath of the battle of mighty power would be enough to annihilate them.

And at this moment, in the Linghuang Hall, Baoshan Sanren frowned and said: "City Lord, this person..."

"No problem!" Shen Gongbao chuckled and said, "It's time to train one or two of them. Besides, there is a saint avatar in charge, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Why don't you take this opportunity to publicize the power of my Heavenly City to the six realms to frighten Xiaoxiao. "

Hearing this, Baoshan Sanren nodded in approval, and he didn't worry about the safety of the teleportation formation at all.

Dugu Pi saw the terrifying black evil attacking all over the sky, and instead of running for his life in panic, he stretched out his hand to touch the center of his forehead and eyebrows, and shouted: "Luo Ling Body Protector!"

In an instant, bright light erupted between the eyebrows, and endless white light charged in all directions. Even though the strange evil spirit was extremely fierce, he was still defeated in the face of the vast light.

Seeing this, the dwarf's face darkened. As one of the oldest powers in the world, he couldn't win a mere junior with two shots.

However, at this moment Tiancheng reinforcements have arrived!

Twelve elders of Da Luo Jinxian came together, and the power of the twelve avenues was as deep as the sea, which deeply shocked many creatures in Tiancheng.

Even if it is one of the top forces, I am afraid that they will not be able to summon twelve Da Luo Jinxians in a short time!After all, Da Luo Jinxian is by no means a Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere.

The little dwarf's eyes were fascinated, and he snorted coldly: "The two so-called quasi-sages didn't dare to fight, but sent a few juniors to die.

That being the case, then the ancestor will accept them all as nourishment! "

The leader of the twelve elders was none other than Shi Jun, who was the first to follow the lineage of Luoling Mountain to fight, and now he has reached the late stage of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation.

Shi Jun sternly shouted: "Although your Excellency is a great power in heaven and earth, if you fight against our Heavenly City, you will surely die! To deal with mere rats, we are enough.

Formation! "

Immediately, the twelve Daluo Jinxians each took out a formation flag, on which the sun, moon and stars were engraved, and the stars shone a little bit, with incomparable spirituality.

As soon as the battle flag was raised, the power of the sun, moon and stars from the nine heavens was drawn in one after another, turning into a world of stars that trapped the dwarf old man, and even a phantom of the Milky Way flew across the void and descended. It is a vast sea of ​​stars.

Such a large scene has already alarmed the immortals in Tiancheng, and they all looked at the place where the large teleportation formation was located.

In the Wanbin Temple, Yue Ke chuckled and said, "I never imagined that today there would be a lifeless rat who would take advantage of the millennium celebration to think that Tiancheng's power is empty and have evil intentions.

It just so happens that you can watch one or two, which can be regarded as exhausting your drinking!
Everyone, please! "After all, I drank the spiritual wine in my hand first, and the wine flowed down Wuxia's neck, and I don't know how many people with lack of heart are wandering under the red light banquet.

And those who still have the concentration, know that this is probably Tiancheng deliberately letting them watch, showing Tiancheng's strength to frighten them.

In addition to the large teleportation formation, it has already been surrounded by the Dao of Stars. With the help of the formation of heaven and earth, the twelve big Luos combined the power of the sun, moon and stars to form a large formation of stars and seas that completely blocked the void of a hundred thousand miles. Even if there are too many tricks and flaws in summoning the Dao Phenomenon of the Star Domain, it is no problem to trap a quasi-sage for a while.

Trapped in the endless stars, the dwarf old man smiled instead of being startled, his body swelled up instantly, and exploded, turning into infinite black air and wrapping around the main formation banner of the Twelve Great Luos.

At the same time, the huge black python trapped by the Twelve Taiyis near the teleportation array opened its mouth, and a gust of devouring Dao Law shot out, easily penetrating the Ten Thousand Phases Golden Puppet Array and hitting it on the protective array light curtain. superior.

The endless stalwart breath overflowed, sweeping Tiancheng for millions of miles.The light curtain of the protective array was devoured to create a small gap, even if it was only for a moment, it could recover, but a person flew out from the mouth of the giant python, it was the dwarf old man who had already blew himself up.

Twelve Da Luo was still trapped by the air of nothingness, and before he could stop it, he saw that the dwarf old man had already entered the center of the large teleportation array.

The dwarf was overjoyed. He first used the giant python method to show his weakness to deceive everyone, and then revealed a powerful avatar to attract the guards of Tiancheng. However, his true self was hidden in the neglected giant python, and he took advantage of this unpreparedness to make an instant attack Grab the flaw and enter it.

However, he just stepped into the center of the teleportation array, but he only felt that the golden light was shining everywhere, and he actually walked into a world of golden lotus.

A sigh came, and a Taoist man in golden robes with a sword on his back swayed a golden lotus on his feet, and sighed: "Patriarch Mayfly, do you really want to be an enemy of me, the guardian of the world?"

The dwarf old man known as the Mayfly Patriarch snorted coldly: "Old Patriarch, I have already made a move, and there is no possibility of backing down. Back then, I was never afraid of Luo Hu, so how could I be afraid of you?"

The Guardian of the Golden Lotus shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist is as strong as a half-step Hunyuan. Now that the extraordinary catastrophe is approaching, why bother to ask for trouble and fight among ourselves?"

"Oh? If Fellow Daoist really considers the sentient beings of the six realms, why not let me take the crystal nucleus of the six realms, and then I may take a step out of Hunyuan, and there will be an extra Hunyuan Supreme, which will naturally increase my chances of winning! "The ancestor Mayfly narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile.

 Double update today, please ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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