Chapter 719
The Jinlian avatar smiled and said: "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't!

The crystal nuclei of the six realms are produced by the creation of heaven and earth, and the deity uses the supreme divine power to set up a large teleportation array for the sentient beings of the six realms.It carries endless causes and effects, and ordinary people can hardly afford it.Even fellow Daoists are extremely dangerous.

So, for the last time, I would like to persuade fellow Taoists to step back, Your Excellency Nian is a senior of the same generation as the Taoist ancestor, and I will not pursue it this time. "

"Impossible! Since the ancestor had made up his mind, he didn't give up halfway.

Let's do it!Let the ancestor see how strong the saint clone is? "The ancestor Mayfly's eyes were fierce, and his aura gathered at the peak, giving birth to a mighty wind that blew thousands of lotus flowers in all directions.

The mayfly patriarch and the golden lotus clone appeared in the sky above the Nightless Realm.

The golden lotus avatar concentrates. The ancestor in front of him is not an ordinary ancestor, but the oldest ancestor from the beginning of the world. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a living fossil.

The mayfly ancestor was born in Hongmeng, not to mention in the prehistoric, even in the entire Hongmeng, it is considered one of the oldest existences.

Mayfly is a faint and tiny ant creature in the world. It lives and dies, and disappears in just a moment.

But the Mayfly Patriarch has broken through the limit of life and even the limit of heaven and earth, and has survived for hundreds of millions of ancient epochs.

Its terrifying degree far exceeds that of ordinary quasi-sage powers, and even a half-step Hunyuan powerhouse is probably no match for him.

Although the golden lotus avatar is a saint avatar, it is not a saint himself after all!When Qingluo shaped the golden lotus avatar, he didn't introduce the power of the Hunyuan Supreme. Even though the deity is the fourth level of Hunyuan, the Jinlian avatar is still a little bit short of the Hunyuan Supreme!
However, the saint avatar is a saint avatar after all, and its combat power is blessed by the saint's understanding of the heaven and earth, and even a half-step Hunyuan can easily defeat it!
Although Patriarch Mayfly is short in stature, he stands in the void with his hands behind his back. No one in the six realms dares to underestimate him, and even a half-step Hunyuan powerhouse is extremely afraid.

The golden lotus avatar took off the long sword behind her back, holding the long sword, her aura instantly changed from flying out of the dust to sharp and sharp sword out of its sheath.

With a single sword cut, there is no vertical and horizontal sword energy, only nine golden lotuses are arranged horizontally in a line, and the golden lotus blooms at the same time. go.

The mayfly ancestor stepped out, and billions of auras appeared in the void behind him. The endless aura gathered together and turned into a gigantic giant mayfly. The star is eclipsed.

The golden lotus rushes towards the giant mayfly with the golden light shining in the sky.

The two hit each other, and the power of the vast aura annihilated all meteorite creatures within thousands of miles, turning them into a dead place.

Even Da Luo Jinxian looked at the vast supernatural powers destroying the world, and felt that he was just an ant, and it was difficult to stir up the slightest waves.

The golden lotus avatar raised the sword again, and the sword was slashed out, and the sword was shining, one sword, one lotus, one sword, one world, the lotus bloomed, the world rose slowly, thousands of lotuses bloomed, and a world rose.

In this world, there are endless lotus flowers.

In this world, sword intent is boundless.

In this world, flowers bloom and sway, full of vitality.

The mayfly patriarch was trapped in this world, and billions of golden lotuses surged, covering the fiercely struggling mayfly dharma.

In just a short moment, the mighty mayfly disappeared into the sky and turned into the nourishment under the blossoming lotus!
Mayfly Patriarch sneered, spread out his arms, and a Dao Domain laid out the Golden Lotus World from his arms.

A void universe expands rapidly, gradually overlapping with the entire Golden Lotus world.

In the realm of the void universe, no matter how dazzling the golden lotus is, it can only illuminate a piece of space, not the entire universe, compared to the infinite universe of nothingness.

Jin Lian's avatar frowned, raised his sword to the sky, then lowered his sword to the ground, and finally pointed the three-foot sword point at Patriarch Mayfly.

The next moment, the golden sword disappeared, revealing itself without light.

When it came out again, it was silent, and even split the mysteries of time and space, piercing directly between the eyebrows of Patriarch Mayfly.

This strange and absolutely unyielding sword made Patriarch Mayfly's heart tremble, and a huge light erupted between his brows, and endless mayfly clinging to the sword light like moths to a flame.

Thousands of thousands of thousands!
In just a short moment, countless mayfly spirits were attached to the three-foot sword light, and they were stopped at a distance from the eyebrows of the mayfly ancestor.

Seeing this, the golden lotus avatar sighed and recalled the golden lotus sword.

But the Mayfly Patriarch spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, looking sluggish.But he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "I'm afraid this attack was made by borrowing the Dao of Derivation, and those who come out under Hunyuan will die!

It's a pity that it's nothing more than that, the strongest blow is ultimately helpless to the original ancestor, and the clone is after all a clone! "

Instead, the golden lotus avatar sighed, and said: "It wasn't you who stopped the attack, but because I had a good heart in my heart, and I didn't complete the work. The catastrophe of the six realms is coming soon, and it is not my wish to lose my fighting power.

Otherwise, there would be no Patriarch Mayfly in the world at this moment! "

Patriarch Mayfly was furious when he heard this, and shouted: "Presumptuous! Defeat is defeat. Saint avatar is nothing more than that!"

However, as soon as the words fell, there was silence between heaven and earth!
Everything is silent!It's not that all beings are deaf in both ears, but that the world is deaf!

A giant palm reaching the sky swept across the six realms, and the minds of the creatures in the six realms were filled with great fear. The shadow of the palm covered the sky and absorbed all the light in the six realms, and the world was darkened.


Like an angry howl from heaven and earth, the nine heavens shook, and the six realms trembled. After the darkness, a blazing and dazzling grand light burst out, illuminating the eyes of all beings in the six realms. The pure white world is the entire six realms!

The contrast between the extreme blackness and the brightness of the vision, and the extreme stillness and extreme reverberation of the ears, cast fear in the minds of all sentient beings, panic and uneasiness, and felt the anger of heaven and earth.

In Nightless Sky City, countless immortals were stunned, staring straight up at the sky, so focused that they even forgot to breathe.In the place closest to that, the mighty power they felt was the strongest!
In the sky above the Nightless Realm, endless spatial turbulence was set off, raging in all directions, sweeping everything, and swallowing it.The shattered void has been difficult to heal quickly, and I am afraid that only after ten thousand years or even 10 years can it be restored to the original ability to travel through space.

The golden lotus avatar sighed, shook his head, turned around and walked into the Six Realms Teleportation Formation, it was still the Six Realms Guardian.

As for Patriarch Mayfly, no one will mention it again, and no one will fear it anymore.

Because this former ancestor was completely annihilated in the long river of fate, his true spirit was instantly shattered into thousands of pieces, and was sealed in the infinite true spirits of all beings. There was almost no day of rebirth, and his fate was complete. Falling, falling into the past, future, and present, there is no way to escape within three hours.

This is the majesty of a sage, with one palm, he completely killed this ancient ancestor who existed from the Hongmeng universe until now, like an ant!

No one would sympathize with Patriarch Mayfly, maybe his people would, but they dared not.

Despise the saints, one word will annihilate forever!

The saint is majestic, supreme and inviolable!

(End of this chapter)

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