Chapter 728 The catastrophe is coming! (Subscribe!)
When the bells of the new era spread throughout the six realms, the Dayan Plane beyond time and space is also ready.

This is the third era after the opening of the Dayan Plane!

In the Dayan Plane, ten thousand years are measured, and one million years is one era.

30 years have passed on the Six Realms plane, and 300 million years have passed on the Dayan plane.

Not limited by the power of the plane, but because of the separation of time and space.The distance and time between the Dayan Plane and the Primordial Plane are too far apart.The transfer of time, the jump of space, and entering the Dayan plane from the Primordial Plane can also be said to travel through time and space in terms of quantum mechanics.

After 300 million years of evolution and development, today's Dayan Plane is finally no longer dominated by inorganic creatures.

In the vast ocean, there are schools of fish jumping, giant pythons swimming, giant whales floating in the water, sea monsters and octopuses eating, flying birds around the sea, seagulls soaring, and petrels flashing. . . . . .

In the dense wilderness forest, there are elk grazing, wild leopards watching, insects chirping, bees and butterflies circling flowers, wolves hunting, and thousands of horses galloping. . . .Beasts thrive.

On the high mountains, goshawks soar, and giant pythons entangle and confront each other.Natural enemies fight endlessly.

The furious black bear howls in the mountains and forests, the mighty white tiger howls all the beasts, and the fight for the hegemony of the forest fears all the beasts.

On the mountain of spirits, there are enlightened spirit beasts that swallow the aura of heaven and earth, and there are transformed creatures who have attained the Tao to build caves.

Today's Dayan has begun to take on the appearance of the ancient times.

Above Zhongshan, Ge Kun woke up from his slumber, and the surrounding creatures within billions of miles were startled.This great supernatural being has the strength known as Dayan No. 1, and the five gods of the east, west, north, south, and north are all great supernatural beings that have existed since their birth.

In their memory, this great god has been sleeping and never awakened.

It seems that when something big happened.

Sure enough, very soon, a phantom of a boundless sea and ocean struck in the far eastern sky. Legend has it that at the extreme end of the East China Sea, there is a Lord God of the Sea, who is in charge of the life and death of hundreds of millions of creatures in the sea.

There is also the Four Seas Dragon Palace in charge of the four seas, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace has a legendary real dragon whose strength is far superior to the king of dragons in the three seas.

The imaginary shadow of the vast ocean was retracted, and two figures appeared, standing in the void, and the magic of the vast ocean behind them shook the heaven and the earth.

Ge Kun stood up, cupped his hands and smiled, "Fellow Daoist is the fastest."

The first one was a stunning woman, she smiled and replied: "That's natural, how can you be unhappy when you return to the wilderness?"

The tall and handsome young man behind him bowed and said, "I've seen Mr. Ge."

Ge Kun raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right, that's right, you are much stronger than the Nine Sons of the first generation of the Dragon Clan, and you have achieved great power!"

Ao Bing smiled and said, "It's all the help of Master and Aunt Qing's teaching."

Before the words fell, a golden light suddenly came from the western sky, and the great music of the prosperous age was played between the heaven and the earth, and all living beings were fascinated.A figure walked out, thousands of rhythms were suspended, and then the mysterious fairy music swayed in all directions, stunning the faces of all beings, making the world pale for a moment.

"The curved space has arrived!"

Unsmiling, showing his identity with a flat expression.

Suddenly, above the nine heavens, the sun was shining directly, and a magnificent three-legged golden crow covered the sky and covered the sun.

"Shuo De has met Mr. Ge, Aunt Qing, Senior Brother, Junior Brother."

Qinglan said with a smile, "I've been in the sea for a long time, it seems that I haven't seen Shuode for a long time, and I've grown taller again."

Shuo De couldn't help touching his head and smiling: "Aunt Qing really knows how to joke."

In the words, the icy air in the north was strong, the wind and snow fell suddenly, and the extremely cold air was frozen for thousands of miles. A cold woman walked out. Although her face was beautiful, the frost was more abundant.

"The north is far away, Teng Liu is late."

Shuo De said: "It's not too late, there are still Mu people who haven't arrived yet."

Saying this, he joked: "I don't know what happened to Senior Sister Xiaozhu in Honghuang, if she hasn't killed her body yet, it's my turn to laugh at her this time!"

Ge Kun laughed and said: "Although your elder sister is not as high as you are, she is inferior to you. But she has a lot of luck and has great perseverance. You may not be able to surpass her."

Ao Bing said with a smile: "Since you are a senior sister, you must have the strengths of a senior sister!"

While talking and laughing among several peerless powerhouses in Dayan, the tyrannical aura they casually exuded shocked countless creatures in Dayan.

After a while, a green light appeared in the sky, thousands of green leaves turned into a green sea, and the flying sky and leaves floated away, turning into ten people, and respectfully saluted: "I have seen the two seniors, I have seen you fellow Taoists."

Ge Kun waved his hand and said, "That's right, if you wait for ten people to join Daluo, they will have the strength to fight!

Now that everyone is on the same page, let's go, and go to the cause and effect! "

Everyone nodded in response.

They are all creatures born in the prehistoric world, their bodies and even their true spirits were born in the prehistoric world.

Even if they left the Primordial Plane, they still owed the Primordial Grace Karma.

Now, the prehistoric plane is facing an extraordinary catastrophe, and the life and death of the world is the only and best time for them to settle their karma!

30 years in the Six Realms, but 300 million years in the Dayan Plane!

After 300 million years of painstaking cultivation, with the help of Da Yan's merits and virtues, the great luck of the heaven and the earth, there is no suppression of the order of the prehistoric world, and the way of heaven hides its clumsiness. On the road to the great road, they have all made unprecedented progress.

Ge Kun has reached the apex of the avenue of earth, and below him are all the creatures who have set foot on the avenue of earth.Above him, it has come to an end.When he reached the 33rd Heaven Realm of Daluo Jinxian, he was only one step away from the Hunyuan Supreme.

Although Qinglan doesn't have as rich accumulation as Ge Kun, she has already reached the half-step Hunyuan Realm!She has already stepped into the 31st Heaven Realm of Daluo Jinxian, and the realm of Hunyuan Supreme is not out of reach.

As for Qu Kong, after beheading the two corpses, his terrifying aptitude was finally no longer against the sky, but with the blessing of the Lord of Heaven and Earth Joy, he also reached the 28th level of the Daluo Jinxian, only three levels away from half a step of Hunyuan heaven.

And Teng Liuben is the peak existence of the Da Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric plane. With the blessing of the ice and snow master god of the Dayan plane, he has also stepped into the sixteenth heaven of the Da Luo Jinxian, and he is already a world power in the quasi-sacred realm.

Shuo De, as the main sun god of Dayan Heaven and Earth, has massive merits and good luck, so he has naturally entered the 23th heaven of Da Luo Jinxian, and he is not far from the [-]rd heaven where he killed the two corpses.

Ao Bing, as the leader of the commander-in-chief of the four seas, his luck in the four seas is only lower than that of the lord of the sea, Shen Qinglan. His strength is also extremely good, and he has stepped into the [-]th heaven of Daluo Jinxian!

And the lotus elf clan back then, and the Mu clan today, the Qingjia and Qingyi ten members are all the generation of Daluo Jinxian!Even Qing Jia and Qing Yi are masters of the tenth heaven of Da Luo Jinxian, and they are not far from beheading the corpse.

The ten of them carry not only themselves, but also the cause and effect of all the lotus elves. As the super-rich clan of the Dayan plane, the Mu clan, and none of their clan members can break through the generation of Daluo Jinxian.

It is related to their shallow background, but it is also related to the cause and effect of the great kindness they owe.It's just that their cultivation base is too weak to step on the battlefield of the heavens, so only the ten elders of their clan will replace them in person.

Ge Kun was about to get up, when Qing Lan suddenly said: "The three really don't plan to return to the prehistoric world?"

Everyone was stunned, and then Shuode sighed: "Wang Shu no longer intends to cultivate Hunyuan, she has abandoned the Nine Heavens Moon Godhead given by the Heavenly Dao in the Great Desolation, and was rejected by the Heavenly Dao, so naturally she cannot return to the Great Desolation.

What they want is nothing more than a safe and stable life. "

After hearing this, Ge Kun remembered and asked, "What about the son of Daoxuan?"

Shuo De shook his head and said: "This fellow Daoist Shiji is too profound, I can't see clearly.

When I came here, I asked her if she would return to the prehistoric world.

She said: "No need, if I go, it will only add more variables."


Ge Kun nodded, and said: "In that case, when your master returns, you can grant them both a godhead and enjoy peace forever.

We should go! "

The crowd nodded.

Above the eyebrows of everyone, the falling spirit patterns flickered in unison, each emitting a white light in the void, and interlaced and combined to form a "Yan" word pattern, emitting infinite light, illuminating the entire Dayan world.

At the same time, the prehistoric plane, the wall of the plane.

The void of the plane that was still calm 30 years ago is now full of strong winds, the barriers of the planes are covered with dense cracks, and the terrifying aura of chaos has penetrated into the walls of the planes.

Although it was blocked by the Hunyuan Taoist place of the saints, it was still increasing continuously.

The seven saints have exerted their power as saints with all their strength, and the five Hunyuan have also done their best.

A huge golden bridge connecting the sky and the earth stands in the void, grafting two sections, trying to hold the chaotic atmosphere outside the wall of the plane.

One after another criss-crossed, looking down on the world without hindrance, the Qi of Chaos defeated and retreated countless forces of chaos.

A gigantic sword holding up to the sky, the sword is cut out, turning into myriad laws of heaven and earth, turning into billions of gigantic nets, snatching all the aura of chaos in the place it passes.

There is also a huge ancient tripod, which stands upright to the sky and the earth. When the tripod lid opens and closes, it absorbs countless chaotic qi and refines it.Every time the cauldron lid opens and closes, countless auras of chaos dissipate, and a killing spirit treasure is born.

On top of the huge ancient tripod is the sky full of red glow, red hydrangea piercing through the universe, mountains, rivers and society are layered on top of each other, laying an indestructible embankment to block the evil spirit.Under the sky filled with neon lights, there hangs a treasure of killing and killing refined by the energy of chaos.

Empress Nuwa pointed out with one hand that dozens of killing treasures moved together, and I don't know how many evil spirits were defeated.The defeated Chaos Qi was collected into the Qiankun Cauldron to refine it into the treasure of killing and cutting, and the killing treasure was sacrificed by Nuwa to crush more Chaos Qi. . . . . .

Therefore, among all the saints Hunyuan, only Empress Nuwa killed the most and contributed the most, and the results were astonishing. She stopped half of the Hunyuan Qi by herself, and all the saints Hunyuan were shocked Endless, but also envious.

After Nuwa, golden lotus filled the sky, white lotus purified the world, and lotus leaves swayed and opened and closed. The mighty power of the sage purified a lot of evil spirits. Unfortunately, the two sages did not have such treasures as the Qiankun Ding that can refine all things in the universe, so they could not use them.

And after the saints, thousands of derivative dharma chains poured into one point in front of Qingluo, turning into a huge light wheel, the light wheel was far and wide, emitting a powerful suction to suck in countless chaotic qi without knowing its direction.

Next to the huge white light hole, there is an equally huge black vortex. Within a billion feet of the vortex, all existence is turned into nothingness, and everything is smashed into nothingness by the black hole.

Afterwards, every time Taiyi's chaotic clock rang, it would cause a universe to collapse and collapse, and the countless chaotic qi would be wiped out together. The method was really crude and simple.

The Emperor Haotian mobilized hundreds of millions of divine thunders to directly bombard the chaotic qi, turning countless chaotic qi into fly ash.

Zhu Jiuyin summoned a long river of time and space, which circled and flowed directly around the wall of the plane, resisting most of the chaotic air.

And Zhen Yuanzi is the simplest but the most powerful. He destroyed the book of the earth, covered all the walls of the plane with the way of the earth, and strengthened and repaired the barriers of the plane.The wall of the plane with a magnificent and boundless area is being destroyed while being repaired.

Even though he has become a Hunyuan, Zhen Yuanzi is too busy and exhausted.

But even so, as time goes by, the barriers of the planes become more fragile and fragile.

At this moment, the most comfortable people in the field were Lao Tzu who was sitting on the Taiji Golden Bridge, Kong Xuan who was sitting cross-legged in front of the black hole, and Qing Luo who was sitting with his eyes closed.

However, Qing Luo's mental load has reached its limit at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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