Chapter 729 Hunyuan Six Heavens! (Kneeling to Subscribe)
The Primordial Plane has undergone too many changes in the past 30 years.Not only sentient beings, but also saints and Hunyuan!

As the great disciple of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, Laozi sage has the highest aptitude and comprehension. After 30 years of painstaking practice, he has already stepped into the Hunyuan Fifth Layer Heavenly Realm.After becoming Hongjun, he was the third Saint of the Five Heavens!
And the leading saint has reached the peak of the fourth heavenly realm, only a thin line away from the fifth heavenly realm.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Saint, they have also stepped into the fourth level of heaven.

Only Saint Zhunti was one step behind, stuck at the peak of the third heaven.There is a difference in realm from the third heaven to the fourth heaven, so Zhunti saint has been recognized as the weakest among saints.

But this saint never felt setbacks in his heart, nor was he depressed at all.Maybe his state of mind is the weakest among the saints, because his heart will be moved by all living beings and ants, he is kind to all living beings, kind to the ants, he is destined to be a unique one among the saints.

But his mind must be the broadest among all saints.Can accept all living beings in the world, can accept Taoist disciples as the Lord of the World, and can hand over the fate of the Dao to others. How great is his mind?

After the sage, all the Hunyuan, with Kong Xuan as the most, stepped into the second level of Hunyuan, and the other four Hunyuan Supremes are all similar, close to the second level of heaven.

As for Qing Luo, he is still the fifth heaven at this time, and it may not be the case in the future.

Because, 10 years ago, the wall of the plane walked into a powerful man who killed two corpses!

He used to be a divine stone that patched up the sky, turned into a monkey, claimed to be a demon, sought the way of the world, learned to be a human being, went to the heaven to become a god, and went down to the earth to ecstasy his soul, and then became a Buddha, and now he is an immortal!

He experienced the reincarnation of the six realms before the six realms were opened.After hundreds of thousands of years of painstaking practice, he beheaded the two corpses, turned into the Monkey King, entered the demon world, and became the Great Saint of the Monster Race to repay the kindness of the Monster Race.

Monkey King is no longer Monkey King, there will always be legends of Monkey King in the Six Realms of Heaven and Earth, but there is no longer Monkey King.

Only Taoist Wukong on Huaguo Mountain!
The kindness of Patriarch Bodhi is greater than the sky to him, but he has a plan. A journey to the West is enough to repay it, and a fighting Buddha can offset the kindness.

He remembered the kindness of Nuwa Empress in his heart, and a great sage equal to heaven repaid the kindness on his behalf.

After he beheaded the two corpses, he was truly unrestrained in the world.As the son of Daoxuan, Taoist Wukong thought a lot, and he didn't want to go on the same path as the saint Qingluo.

Then he would be against a saint, against a predecessor whom he respected.It's not that he's afraid, it's that he doesn't want to.

And he knew that in the crisis of the imminent catastrophe, only by combining all the powers in one person, the one who is most likely to achieve success, will the chances of winning the entire six realms be higher.

Therefore, he chose to surrender his own right to elect.

Qing Luo didn't make false excuses, because he really needed it.

Qing Luo thanked Sun Wukong, not only for herself, but also for all beings in the six realms.

He will promise that every chosen son who grants him authority will protect them forever and ever!
After merging the fifth power of Taoism, Qing Luo possessed [-]% of the power separated from the original power of Hongmeng Dao, and became the power with decisive power!

Therefore, with the help of the original blessing of the Hongmeng Dao, after [-] years of cultivation, Qing Luo finally entered the peak of the fifth heavenly realm.

In Qing Luo's lifetime, there has never been such a long period of stable cultivation.

But it was also the most exhausting period. In order to subtly cultivate the Dao of Great Evolution, the Yuanshen went deep into the original power of the Hongmeng Dao. Even with the blessing of the escaped power, his mind was devastated.

And you have to keep separating the chaotic aura that suppresses the wall of the plane!

After he stabilized his cultivation base, he began to participate in the performance of Chaos Qi.

Empress Nuwa used the innate treasure of Qiankun Ding to refine the aura of chaos and amazed all the saints.

The saints and Hunyuan can only watch, but are unable to imitate.

But Qingluo is different, his derived avenue can even be derived from the universe, the universe and even the plane, so it can naturally penetrate the aura of chaos and use it for him!
If he can comprehend successfully, relying on this endless energy of chaos, he will definitely be able to break through the sixth level of chaos!

Therefore, as soon as Qing Luo's mind and spirit recovered, she focused on two purposes, one force and two points, while resisting the chaotic aura, and at the same time comprehending its mystery through the chaotic aura swallowed by the derivative light hole.

The aura of chaos is the vitality of heaven and earth in the first plane of return to the ruins. Its power is full of evil thoughts and kills, which is very different from the way of killing.

Once in the atmosphere of chaos, no magic weapon can resist its power, and ordinary monks will assimilate into the first plane creature within an hour or three quarters.

Its pollution is extremely terrible, and its aggressiveness is extremely strong.Even Da Luo Jinxian needs to be cautious in the face of chaos.

And the chaotic atmosphere contains the power of Hongmeng Dao's original power that divides into billions of trillions. Its power is used to destroy and intend to kill, and it carries the original consciousness of Hongmeng Dao to unify the heavens and completely control the universe will.

Only the Great Power of the Grand Mist, which comes from the same source, can resist it.

Qiankun Ding, as the former Supreme Treasure of Primordial Origin, although it fell into the Supreme Precious Treasure due to the catastrophe of opening the sky, its essence is still the Supreme Treasure of Primordial Origin, possessing the supreme and mysterious law of the Dao, which can reverse the rules and turn acquired things back into innate.

And Qing Luo used the way of derivation to comprehend his mystery thoroughly, and then purified his evil with the derivation of divine light, and merged into his body.

This process is very exhausting and deduced, even with the mental arithmetic of his five-layer sage, it is not enough to achieve it, and it is barely feasible with the power of mental arithmetic blessed by the ancient Yuanling Pagoda.

All the chaotic qi that has been purified has been integrated into Qingluo's body, and his aura is gradually changing.

As time went by, the Six Sages naturally discovered Qingluo who was comprehending something, and his aura gradually flickered, changing from pure white light to black and gray like the aura of chaos, and then the pure white light and black gray The colors are mixed and intersected, obviously extremely unstable.

At this time, Qing Luo's mind had already penetrated into all parts of the body, purifying the vicious and chaotic aura that kept rushing into the body, and restraining his body.

And he naturally couldn't hide his aura, the aura of the peak of the Hunyuan Fifth Layer Heaven Realm was fully displayed, facing such a huge and majestic aura, the faces of all the saints were shocked, and when you Hunyuan faced this aura, they just felt that they were the same as Hunyuan. Yuan, but already exists in two realms, even Hunyuan is powerless to fight against it.

Nu Wa was amazed in her heart, she had already been left behind by Qing Luo in just so many years.Even if he is the legendary escaped one, this speed is too against the sky.

Qing Luo's mind has been exhausted at this moment, and she can't continue to procrastinate.

Therefore, he pushed out his Taoist body sitting cross-legged with both hands, and a more powerful derived force poured into the Dayan Light Cave, sending out an extremely strong attracting force to draw all the people in the land with a radius of trillions. All the aura of chaos is absorbed in.

This move changed everyone's countenance greatly. It is extremely dangerous to be so close to madness. Even if the saint's primordial spirit entrusts the heavenly way to be difficult to be polluted, if one is not good enough, it will be completely ruined.

Even if the saint does not die and the way of heaven is reshaped, it means that he will practice again from the first level of Hunyuan, and no saint is willing to go all over again and start all over again.

For a time, the Qingluo Taoist body slowly and rapidly expanded, turning into a stalwart body of trillions of feet, sitting in the endless void.

However, the surface of its Dao body is white light derived from Dao Dao Jingshi, and the inside of the Dao body is black and gray with the energy of chaos.

Black and white intertwine and blend, and the two forces are immortal.

The saints naturally tried their best to protect Qing Luo to prevent being disturbed.No matter from the perspective of their affection, or from the standpoint of standing on the prehistoric plane.

Kong Xuan wanted to make a move several times, but held back.

Because Empress Nuwa said: "You can't bear his strength, it's best to wait and see how things change."

Everyone understood what she said, but I didn't listen.

With a stooped body and crutches, I walked down from the Taiji Golden Bridge, stepped across the void distance, and came under the magnificent Taoist body of Qingluo.

In Lao Tzu's eyes, at this moment, Qing Luo's body is divided into Yin and Yang.Dayan is yang, and chaos is yin.The yin and yang fight to the death endlessly, misfortune and good fortune depend on each other.

Lao Tzu stood silently for a long time. Although the saints were puzzled, no one questioned the number one saint of Taoism.

The sage of Lao Tzu, whose breath is close to nothing, is like an old man who is getting old, standing still with a cane, closing his eyes and meditating.

Maybe it was a moment, or maybe it was the endless years of road experience that gave him a flash of inspiration.

"Yuan Shi, stand for me for a moment!"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and released the Qingyun of the sky. On the sea of ​​Qiyun of hundreds of millions of acres, hundreds of millions of golden flames and lanterns were ignited.

Lao Tzu stretched out his hand, and the Tai Chi Golden Bridge was recovered, and it turned into an ancient picture of Tai Chi with Yin and Yang in his hand.

He laughed and said: "It is also the blessing of this fellow Taoist, since God's will, I will help you!"

The Xuanhuang ancient map fell and turned into a billions of feet in size, which was bigger than the Qingluo's magnificent Taoist body.

The circle of Taiyin is on the right, and the circle of the sun is on the left. The place where Yin and Yang meet is the Taiji fish eye, and above the Taiji fish eye sits the Qingluo Taoist body.

In the picture of Taiji, there is a world, where Yin and Yang are born around Qingluo, slowly rotating from mutual restraint to gradually blurring, gradually merging, and gradually transforming. The two phases of Yin and Yang arise and die.

In Qingluo's body, the two phases of Dayan and Hun'er collide and gradually diverge, divided by the ancient Yuanling Pagoda. Dayan goes to the left and merges with the anode of Taiji. Turning into fish eyes, Da Yan's chaos turning into Yin and Yang, and the sage who created the world turning into a world.

This sage of the Way of Tai Chi used the Qingluo Dao Body as the carrier to form a Tai Chi Diagram, Dayan Hun'e as Yin and Yang, and the Ancient Yuanling Pagoda as Tai Chi Fish Eyes, and outlined a Tai Chi Xuan Diagram!
Standing outside the ancient picture, the saint Lao Tzu has a small figure with a mighty power to enter the sky. The Taoist Tai Chi is the principle of yin and yang, and the aura of chaos is getting stronger and stronger. It gradually overwhelms the power of Dayan and invades Dayan by crossing the ancient tower of Yuanling. The derivative is located at the anode.

A light flashed in the eyes of the old man, and he shouted: "The transformation of Taiji, the transformation of yin and yang!"

The majestic black and white light filled the wall of the plane, and the earth-shattering air wave swept across hundreds of millions of miles.The black and white of yin and yang have become the main color of the world. At this moment, Tai Chi's ultimate principle has incorporated the endless chaos of qi to run yin and yang, and Lao Tzu's momentum has instantly stepped into the peak of the fifth heaven!

At this moment, Qing Luo's whole body also transforms into yin and yang, absorbing the power of chaos and stepping into the sixth level of chaos!

The ancient pagoda of Yuanling is bright and prosperous, receding all the vicious and evil spirits, purifying the original self, and returning to purity.

Qing Luo opened his eyes, and the grand dao body turned back to normal in an instant. He stood up and bowed to the saint Lao Tzu, "Qing Luo thanked Brother Dao for his help."

Lao Tzu waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me. Since I have enlightened you because of you, I will help you break through."

Master Tongtian looked at Lao Tzu and couldn't help respecting him.His elder brother has never been seen through by him, never before, and never will be in the future.

As Qingluo got up and I returned to Dachitian, all the saints Hunyuan congratulated Qingluo on breaking the boundary.

Qing Luo naturally returned the gifts one by one.

The Hunyuan Sixth Heaven Realm is only one realm away from the third level that dominates the universe!
In the prehistoric world, apart from Dao Patriarch Hongjun and Yang Mei Dao Patriarch, there is only one sixth-level heavenly realm.

That is, pure peace of mind!

As a tunnel that once wanted to leave the way of heaven and work side by side with the way of heaven, although it was not successful, it also had a very strong background.

If Empress Pingxin hadn't lost the source power of the tunnel because of the obsession with the ancestor witch, I am afraid that she could really be like the seventh heaven, standing side by side with Hongjun back then, separating the heavens and the earth, then the heavens and the earth would never be the same again. This is what it is now.

Qingluo breaks the sixth level of the realm, it is really dangerous, if I don't take action, I am afraid that I will really disperse the Taoist body as a last resort and start over.

Or he underestimated the power of chaos.Originally, Qing Luo planned to summon the Purple Blood Thorn to devour Dao Dao to strengthen him, and even let the Purple Blood Thorn break through the shackles of Hunyuan, but he had experienced the Qi of Hun Evil himself, so he never thought of it again.

Now, it's time for him to discuss with Six Sages and Five Hunyuan when to retreat!
Because even the saints Hunyuan will be mentally and mentally exhausted and their combat power will be damaged in the face of the chaotic aura that is getting stronger day by day.

And they are the decisive force in the near future, and they cannot be lost.

Now they are resisting here, just to buy the last bit of time for the sentient beings of the six worlds, and prepare for the catastrophe of annihilation!
At this moment, Qing Luo has already sensed the people of Ge Kun who are far away in the Dayan plane. They are about to return to the prehistoric plane. Fighting for the Six Realms is also fighting for themselves.

He will not hinder, only support.Only by facing the catastrophe and looking for a ray of life in the midst of death, will there be great fortune!

His disciples are all people from the prehistoric plane, so they naturally have to repay the kindness of heaven and earth for the prehistoric plane in order to judge cause and effect.

Qing Luo concentrated, raised her palm, intertwined time and space, and probed into the void.

The next moment, in the Dayan plane, the sky was surging with wind and clouds, and a huge gate of heaven appeared in the boundless clouds, and the word "prehistoric" was engraved on the gate of heaven.

Seeing this, Ge Kun and the others all flew in, embarking on the road of returning to the prehistoric, and also embarking on the road of endless fighting, narrow escape, no one fears, no one shrinks back.

The prehistoric plane, the center of the six realms, and the sky over the Nightless Realm are also turbulent, and all kinds of wonderful brilliance emerge, just like when Ge Kun and the others left the prehistoric plane, time and space are chaotic, the sky is full of colors, and the earth has divine gates.

(Every day is completed today! Ask for tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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