Chapter 731
But most of these ancient existences have their own reservations, and they have existed for a long time. They already have their own way and their own way of existence.

Therefore, the five quasi-sages on Penglai Xiandao led dozens of Da Luo casual cultivators, and tens of thousands of monks set up a large formation to hide Penglai Xiandao from the world and escape into the void. Its traces were found in the distance.

There are ten quasi-sages and great powers on the Kunlun sacred mountain, who belong to the ancient Qilin clan, and the ancestor of Qilin sits in town, who can explain the power of the two religions. Nearly two hundred Daluo Jinxians and a large number of monks rely on the sacred mountain to resist as a battlefield.

There are thirteen quasi-sages and great powers on Jin'ao Island, and nearly 200 Daluo Jinxians.

Once Duobao came back, after 30 years of hard work, his cultivation base has been completely restored and improved to a higher level, and he has become a half-step Hunyuan powerhouse!
Yunxiao has experienced the baptism of the devil, and as she once possessed the power of the Hunyuan Supreme, she has also stepped into the half-step Hunyuan realm with her cultivation base.In addition, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit are all great masters in beheading the two corpses.Both Jin Guangxian and Wuyunxian are quasi-sages.

There are also Sun Wukong and Kui Niu who are also quasi-sages, and Qinglong Shengzun, the Dragon Clan who once suppressed the world, who is three points stronger than the half-step Hunyuan.There are also three quasi-sages in the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan!

The reason why the battlefield of Immortal Realm is three points is because there are too many creatures in it, and it is difficult to take care of one battlefield.Fortunately, the fairyland has accumulated for a long time, and there are many monks in it who are powerful enough to support it.

As for the demon world, it is also divided into two battlefields, one is the demon master Kunpeng Dojo, Beiming Shenshan, and the other is the demon clan emperor palace.

Beiming Shenshan is blocked by the power of heaven and earth, and can occupy a great advantage of time and place, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Although the Yaozu Emperor's Palace was built by Hunyuan Supreme, but because the construction time is too short, the background is somewhat insufficient.It is barely feasible to increase the power of the monster clan several times.

As for the demon world, it is considered the weakest among all the worlds.Because there are only monster clans in the monster world, there are really not many other big and small forces.Even after hundreds of thousands of years of development, the power of the Yaozu reopened the inheritance of the bloodline of the Yaozu, and then used the Zhoutian Star Formation to receive the emperor's blood, and the demon saints personally preached the law, the time is too short
In the demon world, there are two half-step Hunyuan powerhouses, the demon master Kunpeng and the Xuanwu sage, and the quasi-sages can only reach as many as eleven.There are only three hundred Daluo Jinxians.In terms of the large plane of the demon world, which is as wide as trillions, it is actually a little less compared to the fairy world.

As for the human world, it is too scattered and it is difficult to take care of it.Therefore, the power of the unity of the human race is centered on the ancestral court of human nature, located in the Zhongzhou Wangding, and the other eight tripods are scattered in all directions, with the Kyushu Divine Ding as the eye of the formation, a grand formation is set up to cover the entire human territory.This also means that the human race will divide its troops into eight places and fight on all sides.

This is a helpless method, because the only land of the human race is the Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron, and there is no other treasure ancestor land to rely on, and the human race has a vast territory, and it is impossible to unite the creatures of the world on one battlefield.

This is also confidence in the strength of the human world.Even though there are less than twenty quasi-sages in the human world, they have the most Da Luo Jinxians in the entire six worlds!
The [-] Da Luo Jinxians are divided into eight battlefields, and each battlefield has more than [-] to [-] Da Luo Jinxians, and there are countless Taiyi Jinxians.

After all, the human race who is born with a Taoist physique is much faster and easier than other races!
Looking down at the six realms, I found that only the city of Evernight is the weakest.The three worlds of immortals, humans, and demons are all better than the City of Evernight in terms of the number of Daluo Jinxian and quasi-sages.Even in the Buddhist world, there are eighteen quasi-sages and three hundred Daluo Jinxians.

There are tens of thousands of gods in the God Realm, [-] quasi-sages, and more than [-] Daluo Jinxians.

There are 23 quasi-sages and powers in the underworld combined with witches and ghosts, and nearly [-] Daluo Jinxians exist!

Although the Six Realms are far superior to the Nightless City, the Six Realms are the power of a unified realm. Both the number of creatures and the territory are far thousands of times larger than the Nightless City, so the pressure is naturally stronger.

Moreover, Evernight City has faced multiple attacks and battles, and has extremely rich experience in war and military organization, which can exert a combat power far stronger than its own strength!
All beings in the six realms have completed their preparations for the battle. No matter how much racial hatred there was in the past, they are all friends in the same robe fighting side by side at this moment.

The prehistoric plane has already done everything it can, just waiting for the catastrophe to come!
In ancient times, the prehistoric era was the most prosperous period, and there was a saying that big Luo walked everywhere, and golden immortals were not as good as dogs.

However, in today's prehistoric plane, in the new era of the Six Realms, there are hundreds of quasi-sages!
There are also [-] Daluo Jinxian immortal strongmen who walked out of countless Hengsha roads.

The existence of Taiyi and Jinxian is numerous and vast, and the heavenly and mysterious immortals are endless like Hengsha.

Hundreds of millions of living beings are waiting for the catastrophe, and their hearts are terrified and uneasy.But they have no way out.

There will be death on the battlefield, and only death after defeat.There is no such thing as surrender, there are no captives, and the enemy will not accept a traitor.

Moreover, the war of sentient beings in the six realms refers to the six realms, and the underworld among the six realms is also a battlefield. Huangquan Road, Bianhua, and Naihe Bridge are all battlefields. It is a pawn.

The reincarnation of the six realms of the underworld is closed to bless the underworld battlefield.

Therefore, if we fight together, there will be no reincarnation to rebuild after death, there will be no black and white impermanence seductive souls, bull-headed and horse-faced escorts into reincarnation!

After death, the primordial spirit will have nowhere to go, and the only way to reincarnate and rebuild is to wait for the reincarnation of the underworld to restart after Ruo wins.But in the catastrophe, the physical body has been defeated, how can the soul survive easily?

With the return of Ge Kun's people above the Nightless City, all the forces in the six realms have already known that the catastrophe is not far away.

Today's Six Realms have been watching Tiancheng's every move unconsciously, smelling clues from it and taking it as a major wind direction.

What's more, Evernight City is the center of the Six Realms, not only a teleportation fortress, but also a strategic core.

The prehistoric plane originally planned to use the wall of the plane as the battlefield, but now that the six realms are divided, they can rely on the right time and place to sit on the home field advantage, and naturally have a better chance of winning.

However, it is also easy to be broken one by one.

Therefore, the importance of the Nightless City is reflected.With the Nightless City as the core, it can communicate with the void, open any two worlds, and graft space transmission tunnels, allowing millions of troops to travel through the two worlds to support at any time.

In this way, as long as any force in the Six Realms is invincible, as long as they persist for a short period of time, they can get reinforcements from the Six Realms. With the background of the main forces in the Six Realms, even if the Hunyuan Supreme personally takes action, they can resist all forces. Two.

Because the space teleportation tunnel can only pass through the teleportation array of the Evernight City, so there is absolutely no room for loss in the Evernight City.

On the wall of the plane, the twelve saints Hunyuan are still resisting the chaotic energy. If they use all their strength, they will be able to hold on for another ten thousand years, but it is not necessary.

The Six Realms are already fully prepared for the battle, and if it continues to drag on, I am afraid that the army will be exhausted and the hearts of the people will be discordant.

Qing Luo stood in front of the Dayan Light Cave, watching the white light hole endlessly devouring the Chaotic Qi without stopping. He is still refining the Chaotic Qi at this moment, but it is just a little bit of refinement. According to his way Even if it takes tens of millions of years, it will be difficult to reach the sixth level of perfection.

It's not that Qing Luo doesn't want to rely on the aura of chaos to break through again, but that she can't.His time to break through the realm was too fast, and both the accumulation of foundation and the perception of Dao realm were somewhat insufficient.

If he forcibly improves his cultivation, his foundation may become unstable, and even further progress will be hindered.

Therefore, at this moment, he is only refining the strands of chaotic qi to refine his own mana, which is in line with the Taoist realm.

He watched the sages' Hunyuan supernatural powers unceasingly displaying the power of destroying heaven and earth to prevent the aura of chaos from invading the six realms. After several considerations, he finally spoke out.

"Fellow daoists, at this time, all beings in the six realms have made all preparations for the catastrophe, and my mission of guarding here for hundreds of thousands of years has been fulfilled.

It's time for me to go home. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood, and they also knew that it was time to leave.

Only the sage Zhunti sighed, "It's just that as soon as I retreat, this catastrophe is really coming.

How sad are the hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the six realms? "

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his brows and said: "But we wait for Hunyuan to be the key to this victory. Even if we win the ant battlefield, it will not be the end of the extraordinary catastrophe."

Tong Tian let out a soft sigh, and said: "Back then when I conferred God to measure the calamity, it turns out fellow Taoists thought the same way."

"The lives of all the beings in the world are nothing more than Tao. The past can no longer be reproduced, and the gods and demons returning to the ruins will not have the scruples of a saint!" Yuanshi Tianzun replied lightly.

The Empress Nuwa, who was still refining the aura of chaos, said at this time: "Since it's time to go, let's go. Although I am reluctant, I have to take care of the overall situation!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help looking at the thousands of killing treasures hanging under the red glow of Empress Nuwa, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

But what makes all living beings fear the most is the three-foot long knife in the flawless and weak right palm of Empress Nuwa.

This knife was refined by Nuwa Empress for millions of years. It was integrated into the emperor's supreme power and strong mind, and the core of 30 years of chaotic energy essence was refined into the body. All the evil spirits retreated from it, and Nuwa named it: "Slayer God", intending to use this knife to slaughter three thousand gods and demons in Guixu!

Even the saints like them, Hunyuan Supreme, felt terrified when they faced this knife.

Qing Luo nodded and said: "If we stay longer, our fighting power will be damaged, and we may not be able to catch up on the next battlefield!"

Lao Tzu, who had been silent all this time, also nodded and said: "In that case, I'll go back later.

However, I still need to go to Zixiao to meet the teacher again. "

Everyone nodded their heads in praise.

As a result, all the saints withdrew their supernatural powers and magic weapons one after another, and a layer of cloud and sky dojos dissipated. There used to be millions of human races offering silently here, but now there are a dozen Hunyuan who have suppressed it for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, the sage left, and the endless aura of chaos surged crazily. Finally, there was no hindrance, and the endless black and gray strange aura rushed into the wall of the plane and entered the world of the six realms.

The catastrophe is finally here!

(End of this chapter)

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