Chapter 732 Return of the Saints
The saints Hunyuan rushed to the chaos outside the sky, half a universe shuttled in one step, and the Zixiao Palace was in front of you in just a moment.

Sanqing led, followed by Nuwa and Zhunti, followed by Qingluo Kongxuan, and the four Hunyuan Supremes walked side by side into the Zixiao Palace gate that opened automatically.

It's not the first time for everyone to walk into Zixiao Palace, but it's the first time for you Hunyuan to walk into Zixiao Palace after you have achieved Hunyuan Supreme.

Even if they are Hunyuan, the hundreds of millions of thunders outside Zixiao Palace, Dao Yun inside Zixiao Palace, and the patriarch who appeared at the top of Zixiao Palace at some time all startled them.

Even if Hunyuan has been achieved, Daozu is also an existence that they can hardly hold a candle to. What they are facing is the original aura of Hongmeng Dao that they sensed in the depths of the universe when they achieved Hunyuan. It turns out that Daozu Hongjun's strength is so terrifying!
Lao Tzu took the lead to bow down, "Meet the teacher!"

Qing Luo saluted at the same time: "I have met the Taoist ancestor."

The six sages are with Lao Tzu, and the four Hunyuan are with Qing Luo, and they all greet each other.

However, Haotian, the Hunyuan Supreme, also performed the gift of disciple, because he was once the Taoist Haotian of Zixiao Palace.

Daoist Hongjun sitting at the top opened his eyes. The light gray and simple Taoist robe will always be the same one, and it will always be so neat as before.

"Get up."

Everyone stood up or straightened up one after another, and stood quietly in front of Daozu Hongjun.

Daozu glanced at everyone, and then said: "The catastrophe has arrived. The battlefield is divided into six realms, and seven places need to be guarded by Hunyuan. Let's make your own decisions."

As soon as this remark came out, all the saints Hunyuan were silent for a moment.

Then, Zhunti Saint had the least scruples, just like fighting for the holy position back then, he said bluntly: "The disciples and the senior brothers are willing to guard the battlefield of the Buddhist world."

Everyone was silent, waiting for Daozu's response.


As soon as this remark came out, Zhunti sage thanked him and stopped talking.

Seeing Zhunti, Empress Nuwa said it straight, without further delay, she stepped forward and said: "My disciple and Taiyi friends are willing to guard the battlefield of the demon world."

Daozu still nodded and said: "Yes!"

After Nuwa thanked her, Zhu Jiuyin stepped forward and said, "I want to guard the battlefield of the underworld!"


Yuanshi Tianzun's eyelids moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but seeing that Lao Tzu was still indifferent, he didn't say a word after all.

Then, Haotian stepped forward and said: "Disciple and fellow Taoist Kong Xuan are willing to guard the battlefield of God Realm!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Daozu glanced at Kong Xuan and nodded in agreement.

As a result, only the three battlefields of immortals, humans, and Evernight City have not been settled.

Qing Luo looked at her nose with her eyes and listened to her heart, she had no intention of speaking at all, obviously she had to wait till the end.

In the end, it was the Master Tongtian who came forward and said: "The disciple is willing to guard the battlefield in the fairy world!"

Lao Tzu nodded and agreed.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Sanqing, feeling that it was better to make a decision earlier, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Zhen Yuan wants to guard the battlefield of the underworld."

Daozu paused for a moment this time, and then said: "There are Taoist friends Pingxin and Zhu Jiuyin in the underworld, so there is no need to go again."

Zhen Yuanzi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Zhen Yuan is willing to go to the battlefield of the human world."

Daozu nodded and said, "Good!"

In the end, the sage Lao Tzu frowned and said, "Disciple is willing to guard the battlefield of the human world with Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuan."

Yuanshi Tianzun was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Lao Tzu to go to the human world battlefield, but then he came back to his senses, as the leader of Human Cult, Lao Tzu had to do his due part of the responsibility, and also saved his Yuanshi Tianzun's face.

After all, Lao Tzu went to the human world because of the leader of the human religion.If Lao Tzu also stays in the fairy world, Yuanshi Tianzun can only go to the human world, and the three brothers will be inseparable from each other immediately.The reason for this was that the injury was too complicated. Yuanshi Tianzun stopped thinking about it and said bluntly: "The disciple is willing to guard the battlefield in the fairy world."

Daozu nodded, and without waiting for Qingluo's words, he said, "Fellow Daoist Qingluo will guard the Nightless Battlefield."

Qing Luo responded immediately: "Go as you wish."

Everyone came to their senses in an instant, they all took the initiative to choose their own world, and they were inevitably suspected of selfishness, while Qing Luo was invited by the Taoist ancestor to guard the Nightless Battlefield.

Although they are all selfish, Qing Luo is a little bit higher than them.

Daozu said again: "Since the battlefield has been divided, you all need to guard it with all your strength.

Not for heaven and earth, not for sentient beings, only for Daoyue.

This battle is a calamity of life and death in the wild, a calamity of life and death for all living beings, and a calamity of life and death for us.

This battle is a war that will never end without victory or defeat.

All you have to do is to guard the six worlds.

Leave the rest to me. "

Everyone's heart trembled, and they saluted together: "Teacher (Taoist) is merciful!"

If they faced a strong enemy, then Daozu Hongjun would face an invincible enemy.

But as the Dao ancestor of the world, the Dao ancestor of all living beings, and the Dao ancestor of the prehistoric, no matter whether he is a sentient Hongjun or a heavenly Dao Hongjun, he will not back down half a step.

Daozu didn't speak this time, but stood up slowly in front of everyone for the first time. The white-haired old man stood up from Daozu's seat, stared at everyone for a long time, and said leisurely: "You go."

Everyone saluted and retreated. Daozu Hongjun stood at the top of Zixiao Palace, quietly watching everyone go away. In the empty and supreme hall, the door was slowly closed, and the light outside the hall gradually shrank. .

From the closed grand gate, one can see the lonely figure of the old man still standing in the depths of the hall, looking out of the gate.

At the last moment when the palace door was closed and closed, Qing Luo heard Dao Zu's voice.

"If I don't survive, I only hope that you will succeed Hongjun, master the way of heaven, and prosper the world!"

Qing Luo's heart was shaken, her steps bumped, and she almost stepped into the wrong space.

None of the saints who had already left noticed Qingluo's carelessness, only Kong Xuan was about to leave when he saw Qingluo who stopped, and whispered: "But the Taoist ancestor has other instructions?"

Qing Luo nodded, with Kong Xuan's intelligence, how could he not know that he would be respected by the Taoist ancestor as the god of choice?
Kong Xuan smiled lightly and said: "Don't think too much, maybe all the saints have been entrusted by the Taoist ancestor, but they are different from each other."

Qing Luo raised her eyes and smiled, and said, "Oh? It seems that you, the Hunyuan Supreme, are dissatisfied because you are not valued by Dao Patriarch?"

"Heh, you underestimate my magnanimity, Kong Xuan." He waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Qing Luo nodded, raised her brows and said, "Brother Kong, when we see you again, I hope you weren't the one who came to ask me for help!"

Kong Xuan couldn't help laughing, he took a step forward, and a light door of space appeared in front of him, stepped in front, and suddenly said: "Qing Luo, remember to go back to your homeland to have a look."

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously and said: "If there is a catastrophe, I will definitely visit."

Kong Xuan walked into the light gate with a smile, and left in an instant.

Qing Luo turned her head and stared at Zixiao Palace, the supreme temple in the prehistoric plane behind her, and muttered to herself, "I never wanted to be the master of this temple."

In the Six Realms, all living beings have already panicked at this moment.

The boundless aura of chaos surrounded the void of the Six Realms, completely sealed the edge of the Six Realms, and besieged the Six Realms into a desperate situation.

Even the powerhouses with half a step of Hunyuan dare not step into this strange black and gray fog.

Fortunately, in the six realms, billions of stars are twinkling, and the endless universe extends, and countless stars also surround the six realms. The east, west, north, south, north, upper, lower, and upper bounds are all star universes.

This universe of stars envelops the six realms of heaven and earth, protects the ninth heaven, covers the eighteenth earth, and resists the aura of chaos.

While countless stars are twinkling, they are also releasing the most quintessential star core power among the stars. If all the stars exhaust the star core power, then the stars will sink and fall, the universe will collapse, and the sun and moon that the six worlds depend on for survival The stars all turn into dead stars.

When the Six Realms were wandering all day long, outside the Six Realms, the endless universe began to collapse and shrink, forming endless space storm tides. At that time, it was unknown how many worlds were destroyed and how many lower planes were subverted.

On the other plane, the world of Christ, hundreds of millions of angels flew up to heaven, twelve-winged angels, 24-winged angels, blazing angels, and judgment angels. . . . . .

Beside Yahweh stood two gods full of infinite divinity, a man and a woman, the first pair of human beings created by God.

There is no fear in the eyes of countless angels, only endless devout faith!

On the plane of science and technology, all civilizations in the known universe are concentrated in the Chiwu star system and Meiluo Tianting, countless space wormholes open and close, and even in the Chiwu star system, a galaxy dominated by human civilization, there are several black holes that exist all the time to resist The invasion of chaos.

Countless human races, angels, even demons, and the Reaper civilization are preparing countless super technological weapons, crystal core cannons, super nuclear energy guns, void engines, four and five generations of gods, and super star algorithms. . . .

And in the entire cosmic plane, a huge phantom that set off an endless space storm tide, from the collapsed tunnel of the universe, moved towards the prehistoric plane at a speed that spanned time and space.

And that huge phantom is actually a super majestic plane of trillions of light years, on which stands a majestic and terrifying figure sitting with its eyes closed.

There are hundreds of millions of phantoms overlapping under its seat, and they go to different planes one after another as they pass through the space along the way.

Even if the countless terrifying existences on it were scattered to the big planes along the way, there are still endless army of ghosts
Their purpose is the same as that of the terrifying figure sitting cross-legged, that is the primordial plane!

In the entire cosmic plane, one plane after another was destroyed, destroyed, extinct, and the fighting and war spread throughout the universe.As the light spots of civilization in the universe gradually extinguished, countless powers returned to the depths of the universe and returned to the original power of the Hongmeng Dao.

The head of the highest plane of the heavens and the world, the plane of the prehistoric, the ancestor Yang Mei stood outside the chaos, his eyes moved slightly, and the law of the endless road evolved in his eyes. His eyes swept across the endless space and even the future of time, and saw The first plane that is coming across time and space, Guixu.

He didn't look at the stalwart figure comparable to Pangu's body, but landed on the body of endless gods and demons.

Even with his vision, he couldn't help frowning.But after thinking about it again and again, he still turned around and walked into the chaos, into the Zixiao Palace.

Daoist Hongjun raised his eyes and said, "It's time to come, let's start."

Yang Mei nodded heavily, and sat down cross-legged, facing Daozu Hongjun.

In the main hall, the Taoist body of Yang Mei Patriarch and Hongjun's Taoist body returned to nothingness, only one round of the eternal time jun and the ten thousand ancient compass.

When Hongjun is at the time, Yang Mei is empty, and the two combine to form a "room".

The good fortune jade plate is suspended, and the eternal compass is integrated into the jade plate through the ages.

The endless light illuminates the Zixiao Palace, which is the meaning of awakening the ancient gods in the chaos for the primordial purple light.

Within the six worlds, the saints return.

In the demon world of the north, there are rainbows all over the sky, the long-sleeved palace robes are gone, and the purple gold domineering and mighty battle armor is on the body, holding the god-slaying knife, and the sky is full of rays of light. Stepping on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the demon king Wa has returned!
The domineering and magnificent cry of the three-legged Golden Crow, an ancient divine bird, pierced the sky.The scorching sun of the sky burns and silences the universe for nine revolutions, the sound of chaos resounds in the ancient world, and the supreme overbearing king returns to the sun.

Hundreds of millions of demon clans in the demon world were all excited, shouting at the sea and shouting wildly: "Greetings to the Emperor Wa, and the Eastern Emperor."

In the world of Buddha, the white lotus floats from the sky, and the golden lotus blooms on the ground in the golden and white lotus. There is a universe between the golden and white lotus. Ring the heavens.

Regardless of the past, present or future, the Buddhas of the three times and the three times put their palms together and recited "Namo Amitabha! Namo Zhunti Buddha Mother."

In the fairy world, there are hundreds of millions of mu of clouds hanging down on the Kunlun sacred mountain, thousands of golden lamps spread out, a place of golden lamps and glazed glass, a piece of heaven and myriad clouds, bursts of fairy music spread around the heaven and earth sacred mountain Kunlun, and there are strange fragrances from all directions in the air. Nine dragons fly to the sky, control the sacred, Yuanshi Tianzun returns to Kunlun.

Thousands of immortals saluted, all the disciples of the interpretation and teaching bowed down and said they respectfully greeted the master, the disciples of the people taught bowed down and called them uncles, and all the other immortals called them saints.

On Jinao Island, hundreds of millions of Qingping passed through the air, cutting through the ancient cang with one sword, one person and one sword came from the sky, the wide sleeves of the blue clothes fluttered with the wind, and the three thousand blue silks flew all over, the leader of Tongtian Sect returned to Biyou.

On Jinao Island, the disciples of Jujiao knelt on the ground, tears filled their eyes after seeing their master for a long time, the Taoist holding a sword smiled brightly, and his gentle tone was enough to soothe all hesitation.

The realm of the gods was once the highest palace in the Three Realms, where thousands of divine thunders filled the sky, danced wildly like thunder snakes, and were inviolable like the brilliant majesty of heaven.

All the gods bowed their heads and worshiped, respecting and calling Tianzun!
The immortal volcano on the twelve layers of heaven, there are five colors of gods to render one side of the world, colorfully dotted with ancient fiery red and black sacred mountains, bright and vivid, Kong Xuan stepped into the sky and returned.

In the underworld, outside the Ancestral Witch Hall, there is a giant who crosses the border, and outside the Northwest Sea, north of Chishui, there is Zhangwei Mountain.There is a god with a human face, a snake body and a red body, with straight eyes.Its eyes are dark, its vision is bright.Don't eat, don't sleep, don't stop, the wind and rain are the same.

Every step taken by the avatar of the ancestor witch, who is higher than the sky, shakes the earth and the hearts of countless Wu tribe children, who are also trembling for it and accelerated for it.

Behind Zhu Jiuyin, there are not only Zhu Jiuyin, but also eleven huge figures who are equally stalwart, they are the twelve ancestors of their witch clan!

Countless witches, at this moment, their hearts are drumming, shaking, wanting to shake the sky, roaring and crying, even the strongest warriors of the witch clan, the moment they see the phantoms of the twelve ancestor witches, they all become the ones who saw their parents. Son, you don't cry like a child.

In the sky above the Nine Continents Divine Cauldron in the human world, there is boundless purple air rushing towards it, like an abyss like a sea, and the auspicious colors are all over the sky. There is an old man in hemp clothes and hemp shoes, walking on the earth, carrying the image of a saint, with the wind and rain, the wind is light and the water is slow, Enter Jiuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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