Chapter 733 Return to the Ruins Arrives
Countless sages and sages of the human race saluted respectfully and performed the salute as juniors. No matter Lao Tzu who passed down the golden elixir avenue back then, or the later human saints, they should all salute. Even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors also performed the salute of juniors.

Lao Tzu is a sage of heaven in the old days, and now a sage of the Six Realms, while the Three Sovereigns of the human race are the three Sovereigns of the human world. The status of heaven is lower than that of the six sages, but it is higher in terms of humanity in the human world.

The powers of the human race are all delighted, seeing the saint Hunyuan of other great forces in the six realms, but their human race does not have a Hunyuan Supreme.Now that Lao Tzu has returned, they are finally relieved.

Then, suddenly from the west, Taoist Qing Qi came across the mountains and seas, and only the Qing Qi filled the universe.A Taoist came with the breeze, and with a wave of his sleeves, he sent majestic mountains that stretched for millions of miles. The high mountains were called the Longevity Mountains.

The people's means shocked the power of the human race. When Zhen Yuanzi approached, everyone came back to their senses and hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Zhen Yuan."

Zhen Yuanzi kindly helped everyone up and received a salute from them.Then he turned to Lao Tzu and said, "I went to the Buddhist world and moved house, so I came late."

Lao Tzu nodded, with a rare smile: "No problem, I just arrived."

In the Nightless Realm, the Nightless Sky City watched the sages from the six realms come to show their power, and the Hunyuan Supreme turned the world upside down, but his own sage never arrived, so he couldn't help feeling anxious.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(This chapter is an anti-theft chapter. If there is any repetition, please refresh after half an hour to read the entire content. Please forgive me for any inconvenience caused.)
And Qing Luo, who had just returned to the Six Realms from the chaos, watched the saints Hunyuan show their respective Taoism one after another, and realized in his heart that this was all people trying to arouse the morale of the army and appease the crowd.

He stopped when he stepped into the Nightless Realm. Even though he didn't like these phantoms, most other saints didn't like them either, but if other people's homes already exist, how could his Nightless City fall behind?

Not only must he follow, but he must also surpass the Six Realms, so as to demonstrate the uniqueness of the city that never sleeps.

Qing Luo thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so she gave a bigger gift, which would benefit all beings.

Qing Luo manifested herself from the Nine Heavens, walking through the air with her hands behind her back, appearing in the eyes of all living beings.Even though his figure is extremely small compared to the vast sky, all living beings can still see Qing Luo's figure.

Every time Qing Luo takes a step, there are tens of thousands of derivative chains following behind him, covering the sky and turning the sky into a blank sheet of paper.

Afterwards, the place where Qingluo walked turned into nothingness and evolved into a world. There are nine rounds of lunar stars hanging high above the sky, mountains, rivers and earth rise and fall, and forests and fields are withered and lush. The sky is endlessly high, and the earth is thick. Infinite derivation is the ultimate principle that manifests itself in the eyes of all living beings.

The sky behind Qingluo is the evolution scene of a plane, and it is the past of opening up the Dayan plane that Qingluo showed in the eyes of all beings in the six realms with the memory of the primordial spirit!

Countless mysteries and mysteries are displayed in the eyes of all living beings in the world, the vast power of heaven and earth shocks every living being, and the mysteries of the endless Tao are fully displayed in front of the eyes of all living beings.

Even all the saints Hunyuan secretly said: "What a big handwriting!"

Such a generous display of the endless years of self-cultivation in front of all living beings, bestowing a good fortune on all living beings, how much one can enlighten from it all depends on good fortune.

Qing Luo doesn't care at all, if the Tao can be comprehended just by looking at it, that would be too absurd.

Having read it does not mean that you understand it, nor does it necessarily mean that you have understood it and learned it.His way, only his own heart knows, his own heart understands.

In the eyes of all living beings, Qing Luo slowly walks towards the city that never sleeps with a world behind her.

That is an existence that carries the world on its back!

This unforgettable scene in this life is engraved in the hearts of all sentient beings.

Behind Qingluo rises a quaint divine pagoda. The divine pagoda hangs high in the sky of stars, standing between the sun and the moon, with endless stalwarts. thing.

Carrying the upright Qingluo, she walked towards Tiancheng.

All the billions of heavenly soldiers in Tiancheng looked excited, but they still maintained the posture of an army. The billions of people bowed in unison and said in unison: "Welcome to the return of the saint Dharma!"

As for the other scattered creatures in the Nightless City, they also saluted one after another: "Waiting for the sage." "I wish the sage back.". . . .

Although it was extremely mixed, all kinds of congratulatory voices and trembling and excited voices represented their reverence for the saint and their respect for Qingluo.

Qing Luo faced the ray of light, smiled faintly, her pure white robes swayed slightly, and the three thousand long hair behind her was blowing in the wind. There was a soothing confidence in her smile, absolute confidence and a winning heart. Although her appearance was handsome, she was not earth-shattering. But the style is hard to find through the ages.

Qing Luo raised one hand slightly, and said: "You are flat." An emptiness and soft force supported the bent waists of billions of creatures in the City of Everlasting Sky.

Qing Luo walked into the Nightless City and into the Linghuang Hall.He stood on the top of the ninety-nine and 81-stair steps, and below him were more than two hundred peerless powerhouses standing respectfully on both sides, prostrating in Tiancheng: "Welcome the return of the saint."

Qing Luo nodded and said: "I have not been in Tiancheng for a long time, but now I am so strong. You have worked hard, get up."

Then everyone straightened up, lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at the saint.

After scanning around for a while, Qing Luo said: "Although I have returned, you are still preparing for battle according to the established combat methods. And I will sit in Tiancheng and stop all Hunyuan Supremes! Do whatever you want!"

Everyone felt relieved. Since there is no Hunyuan Supreme, they are not afraid of even the most powerful enemy. After all, they have worked hard and exhausted their efforts to prepare for 30 years, and they also have strong self-confidence.

Qing Luo's return has greatly boosted the morale of all living beings in Evernight City.Even though he didn't say any impassioned words, the existence of Qing Luo itself was a powerful spiritual inspiration.

He himself is an unsurpassed legend.From a tiny creature struggling with the general trend of the world, to countless sages who have gradually grown and controlled the world pattern, they established the city that never sleeps, defeated two seas of blood, and divided the sea of ​​blood with their own strength.Guard the four great ancestor witches alone, face the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and besiege the city with hundreds of millions of fierce demons. . . . . .

Countless reversals of adversity have led Evernight City from danger to safety, creating miracles one after another, and maintaining the legend of Tiancheng forever.

Perhaps this saint is a miracle in itself.

Qing Luo walked into the world of mountains and seas, and the Linghuang Hall was the palace of the Linghuang, not where he, a saint, lived.All preparations for the battle still require Shen Gongbao, the person in full control, to take charge of the overall situation.

In the world of mountains and seas, on Zaoling Island, Qing Luo couldn't help feeling emotional when he looked at the people of the Luoling Dao.Back then, a small Luoling Mountain gave birth to so many peerless powerhouses and great powers of heaven and earth.

He looked at Xiaozhu and Shuode who had grown up to be youthful young girls, Teng Liu and Qu Kong who already had Taoist couples, and Ao Bing who had matured and played his own role. He felt something in his heart, and said: "You are no longer for You are the young eagles under the wings of the teacher, and now you have all grown into eagles soaring in the sky.

This catastrophe can be regarded as your first and last baptism.

For the wish of the teacher, show the light of my veins, brighten the brilliance of my way, and surpass all living beings! "

Xiaozhu and the other five didn't smile at all, they all said very solemnly: "This disciple must obey Master's wish."

Qing Luo nodded in satisfaction, looked at Ge Kun Qinglan and said, "Both of you, this catastrophe is also your chance to become enlightened. I will definitely help you seize that chance of enlightenment!"

Ge Kun cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, fellow daoist. In fact, the greatest opportunity for me to seek the way in two lifetimes is to follow fellow daoist."

There was a smile on Qinglan's gentle face, but she didn't speak.Whether she can break through the chaos is not for the Tao, but for wanting to be with him.

She wanted to stand side by side with him in this catastrophe and countless disasters, so that he wouldn't be too heavy on his shoulders, and wouldn't let him be too lonely alone!
When the morale of all living beings in the six realms has been greatly boosted by the return of their saints, Hunyuan, the Guixu Plane has finally overtaken the Primordial Plane!
Endless gods and demons surged wildly, and endless phantoms of demon gods rushed out of the plane of Guixu, and descended into the plane of the six realms through the aura of chaos.

The overwhelming phantoms of demon gods and clones of gods and demons rushed into the Six Realms in a crazy and ignorant posture.

In the human world, the mortal dynasty protected by the Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron is still in a relatively peaceful and ignorant state.

On this day, countless people pointed to the black light stars falling from the sky, one after another, like a meteor shower, more and more across the sky, and gradually became more and more in their eyesight. Damn, mortals in the mortal world have turned from panic at the beginning to panic!
Countless black and gray stars fell into the sky and hit the mortal world.

But those mortals expected the giant star to fall, the catastrophe that destroyed the world did not happen, those meteorites suddenly hit a layer of black and yellow light curtain after falling a certain height, and the huge impact was only in the boundless black and yellow light There was a layer of undetectable ripples on the screen.

Afterwards, countless black meteorites fell down, more and more, gradually forming a plane with dots, covering the entire sky terrifyingly, and even blocking all the brilliance of the lunar sun.

The sun and the moon are dark between the sky and the earth, and the sky is covered in black and gray. The dark sky has become the beginning of the doomsday catastrophe!
At this moment, all the forces in the six realms turned their attention to the human realm. It seemed that the demon god of Guixu Plane descended first on the battlefield of the human realm!

All the great powers in the human race secretly groaned in their hearts, but they did not expect that the first to suffer was their human world.

Countless meteorites fell to the ground and smashed deep into the soil layer, creating huge bottomless holes, billowing black smoke and even flames ignited by high-altitude friction.

From the densely packed black holes, palms or animal claws gradually protruded, and then strange-shaped ancient beasts crawled out of them, or a humanoid creature.

The reason why it is called a humanoid creature is because all the creatures that descend from the sky have only the shape of a human being, and even have five sense organs, but only a pair of glasses are pure black and empty, there are no eyeballs or white, only black and gray eye sockets.

Above the foreheads and eyebrows of these humanoid creatures, there is a circle emitting black and gray light, which looks very weird.

After these creatures arrived, they did not launch an attack immediately, but instead formed an army formation in a conscious arrangement, and slowly moved towards the land of the Nine Continents of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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