Chapter 740
In the demon world, the Supreme Being of the Great Dao of Reincarnation is a woman with compassion for heaven and man in her eyes. He just stands there, and the void does not exist.

He stood extremely high and far away, on top of a great sun, and the endless brilliance of the great sun was covered by Him.

It was the first time that Donghuang Taiyi, the prosperous emperor, was suppressed and beaten.

Even with an innate treasure like the Chaos Clock, he can barely protect himself.After all, there is a distance of three heavenly realms between the two of them!

Opposite Empress Nuwa, the Supreme Dao of Destruction and the Supreme Dao of Heaven and Man looked at each other, and they both saw each other's helplessness.

This woman is too violent!Even with two enemies and one, the realm is not much different, but he was still blocked by this woman, and he couldn't even gain the upper hand at all.

The sky and the earth are a piece of red, and the rays of light are everywhere. The red hydrangea swims through it like a dragon and snake. Every blow must be a shocking blow!
Empress Nuwa wears a map of mountains, rivers and communities, with a tripod of good fortune rising on the top, holding a butcher knife, and carrying a thousand treasures of destruction on her back.

Every time she strikes, the peerless sharpness of that sword and the destructive power of the thousand treasures of destruction behind her go out together. I!
The direction of my sword is all the people under the sword. I am the sword and the man is the fish. Wait, grant the head!

In the name of Emperor Wa, the monster clan who had been silent for too long, the God of War showed his strength again.She cultivated the Dao of Creation, but in battle she was even more devastating than the Dao of Destruction!

The Supreme Being of Heaven and Man and the Supreme Being of Destruction secretly groaned in their hearts, not daring to be distracted to deal with it with all their strength.

In the Buddhist realm, on Mount Sumeru at the end of the void, the Zhunti sage and the guide sage did not move.Instead, reciting countless Buddhist scriptures orally, hundreds of thousands of trillions of Buddhist scriptures and Tao patterns have synthesized a world.

In the world, there are also Rahu and the Supreme Dao of Time.

Looking at the two Buddhas, Luo Hu didn't speak angrily, but said with emotion: "Back then, I fought with Hongjun, destroying the Western spiritual veins and causing catastrophe for hundreds of millions of lives.

The two of you have worked hard for countless years, and finally made my west no longer barren. "

Zhunti sage said with a smile: "What fellow Taoists say is all about the past. Only now.

This is the Buddha realm of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, not the Buddha realm of our saints, let alone the demon realm of fellow Taoists! "

Luo Hu snorted coldly, and then said: "Yes, the two innate spiritual roots that were lingering in my hands back then turned out to be my peers.

Back then, Hongjun, who narrowly won with four enemies and one, has now reached the point where he can kill me with a backhand. "

Lord Shi Chen frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist Rahu, this is not the time to reminisce about the past."

Luo Hu nodded and said, "Of course I know."

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his arms, and hundreds of millions of magical thoughts swept away. The Buddha's light and the magic light's natural life and death enemies melted instantly when they met.

The sage Zhunti holds a wonderful tree of seven treasures, a golden body measuring six feet in length, and a Buddha with nine heads and eighteen arms.

The leading saint is white lotus with feet, sitting cross-legged, dreaming for three thousand years, and the dream, enlightenment and enlightenment are endless dreams like the cycle of life and death.

In the White Lotus Dream Realm, the leading sage and the time supreme being reincarnated as enemies in the [-] world reincarnations.

The Master of Time held the thought of killing, and the sage who guided him held the heart of salvation. The two lived life after life, and they would be entangled forever.

In the human world, the place where the Hunyuan War first started.

Space Supreme and Chaos Supreme work together to snatch more than 220 Da Luo True Spirits.

As for the Master of Derived Avenue, he stopped Laozi and Zhenyuan alone.

Endless derivative light mirrors fill the void, whether it is Lao Tzu's red crutches or Zhen Yuan's whisks, if they hit these light mirrors, they will all be reflected back. Only the power above the sixth heaven can break them with one blow!
When the strength has reached the realm of the saint's Hunyuan, no matter how mysterious the supernatural power is, no matter how powerful the treasure is, there are not so many ingenuities. Most of the time, it is broken with strength, and with stronger strength!

The saint Laozi cast his eyes on the saints who are fighting hard. In the depths of the universe, the Taoist ancestor is still fighting with the primordial, and everything is in a deadlock.

It seems that he is the only one to be the first to break the deadlock!This is his responsibility, the duty of the number one sage in Xuandu, the first disciple of Hongjun, the head of the six sages, or the mission of being Pangu Sanqing!
The sage Laozi glanced at Zhen Yuanzi, who was taken aback for a moment, then nodded silently.

The Derived Supreme naturally saw the two saints looking at each other, and he immediately released endless Derived Divine Light into the Derived Myriad Mirrors, and the mirrors interlaced and reflected across the fields, turning into a sea of ​​hundreds of millions of light and rushing towards the two saints.

For the first time since Lao Tzu shot, he made a sound.

"It turns out that the Dao of Derivation also has such great power, it seems that Fellow Daoist Qingluo has hidden a lot of clumsiness.

Let me meet the three supreme beings for a while! "

After the words fell, a tower rose above Lao Tzu's head, and the bright yellow light shone on the sky.

The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth stands on the top of Lao Tzu, which is not touched by any dharma, and is difficult to invade by any dharma.

Under Lao Tzu's feet, there is an ancient picture of Taiji, which turns mysterious and mysterious, and the yin and yang are disillusioned, expanding and laying out with Lao Tzu's steps.

Laozi stepped out of the sky of thousands of mirrors step by step, and walked step by step to the two supreme beings who were fighting with the heavens to fight for the true spirit of Da Luo.

Sheng Shengzun frowned this time, whether Wulun is the Taiji diagram or the Xuanhuang Tower, he can't break it.It seems that the only way to delay Lao Tzu's pace is that the power of heaven will be mobilized more or less because of the battle of the saints at this moment, so the two Guixu Supremes have gradually gained the upper hand!
As long as he persists for a while longer, he can take back 220 great Luo true spirits!
You know, these are the true spirits of the three thousand gods and demons that have been opened since the beginning of Hongmeng. Each true spirit contains the supreme and mysterious way in this way of Hongmeng. Even the will of Hongmeng Dao can hardly refine such a perfect true spirit.

And these true spirits are the basis for the birth of the Zero Beast Army. As long as the three thousand gods and demons are not destroyed, and with the will power of the Hongmeng Dao as the source, the Zero Beast Army will never end!
Therefore, the true spirits of these three thousand gods and demons must not be lost.

Under Lao Tzu's feet, there are countless derived dharma chains, which come from the dharma chain derived from the Supreme, not the dharma chain of Qingluo.

The countless dharma chains became more and more entangled, and every step I took took a lot of energy, and the steps became slower and slower.

The sage Laozi reached out and took out a simple and simple magic lamp, threw it on the ground, and the Eight Views Palace Lantern was ignited, and countless Tushizi purple flames burned the void, breaking the chain of dharma.

Lao Tzu took a step forward, and the Taiji Diagram turned into a golden bridge, which was grafted into the illusion of Wanjing in an instant, and fixed in the emptiness of the illusion for a moment.

Lao Tzu stepped onto the golden bridge unhurriedly, and swaggered to the front of the Space Supreme and Chaos Supreme.

Although the distance of thousands of feet is very far, even the distance of billions of feet is no distance in the eyes of a saint.

I just raised the red crutch and hit it!
Although Chiguai seems ordinary, how can it be weak as Lao Tzu's companion treasure?
Sheng Xianzun was startled immediately, his whole body's power was condensed into a white umbrella, which was slowly opened, Wan Dao Xianhui blocked in front of the two Supremes.


you. . .In vain for a saint! "

Sheng Shengzun suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body's momentum dropped.

The red crutches that were supposed to hit the two Space Sovereigns turned out to be just a sign of the disillusionment of the Taiji Liangyi, and the real Chiguai hit the Derived Sovereign who was fully protecting the two Sovereigns.

Chiguai is unremarkable and has always been like this, so it is possible to pass through the Hunyuan because of the lack of breath.

And although the Space and Chaos Supremes seem to be fighting with the Dao of Heaven with all their strength, there must be room for it, and even if they are hit head-on, there will be no results.

While injuring Dean Xianzun, although it was only a slight injury, his goal had already been achieved.

The moment Zhen Yuanzi was injured by Xian Shengzun, Wanjing Huankong became unstable, and he broke through the illusion.

Lao Tzu ignored Sheng Shengzun's scolding, just waved the red crutch in his hand again and again, and shot out red orange burning flames, which made Sheng Shengzun back again and again in parry.

But at this moment, Zhen Yuanzi didn't stop for a moment, and flashed into the battlefield of the human world in an instant. With a wave of his sleeves, a majestic force that embraced the universe and reversed the universe was born in the robes, covering one of the eastern battlefields.

No matter whether it is Daluo God Demon or Quasi-Holy God Demon, they are powerless to resist being absorbed into the universe in his sleeve in an instant.

Zhenyuan didn't stay for a moment, and once again flashed to the northeast Shending battlefield, and with a wave of his sleeve, he took in all the gods and demons in the Daluo realm.

. . .

Zhen Yuanzi flashed eight times in a row, and took away dozens of quasi-holy gods and thousands of Daluo gods and demons in the entire human battlefield.

But at this moment, the Space Sovereign who rushed over was extremely furious, and immediately shook the banner of the Myriad Universes, shaking the space of nine heavens and ten earths to cover Zhen Yuanzi, intending to teleport him to the Guixu Plane.

As long as one enters the plane of returning to the ruins, even the saint Hunyuan will be suppressed by the power of Hongmeng Dao.

But Zhen Yuanzi is also the Hunyuan Supreme who is proficient in the way of space. He holds the book on the ground in his left hand and waved the wide sleeve robe in his right hand again, which also shakes the entire space level, using the power of space to the power of space.

Even though Zhen Yuanzi's strength is not bad, the difference between his first heaven realm and fifth heaven realm is too far.

However, after a stalemate for a quarter of an hour, Zhen Yuanzi could no longer wave his right sleeve robe, and the wide sleeve instantly shattered open, and this top-grade innate spiritual treasure's Qiankun robe was damaged.

Although Zhen Yuanzi's robe was torn, he endured the pain of the force of space shaking his arm, and slapped him hard!
The space vibrated, the void shattered thousands of pieces, and more than a thousand Da Luo quasi-holy gods and demons were thrown into the void storm. The power of space crushed and turned into fly ash.

At this moment, countless avenues of order protruded from the sky and earth again, swallowing nearly a thousand Da Luo true spirits and quasi-sage true spirits.

This time, Chaos Supreme was competing with Tiandao for the 220 true spirits, Derived Supreme was entangled by Laozi, and even Space Supreme was entangled by Zhen Yuanzi for a moment, watching Tiandao devour thousands of true spirits.

And at this moment, the entire power of heaven was greatly supplemented and enhanced, and the power of order was instantly enhanced, and more than 220 Da Luo true spirits entangled by the Supreme Chaos were snatched away!
These true spirits, which contain the original origin of the Grand Meng universe, are supreme treasures for a plane spirit like Tiandao!
Every time you get one, you can perfect the world and strengthen the origin of the plane.

And this time, Tiandao got the true spirits of more than a thousand Da Luo gods and dozens of quasi-sacred gods and demons, which can be said to be an instant expansion of strength!

The strength of Heaven's Dao expanded, and it was naturally imposed on the body of the Six Saints. With the help of Heaven's Dao, the strength of the Six Saints increased greatly.

Even Hongjun, who was fighting against Hongmeng, was slightly stronger.

The eyes of the Space Supreme Being instantly turned blood red. He is the puppet of the Hongmeng Avenue, and the will of the Hongmeng Avenue is his will.

His anger at this moment is the anger of Hongmeng Dao's will.

The eyes of Derivative Supreme and Chaos Supreme also became bloodshot at the same time, turning into red blood pupils, furious to the extreme!
(End of this chapter)

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