Chapter 741

The golden bridge under Lao Tzu's sage's feet turned around and appeared at Zhen Yuan's feet.

Zhenyuan naturally stepped onto the golden bridge in an instant, stood side by side with Lao Tzu, and fought side by side!

The three Hunyuan Supremes were manipulated by the will of Hongmeng Dao, and they ignited an unknown fire. They were so angry that they didn't hold back any more.

The Derivative Supreme directly transforms into hundreds of millions of derivation dharma chains with his body, and his body merges into the Dao. The derivation light illuminates the universe and derivates everything.

The Chaos Supreme also transformed into a chaotic world with his body, and all existence in the world was turned into a void of chaos.

The Space Sovereign waved nine times in a row to cause the space to collapse, and the endless space tide swept and surrounded Laozi, Zhenyuan and the two of them, making it impossible for them to retreat.

Zhen Yuanzi's complexion was extremely heavy, and the earth book in his hand communicated the endless power of the earth. The ginseng fruit tree was behind him, and thirty mysterious ginseng fruits echoed in the distance, and they sank into the earth book one after another, and the earth book turned into a flood. The mountain, river and continent in miniature protected Zhenyuan and Laozi.

At this moment, the sage of Lao Tzu no longer holds back his hands, and there is an immeasurable sea of ​​energy on the top, with millions of smallpox and tens of billions of clouds, combined into one energy, and one energy transforms the three cleans!

Shangqing Taoist, Yuqing Taoist, Taiqing Taoist, and the three Taoists all have the power of Hunyuan Supreme, and they know the way of combo strikes.

The sages of the Shangqing turned into endless sword lights, and the sword lights cut through the sky, and the divine thunders of the Shangqing spread over thousands of sword lights.

Taoist Yuqing summons endless clouds and energy, the radiant heavenly majesty divine thunder manifests, Liuli Jinghuo infinitely carries Yuqing divine thunder, fire takes advantage of the power of thunder, all thunder is mighty as fire, thunder and fire can destroy heaven and earth.

Taoist Taiqing used the energy of dust particles in the two instruments, and the two instruments of yin and yang were transformed into a formation. On the Taiqing Shenlei combined with the big formation, the two instruments of life and death were repeatedly disillusioned.

On the top of Lao Tzu, the Xuanhuang Pagoda radiated immeasurable mysterious light, and the exquisite sound pierced the chaos, covering his body.The Tai Chi Golden Bridge under one foot stands in the void, anchoring the infinite ground of the universe, as stable as the sky and the earth.

Sanqing Daoist's supernatural powers are united and unique, turning into the thunder of the capital god, and the sound of Pangu. The sound of thunder is like the sound of Pangu's rebirth, and the pressure is eternal.




The heaven and the earth have been filled with the light of the supreme supernatural power, and the loud noise never stops for a moment. Even though the three Hunyuan Supremes are extremely powerful, as the head of the six sages, Lao Tzu can naturally take over all of them for the time being.

But at this moment, thousands of light-years away from the Primordial Plane and the Guixu Plane, in a Lost Plane that has lost all vitality, a figure sits cross-legged on the highest mountain peak of this Plane.

His face is extremely ferocious at one moment, at the other moment it is psychedelic like a dream, at the same time sad, happy and laughing.

And the reason for all this is because of a glazed orb in front of him.

This person is the Beast Emperor Shenni who escaped from the battlefield of the primordial plane, and this bead is naturally the Primordial True Spirit Bead.

He wanted to refine the supreme primordial cosmic power in this bead, but unfortunately he was blocked by the road barrier set up by the Supreme True Spirit.

Originally, with his strength, even if it took ten thousand years, he couldn't get rid of it, but at this moment, the Supreme True Spirit has gradually decayed irreversibly, his strength is gradually dissipating, and the road barrier he set up is naturally gradually weakening.

At this moment, Shen Ni is using his animal blood cholera to erode the barrier set up by the Supreme True Spirit, and it is the most critical moment!

Shen Ni couldn't help but become more and more excited. Once he successfully devoured the original power of the Hongmeng Dao in this bead, it would not be a problem to break through the fourth level of heaven in one fell swoop.

At that time, he will enter the prehistoric plane to fish in troubled waters, obtain the original power of the saints or Hunyuan Dao, take advantage of the wind, and skyrocket!

At that time, after he breaks through the Eighth Heaven Realm, even if the entire universe is against him, he will have to weigh it!

The more he thought about it, the more he longed for it. As the Beast Emperor, his beast nature was naturally wild. He wished he could swallow the pearl in front of him directly. He yearned for power more than anyone else.

However, when he was about to break through the barrier at the last point, a divine light flashed in his mind, illuminating his entire mind.

Shen Ni was startled, his mind tensed instantly, and even the true spirit barrier fell short, but when he stabilized his mind, he couldn't help being a false alarm. What was in his primordial spirit was just a derivative Beacon that had no attack power, also, If it really has the power to hurt his primordial spirit, even the supreme being of the seventh heaven cannot hide his mind.

But then, his face darkened, and he derived a beacon. It seemed that Qing Luo was a wicked person, and he was already in the body of the chaotic beast, too busy to take care of himself, and leaving this second hand would be useless.

However, just in case, he must immediately transfer to another plane and cannot stay here.

Shen Ni immediately flew up, trying to break through the space and shuttle away.

But at this moment, the entire space of a million miles is trembling and shaking like waves, even with the power of God's rebellion, the space has not been torn apart.

Shen Ni's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Where is the sacred place, why hide the clumsiness?"

The void was rippling, and a figure walked out from behind Shenni.

Shen Ni's face was extremely ugly, and he said in surprise: "This, how is it possible?

Shouldn't you be in the belly of the chaotic beast at this moment? Why did you appear here? "

Qing Luo said with a half smile but not a smile: "Don't worry about why I came.

All you need to know is that this is the place where you, the Beast Emperor God Rebel, a generation of primordial gods and demons, and the eternal power fell! "

Shen Ni trembled in his heart, and shouted: "Even if you are a sixth-level existence, if you fight with me, it may take more than a thousand years to take me down. After such a long time, the prehistoric plane may have already decided the winner!"

There was still a faint smile on Qingluo's face, a pleasing smile, white robes, black hair flowing, in the vastness of emptiness, the young man's smile was extremely beautiful.

"If it's elsewhere, I naturally don't have time to waste. But friend Shenniang, you are already in my Yuanling Pagoda. I will be Daozu, and you will be fish and meat. Er, the only thing I can do is grant the head!"

As the voice fell, Qingluo pointed in the air, and the surrounding millions of miles of void faded away, turning into the inner wall of a black stone tower. In the ancient Yuanling Pagoda, all the Dao patterns of Hongmeng Avenue were engraved. Moths fluttered into the flames and flew into the body of the Beast Emperor Shen Ni.

Even if God turned into the body of a stalwart beast and used the secret method of burning the true spirit, he still couldn't get rid of these dao patterns that had penetrated into the bone marrow.

Hundreds of millions of dao patterns are attached to the body of Shenni, and thousands of Dao are continuously absorbing the power of Hunyuan in Shenni's body. It took thousands of years to completely swallow all the physical body, power of Hunyuan, and even true Hunyuan of the Beast Emperor Shenni. spirit!
Qing Luo stood alone in the Ancient Pagoda of Yuanling, looked at the former God Rebel who had turned into nothingness, and sighed, if he is not a saint, he will eventually become an ant.

Even if you achieve Hunyuan, you can't ask for the same fate as ants.

Qing Luo turns around and walks out of the Ancient Yuanling Pagoda. The ten thousand years in the ancient pagoda is only a hundred years in the small plane here, and a hundred years in the small plane here is only a day in the prehistoric plane.

Time flies, in the eyes of Hunyuan, time really has no meaning.

Qing Luo took back the ancient Yuanling Pagoda. The ancient pagoda had completely swallowed the power of the Beast Emperor's Rebellion and the original power of the Primordial True Spirit Orb.

At this moment, he needs to accept the power of feeding back from the ancient Yuanling pagoda, and integrate the cosmic power possessed by the Hunyuan supreme refined by the ancient Yuanling pagoda into himself!
Qing Luo sat cross-legged, and the Dao of Derivation naturally diverged to tens of billions of squares in the universe, protecting him.

Wisps of stalwart cosmic power slowly released from the ancient tower of Yuanling, all of which were integrated into Qingluo Yuanshen Dao body and absorbed by him.And Qingluo's Hunyuan Dao Realm is also rising rapidly!

The reason why he appeared here is because he has the Great Evolution Plane!

The time screen returns to the moment when the Supreme True Spirit and the Chaos Beast, and the three God Rebels attack Qingluo together.

The palm that Qing Luo slapped against Shen Ni connected to the Dayan Plane.

The Dayan plane immediately suppressed the Beast Emperor's rebellion, and at that moment, the ancient saying of the universe of the Supreme True Spirit, the sacrifice, also descended.

As soon as Qianjun made a move, the deity of Qingluo exchanged space with the heaven and earth in the Dayan plane.

But also taking advantage of the fragile moment when Dayan Tian Tunnel and Qing Luo's main body exchanged space, the Beast Emperor Shenni escaped from the Dayan plane.

Then, instead of Qingluo, Tiandao accepted the great power of the ancient sayings of the universe, the Supreme True Spirit, and was swallowed by the chaotic beast.

However, Qing Luo's deity remained intact on the Dayan plane, and left a derivative mark in his mind when Shen Ni escaped.

The heaven and earth of the Dayan plane are the real corpses cut out by Qingluo Yuanshen. On the level of true spirits, the real corpses are the true spirits of Qingluo, even if the original corpses are integrated into the Dayan plane and become the Dayan plane. The spirit of the world behind him, but its true spirit is still green.

Therefore, even the ancient sayings of the universe are really imposed on the true spirit of the self.

And the original corpse naturally has all the memories of Qingluo. As the son of Tao, the memory of the earth awakens the original corpse, and the original corpse is the embodiment of the will of the world. The authority of the chaotic world in the beast's body naturally made the chaotic beast terrified and resisted with all its strength.

Although the Great Evolution Plane is much weaker than the Great Desolation Plane, the Day Evolution Plane was created by Qing Luo, the god of choice, and its plane structure is as high as the Great Desolation Plane, so the power of the universe is naturally extremely high , so the id corpse can compete with the chaotic beast!
And Qingluo then passed the Dayan Beacon and traveled light years with Shenni to come here.

He didn't do it immediately, because just as Shen Ni said, there is no time for thousands of years, even if he is in the sixth level of heaven, it is impossible to capture the next Hunyuan Supreme!

Therefore, he hides in the void and when Shenni breaks the fantasy barrier set up by the Dao of True Spirit, the perception of Shenni is greatly weakened, and he uses the Dao of Derivation to quietly merge the ancient tower of Yuanling into one world.

This plane turned into a plane inside the Yuanling Pagoda!

If the mind is perfect, it will be discovered naturally.However, it is naturally impossible to discover the divine rebellion who is in the supernatural power of the True Spirit Supreme Dao of Disillusionment.

That's why Qing Luo used the power of the primordial dao source and the power of the derived avenue in the innate treasure of the ancient Yuanling pagoda to swallow the beast emperor and god rebellion.

Don't be afraid of the enemy's strength, but be afraid of the enemy's strength, mental arithmetic is stronger!
Even if Qing Shi's power has reached the sixth heaven, he will not underestimate every Hunyuan Supreme. Every Hunyuan Supreme is a supreme existence in the universe and must not be underestimated.

And the moment Qing Luo walked out of the Yuanling Pagoda, the sad sound of the Great Dao resounded throughout the universe, spreading throughout the heavens and the world!
(End of this chapter)

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