The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 742 My only heavenly city, the holy light shines forever!

Chapter 742 My only heavenly city, the holy light shines forever!
In the primordial world of the universe, there are countless years without the Hunyuan Supreme falling.

This is the vision of heaven and earth produced by the will of the universe when the Hunyuan Supreme fell. Ten thousand beasts turned towards the sky, their nature was ferocious, and they fell for the beast emperor!
All the sages and Guixu Hunyuan were surprised. Even if the God Rebellion is only the strength of the second level of Hunyuan, even if the existence of the sixth level of heaven makes a move, it is impossible to make it fall in such a short period of time.

But no one will mourn for them, because perhaps the next one may be them!
But in the Lost Plane, time flies like a thousand years.

Qing Luo, who was sitting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his aura was three points stronger than before. It won't take long for him to reach the late stage of the sixth level of heaven!
But it was still too slow for the tense prehistoric plane battlefield.

Qing Luo left at a step, he needs to change the situation of the battle, this is the mission of being the god of choice, he is the variable!
In the sky above the Nightless Realm, the chaotic ferocious beast was extremely furious, and the authority of the chaotic world in the body was being fought for by "Qing Luo". Even though it only occupied one percent of the authority of the world at this moment, the whole world was its own. Dao body, to control the power of the world is to control its Tao body!

Even though it suppressed it with all its strength, and the chaotic world in its body evolved into nothingness and chaos, "Qing Luo" was still stubbornly resisting.

With a thought in his mind, the beast of chaos transmitted a sound to his body, "If your excellency still wants to fight for the world inside me, then I will slap your Nightless City with one palm!"

After finishing speaking, it turned around and said: "As long as the fellow Taoist gives up his authority, I will make an oath to let you leave the world in my stomach intact."

The "Qing Luo" in its belly is still silent and ignorant, using the [-]% of the world's will it occupies as its base, it is constantly eroding the power of the world in the body of the chaotic beast.

The chaotic ferocious beast couldn't hold back its fury after all, and slapped the huge beast's palm towards the city that never sleeps under the void.

In the sky above the Nightless Sky City, a storm surged instantly, and a huge palm with the power of chaos and world destruction was slapped down fiercely. The giant palm contained the power of a chaotic beast, the mighty power of a majestic beast!

Under the Heavenly City, the minds and minds of the countless beings who were fighting could not help but feel despair the moment they saw that giant palm.

Under that palm, it is their fate that countless ants will perish!

The giant palm descended from the void without any haste, not worrying that all the beings in the Nightless City would escape.Because the giant palm covered a radius of tens of billions of miles, it hit the entire Nevernight Realm.

If you leave the Nightless Realm, you will be swallowed by countless chaotic auras outside the realm, and you will also die.

In the sky city, a golden lotus stabbed out from the six-world teleportation array in an instant. Although the golden lotus has the shape of a flower, it has the power of a sword.

The supreme sword intent condensed the supreme sword lotus, and a grand golden lotus bloomed above the sky city, and it was on top of this giant palm holding up to the sky!
The downward trend of the giant palm became slower, but it still didn't stop. Instead, the grand sword lotus gradually gave birth to cracks.

Ge Kunqinglan flew out immediately, as the only two half-step Hunyuan in the city that never sleeps, they are the only ones who can have a little bit of power at this moment!
Ge Kun no longer hides his clumsiness. For the first time, he showed his real body among all living beings in the world. The gigantic body of a black tortoise with millions of feet is propped up on all four sides of the Tianmen. The mysterious Dao pattern wandered, reproducing ten thousand zhang high mountains, the peaks of which stretched toward the sky.

36 Dinghai God Orbs floated out of Qinglan's body. This existence, which was promoted to the supreme treasure by the Dayan Plane, showed its sharpness to the world for the first time!

36 layers of heaven, one side of the sky is one side of the world, 36 layers of heaven rises from the sky, transforming into the endless sea and sky, and the vast ocean holds up the giant palm of the sky.

When the giant palm of the sky pressed down on the 36th layer of heaven, Qinglan's face turned pale, and she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

The giant palm pressed down on the 36th layer of heaven and fell more slowly.

When the giant palm pressed down on the high mountains, it destroyed an unknown number of high mountains, and the speed was obviously slower.

When the giant palm fell on the body of the majestic tortoise, there was a loud noise, and the four legs of the tortoise transformed by Ge Kun had already sunk deep into the depths of the earth, and the majestic force crushed the countless lines on Ge Kun's back. The light burst brightly.

The huge black head turned to the sky and howled in pain for a moment, but it still insisted on it, even though the black armor on its back had already seen traces of blood.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao's expression trembled, and immediately the decree in his hand spread out thousands of words, and rushed to various places on the Tiancheng Square battlefield.

Immediately, thousands of light warships flew out of the sky city, and all 36 light fleets fired majestic pseudo-derived divine light, hitting the giant palm of the sky.



After 36 loud bangs, the light on the giant palm obviously changed color and became extremely dim.

At this moment, countless armies of puppets flew down from the walls of Tiancheng Square. They were ruthless and fearless of life and death. zero beast.

In the [-] small worlds of Tiancheng, countless humming and trembling sounds resounded, and the army of hundreds of millions of locusts rushed towards the army of zero beasts overwhelmingly.Wherever it passed, all the zero beasts were swallowed up without a trace remaining.But at the same time, the corpses of spiritual locusts were left all over the place.

Because devouring the qi of chaos is also a dead end for the spiritual locust.

But among the huge army of spiritual locusts, there are also mutated spiritual locusts that become stronger and more terrifying because of devouring the aura of chaos!
At this moment, Shen Gongbao and the thousands of soldiers who had returned to the city were all looking up at the sky in full battle.

Shen Gongbao waved the token again, and the long-sleeping purple blood thorn on the Sifang City Wall of Tiancheng instantly woke up, turning into a huge purple vine that lifted up to the sky, like a giant python that reached the sky, and swallowed the giant palm with dim light.

All the immortals in Tiancheng relaxed their minds, while the purple blood thorn twitched all over, and immediately fell into a deep sleep again, otherwise it would not be able to withstand such a majestic force.

However, just when all the immortals relaxed their minds, there was another movement in the void. This time it was no longer a palm, but a phantom shadow projected from the chaotic world, rushing towards the city of nightless sky with endless raging chaotic energy come.

In Tiancheng, almost everyone was panic-stricken. This time, it was obviously bigger and stronger than that giant palm.

Can the Evernight City, which has already endured Hunyuan's palm, really be able to sustain the power of the Hunyuan Supreme Fourth Heaven Realm?
Qinglan, who was pale and overwhelmed, didn't know, neither did Ge Kun, who was struggling to hold on, and was seriously injured, neither did the great powers in Tiancheng, nor did the spirits of the immortals.

However, before facing the vast and stalwart power of Hunyuan, before facing the enemy of life and death in Tiancheng, no one was crying, no one flinched.

Whether it is the Supreme Elder of Tiancheng, or a powerful person, a fairy, whether it is a big or small person, or even an ant, at this moment, the heart is hesitant, but there is no despair!

I don't know who started it first, but an Houtian Lingbao fairy sword turned into a meteor and pierced the sky. Even though its power was almost nothing compared to the phantom of the chaotic world, its master still didn't flinch. As the moth flies into the flames, I have to give it a try, fight for it, even if it is life or death, do my best, I will feel at ease!
Then thousands, tens of thousands, tens of millions of spiritual treasures, a vast ocean rises from the sky and the earth, an ocean transformed by countless spiritual treasures!

Whether it is the magic weapon of the underachiever, the acquired spirit treasure of the celestial immortal, or the innate spirit treasure of the Daluo Jinxian, whether it is the treasure of companionship or the treasure of body protection, at this moment, all spirit treasures have become one.

Countless magical treasures with almost no power merged into one, turning the parts into a whole, setting off a tide of spiritual treasures in the world!
Whether it's the battle of the ancient three clans, the battle of the ancient lich, or the battle of the gods, even the calamity of the devil, there has never been such a scene in the entire prehistoric plane!
Thousands of ants dare to fight Hunyuan for life and death!
The blue 36 Dinghai God Beads reappeared, Qukong's heaven and earth god bell rang, Xiaozhu's nine-color lotus bloomed, the golden lotus avatar's sword lotus reappeared, and Teng Liu's ice and snow god banner waved. . . .

In the four directions of Tiancheng, 81 drums of gods vibrate together, and in the void of the vast universe, the sound of the drums of Tiancheng resounds through all realms!

The huge black tortoise watched tens of thousands of immortals fight to the death, even if the ants were against Hunyuan, so what?

Who would laugh at their insignificance?Who has the right to laugh at the ants who dare to fight for life and death with Hunyuan?

Xuangui was confused and at a loss. He traveled through the ancient times and lived so far. He has seen the prehistoric conflicts between races, witnessed the grandeur of orthodox disputes, and witnessed the vast conflicts between heaven and earth. , It is the prehistoric prehistoric of karma and fate, the prehistoric prehistoric of the supreme interests and the supreme path.

He has never seen such sentient beings, such a prehistoric plane, such an epic prehistoric world!
Ge Kun suddenly realized that such an old tortoise who is greedy for life and afraid of death, has become one of those people who can sing and cry, a member who has achieved epic legends in the vast history!
The black tortoise roared up to the sky, the tortoise was silent, but all living beings had a voice, and he, the black tortoise, was also one of the sentient beings, and together with these sentient beings, he would make a sound that belonged to ants!

The tortoise's already cracked body swelled wildly again. Under his four feet, his body tightly protected Tiancheng. On the back of the tortoise, the blood of the tortoise was bright red. , rushed towards that chaotic phantom with no regrets!

The light between the heaven and the earth is shining brightly, and the light of the Nightless City illuminates the Six Realms, illuminating the faces of every living being fighting hard on the battlefield of the Six Realms.

The light of Tiancheng will always be remembered by all living beings!

Even if there is no Hunyuan Heavenly City, no Qingluo Heavenly City, it is still the Nightless Heavenly City, the Heavenly City for all beings, and it truly interprets the word "all beings"!
In the midst of the earthquake, the light of countless spirit treasures dimmed, and countless spirit treasures even turned into fly ash, leaving no remains.

The acquired spirit treasure fell to the ground, the radiance of the innate spirit treasure dimmed, and only a few of the thousands of spirit treasures formed tides were still desperately supporting it.

But the phantom of the chaotic world is still falling rapidly, suppressing the brilliance of the innate treasures, and crashing into the body of the mysterious turtle.

The body of the mysterious tortoise burst into flesh and blood in an instant, even if the body was protected by endless black and yellow merits, when the power of heaven was exhausted, it seemed a little powerless when facing the chaotic aura of the plane of returning to the ruins.

The huge mysterious head raised its head to the sky and roared, the endless pain was unbearable.

Xuangui's eyes are blood red. He has lived for too long, but he has never felt that he is truly alive at this moment. Living in the body of Xuangui, there are thousands of sentient beings standing side by side with him, and there is heaven and earth to witness for him!

Xuangui was angry for the first time. He was so angry that he roared to the sky, stepped on the ground suddenly with all four feet, and his stalwart body crashed into the chaotic world of phantoms!
Qinglan yelled in shock: "Fellow Daoist, no!"

Xiaozhu's eyes blurred for a moment, and he called out loudly: "Old Ge!"

Elders, immortals, witnessed the death of a supreme elder!
The phantom of the mixed server paused, and the inner world became turbulent and chaotic, and the whole phantom was dimmed by three points.

Shen Gongbao felt sad in his heart, but he couldn't, he was the Linghuang of Tiancheng, he couldn't fall down!

Shen Gongbao shouted in grief and anger: "Only my heavenly city, the holy light will shine forever!"

As soon as the sound came out, the white light of the falling spirit pattern between the eyebrows flashed, and all the power in the falling spirit pattern turned into a pure white light that shot straight into the sky, entering the chaotic world of phantoms!

At this moment, countless beings in the Heavenly City, whoever had the falling spirit pattern, all mourned and shouted angrily: "I am the only one in the Heavenly City, and the holy light will shine forever!"

Thousands of ways, thousands of ways, the power of thousands of falling spirit patterns are all transformed into thousands of beams of light, and endless light is scattered on the sky city. Thousands of divine lights are connected into one piece, and they are combined into one true derived divine light, grand The light broke through the chaos and swept away the chaotic world of phantoms.

Even sweeping away the turbulent qi all over the sky, only the clear qi fills the universe, the light of the lunar sun shines on the city of heaven again, the stars are shining brightly, the sun and the moon are the same light and never night!
In the bright sun and the moon, a figure walked out together.

Qing Luo expended endless mental calculations, and finally returned to the prehistoric plane.

He looked at the tens of thousands of immortals in Tiancheng, all of them looked sluggish, all of them were seriously injured, and some even fell into a coma due to the death of their natal magic weapon.

One by one, the ants and immortals, all the sentient beings whose eyes are clear and bright even though they are in a terrible state.

This is his Nightless City, and also the Nightless Sky for all living beings!
 Sorry for the late update. I had a fever last night and stayed up all night. I went to the dawn pharmacy to buy some medicine.This chapter was written five times intermittently, and I couldn't stand it after half an hour.Since I said to maintain a stable update, I will definitely do it! Everyone, rest assured to follow the update!
(End of this chapter)

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