Chapter 747

As soon as these words came out, all the immortals on the battlefield paid attention to Xiaozhu and his party, and showed joy on their faces.

But when the immortals saw that there were less than 20 people in their group, they were a little dubious.

Even though there were two quasi-sages and a dozen Da Luo Jinxians who came, but in terms of the entire battlefield, there was no decisive help, and the immortals hesitated for a while.

Seeing this, Xiaozhu waved one hand in the air, and a grand light descended, illuminating most of the fairy world!

In its grand light, the word "Eternal Night" is engraved impressively.

As soon as this order came out, all the immortals retreated to Jin'ao Island one after another, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who presided over the battle, also issued a series of decrees, and all the large formations stopped operating, and all the immortals in it withdrew to Jin'ao Island.

People from Nightless City may be impersonated, but as the Eternal Night Order that passes through the six realms, it is absolutely impossible to be impersonated.

The group of immortals retreated not because of fear and cowardice, but because there was no need to shed blood and sacrifice!
Xiaozhu turned around and said to the thirteen Da Luo Jinxian elders behind him: "Let's make a move."

The thirteen Daluo Jinxian elders all respectfully praised him.The Supreme Elder can be kind to them, but it doesn't mean that they can be without awe.

Thirteen Daluo Jinxian elders formed a circle and surrounded Xiaozhu.

Ao Bing stood aside and released the dragon sea elephant to protect Xiaozhu and everyone, protecting them.

The members of the Dragon Clan below, all the old stones, couldn't help but sigh when they saw that handsome young man. Their Dragon Clan might have a new inheritor in the future.

Ao Guang was even more excited. He could only be proud that his beloved son had already come far ahead of his father!
After the Jinao Island's immortals withdrew, they all watched how Xiaozhu outside the island would deal with the endless zero beasts.

I saw Xiaozhu and other 14 people, chanting mysterious French in their mouths, with a certain special vibration frequency and spiritual fluctuations, and then the 14 people released thousands of round orbs from their hands, each of which was as big as a skull , once it is cast and released, it will rise in the wind, and it will rise to a huge size of hundreds of feet.

At this moment, in front of Xiaozhu, a stunning woman in yellow red gold battle armor appeared in the air, holding an imperial staff in her hand, her expression was indifferent, and a powerful imperial pressure spread in all directions.

A group of 14 people stood up and bowed to the woman, Xiaozhu said: "Trouble, fellow Taoist Chonghuang."

The woman who was replaced by the insect emperor nodded, without worry or joy, and said: "What our clan should do at this time is to let the heavens and the world see the prestige of my locust clan!"

After all, he raised the staff in his hand, and with a finger in the distance, golden waves of light radiated from the staff.

The next moment, countless buzzing sounds came from the sky and the earth, and a huge army of locusts flew out from the tens of thousands of huge round orbs, covering the sky and covering the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Among the endless army of zero beasts below.

Among the tens of thousands of orbs, there is an endless army of locusts flying out, tens of thousands of small worlds are full of armies of spiritual locusts, and every small world has a huge insect king with a size of more than a hundred feet. Has the strength of the peak of Taiyi.

Moreover, there are many mutated locust armies in every small world. Those are the mutated locusts that devoured the aura of chaos. As long as they swallowed the aura of chaos, they could continue to grow stronger until they reached their level. The maximum limit that the body can reach, and then they will breed again to produce spirit insects that can carry greater strength and have a higher growth limit!
The army of hundreds of thousands of trillions and hundreds of millions of locusts devoured all the beasts in their path, leaving no armor or flying ash!

The golden ocean of the army of locusts and the black gray ocean formed by the army of zero beasts are madly impacting, hitting, devouring, and fighting!

Every second, every moment, thousands of army of zero beasts are devoured, and thousands of army of spirit locusts are killed.

The entire world became golden and black, and the vast expanse was like an epic and legendary scene of a race war, which deeply shocked the hearts of every fairy!

Even hundreds of Da Luo Jinxian gods and demons were swallowed up by a dozen of them surrounded by endless golden fairy insects, scaring the other Da Luo Jinxian gods and demons from daring to face the army of locusts alone.

As for the dozens of quasi-sages and great powers, they were surrounded by tens of thousands of insect kings leading an endless army of insects, and it was difficult to escape.

The immortals on Jin'ao Island were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them. Even the locusts in front of them could easily wipe out hundreds of insects and beasts in front of them. It's hard to be alone!

The 14 members of Xiaozhuyi, together with the worm emperor, cast the secret language of the supreme worm, adding supernatural powers to the endless army of locusts to make their combat effectiveness stronger!
From the stalemate between the army of spirit locusts and the army of zero beasts at the beginning, and later on when more and more army of spirit locusts flew out of the small world far surpassed the army of zero beasts, the army of zero beasts gradually became decadent.

After all, no matter how many zero beasts there are, it is impossible for the number of zero beasts to descend on the battlefield of Jin'ao Island to exceed the army of locusts in tens of thousands of small worlds!
Under the fighting of the endless army of locusts, the army of zero beasts has gradually retreated and started to return to defense, and the battlefield of Jinao Island gradually showed the dawn of victory!
On the battlefield of the God Realm, the god ranks outside the Sifang Tianmen are stained with blood, and the endless majesty and dignity of the Four Heavenly Gates are forged with flesh and blood.

After the battlefield of the human world was cleaned up by Zhen Yuanzi, although the human race won, they also suffered heavy losses and their strength was hard to survive, so they only sent Da Luo Jinxian and Zhunsheng to come to support them.

The arrival of the three emperors and five emperors of the human race, the ten ancestors of the human race, the hundred sages of the human race, hundreds of Da Luo Jinxians and several quasi-sages provided the heavenly army with powerful high-end combat power and gradually gained an advantage.

In the Buddhist world, Qu Kong and a dozen Da Luo Jinxian elders came to the battlefield of the Buddhist world.

Lingshan, Sumeru, and Ershan Mountains have withstood the attack of nearly [-]% of the army of zero beasts. At this moment, thousands of Buddhist disciples and people from the Buddhist world are chanting the titles of Namo Amitabha, Namo Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats. They all represent the passing away of a Buddha and Bodhisattva, or have returned to bliss.

Qu Kong scanned the battlefield with his eyes, and with a wave of his sleeves, Fengqi Guqin appeared.

Ten fingers playing the strings, although it is the sound of the piano, it has a grand and vast momentum, a volume of thousands of miles, without going forward, without any hindrance.

Amidst the vibrating sound of the zither, there was not a single beast in a million miles around where Qukong was.

All the Daluo Jinxians were shocked, but they did not forget the task.

A dozen Daluo Jinxians arranged a large void formation within ten thousand miles, and compared the coordinates of each place, separated multiple places to connect to the sky.

After calculating and measuring for many times, Elder Xuankong replied to Qukong: "Elder Taishang, the cross-boundary array of void wormholes has been set up!"

Qu Kong nodded, stood up long, picked up the strings with his left hand, played the piano with five fingers in his right palm, and waved golden light waves down the entire Buddhist battlefield.

"The reinforcements from the Nightless City have arrived, and all the Taoists in the Buddhist world, please return to the mountain quickly to avoid accidental injury!"

As soon as the words came out, Liuli Medicine Master Wang Fo and Maitreya World Honored One relaxed, and immediately summoned all the Buddhas to return.

Among the six realms, the Buddha Realm is the most friendly and convincing to the Evernight City.

Not only because of the strength of Tiancheng, but also because Tiancheng has assisted the Buddhist sects many times, and the Buddhist sects have survived many hardships. If there is no disaster in the sky, the Buddhist sects have already flourished and declined, decadent and depressed, and there will be no Buddhas in the Six Realms World exists.

All the Buddhist armies on the battlefield returned to Lingshan, Xumishan, and Lingjiushan. The endless army of zero beasts chased after each other, besieging the veins of the three mountains and three Buddhas.

Qu Kong said to the crowd: "Elders, you can start now. I am not very familiar with the Bright Fleet, so Elder Xuan Kong will still be in charge of the power, and you will assist me."

All the elders of Daluo Jinxian respectfully said yes.

Elder Xuankong drew the spell in his hand, and the spirit lines between his brows flickered, conveying a message.

The next moment, the sky was full of wind and clouds, countless thunders flashed, and the white light was dazzling. The void array they had set up was shining brightly, triggering the message of the beacon and guiding the coordinates of cross-boundary transmission.

I saw the storm in the sky suddenly stopped, and a huge space crack of one million feet appeared, from which flew out [-] bright warships that grew in size!

The 36 Bright Battleships are the [-]th Bright Fleet, formed by all the painstaking efforts of Tiancheng.

The twelve elders of Da Luo Jinxian spread the incomparably complicated spirit patterns to dispatch each battleship, and the overwhelming battleship fleet descended from the sky, and every hundred of them combined into a fleet, and each fleet consisted of tens of thousands of monks. Splitting the secret technique of destroying the battleship, the golden fairy puppets on the battleship also exerted their strength together, emitting pure white aura, arousing the vitality of the weather.

At this moment, it is too late even if many zero beast army feel bad.

Because the [-] warships have already aroused the derived power of the entire Buddhist world, the infinitely stalwart derived power enveloped the battleships, forming a pure white bright world from sky to ground!

Even Da Luo Jinxian dare not step into the supreme supernatural power that is condensing and forming!
At this moment, all the Chaos gods and demons have already sensed that something is wrong, and they all began to retreat and return to defense.

Even hundreds of Daluo Jinxians are already discussing about withdrawing from the Buddhist world.

But seeing that they are about to break through the three mountains of the Buddhist world, they are really unwilling to retreat at this moment and fall short.

And just when they were hesitating, the only opportunity had already disappeared!
Elder Xuan Kong looked at Qu Kong and said, "Elder, the 36th Fleet has completed all their merits, do you want to carry it out?"

Qu Kong glanced at the gods and demons who were about to evacuate, and said, "Let go, let the ants returning to the ruins see my Tiancheng Shenghui!"

Elder Xuankong immediately said yes, issued a military order, and shouted: "Derived from Shenhui, come down!"

The next moment, [-] battleships heard this word one after another, the sound of countless mechanism rotations sounded, and endless spiritual patterns turned, and the [-] warships all suddenly emitted a beam of light, [-] million The pillars of light merged into one, and a world descended!

Between heaven and earth, there is a clear understanding.

The endless Buddha light in the Buddha world has turned into white light at this moment!
In the entire Buddhist world, the army of hundreds of millions of zero beasts were all turned into ashes under the derived divine light. Even the demon gods of Da Luo Jinxian could not survive, only a few quasi-holy gods and demons with high supernatural powers escaped with serious injuries.

All the true spirits of the remaining gods and demons were swallowed up by the prehistoric world.

(End of this chapter)

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