Chapter 748

In the demon world, countless beasts were killed and injured, countless corpses of monster races on the ground, zero beast corpses, blood flowing into rivers, accumulating millions of corpses, blood of hundreds of millions of demon gods.

The bloody atmosphere filled the entire demon world, and the blood of countless demon clans, gods, and sages spilled on the soil of the demon world, and their corpses returned to dust.

From above the demon clan's sky full of chaotic aura, the chaotic aura stirred up the situation, a spatial vortex emerged, and with a flash of light, Shen Gongbao walked out of it.

Behind him, Shuo De was still following, only two people) came.

As soon as Shuode entered the demon world, he couldn't help feeling sad when he saw that the entire demon clan had already been bleeding like a river.He looked down at a battle group below. Lu Ya had already disheveled his hair, his robe was stained with blood, and his body was covered with scars. There was aura of chaos eroding his Taoist body everywhere, but the real fire of the sun around Lu Ya was still raging. Burning and incinerating the two quasi-holy gods and demons, he bowed and worshiped the Immortal Zhan Feidao, how many times he cut the sky, and how many heads of gods and demons he cut off!

Shuo De couldn't help feeling tense, and stopped after taking a step.

"City Lord, hurry up and help everyone in the demon world!"

Shen Gongbao nodded, he was an old man with white hair, he was still old, and he didn't show any signs of depression.

Shen Gongbao raised the palm of his left palm, and in the palm was engraved an incomparably complicated blood-colored dao pattern, which exuded a frightening bloodthirsty luster.

Shuo De released Nine-Day Lianzhu phantom to surround Shen Gongbao as his guardian.

Shen Gongbao murmured words, and the ancient and mysterious spells spread out one by one, condensing in the sky above the demon world.

Immediately, he waved one hand, and the blood of the left palm burst out, soaring straight into the sky, and fused with hundreds of ancestral blood scripts condensed in the air!

A dazzling blood-colored light broke through the boundary wall of the demon world and went straight into the void.

The next moment, far away on the Nightless Sky City in the Nightless Realm, the wide city wall that is as long as one billion miles, instantly filled with blood, blood mist billowed, and the terrifying evil spirit enveloped the entire Sky City, and then the crimson color of the blood became strange again. Purple, in the mighty purple light, a majestic purple blood thorn pierced through the sky and pierced straight into the void. The roots were still deeply rooted in the Nightless Realm, but its body had already crossed the heaven and earth and penetrated into the demon realm.

In front of Shen Gongbao, a huge body of purple blood thorns suddenly broke out from above the sky.

As soon as it appeared, it split into thousands, and hundreds of millions of purple blood thorns rushed towards the monster clan battlefield below.

The old figure of Shen Gongbao stood in front of the huge purple blood thorns, and he raised his voice: "Dear comrades in the demon world, I am here to help you, please return quickly to avoid accidental injury!"

All the demon clans on the battlefield looked at the purple blood-covered thorns, and as soon as they entangled Zero Beast, they pierced countless extremely sharp wooden thorns into it, but they were swallowed up in just a short while!

All the demons retreated one after another, fearing that the bloodthirsty thorns would accidentally injure and devour their bones.

Under the crazily devoured by the purple blood thorns, the bones of the tens of thousands of zero beasts could not survive, not even the fly ash could survive.

Endless aura of chaos poured into the body of the purple blood thorn. Even the Daluo Jinxian, the gods and demons, faced with the purple blood thorn that was three points stronger than the half-step Hunyuan powerhouse, they could only resist being swallowed up little by little.

Even if several quasi-sages came directly to the body of the Purple Blood Thorn, they were swallowed whole by countless blooming Purple Blood Spirit Flowers.

After absorbing the phantom of the chaotic world of the chaotic beast, the purple blood thorn has mastered the method of refining chaos passed down by Qingluo, and its strength has gone a step further.

At this moment, it just wants to devour countless powers to crazily fill its body's desire for energy.

If it weren't for the blood ban imposed by Shen Gongbao, it would have devoured all the creatures in the entire demon world!
The purple blood thorns are like a bottomless pit, devouring without any satisfaction, the army of zero beasts that have devoured millions of beasts are still devouring wildly without any reduction.

Countless branches of purple blood thorns are like huge purple pythons, devouring, strangling, entwining and devouring the delicious prey they hunt.

Its mad devouring abnormality has reached the point where it even devours the heaven and earth energy of the demon world together, and all the attacks of those countless zero beasts, big Luo gods and demons, and quasi-holy gods and demons have been swallowed by it one after another.

Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions of Zero Beasts are being decimated at a terrifying speed by the purple blood thorns!

And the breath on it became more and more frightening. Finally, after devouring the five quasi-holy gods and demons, the huge purple blood thorns and thousands of spiritual flowers all withered and withered, and all the nutrients returned to the main body.

The endless aura of annihilation pervades the entire demon world, oppressing countless creatures trembling, and even the accumulation of thunder calamities in the nine heavens, trying to destroy this peerless monster, a creature that is devoured by mutations that the world cannot tolerate.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao hurriedly followed the method left by Qing Luo, the falling spirit pattern above the eyebrows radiated divine light, reflecting the whole body of the purple blood thorn, and the body of the purple blood thorn also had a derivative divine light, enveloping the entire purple The blood thorn body.

The heavenly tribulation thunder has endless divine power, and the divine thunder billows and hides among the clouds, but finally dissipates after a few breaths.

Shen Gongbao's tense heart finally relaxed.He was afraid that the Thunder Punishment from Heaven would really come, which would lead to the failure of Purple Blood Thorn's advancement. If it really failed, the Thorn's body would definitely be seriously injured!

Fortunately, for the face of Qing Luo, the god of choice, and the moment when the prehistoric plane needs new strength after going through a catastrophe, Tiandao let the purple blood thorn go.

The purple blood thorn's aura suppressed by the way of heaven was no longer suppressed in an instant. Its incomparable body suddenly swelled, spanning hundreds of billions of miles of the demon world, and its trillion-foot-high body swallowed all the zero beasts in the demon world.

Even the remaining sixteen quasi-holy demons were devoured one after another, and none of them could escape.

After just a quarter of an hour, the purple blood thorns were completely digested, and its huge body began to shrink slowly again, gradually shrinking to tens of billions of miles, billions of miles, ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles, hundred miles, ten miles. . .

The tall body that is enough to span half of the demon world, and even the roots that have lingered in countless areas in the nightless world have shrunk to within the demon world.

The purple brilliance flashed all over the sky, and a phantom of the most majestic purple blood thorns emerged, but at this moment, all the thorns turned into purple!
There are eight redbud buds growing on it, the last seven redbud buds are lifeless, only the first bud is full of vitality, and the purple brilliance is shining.

After waiting for several hours, the endless accumulation of vitality in the bud was completed, and it suddenly bloomed.

The world is full of purple flowers.

All the immortals closed their eyes subconsciously, even the quasi-sages could not help but close their eyes, not daring to look directly at the strange purple center.

When the purple flowers all over the sky dissipated, all phantoms disappeared.

There is only one figure standing in the void between heaven and earth.

That figure, after a few breaths of bewilderment from the beginning, turned into a dull one.

He looked up at the sky, and the sky and earth were reflected in his purple pupils.

"My name is Zi Luo, and I prove the Dao Hunyuan!"

Its handsome face carries an indescribable sense of charm, which is different from illusion, it is the kind of fascinated feeling of sinking into the great way!

Although he looks like a young man, he has a heart of greed for the flesh and blood of all living beings, and his purple pupils are extremely gorgeous but extremely fearful.

Shen Gongbao and Shuo De stepped forward, bowed and saluted, and said: "Congratulations to the Supreme One, you have proved the Dao Hunyuan!"

Shen Gongbao couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, but when he saw the Luoling pattern engraved on the center of Zi Luo's eyebrows, the hanging heart was relieved.

Zi Luoxu raised his hand to support the two of them, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Shen Gongbao, you don't have to worry.

I don't like your blood-weakened body that has been punished by heaven. "

Shen Gongbao's heart trembled. Although the supreme being spoke with a smile, it made people feel even more frightened.

He has also controlled the Purple Blood Bramble for a period of time. He knows how terrifying the bloodthirsty desire to devour this ancient monster is, and he also knows the peerless ferocity of the Purple Blood Bramble. Such a monster cannot be controlled at all, only Qingluo The mighty power of the saints can be subdued only by deterrence.

Shen Gongbao raised his body and said with a smile, "The Supreme One just laughed."

"I'm not joking, if this Golden Crow is not his disciple, I will definitely eat him, and taste how delicious the flesh and blood of this Great Sun Golden Crow is!"

Zi Luo Zhizun stuck out his bright red tongue, looked at Shuo De and licked his lips, and said with a smile.

Shuo De was taken aback for a moment, and then pointed at the falling spirit pattern between his brows, wanting to point.

Zi Luo Zhizun immediately stepped forward and grabbed Shuo De's hand, and said with a light smile: "Little Golden Crow, don't be nervous.

I have gone through countless battles with your master, and I was created by him, so naturally he is the only one to follow.

Don't worry about me attacking you.Your master is at a critical moment right now, so it's better not to disturb him easily. "

After hearing this, Shuo De nodded and said with a smile: "Uncle Master just laughed. How can I disturb Master's practice?"

Zi Luo didn't take it seriously, glanced at the monsters in the demon world, and licked her lips again.

Shuod turned to stare at him warily.

Zi Luo then shook her head again, and sighed to Shuo De: "The flesh and blood of these creatures can't be eaten. You don't have to worry.

I am
No, my thorn, my only hobby in eternity is to drink the blood of living beings.

But I have tasted all the blood of the living beings in the world, and it is not as delicious as a drop of your master's blood! "

Zi Luo sighed, obviously longing for the blue blood he was talking about.

Shen Gongbao didn't know how to speak out. After all, the other party was Hunyuan Supreme, so he couldn't say much.

After Zi Luo glanced at the demon world, she said: "You guys go back first.

I went to the void to go around, even if there is no life blood, there is still a plane of chaos to eat! "

As soon as the words fell, he tore his palms in front of him, and the space collapsed immediately, and a wide space crack was torn out. He dodged and walked into it, disappearing into the demon world.

Seeing this, Shuo De shook his head in wonder and said, "This spiritual creature was an existence that devoured Pan Gu's evil spirit back then. I never thought that it would have such a personality after taking shape."

Shen Gongbao laughed and said: "This is his good fortune. Now that he has become the Supreme Primordial Priest, we should restrain ourselves a bit when talking to him."

Shuo De nodded in response, he and Shen Gongbao separated again, returning to the Nightless Realm and staying in the Demon Realm.

Shuo De wants to reminisce about the old days with all the Yaozu elders, as well as Lu Ya, his elder brother.

Shen Gongbao returned to Tiancheng to coordinate and support the affairs of the Six Realms.

(End of this chapter)

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