Chapter 18 Kill
Scenes from his previous life came to Chen Tianxing's mind: "Stay away from us, you have no parents"

"Hmph, let's not play with him"

But at this moment, in the woods not far away, two men in black are watching all this!
"Boss, what should I do, the Holy Infant was caught by that man?" The shorter man said anxiously to the leader!

The boss in black thought for a moment and said, "Go back and report to the sect master, I'll stop him!"

"Well, boss, be careful, that kid is not easy!" The second child in black said worriedly, but this is already the best way at the moment!
In fact, if Chen Tianxing's mind wasn't a little disturbed at this time, he would definitely be able to perceive them with his cultivation base!
Recalling these things in the previous life, he looked at the hazy eyes of the ogre baby in his hand.He hesitated, subconsciously loosening the strength in his hand a little.

The ghost baby took the opportunity to break free, with a fierce look in his eyes, full of evil spirits, and rushed directly at the widow of the Zhang family!The widow of the Zhang family hugged the ghost baby excitedly, and murmured lovingly: "Child!"

A piece of flesh was torn off the widow of the Zhang family's neck, and blood gushed out like a fountain!The ghost baby's mouth was chewing non-stop, the village head kept backing away when he saw this, a chill rushed from his heels to the top of his head!

Chen Tianxing was startled for a moment, his anger rose to the sky, and the hairs all over his body stood up: "Naughty animal."

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law"

There was no wind moving around, Chen Tianxing's face was slightly distorted, just like an angry King Kong!Lightning condensed in the palm of his hand, and within the beautiful blue light group, what was contained was a terrifying power of destruction!

In a fit of rage, he slapped the ghost baby directly.Suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of the ghost baby. It was the man in black who had been hiding in the woods before. He actually wanted to resist this Taoist formula, and his palm thundered!

There was a loud bang, and the thunder raged, directly engulfing the man in black and the baby ghost.Under this Taoist formula, one person and one ghost were reduced to ashes.The man in black never thought that Chen Tianxing would have such a cultivation level, and this seemingly inconspicuous attack could unleash such terrifying power!

Chen Tianxing looked at Widow Zhang's corpse in silence. After a long time, he knelt down in front of his corpse!
"I hurt you"

Widow Zhang didn't have to die, as long as he exerted a little force, he wouldn't die.After all, he was still naive. In the best era of his previous life, he always had kindness towards everything.Widow Zhang's death was like a blow to the head, hitting his heart hard!

Suddenly, Chen Tianxing felt the warmth on his shoulder, and he looked back, it was the village chief!
"Hey, child, it's not your fault. They are poor people, and now their family is reunited underground, maybe this is their fate.

The old man has seen all kinds of people in his life, grievances and grievances in the world, love and hatred, love and hatred, and he can't escape a word of profit in the end.My child, I hope you can stick to this kindness in your heart! "The village chief patted Chen Tianxing on the shoulder, then turned and left!

But just after walking a few steps, he turned around and said, "Sometimes you should break when you break, and hate when you should be cruel. Kindness is not just kindness!"

After finishing speaking, the village chief left, his hunched back straightened up, and there was an indescribable feeling in that back, as if it was full of stories!
The sun hides in the dark clouds, the sky is gloomy, and the heavy rain is coming!
Chen Tianxing looked at the tomb in front of him, sighed, then turned and left!The moment he turned around, his eyes darkened. The matter of the ghost baby must have something to do with the man in black.

Chen Tianxing was hiding on the only way to enter the village. He had a hunch that the forces behind the man in black would appear again!

In the afternoon, because of the dark clouds, the sky was like dusk!
Chen Tianxing lay on a big tree with his sword in his arms, and suddenly opened his eyes.Five figures descended from the sky by the stream.All five of them were dressed in black, with bloody stripes in the black.The leader carried a bloody long knife on his back.The other four have different weapons!
Chen Tianxing glanced at it, and saw that the leader was similar to his cultivation base, slightly weaker.As for the other four, don't worry about it!

The four went straight to Widow Zhang's house, and looked at Chen Tianxing's figure, but they had already disappeared!
Outside Widow Zhang's house, the five people were holding weapons and staring at the man with the sword in front of them vigilantly!

"Hand over the baby ghost, otherwise." The leader pointed at Chen Tianxing directly!

Chen Tianxing turned around, his eyes were full of indifference, as if he was staring at ants!
"Widow Zhang's family is controlled by you alone." Chen Tianxing's voice sounded without a trace of emotion!
"Hahahaha, of course it is! The widow of the Zhang family is a ghost body that is rare in a hundred years. Although she is broken, it will not trouble us." The leader shouted!

Apart from the rage in Chen Tianxing's mind, there was another thought: "Maybe this is the villain of the legend. He has no brains. This kind of person usually won't survive two episodes!"

Tianwenjian seemed to feel the mood of its master, and clanked loudly.Clang, the long sword was out of its sheath, in the eyes of those people, Chen Tianxing was like an afterimage!

The leader felt a terrifying sense of crisis in his heart, and subconsciously raised his knife to block in front of him.Click.
The long knife was cut in two, and the leader flew upside down!
"Sect Master." The other four were terrified.
Chen Tianxing saved his hand, if not for this, it wouldn't be a knife that broke with this sword!
There was blood on the corner of the leader's mouth, he looked at Chen Tianxing in fear, pointed at him, and didn't say anything for a long time!
The man holding the double cone shouted with firm eyes: "You take the door master and go quickly, I will block him!"

Although the other three were extremely reluctant, they also knew that this was the only way to go now.

Chen Tianxing watched the three of them run away with their sect master, and was not in a hurry to chase after them!Facing the person in front of him, he sighed, "You are loyal."

Zheng Chen Tianxing's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind that person.He didn't look back, but rose directly with the sword!

At this time, a crack appeared in the body of the man in black, and then blood sprayed out, falling to both sides!

There was a loud rumbling and thunder, and the raindrops were falling, and the night was extraordinarily dark!

Chen Tianxing stood in the rain with Tianwen in his hand, letting the rain fall on his body and wet his clothes.He looked at the sect in the valley ahead, Yinlingmen!
The Tianwen sword was unsheathed, and the silver light was dazzling in this dark night!
A moment later, there were shrill screams from the Yinling Gate, some wailing, some begging for mercy, and some cursing!
Half an hour later, Chen Tianxing came out with a burden, his body was full of bloody smell, and his face was a little pale.

(End of this chapter)

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