The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 19 The Long Snake Fairy

Chapter 19 The Long Snake Fairy

Yinlingmen is a demon sect that has emerged in recent years, and has an extremely bad reputation.Even some magic sects feel contemptuous of them!
Yin Lingmen can be said to be the only demon gate that unabashedly attacks mortals on the bright side, using mortal souls to refine evil spirits!

Even if they didn't bump into Chen Tianxing's hands this time, they would still take jujube pills!Although the devil's religion has a bad reputation, most of the devil's religions would not slaughter people so blatantly!

The demise of the Yinlingmen can be said to be doomed, and many unrighteous deeds will lead to their own death. This is not unreasonable!

The rain stopped soon, and Chen Tianxing stood on the boulder in the distance, his face was reddened by the flames soaring into the sky!Chen Tianxia stared at the flame, his eyes were extraordinarily bright!

Today, it can be said that he killed someone for the first time in two lifetimes.But he didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary, there was a kind of relief in his heart!Because in his heart, they are all damned!
Chen Tianxia let out a long breath, and carrying the burden brought out from the Yinling Gate, Yujian sliced ​​through the sky and disappeared into the vast night! ——
"Get out, get out! You can't take my sister away!" the young man shouted hissingly!

"Hmph, your sister let go of the "tribute" privately, and only by executing your sister can the long snake fairy's anger be appeased!" A group of vicious villagers kicked a young man to the ground and shouted!

"That Long Snake Fairy is a monster, monsters, why are you?" Before they finished speaking, the group of village names punched and kicked the young man!
"Boy Qin, how dare you offend the Long Snake Immortal? Hmph, you and your sister will be executed together. Maybe when the Long Snake Immortal is happy, our village will be able to have a smooth sailing next year!

Afterwards, the brothers and sisters were taken away by these villagers!
The sun was scorching hot, and outside an ancient temple, a man and a woman were tied to two wooden stakes, with a lot of dry firewood and dead branches piled up around them!

A man in a strange dress was jumping non-stop with a black stick in his hand, making a gurgling sound from his mouth!The surrounding villagers knelt on the ground, folded their hands together, and looked devout!
Half a quarter of an hour later, the strangely dressed man stopped!Glancing at the man and woman, he said to the villagers: "Qin Sheng and Qin Yu have offended the Long Snake Immortal. In order for our Ping'an Village to have a good year, they will be burned at the stake to comfort the Long Snake Immortal's spirit!"

"Burn them to death, burn them to death" the villagers shouted angrily!

The man pretended to look at the sky and said, "It's time!" He picked up the black stick and gestured for a while, and a ball of flame burst out from the top of the stick!
He stretched out his hand to light the firewood, dry firewood and dry branches, and in an instant, the flames burst into flames!

Qin Sheng said to Qin Yu who was beside him with tears, "Sister, it's useless to be a brother. In the next life, my brother will definitely protect you."

"Brother, we will still be brothers and sisters in the next life."

At this time, all the villagers cheered.However, at this moment, a stream of light fell, and the burning flame was swept away and scattered in all directions!The surrounding villagers were terrified and ran away one after another!
A figure descended from the sky. This person was Chen Tianxing. Looking at his expression, he was faintly angry!

"What did these two people do? You are going to burn them to death!" After speaking, Chen Tianxing waved at Qin Sheng and Qin Yu, and the ropes all broke!

Seeing Chen Tianxing falling from the sky, the villagers were terrified for a while.

Qin Sheng and Qin Yu thought that they would die today, but they were rescued. The two of them wept with joy for a while!

"They...they offended the Long Snake Fairy, we have to burn it..." Those villagers said in fear!

At this time, the person who jumped the big rope before stood up and scolded: "Who are you, you dare to stop us from offering sacrifices to the Long Snake Immortal!"

Chen Tianxing stared at the man, and said coldly: "You are full of monster energy, even though you are still a human, you have already been corroded by monster energy and turned into a half-monster. It seems that your long snake fairy is a monster!"

"Shut up, you yellow-haired boy, how dare you slander the Long Snake Immortal! Let's go together, kill him, and the Long Snake Immortal will protect us!" The half-demon incited the villagers!

Some villagers hesitated to move forward, but under the leadership of other villagers, they actually picked up hoes, sticks and so on and rushed towards Chen Tianxing!
I saw Chen Tianxing pressing down with his sword finger, and a wave of aura spread out in all directions.Those villagers all flew away, but Chen Tianxing still saved their lives and didn't take their lives!But those villagers also felt uncomfortable, and fell to the ground, wailing endlessly!
At this time, the half-demon crushed a piece of bone and laughed wildly: "Wait, I have already reported to the Long Snake Immortal. You can't escape! Hahahaha."

The half-demon's face was extremely distorted and her smile was exaggerated.Suddenly, his eyes protruded, and he fell straight down!

Chen Tianxing also shook his head. This man was corrupted by the evil spirit and turned into half human and half demon, and he will die sooner or later.But unexpectedly, because of the sudden change of mood, the evil spirit boiled, and the blood energy rushed to death!

At this moment, Qin Sheng and Qin Yu knelt in front of Chen Tianxing, kowtowed and said, "Thank you, Immortal, for saving your life."

Chen Tianxing waved his hand and said, "It's not necessary, it's just a matter of raising your hands! You should leave here quickly! That evildoer is coming soon!"

However, before the two of them could reply, Chen Tianxing said in a deep voice: "It's too late, it's already here! You guys hide here and don't come out!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianxing flew out of the ancient temple directly!
A black snake about ten feet long and the thickness of a dustpan circled towards the ancient temple quickly!

"Evil animal, seek death!" Chen Tianxing slashed down with his sword, and the magnificent sword energy fell on the snake!
The sword energy collided with the scales of the snake body, and sparks flew everywhere, but did not hurt the snake demon.Instead, it angered it!
The snake's eyes were red, it made a sound like a cow, its speed increased sharply, and it rushed towards Chen Tianxing with its bloody mouth wide open!
Chen Tianxing's eyes tightened, and he kicked the snake's head with flying body, his figure rose rapidly.And the snake demon also rushed up following Chen Tianxing!
"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law." Chen Tianxing once again cast his palm thunder and slapped it down!Perhaps this kind of beast is more sensitive to crises, and at the critical moment, they shut their mouths!
But even so, the snake demon's mouth and half of its face were directly blown to pieces!Chen Tianxing floated to the ground!

Shocking roars resounded around, and the body of the snake demon kept rolling due to the severe pain!Wherever it passed, no matter it was a tree or a boulder, it was smashed to pieces by the snake demon's huge force!
Chen Tianxing knew the truth of taking advantage of his illness to take his life, so he directly used the magic sword to control thunder, and the snake demon died completely!
Those villagers were terrified of Chen Tianxing and fled one after another.

After Qin Sheng and Qin Yu thanked Chen Tianxing for a while, they finally decided to leave the village!

As for Chen Tianxing, he dragged the body of the snake demon and walked towards the deep mountain!

Poor people must have something to hate. Chen Tianxing didn't do anything to those villagers. He believed that right and wrong were just, and there was a destiny in the dark!As a cultivator, it's not easy for him to kill those villagers!
 I feel like this chapter is a bit like a composition, hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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