The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 20 Sword Point

Chapter 20 Sword Point
The human body is a huge treasure, and there are endless mysteries in it. After thousands of years, no one dares to fully develop the mysteries of the body!

There are more than 700 acupuncture points and twelve main meridians in the human body, but there are other secrets hidden in the human body, which have been gradually hidden after countless years!

It is as difficult as going up to the blue sky to open it.On the one hand, there is no way to do it, and on the other hand, it has deteriorated over time, and if you want to reopen it, it is tantamount to going against the sky!

Chen Tianxing took away the corpse of the snake demon just to practice a supreme magic method!Wanjian Jue, this divine art that appeared in his mind along with the Eight Great Divine Mantras of Taoism!
It is extremely difficult to get started with this divine technique, because unlike other spells, it can be practiced directly!If you want to practice this Wanjian Jue, you need to open a secret acupoint in the human body—the sword acupoint!

This is only the first obstacle in the way of practicing Wanjianjue!But it is this entry condition that blocks [-]% of monks in the world!

If you successfully opened the sword acupoint, you will have the preliminary qualifications to practice this Wanjian Jue.After that, you need a divine sword, lead the divine sword into the sword point, and use the supreme mystery of the sword point to contain the sword.After obtaining the mystery of the divine sword, with the power of the divine sword, a sword pool was opened in the sword cave.Collect thousands of swords and refine them in the sword pool!

Executed with the supreme method of Wanjianjue, moving mountains and seas, destroying heaven and earth, the power of killing is really top-notch!
At this moment, Chen Tianxing found a cave, he dragged the body of the snake demon into it, and then blocked the entrance of the cave!

Sitting cross-legged on the flattened stone platform, he cast a spell to remove the evil spirit from the corpse of the snake demon, leaving only pure blood!The mass of Qi and blood looked crystal clear, exuding a faint red light.The thick qi and blood exudes a strong vitality!
In fact, the corpse of the snake demon is not necessary to practice Wanjian Jue.The reason why Chen Tianxing used it was because to hit the sword acupoints, he needed to mobilize the power of the whole body's qi and blood to hit the acupoints with a special secret method in the introductory chapter of Wanjianjue!

This process cannot be replaced by spiritual power, so the loss of qi and blood will be extremely appalling, and if one is not careful, the qi and blood will be exhausted and he will die.The purpose of extracting the qi and blood of the snake demon is just to replenish the qi and blood consumed by oneself at a critical time!

After all preparations were completed, Chen Tianxing meditated again to adjust his breath, and adjusted his condition to the peak.Although he is very talented, he is a time traveler.But he still didn't dare to be careless, after all, if he died again, he wasn't sure whether he would still time travel!

He opened his eyes, a ray of light radiated from them, and slowly let out a mouthful of stale air, which lasted for a long time!

"The secret of sword comprehension lies in the heart. Gather the energy of the heavens and the earth, draw the energy and blood of your own body, and rush to the gate of the sword's orifice. Ten thousand qi return to the original, the essence of the spirit, move!"

Chen Tianxing made a tactic with both hands, the afterimage was indistinct, and an infinitely mysterious aura radiated out.The right hand is in the shape of a sword finger, and the left hand is placed under the right hand in the shape of a platform, and it is pressed down suddenly!

There was a sound like a rushing river coming from his body, his skin was blood-colored, and he could faintly see the blood churning in his body!
At this moment, Chen Tianxing only felt that his whole body was being burned by a raging fire from the inside to the outside.Maybe it was because of a life and death experience that he became extremely resolute, endured the pain by force, and controlled the boiling blood all over his body according to the magic method in Wanjianjue.

The blood in the whole body was boiling, rushing towards the first joint of the index finger.Chen Tianxing only felt that his index finger was torn apart.

With the continuous stimulation of the secret method, the blood of Chen Tianxing's whole body boiled more and more!If ordinary people were like this, they would have already died of blood gushing out!When the boiling qi and blood reached a peak threshold, the sword acupoint on his index finger finally appeared!

A star-like bright spot appeared, looming, emitting glow from time to time!Chen Tianxing understood that this was the sword point!
After the sword point appeared, his mind was consumed rapidly.He quickly controlled the boiling blood and rushed towards the sword point.

"Boom. Boom!" There was a loud bang, and Chen Tianxing's blood was extremely agitated.

Once, twice, three times, the level of the sword point is like a natural moat that cannot be crossed.Because of the shock of Qi and blood, the corners of Chen Tianxing's mouth continuously overflowed with blood, and there were faint fragments of organs!
"Open. Open. Quickly open." Chen Tianxing's eyes were full of madness, and countless bloodshot eyes filled them!
He controlled his qi and blood, and hit the sword acupoint even more frantically, but the sword acupoint was still like a rock, indestructible!

The qi and blood were gradually exhausted, and Chen Tianxing swallowed the qi and blood refined from the corpse of the snake demon without hesitation.Poof huge energy spread out in his body.Like swallowing ice in June!
With this supplement of qi and blood, Chen Tianxing once again hit the sword point checkpoint.But because of the previous violent impact, his body has already been severely damaged.The meridians and organs are already on the verge of collapse!When he was in good health and failed to break through, how could he break through now that he was seriously injured?

Chen Tianxing became more and more frantic, his whole body was burning with energy and blood, preparing for the final blow.This blow, success or benevolence!

"Ah, open it for me"

Boom, there was a burst of ripples at the sword point level.Chen Tianxing's blood calmed down quickly, and he had no chance.He kicked his eyes, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.He fell straight down and passed out!
Chen Tianxing --- pawn (huh huh, huh huh)

The above is just kidding!

There was darkness in the cave, and Chen Tianxing's aura became weaker and weaker!The sword point on the index finger exudes a faint light, like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time!
At this moment, the different Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao in Chen Tianxing's body began to operate on its own, quickly repairing his injuries!

A series of golden threads emerged from Chen Tianxing's brain, they were intertwined and floated above him in a spiral shape.Finally, with lightning speed, he charged towards the sword acupoint!

The golden light suddenly appeared, dyeing the entire cave golden!It penetrated the checkpoint like a golden bug and rushed in.Immediately the checkpoint shattered!
There was a loud bang, and the whole cave was shaken!Boundless spiritual energy swarmed towards the sword acupoint, and the sword acupoint at this moment was like a bottomless pit, devouring the spiritual energy greedily!

A mysterious space in the sword cave was constantly expanding, and when it expanded to a certain point, it stopped.At this moment, the space vibrated unexpectedly, threatening to collapse!
The Tianwen Sword inserted on the side trembled, and finally flew up.Hovering a few times above Chen Tianxing, it turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sword cave!

In Tian Wenjian's sword point, it grew crazily.The boundless sword energy expanded and filled the entire space.Tianwen is like a giant sword holding up to the sky, propping up the entire space of the sword point!
After the space of the sword acupoint is stabilized, it will be continuously improved.The black ground churned, forming bumps one by one.Cracks were cracked on those protrusions, a total of 99 gaps!All the gaps are connected by mysterious lines!
The Tianwen Sword began to shrink, and finally fell from the sky, directly inserted into the gap in the center.

Immediately, the lines near the gap lit up, and the Tianwen Sword beeped.The streamer flowed continuously on the sword, as if it was alive!
(End of this chapter)

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