The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 38 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 38 Going Down the Mountain
Going out of the mountain with a young man, with the ambition of slaying demons and demons!

Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Zhang Xiaofan, Qi Hao, and Zeng Shushu officially descended from the mountain!

The five walked with their swords in their arms, and they were so reckless and happy. For some of them, it was the first time for some of them to come out of the mountain so openly.

Especially Zeng Shushu, who kept swaying around, and countless birds were startled by him.

Zhang Xiaofan manipulated his stick, at first he was a little unskilled, it was wobbly.Later, I gradually became proficient.

"Junior brothers and sisters, it's getting late today. How about we go to Heyang City first?" Qi Hao said kindly to everyone!
Chen Tianxing was slightly taken aback, nodded and said: "Listen to Senior Brother Qi, I have no objection!" Lu Xueqi nodded slightly to signal, Zhang Xiaofan and Zeng Shushu also agreed!
After everyone agreed, they moved towards Heyang City with their swords.Soon, this ancient city appeared in front of everyone!

Several people landed in a hidden corner and walked into Heyang City on foot!
Among the few people, most of the others have been to Heyang City, only Zhang Xiaofan has never been down the mountain since he went up the mountain!
Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan looked around, curious about everything around him.

Heyang City is naturally extremely prosperous, there are countless hawkers and shops on the streets, and the sound of hawking is endless!
Since Chen Tianxing and his group entered the city, they have attracted the attention of many people.

After all, they are a group of chic and handsome young men and women, so they are naturally attractive!
Especially when Lu Xueqi walked among them, her peerless face attracted everyone around her like a poison.Those fiery gazes were naked.

Everyone was really worried that Lu Xueqi couldn't help but pull out Tianya.This ancient city can't resist her sword!
Chen Tianxing looked at Lu Xueqi with a stern expression, and reached out to hold her.Lu Xueqi's complexion improved a bit!
Chen Tianxing casually glanced at the people around him, then coughed.Suddenly, the ears of those people were like a thunderclap.

Seeing this, Lu Xueqi blushed slightly, but her heart was filled with sweetness! ——
A group of people directly lived in Shanhai Wanzhong, and arranged five houses, one for each person.

Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi were loving each other in the room, Zhang Xiaofan broke in directly.Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan didn't know that he ruined his good deed. "Ah, I didn't see anything. I didn't see it." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan ran out like he was running away!

Lu Xueqi blushed and said softly, "It's all your fault"

Chen Tianxing grabbed Lu Xueqi's hand and said with a smile: "Hey, what are you afraid of! Who doesn't know what happened to Qingyun?"

"I won't tell you anymore, hum!" Lu Xueqi broke free from Chen Tianxing's arms and walked out straight away!

Chen Tianxing smiled and followed out!

It turned out that Zhang Xiaofan came to ask Chen Tianxing to have dinner earlier, after the others rested, they went directly to the restaurant attached to Shanhaiwan!
When Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi went, they were already sitting at the table!Qihao saw the two arrived, so he called Xiao'er to order food!

Zhang Xiaofan saw that this place is magnificent, carved with dragons and painted with phoenixes, he asked: "Senior Brother Qi, isn't it cheap here?"

Qi Hao smiled slightly, and said: "This is the best restaurant in Heyang City, so it's not cheap. It's just that our Qingyun is well-known here, and their boss is eager for us to come, so naturally they won't charge us much !"

Zeng Shushu nodded. He usually sneaked down the mountain a lot. Of course, he knows the way of Heyang City!

From then on, Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi were chatting on the sidelines.Chen Tianxing wrapped his fingers around Lu Xueqi's hair, and held Lu Xueqi tightly with the other hand.From time to time, the two whispered in each other's ears, and Lu Xueqi smiled softly!

Others watched, but also tried not to look at the two of them.Don't ask, just ask, read on, I won't even be able to eat for a while!
After a while, Xiao Er brought several small dishes to the table, especially the last one, which was fresh stewed fish, which was very delicious!
Zhang Xiaofan looked at the fish, sniffed it, his eyes lit up, and asked: "Second Brother, what kind of fish is this and how is it cooked?"

Xiaoer said proudly: "I really have a good sense of objectivity. This is our Shanhaiwan's signature dish. Stewed Meiyu is very famous around Heyang City!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan picked up a piece and put it into his mouth, and nodded immediately: "The meat is delicious, and the heat is perfectly controlled. The sweetness is made by adding a little sugar and ginger slices to remove the smell. Pepper, five spice, hey... this sesame oil is just right, just right, powerful, powerful!"

The others looked like they had seen a ghost, even Lu Xueqi and Chen Tianxing looked at Zhang Xiaofan strangely.Even if Chen Tianxing knew about this scene, he still felt that Zhang Xiaofan
Xiaoer looked admiring and exclaimed: "Objectivity is really a connoisseur, knowing the goods, knowing the goods!"

Seeing everyone staring at him, Zhang Xiaofan blushed, quickly changed the subject, and asked: "Second brother, where did this sleepy fish come from?"

Before Xiao Er could speak, a woman at the next table said: "This sleepy fish is a special product of Zhugou Mountain in the south. It is thousands of miles away from here. How did it get here? Aren't you lying?"

When everyone looked around, there were eight people sitting at that table, and a woman was wearing a lavender dress with a scarf on her face.The person who spoke was wearing a water-green long dress, his eyes were lively and energetic, and his appearance was not too much compared to Lu Xueqi's!As for the other six people, they were all dressed in yellow robes!
Chen Tianxing looked at the few of them, his eyes shrank slightly, and he naturally understood in his heart that it was Bi Yao, the most miserable heroine among Jade Immortals.

Baguio also seemed to sense Chen Tianxing's gaze, and looked directly at it.At this time, Chen Tianxing suddenly felt a pain in his waist, and quickly looked away, but Lu Xueqi was holding the vegetables as if nothing had happened, and raised her head to smile at Chen Tianxing!
Chen Tianxing inexplicably felt a chill behind his back!
Xiaoer said respectfully: "Objective, you don't know. This sleepy fish was originally a special product of Zhugou Mountain in the south. But since Master Daoxuan of Qingyun moved it out and put it in the flood in Qingyun Mountain , the sleepy fish has bred. We are all thanks to Master Daoxuan!"

Baguio snorted coldly and sat back!

After Chen Tianxing and his party finished eating, they just returned outside their residence.Qi Hao then said: "Junior brothers and sisters, rest early tonight. We will set off for Kongsang Mountain early tomorrow morning!"

Zhang Xiaofan and Zeng Shushu agreed, as for Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi.Oh, Chen Tianxing is trying his best to curry favor with her.However, Lu Xueqi snorted coldly, walked directly into her room, and closed the door with a bang.

The door almost hit Chen Tianxing's nose.Chen Tianxing looked at the few people who were holding back their laughter, and cupped his hands helplessly.After chatting for a few words, they also left one after another!

What Chen Tianxing didn't know was that as soon as Lu Xueqi entered the door, the corners of Lu Xueqi's mouth rose slightly, she didn't look angry at all, she was completely angry with Chen Tianxing on purpose!

The door slammed open, and a black shadow quickly came in!

Lu Xueqi said coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Chen Tianxing rushed to Lu Xueqi, and said with a smile, "Oh, what happened to my baby Xueqi? Are you jealous?"

"Hmph, no!" Lu Xueqi turned her head to the side and pouted!
Looking at Lu Xueqi like this, Chen Tianxing's heart almost melted!

Just kissed it!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." After a long time, their lips parted, and their faces were a little rosy!
It was late at night, and the moon hung in the sky.

Baguio appeared in the yard, and she walked towards the blooming flowers beside her.

On the petals, crystal clear dew rolls on it, and the moonlight shines on it, which is even more fragrant!
Baguio stretched out her green fingers, clicked, and snapped off one!
"Hey, your flower is blooming well, why did you break it!" Zhang Xiaofan just came out to relax, but saw the man break the flower, a nameless anger arose in his heart!

Baguio's eyes were like water, and he glanced at Fan Zhang Xiaofan, said: "I picked this flower, it is its blessing, it is the blessing of its three generations of cultivation!"

This is the first time Zhang Xiaofan heard such absurd statement, he shook his head and said: "If you pick it, it will die, how can you be happy! Look at the water on that flower, maybe it just cried out in pain!"

Baguio was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, trembling with laughter: "Hahaha, it's the first time I see a big man who will call the dewdrops flowers tears. Hahaha."

At this time, the two lying on the roof in the distance almost laughed out loud!
Lu Xueqi couldn't help but said, "Little junior brother, that junior brother of yours."

Chen Tianxing didn't know how to explain it, so he could only lament Zhang Xiaofan's kindness!
Hmm. He's a nice guy!
(End of this chapter)

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