Chapter 39 Bats
Chen Tianxing actually thought about whether to stop Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio from falling in love, or to let it go!Because their love is doomed to be a tragedy!Under the sword of Zhu Xian, that scene of tragedy is still vivid in my mind!

In the end, he decided to forget about it, and the big deal is to prevent Baguio from going to Qingyun.Prevent her from dying under Zhu Xian's sword!

On the second day, everyone finished washing and had breakfast.Everyone went to Kongsang Mountain with their swords.Kongsang Mountain is [-] li away to the east, along the way, everyone hurried on their way, not paying much attention to the surrounding scenery!
About ten days later, we arrived at Kongsang Mountain.As soon as they landed, everyone found that the Kongsang Mountain was jagged with strange rocks, high and steep. Looking around, there were not many vegetation at all!
The setting sun was almost dusk, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the Kongsang Mountain, looking a bit bleak and hideous!Qi Hao said to several people: "It doesn't look like there is any place to stay around here, let's go up the mountain to check first! Find a place to live by the way!"

A few people looked at the surrounding area and it really didn't look like someone else's house, so they all agreed to Qihao's suggestion!

In order to facilitate the investigation of the situation, several people decided to walk up the mountain.Unexpectedly, when we reached the halfway up the mountain, the sky became completely dark!
Chen Tianxing took Lu Xueqi's hand and walked at the end. Suddenly, Chen Tianxing stopped and looked up in one direction!
Lu Xueqi asked in confusion: "What's the matter? Junior brother!"

"There is a situation!" Chen Tianxing said with a frown!

Everyone gathered together as soon as they heard this!
"What's going on?" Qi Hao asked!Zhang Xiaofan and Zeng Shushu also looked at Chen Tianxing in doubt!
Lu Xueqi took out the Liuhe mirror and read in a low voice!I saw the Liuhe mirror slowly hanging in the air, emitting a soft blue light all over, covering everyone in it!
At this time, a black cloud flew towards everyone in the distance!

The sound of creaking and creaking sounded, and when it got closer, the sound of thumping and thumping also sounded!

Before a few people could react, the black cloud rushed straight over!Everyone turned pale with shock, only Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi remained calm!
Boom. Where are these black clouds, they are just black bats.These bats were several times larger than usual, with fierce eyes and ferocious articulate words!

As soon as it hit the sextile mirror, the entire light curtain shook.Lu Xueqi's body shook, her complexion turned slightly pale!

Chen Tian held Lu Xueqi's hand and said, "Senior Sister, are you okay!"

Lu Xueqi shook her head, and the others also looked at Lu Xueqi worriedly!
Chen Tianxing snorted coldly and said, "Senior Sister, be careful. I'll go out for a while!"

"Junior Brother, Big Brother Tianxing" everyone shouted in unison!
Chen Tianxing turned his head and smiled: "Everyone, don't worry, these beasts can't do anything to me!" After finishing speaking, Chen Tianxing rushed out!

Lu Xueqi still looked at Chen Tianxing worriedly, the Liuhe mirror in mid-air was even more dim!
But as soon as Chen Tianxing went out, the bats outside rushed towards him like bloodthirsty madness!Several people are worried!
At this time, Chen Tianxing's voice sounded: "The world is boundless, and the universe borrows the law!"


A bright blue light burst out, directly wreaking havoc!The arc swept everything around like a light curtain, and the bats were reduced to ashes.

Lu Xueqi looked at the figure in the center of the electric arc outside, her beautiful eyes were like autumn water, a surge of pride and joy welled up in her heart!Qi Hao, Zeng Shushu, Zhang Xiaofan opened their mouths wide, full of shock!
The bats around Chen Tianxing were naturally reduced to ashes, and the bats a little further away fell like raindrops!

A burnt and fishy smell filled the air!
When Chen Tianxing landed, Lu Xueqi also removed the light curtain, and they all surrounded him!Lu Xueqi even hugged Chen Tianxing's shoulder directly!

"Junior Brother Chen's cultivation is really advanced!" Qi Hao laughed!At this moment, Qi Hao only has a heart of admiration. When someone is a little better than you, you still have the desire to try to surpass him.But when someone surpasses you by a hundred steps, the rest is nothing but admiration!
Zhang Xiaofan said in a daze: "Brother Tianxing, you are too good! Just one click. Those bats are all dead!"

Zeng Shushu nodded again and again, looking at Chen Tianxing's eyes, just like looking at a peerless beauty!
As a result, Lu Xueqi hugged Chen Tianxing's hand even tighter!

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "Okay, let's spend the night early. Let's go check it out tomorrow morning!"

Qi Hao also agreed: "Yeah, it's still too dangerous at night. This Kongsang Mountain used to be the place of the Demon Cult's monsters after all, and some weird methods are hard to guard against!"

So they went down and found a leeward place to camp!

It is said that they are camping, but in fact they just found some firewood and started a fire.Several people fell asleep around the fire!

As for safety, Chen Tianxing has left some means around here, if anything approaches, he will sense it immediately!
It was late at night, and the stars in the sky were extraordinarily bright!
Chen Tianxing leaned against the rock, and Lu Xueqi was already asleep in his arms!Chen Tianxing looked at the sleeping Lu Xueqi, smiled, kissed her forehead and then closed his eyes!

The sky gradually turned white, Chen Tianxing woke up suddenly, and woke up several people!

"someone is coming!"

Several people took out magic weapons one after another, even Zhang Xiaofan was holding his stick, looking around vigilantly!

At this time, several figures appeared in front of several people!

The people who came were two monks and a pair of young men and women!The young men and women are handsome, and the women are beautiful.And one of the monks looked white and clean, and the other monk, um...that didn't look like a monk at all, just like the butcher Zhang at the pork stall next door!
Qi Hao saw a few people, and said: "It's the same way of Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley, everyone put away the magic weapon!"

At this time, those four people also came over, and the young monk stepped forward and said the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, all benefactors are from Qingyun sect!"

Qi Hao also replied: "Exactly, I wonder how many of them are?"

The monk smiled slightly and said: "Young monk Tianyin Temple Faxiang, this is the junior monk Fashan. These two are Li Xun and Yanhong, the high disciples of Fenxiang Valley!
Several people greeted each other, but Li Xun and that Yanhong were a little proud!

Qi Hao also felt a little disdainful, and introduced Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Zeng Shushu, and Zhang Xiaofan one by one!

When Lu Xueqi was introduced, Li Xun's eyes lit up and he stared at Lu Xueqi naked!
Lu Xueqi snorted coldly, Chen Tianxing held her hand, and turned slightly to block Lu Xueqi!

Li Xun's eyes tightened, he looked at Chen Tianxing and the others, and said mockingly: "You Qingyun have always regarded themselves as the leaders of the righteous way, and the Taoism is superb. When I saw you today, why are you all in such a mess!"

Qi Hao and the others changed their expressions, and just about to refute, they saw Chen Tianxing let go of Lu Xueqi's hand, and walked towards Li Xun playfully!

"It's not up to you whether I, Qingyun, is the leader of the Righteous Way, but you, who have some abilities, are so arrogant!"

In the last sentence, Chen Tianxing almost yelled out, followed by the explosion of his cultivation in the Shangqing Realm.Li Xun's face changed drastically, and he took several steps back to stabilize his figure!
(End of this chapter)

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