The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 63 The End of Liupo Mountain

Chapter 63 The End of Liupo Mountain (Five hundred more than four thousand words!)

Chen Tianxing pretended to be deep in thought, and after a while, he spoke slowly under the anxious eyes of everyone!
"Master, all senior uncles! This ghost-slaying skill was taught to me by a senior expert of my Qingyun!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and Chen Tianxing felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by them!Everyone's excitement was written on their faces!

Cangsong grabbed Chen Tianxing's shoulders impatiently, and asked, "Who is the name of your senior nephew Chen who taught you to kill ghosts and gods?"

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly, sighed and said, "Hey, for some reason, that senior didn't tell me his name!"

At this time, Master Shuiyue asked again: "Tian Xing, where is that senior?"

Chen Tianxing's thoughts moved, his face showed embarrassment, and he said: "Master, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but that senior told me not to tell you his whereabouts!"

When the group of people heard it, their eyes lit up.Don't tell them. Hahahaha
Cang Song and Tian Buyi looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, killing ghosts and gods, don't tell them.There are already seven levels of possibility, and it is Wan Jianyi who taught Chen Tianxing to kill ghosts and gods!
Although Master Shuiyue and Suru were not as dissolute as Cangsong and Tian Buyi, they still laughed out loud!

Looking at them like this, Chen Tianxing naturally knew what was going on in his heart.But he had to pretend to be puzzled!

"Tianxing, you go back first! We have something important to discuss!" After everyone calmed down, Master Shuiyue said to Chen Tianxing!
Chen Tianxing nodded in agreement, and after saluting, he walked slowly towards the station!
It's just that he didn't go far, so he shook his head pretending to be puzzled and said, "It's really strange, why did the master and uncles go crazy when they heard the news about the senior in the ancestor's ancestral hall?"

Chen Tianxing's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, but Master Shuiyue, Cang Song, Tian Buyi and others saw a bright light.Several people are rare masters in the world, how can Chen Tianxing mutter just now without walking too far, how can they hide it from them!

The few of them looked at each other and said pleasantly, "The Patriarch's Ancestral Hall!"

The wind was blowing and the clouds were turning, and the drizzle suddenly fell on this Liupo Mountain!The wind carries the rain, and the rain borrows the wind!The entire Liupo Mountain is like a group of demons dancing wildly!

The sea, which was originally as dark as an abyss, seemed to be stirred by a pair of raised hands at this moment.Set off a huge wave!
The waves are beating against the shore non-stop, as if there is an earth-shattering potential!Wave after wave, wave stronger than wave!

On the top of the sky, dark clouds overwhelm the world.The thick black clouds made people feel extremely depressed, as if they couldn't breathe!
Among them, there was a dull and shocking thunder sounded!
The rain became heavier, and a bolt of lightning tore through the thick dark clouds, pierced the darkness and exploded in the world!Heaven and earth are like day to this one!Everyone's face was pale, I don't know whether they were frightened by the thunder or reflected by the light of the lightning!
Two hours have passed since the previous battle!None of the people who were supposed to be asleep could fall asleep!

Suddenly a panicked disciple ran from a distance!
As soon as he saw Zhengdao's station, he fell to the ground in agitation, splashing a lot of muddy water!
A patrolling disciple quickly stepped forward to check, and the disciple's mournful voice sounded: "The Demon Cult. The Demon Cult is on the beach on the south bank."

After finishing speaking, there is no interest!

A moment later, a group of people rushed out of the Zhengdao station and headed towards the south bank!

Most of the people in this group are the elite of the righteous way, except for the elders of the various factions, the others are elite disciples!Then Suru brought some disciples to stay at the station!

The disciples who went there were Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Zhang Xiaofan, Qi Hao, Zeng Shushu, Faxiang, Li Xun and other outstanding disciples!

Under the cover of night, everyone quickly sneaked in the dense forest!

Just when everyone was about to pass through the forest, the heavy rain suddenly stopped!Only the muffled thunder in the sky is still ringing from time to time!
Chen Tianxing didn't know what the ghost king was thinking, why he insisted on the four spirit blood array.Could it be that he has a way to deal with that Asura remnant soul, or did he not believe what he said!
Chen Tianxing glanced at Zhang Xiaofan beside him, hoping that he would not reveal Tianyin's skills!
Everyone is lurking at the edge of the forest, not far from the beach!I saw the ghost king and a group of ghost king sect disciples arranging something on the beach!
"What are these evildoers arranging?" Qi Hao whispered!

Zeng Shushu pondered for a moment and said: "If my guess is correct, it should be setting up some kind of formation!"

"Ah, why don't we rush out and destroy it! This will definitely catch them off guard!" Tian Linger rolled her eyes and said!

Tian Buyi turned his head and glared at Tian Ling'er: "Ling'er must stop messing around!"

Tian Linger curled her lips and stopped talking!

Chen Tianxing held Lu Xueqi's hand tightly, and whispered: "Senior sister, be careful for a while! I always feel that the next step will be very dangerous!"

Lu Xueqi smiled slightly, and whispered in Chen Tianxing's ear: "Isn't there still you, junior brother?"

Chen Tianxing laughed and held Lu Xueqi's hand tightly!

At this moment, thunder and lightning raged and roared in the sky, tearing the sky apart!The pitch-black sea water seemed to be boiling!A monstrous huge wave parted from it, and a huge thing exuding a wild atmosphere shot out from it!

When he landed on the beach, the entire Liupo Mountain shook violently!
Everyone present held their breath. The thing in front of them was huge, like a hill.It looks like a cow, but the strange thing is that it has only one leg on its abdomen.It hops and hops at an extremely fast speed, and its single leg does not affect its speed at all!

"An ancient strange beast, Kui Niu," Zeng Shushu murmured!
The King of Ghosts and the others backed away silently, and that Kui Niu's nose kept sniffing for something!Walking forward slowly, the front is the formation set up by the ghost king and others!

"No, that guy can't see!" Song Daren said worriedly!
Qi Hao stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Master, uncle, what shall we do?"

Cang Song frowned, and said: "No matter what the Demon Cult's purpose is to capture that Kui Niu, what is certain is that they must have bad intentions. We must stop them."

Tian Buyi and the others all nodded!

"Get ready!" Cang Song ordered!

Suddenly, four whistling sounds came from the surrounding dense forest!

"Sneak attack from the Demon Cult."

Cang Song, Tian Buyi, Master Shuiyue, and Chen Tianxing responded the fastest.Blocked four attacks!

Four figures appeared with a group of demon cultists!
Chen Tianxing recognized two of them, Suzaku and the white-faced scholar.If you guessed right.That white-faced scholar is Qinglong Holy Envoy, one of the Four Holy Envoys of Ghost King Sect!
The other two should be the two great envoys of Baihu and Xuanwu respectively.Unexpectedly, the four great envoys of Ghost King Zong will come together this time!
Chen Tianxing felt that things were getting more and more out of the plot of the original book. You must know that the two great envoys of Baihu and Xuanwu did not appear in the original book!

He couldn't help reminding: "Master, uncle, these are the four great envoys of the Ghost King Sect, and their cultivation is extraordinary!"

"Hahaha I didn't expect that there are juniors who know our name in today's world!" The white tiger envoy laughed wildly!
At this time, there was a deafening neighing sound on the beach!Sure enough, the Kui Niu jumped into the formation!
A red light curtain trapped the Kui Niu in it, and it rammed into it desperately!The ghost king floats above the formation, and a simple small cauldron in front of him exudes mysterious power, injecting it into the formation!

In the dense forest, the righteous and the evil have already started fighting!Cangsong, Tian Buyi, and Master Shuiyue fight against the three holy envoys of Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Baihu respectively!These people are all top figures in the world, and all of a sudden, the ground is shaken and the world is in chaos, but no one can do anything about it!
Chen Tianxing fought against the Qinglong envoy alone!Although the two fought on equal terms, Chen Tianxing knew that if this continued, he would definitely lose!Because he had only experienced a war not long ago, his spiritual power had not yet fully recovered, and his spirit was a little tired!
Among the disciples, Qi Hao, Fa Xiang, Lu Xueqi and others were all haunted by figures of the elder level of the ghost king sect.

Everyone else fights together!
However, in the grass on the side.Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger are lying here!
Zhang Xiaofan whispered: "Senior sister, is it really okay for us to hide here?"

Tian Ling'er knocked on Zhang Xiaofan's forehead, said: "Xiaofan, are you stupid! There are daddy and two uncles here, and there is even that pervert, Junior Brother Chen. Two of us are not many, and two of us are missing." A lot!"

"But. But" Tian Ling'er knocked Zhang Xiaofan's forehead again, said: "Okay. Okay, don't be so! You see, while they are fighting, we two quietly go to destroy that formation, Wouldn't it be a great achievement then!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the Kui Niu, he seemed to have given up struggling at this moment.Like an unwanted child, so lonely, so helpless!
Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said: "Okay, but Senior Sister must not be impulsive, if it is really impossible, let's run away!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking, be like my father! Don't you know that I do things, Xiaofan?" Tian Linger patted her chest and said!

The two bent their backs, carefully avoided the battlefield, and groped towards the beach!

Qihao also saw Tian Linger's actions at this time, and couldn't help becoming impatient!

As soon as the two ran to the beach, they were discovered by several men in black robes!As for the ghost king, he should be maintaining the formation and unable to move!

Five men in black robes quickly surrounded Tian Linger and Zhang Xiaofan!Without any explanation, he shot at the two of them.

"Senior Sister, be careful." Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger stood back to back, resisting the attack!

At this time, everyone noticed the situation on the beach!Especially Tian Buyi was extremely worried!Because one of these two is his daughter and the other is his lover!

It can't be explained, the moves are getting more and more ruthless!
Seeing this, several people from Big Bamboo Valley looked at each other, and approached Song Daren while beating.In the end, the person who was fighting with Song Daren was directly held back!
"Brother, go and help Xiaofan and Junior Sister!" Du Bishu shouted!
Song Daren also knew that this was not the time to be hypocritical, so he rushed directly to the beach!
At this moment, the righteous and evil people seemed to have gone crazy, and they all started to work hard!Casualties suddenly increased!There are righteous ones, and there are demonic ones!
Soon, Qi Hao, Lin Jingyu, and Lu Xueqi rushed out of the battlefield!There are also many members of the Demon Cult rushing out!
So there was another big fight on the beach!
Tian Linger dragged Zhang Xiaofan out of the battlefield again, among other things, this skill is very skilled!

The two finally touched the edge of the formation, and the black-robed men sitting cross-legged all around had daggers stuck in their stomachs, and blood flowed into the veins below them!
Tian Linger ordered Hu Po Zhu Ling to hit them lightly, and those people fell down directly, lifeless!
At this time, the Kui Niu in the formation and the ghost king above both opened their eyes.But with the death of those black-robed men, all the burdens of the formation fell on the ghost king.For a moment, he was unable to move!

He could only stare at Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger viciously!Tian Linger is indeed smart, looking at the ghost king's appearance, she knows that he should not be able to move!
So he walked around the formation a few times, and saw cone-shaped objects inserted into the ground around the formation.

Guessing that this should be the node of the formation, she ordered Amber Zhu Ling to drill into the ground!

At this time, Chen Tianxing saw this scene, and his heart became more and more anxious!
But Qinglong seemed to see Chen Tianxing's state, and stepped up his attack even more!Chen Tianxing gradually fell into a disadvantage!

At this moment, thunder broke out loudly, and Kui Niu howled again!
The formation was broken, and the Kui Niu jumped out directly!But under its feet is its savior, Tian Linger!

At this moment, Tian Linger's face turned pale, and she forgot to dodge!

"Ling'er." Tian Buyi and Qi Hao called out at the same time!They desperately got rid of the enemies in front of them, and shot towards Tian Linger!

However, the distance is far away at this time, and it is already too late when they rush over!

A figure suddenly stood in front of Tian Linger, strange yet familiar!For Zhang Xiaofan, that familiar face, as well as that person's sneer and smile are deeply rooted into his soul!
Kui Niu's aura like a mountain is right in front of his eyes, is he dying?Maybe it's okay to die!It's just a pity that Caomiao Village's revenge cannot be avenged by himself!Fortunately, there is Jing Yu!

The fire stick lit up with a blue light that had never been seen before, so dazzling!There was thunder in the sky, Zhang Xiaofan was bleeding from all seven orifices, his complexion was distorted, his expression was like a madman!

He pushed Tian Ling'er away with one hand, and the huge foot of the Kui Niu was pressed down!As soon as the blood flowed out, it was absorbed by the fire stick, and the light became even brighter!
At this time, Tian Buyi has already arrived, and it's too late to make a move!The cyan bead on the front end of the fire stick showed a Buddhist mantra '卍'!
Immediately, another blue light hovering at the bottom of the firestick appeared!Everyone was shocked!
The ghost king suddenly landed, and inserted the iron awl back into the sand, and the formation started again!As the ghost king activated the Fulong cauldron, the Kui Niu was trapped again!There was a red light, and after a while, there was no Kui Niu in the formation!

The ghost king gave Zhang Xiaofan a meaningful look, and then disappeared in mid-air!Seeing this, the four great envoys disappeared into the night with everyone from the Demon Cult!There is no one blocking the righteous way, because at this moment, there are more important things!
"Dafan Prajna. This is Tianyin's Dafan Prajna!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed!
Everyone in Tianyin Temple pressed forward step by step, and shouted angrily: "How can you practice the Dafan Prajna of my Tianyin Temple?"

There was another wave of unrest, and someone exclaimed: "Bloodthirsty bead, that stick is bloodthirsty bead."

The people present were in an uproar and were shocked!

Tian Buyi's complexion was ashen, and the veins on his hands were bulging.Tian Ling'er and the other Dazhu Peak disciples all looked at him in disbelief!Disciple Qingyun seemed to be meeting this person for the first time, and his eyes were like looking at a monster!
Zhang Xiaofan stood where he was, only feeling his heart sinking, sinking!Everyone around was so strange, he opened his mouth, but didn't say anything!
The monks from Tianyin Temple are still approaching step by step, and people from other sects are also questioning the origin of the Bloodthirsty Bead, laughing and cursing, constantly penetrate into Zhang Xiaofan's heart!
At this time, Chen Tianxing stood in front of Zhang Xiaofan.Looking at the faces of these people, he suddenly felt a little tired!A little angry, but also a little funny, he glanced meaningfully, standing in the distance and showing no movement!

Chen Tianxing took a deep breath and shouted, "Shut up!"

Everyone was startled by this voice, and looked at Chen Tianxing in disbelief!After a while, the noisy voice sounded again: "Give the righteous world an explanation, why does this person know my Tianyin Temple's exercises, and why does he have such evil things as bloodthirsty beads!"

Chen Tianxing broke out completely, and Tianwen appeared in his hand.A sword was drawn, and a sword energy tore the ground under everyone's feet!
Everyone stopped and looked at Chen Tianxing angrily!
"This matter is my Qingyun's business. I, Qingyun, will give you an explanation! Now you are pressing every step of the way, what do you want to do? Do you want to kill someone? Are you still dissatisfied with my position as the leader of Qingyun's righteous way, and want to weigh me? The power of Qingyun!" Chen Tianxing roared angrily!
Immediately, the long sword shook, and a thunder net appeared in the sky, illuminating everyone's faces!

 Thank you for your support!You're welcome, keep going!Hey hey hey!
(End of this chapter)

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